Lyondellbasell P,W/'4 1 1 Ill Il Safety Data Sheet Accordingto 1907/2006/EC,Article 31 Prinling Dat, 17.05.2012 Version5 &Vision: 12.04.2012

Lyondellbasell P,W/'4 1 1 Ill Il Safety Data Sheet Accordingto 1907/2006/EC,Article 31 Prinling Dat, 17.05.2012 Version5 &Vision: 12.04.2012

lyondellbasell P,w/'4 1 1 Ill Il Safety data sheet accordingto 1907/2006/EC,Article 31 Prinling dat, 17.05.2012 Version5 &vision: 12.04.2012 • l ldl'IIII{" ill/<111 of 1!1,· \lif11li1111 <' 11u11111 e a11d of rh,·, 0/JIJ'lflll' 1111d1'1111hm,: -Prod11ctIden tifier - Trlllk name: PunitPE 1840 H -Arttckn1111Jber: 17751 -C.SN11mbt!r: 9002-88-4 -Rete,,,u,tùlen tijierlusà ofthe sulmanu ormbtture and uses adwsd against -AppliCtlliot, ofthe nbstuce I theprep,tndion Synthetic ,cs/11 -DdJülaof the SMppliero f the• tift!IJI dŒtaslm:t ·Mtu111fut11r,r/S"Pplier:Lyondel1Ba,ell lnd11&tries -lnformlllgt/epllrtmMJ: RegulatoryA ffalrsDepartment &search center G. Natta,Bass// Poliol�fine Italia ,.r.l., 4./100-Ferrara (Italy) Phone:+39/0532/468653; h 8.30-17.00 Fa:x.: + 39/0532/.168820 -Emergencytdq,l,Olf• n11mber:MSDSin [email protected] l //11 au/\ u/,•1111/h allo� - a.aif"u:admt ofthe subsfaNceor nwclllre - Qusljlcadml aecordingto /ùgfl l4llon(EC) No 1272/lfJOIJ The811bstance is not c/ass/jiedaccording to the CLP regulalion. - Cluslficatlon accordingto Directive67/541/EEC or Directive1999/45/EC Void -In/orPIUdionconcendng parti,:ular l,,wud& forl,11111411 ani environmMt: Tiit m,,/ten prodJlctadherrs to the sk/11a,.,J causes burnr. Spilledmateria/ may present a slipping hazurd. - a.nijicttlionsystem: Thisproduct is, accordlngto EEC dincm ..!)99145, J 6715-#J,Regulation 190712006/EC, and Jo/l""'•ingamendmentJ, no/ c/ossified oshazardow. -Lt,bdek,,t.,,r,, -Lobdllng accordingto EUgulù/û,ea: Not cl,m/jied - OtherI,a:ari• -Resllltsof PBT and �hB usasmart -PBT: Not applicable. - vhB: Not applicable. i ( {J/11['0\fllOJJ ffl/Olllll/{/011 O}l lll!_;li'lflt'I/ 1 -C1iemlcalcl,art1cterlzatwn: S..battmcn - CAS No.IH rignatiml 9002�8-4 1-ethene homopolymer -Dat,rlption: Lowdensl lypolyet hylene ..J 1·11 \/ Ill(/ lltl'/1\/{/ (' -Dncrlptwn ofjint 11ii meailllru - Generalin fonnatiml At room temperatun the produ<:tis neither an irritant nor gt,,e, offhazardous,•apoun. Th• m•asure1ll1ted below applylo critlcal s/1Uatlo11S (Fire, incorrectprocess conditionr ). -Afterlnhal4tlon ln case of excer,/ve illha/ationo ffinnesmove th• p,rwonto fresh air. Cali /or medica/help. -Ajterriin contact Aflor contact with the mo/ten product, cool raptdlywith cold water. Do no/ p..JIsolidi fied producl awayfro m th• skin. S•ek immediatemedical advice. -Aj'terey e contact Rinre opened eye for sn•eralminutes utuierrunning water. -Ajterswallawùrg No specijic meosures luwe to be talamif the productls swallowed -lnfornwloi,for doctor -Mostimportm, t qmptomsand eff ects, bolll ac11tet111d deuzyei No farth•r relevant i,ifonnation avatlablt. -lndictùlon oftmy lnuluiiate medictd llltentlon and spa:iallredtllrent nt!t!tldNo farther ,..,,,.,an,in formation a,•a/lahle. ) f II C/1!.j!t!JII!