Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political.—Thomas 7efferson. VOLUME 4. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, JULY 24, 1889. NUMBER 26. charged against the National Reform advocates, neighbors in any way or take a cent that did not e712e Anntical2 as aiming to establish Church and State union. belong to them, were fined and imprisoned for do- PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY THE It admits a union, with the spiritual jurisdiction ing such ordinary and quiet labor upon the first PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY, as primary, and the secular jurisdiction as second- day of the week as digging potatoes, painting No. 43 BOND ST., NEW YORK; ary, each one exercising its own appropriate au- buildings, and plowing in fields at a distance from 18 POST ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.; thority. With such a union once established, who any public road. The same personal liberty is 12TH & CASTRO STS., OAKLAND, CAL. can fail to see that the "appropriate authority" also enjoyed in Georgia, where for doing any EDITORS, of the " primary " jurisdiction of the Government kind of labor upon the first day of the week any E. J. WAGGONER, AEONzo T. JONES. would be the supreme authority ? It is about person may be fined and imprisoned, the fine to time for that party to stop denying that their aim go to the support of the Sunday-schools. Such WESTERN civilization utterly repudiates this is a union of Church and State. examples show conclusively the innate wicked- idea [of paternal government], denies the exist- ness of Sunday laws. ence of any analogy between the family and the Mr. Crafts and Sunday Laws. Mr. Crafts professes to favor an exemption State, and seeks to make men and not children of clause in the National Sunday law which he is the people.—Pres. George Washburn. EVERY argument which Mr. Crafts has ever at- demanding, but the only exemption which he is . tempted in favor of a National Sunday law has willing to grant is of persons doing ordinary labor THE proper object of Government is to pro- been repeatedly met and refuted, nevertheless he on Sunday which will not interfere in any way tect all persons in the enjoyment of their religious continues to deal them out to his various audi- with others who wish to rest upon that day. For as well as civil rights, and not to determine for ences, making no attempt to answer counter ar- instance, he would prohibit a seventh-day wor- any whether they shall esteem one day above the guments except by denials, and by denouncing all shiper from keeping his place of business open other, or esteem all days alike holy.—U. S. those who do not agree with him in his pet on Sunday, because that, he says, would compel Senate Report, 1829. schemes for religious legislation. A favorite other people to keep their business places open or argument with him is, that the principle op- else they would suffer from the competition of the THE doctrine which, from the very first origin position outside of liquor dealers comes from man who kept open on Sunday. He forgets that of religious dissensions, has been held by all big- Seventh-day Adventists, Seventh-day Baptists, the seventh-day worshiper doing business on ots of all sects, when condensed into a few words, and Jews, who, he says, together form about Sunday would close his store upon Saturday, and stripped of rhetorical disguise, is simply this: seven-tenths of one per cent. of the population. which is, as every business man will testify, the. I am in the right, you are in the wrong. When This, to Mr. Crafts' mind, is a sufficient reason best day of the week for business ; but Mr. Crafts' you are the stronger, you ought to tolerate me; why their wishes and rights should be entirely ig- theory is that a part cannot rest unless all do, for it is your duty to tolerate truth. But when nored. But, with the man who loves liberty, the therefore the seventh-day worshiper must close I am the stronger, I shall persecute you; for it is rights of a single individual are as sacred as the his place of business on Sunday. Following this my duty to persecute error.—Maeaulay. rights of any number. Neither will justice seek same logic no ordinary work should be permitted • to invade the rights of any; but in effect Mr. upon the first day of the week, the carpenter, the KEEP it before the people, that Rev. W. D. Gray, Crafts insists that these people have no rights in bricklayer or the plumber would also be prohib- secretary of the Missouri National Reform Con- this matter. ited from carrying on their vocations for the same vention, recently held at Sedalia, said: "I do not Mr. Crafts defines personal liberty as " the reason, and Mr. Crafts' exemptions would believe that Governments derive their just powers space within the circle bound on all sides simply amount to nothing. from the consent of the governed, amid so the object by the rights of others." But this is not the per- But seventh-day worshipers want no exemp- of this movement is an effort to change that feature sonal liberty which he demands, or which he is tion clause. They protest against Sunday laws of in our fundamental law." The convention did willing to accord to others. He sneers at the all kinds for the reason that Sunday is a religious not dissent from this declaration of purpose, but minority who conscientiously observe the seventh institution, and they deny the right of Government elected Mr. Gray secretary of the permanent day of the week, and is demanding legislation which to recognize it in any manner. They object to State organization. would practically compel all such to refrain from it for the same reason that the German princes labor also upon another day, thus depriving them objected to the protest against the repeal of the THE National Reformers wish in a general of one-sixth of their God-given time for earning a Edict of Spires, namely, " because it concerns the way to deny any idea of establishing a Church livelihood and a support for those who are de- glory of God and the salvation of souls, and that and State Government. This they do because of pendent upon them. He insists that whenever in such matters we ought to have regard above the well-known prejudice in this country against one rests on Sunday, all must rest; but that this all to the commandments of God, who is King of such a policy. But neither their writers nor is not necessary is demonstrated by the fitct that kings and Lord of lords, each of us rendering their public speakers are able to disguise the real thousands of conscientious observers of the sev- him account of himself without caring the least character of the movement. One of the latest enth day do rest absolutely from all secular labor in the world about majority or minority." And admissions is found in the address of Rev. T. H. upon Saturday, the busiest and noisiest day of further, that to yield the individual judgment in Tatlow, before the Missouri Sabbath Convention: such matters " would be to deny our Lord Jesus " The party of carnal policy protests, and cries out the week. that this is uniting Church and State. The Christian The personal liberty which Mr. Crafts advo- Christ and reject his holy word, and thus give him replies : It is indeed a union, but limited, and applies cates is such personal liberty as was granted some just reason to deny us in turn before his Father, as only so far as two separate jurisdictions—the one two years since in Arkansas, when the exemption he has threatened." spiritual and primary and the other secular and second- clause in the Sunday law was repealed by the To admit that the Government has the right to ary—exercises each one its own appropriate authority, establish by law the keeping of any day, is to de- within its own individual province, to secure a two- Legislature of that State. Under the law as it fold good to the two-fold life of man." then stood for two years, conscientious Christian stroy individual responsibility to God ; it is in This sentiment admits all that we have ever men, men who would not knowingly wrong their fact to put the Government in the place of .or in- 202 THE AMERICAN SENTINEL,. stead of God. For, if it is right tins t the Govern- Rev. Sam Small, an ardent National Reformer holding right and punishing crime."—Rev. J. A. ment should establish the observance of days, then and popular "revivalist." His idea of a Reform Scold Jr., in, Christian, at Work. .all good citizens ought to obey the laws of the Government is thus expressed :— "The civil law extends over the body of man, Government and observe such days; and if the "I want to see the day come when the church shall his property, and whatever is external on earth— Government has the right to establish the observ- be the arbiter of all legislation, State, national and no farther."—Luther. ance of a day, then it has a right to change that municipal; when the great churches of the country can come together harmoniously and issue their edict, The sphere of activity for the church is upon observance and to place it upon some other day. and the legislative powers will respect it and enact it a different plane.
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