{ IJll'fl\l/J (' -E;xti,,g,,àliingINt!IIJ11 -S.Jtabkexfùrg11ishing agotts Walerhaze Foam Chemical powder -For stifetyrellSOIIS ""mitable extingulahln g 11gmts Water jet. -Spedalhll%dl'IÜ ulsingfrom tJ,e s11bstaP1ce or Jnbctllre ln case offire it can re/eose water (H20}, carbon dioxltk( C02), and when /acklngœcygen ( 02), carbon monoxltk (CO) Th• products o/the bW'11ingan dangcrour. -Atlvlcefor jlN/ig ltters -P7otectiw,q11lpment: Us, a maskwilh 1111n>ersalfi/ter. Use seif-conlained bnathingapparatur wllhln conjinedrooms. -AdtlilionalIn formation Heat ,·almr: 12,2 kw,,,ig 6 1 ( ( 1(/i'lllilf I efell\(' J!l('{l\lll t -PersOlffll,,,_allons, pro1et,tive aJll ipment ani e,nergencyproceduns Pa11iculardanger of 1/lpplng on /eakedlspilledproduc/. Seepolnt8 -Enllironmentalprec11u timls: No specialmeasurrs rrquirrd. See points 12 allJi13. ( an2) page œ 14.107.10 / 14.107.12 lyondellbasell Page2r4 1 1 Ill Il Safetydata sheet accordlngto 1907/2006/EC,Article 31 Prinlingdate 17.05.2012 VersionS Reei,ion: 12.04.2012 Trade1ttJ11U: l'Nrell PE 18'0 H (Contd.of-1) • Mdflodsand mlllerÛllforr:ontllinment ar,d clanÎllg llp: Recycleproducl or disposeproperly. See point 13 • Referoiuto "'110ttetit»,s Colite/ sp/1/ed polymer:Il could cause/ails (Danger of slipping). - lla11d/111� """ \foi (t� ·H111111/ing ·Prectlllti0111forsafe lt1J11dlb,g No special requiremen1111<ces1ary, lfhandled at rooml•111P"rat11l't!. When bringing1he mater/al 10 proceningtemperalUl't!s gases mighl dei·•lop,formlng: ethylene and al/œnes ofhighermolecular weighl. tracesofformald•h)'(k and acryla/dehylk lracosof ac/dJ {Formtcaeld, acetic acid) Provldeappropriai• vontilalion for111ch proce.slng condJl/o1J!J. Ta/œprecaulionary measlll'UagalMl •xplosion ris/a, as alltypes ofpolymers maydevelop dust durtngtramporling or grindingof gram,l••· Pre1>t11tfonnattonofdml. Avold •pil/ing 1111!product, œ this mtght causefalls. -Co11dltionsfor •af• �'incl11ding 1111y ir,compttlibilllla -Stmllgt! -Iùquirematllto be ,,,.,by stareroo,,a11nd r:onllJines: Ta/œprecautlonary meœures lo pr,venl lhe fonnation ofslalic eleclrlcity. @ Do not smou. Grormd•quipmenl eleclrlcally. Open jlamts prohibited -1,iformfdior,11bout Jdor11g2 in Olle commtJII 1ùn'agefacilJJ;y:Not l't!q,ured -Furtlleil,for111Mlon aboM t � conditions: Protectfrom hea/ and direct sun/igl,I. Store container ln a wellventllated position. Storermder dry condilions. Do not ,tacleup the octobi,u. -Specifœ e11due(fJ For sllfe stackingfollawthe storagenccomendat/om apecljlc for this prodltct S L 111 \flO\ltf c < 111111 o/\,pO \0111t! ote, u, 1 7. -AddJtiOlflllinforPlllllion obotll design oftecllnical systelffl: No fortherdata; ••• Item • Cor,tro/.pt1rameltn • Con,polfet1/switll lllflitwù11es tltat,..,,.,ire m011itoriJJg at tlte worllploce: Not required. ·AdtiiluJnlll�re limit Vlllilesfor ponlbk processi11g d011gers: 101.(}2-8 IIC1)>Wdeflyde 7 WELO Short-term,.,,ru., O. mglm', 0.3 ppm I Long-ternivalue: 0.23 11,glm� O. I ppm 5�0 fo,,,.,.lddtyde WEL O Shorl-termvalue: 2.5 mgln1� 2 ppm ILong-ternivalue: 2.5 nrgln,•, 2 ppm U-18°6 fom,lcacid WEL IO Loirg-term value: 9.6 mglm', 5 ppm -Addmm111l iltfar"""1or,: Vo1d -ExpoBllre contrais -PasonalprotectiuiltJlliplfunt - Ge1tel'IIIprotectlu Olld llyg{et1{c me1111llraDo not eat, drinkor ,mo/œwhi/e working. -Brathllfget/Uipmat: Use breathingprotection in ca,e ofinsufficienlventilation. -Proùdior, o/ltalfb: Healresi•tant gla.e• -M•tmal afgloves The ,e/ecllon ofthe sultan/• gim'l!sdoes nol onl.vdep,md on thematerlal, bul also on farthermarks qr,a/ity of and w1rlt1 /rommamifactuNr lo mamlfacturer. -Pttnl!Ùfltiolllime of glou mareri11/The exact break/rougir lime hasto be jinmdoui bythe mtmufactw'frof the protectivo gfm•es and has to bo obJerved -Eyeprotection: Not requlred. - 11rn/ 11111/, 1 Y l'/11 hoJ/lc ol f" 01101" • 111/onttldion Oii baiepllysù:al and cltemlcalp,opertiu • Ger,ert1ll11for,,,lltion -Appeututce: Form: Pellets Co/Dllr: Neutra! variou.s colours -Odmu: Nearlyodourl••• -Cl,,u,geffl COPltiJtlOII Meltbrgpoir,t/Meltittg rt111ge: 50-140-C BoUillgpo/lft/BoiUng range: Nol applicable -F7,uJ,po int: Nol applicable (see al/achnrent to guidelint 92169/EEC.A.9) -/gllltiontempt:rabl,e: > 160"(' -Dar,ger of e,cplosion: Prodr,ctis oor7. e:rplostve. Seepolnt(s) -lhllsity Ill10"C 0.9-0.97 g!cm3 -Soblbllilyln/ Mlsclbility willl w.,..,., Insoluble (Cootd. ru,pogc 3) L-����������������������������������������������������oe 14.107.10 / 14.107.12 lyondellbasell Page314 l 1 111 11 Safety data sheet accordîngto 1907/2006/EC, Articl� 31 Prinlingdate 17.05.201] Version 5 &vision: Jl.04.2012 Trade name: PurellPE 1810 H So/ubl• in bolllng. aromatlc ch/or/natedscm•ents. Ili .\111/11/111 1111d 1,·1"'" r -RuctivU,· -Chemlcalstabillly - Ther11UJId,;co,npa111tûm / conditionsto be IIVOÜled: Theproducl ;, stable when hondledand stored under normal conditions. Decamprues over J60 "C. -PouibiJJtyo f l,az,mlos,sreAdions Na dangerousreaclions known -Condltkmsto •voùlNo fintht!rrele,·ant informationaval/able. -lncomplllible matoials:No fartherrelevant Informai/onaval/able. -Haza.rdos,sdttomposflfon products: No hazardousdecomposition products lmown al room te�ratun. I J 1 O\holo�1c al 111/()I 11wt11 , • Informationon tuxicologic,def! ttts -A.Ciiietoxidty : . Primaryirrittuit ef! ut: -an theskiti: No i"ilanl ejfect. - on the eye:No Irritant affect. -Serisiliulu>n:No sensitizingeffect larown. -AddJIJmtaltaxlcohigical itifomuuion: When w;ed and hmuiledaccording la specifica/lons, the praducl do,s 1101have any han,iful effecrs accordlng lo our experlenceand the leformationprovided IDIIS, I: L( ofo�u al 1u/0111uff111�J • Toxkity -A.qualktoxic fly: Nofarlher ref""anl h iformation availahle. -PersistBtceIUld tùgrad ttl,illtyNo fiirther relevantInformation availahle. -00.erillfar""'tû»t: The productis nor hlatkgradahle. -B1h111/ÛJJ/rmvironme11tlll ÛI tfYdemr: -Bioaccumulativepotutlal Floatron wator. There ls no hloaccumula/lon. -Mobilityü, sollNo farther relevant Information ,m,ilable. -Addltlon•lecolagict1l inf ornulllon: -Generalnota: Thepl'Oduct is nol loxlc, sma/1parlicles con have phy.rical effectJ on water andsoi/ organimls. -RllSllllsof PBT ,u,dvPvB ,w;essment -PBT: Nol Qf'Pllcable. - vPvB: Not Qf'Plicahf,. • Otheradvern: ef/ twtsNo fiO'lher relevant informai/on aval/able. f) J )fl,f)ll\(I/ ( 01/Hd('ltffl(}J � - Wamtreatmerit mdl,ods -Recommettütlon Reuse or recycle Ifpossible. Dl,posal ihroughcontrolled incineratlon or authnrlaedwasle dump. -Europe,u,wtUte C11111log,,e 070213 - u11cleat1aJ14clragings: -Recummendatùm:Disposai must be dane accordi11gto officialngrJatiom. 11 J t ,,,,,11011111/tJJ 111,11w - UN-N11mhl!r -ADR, ADN, JMDG, IA.TA. Void - UN propershippi,,g name -A.DR,ADN, JMDG, IA.TA Void -Trt111,porth,u;artl cl11U(a} -ADR, ADN, JMDG, IA.TA -Oass Void -PIICkillggros,p -A.DR,IMDG, JATA. Void

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