E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, APRIL 29, 2002 No. 50 Senate The Senate met at 1 p.m. and was lic for which it stands, one nation under God, o’clock on invoking cloture on the mo- called to order by the Honorable indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. tion to proceed to this legislation. The BLANCHE L. LINCOLN, a Senator from f time until 6 p.m. is equally divided be- the State of Arkansas. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING tween the proponents and opponents on PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE the motion to proceed. The reports we PRAYER have received are that it does not ap- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John The PRESIDING OFFICER. The pear there will be a lot of debate prior Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: clerk will please read a communication to this vote tonight, although there are Loving Father, You know us as we to the Senate from the President pro a few Members who wish to speak. really are. You see beneath the pol- tempore (Mr. BYRD). There will be about 5 hours for debate, ished surface of our projected ade- The legislative clerk read the fol- and it appears at this time that there quacy. You know our true needs. The lowing letter: will not be a lot of speakers. great need, at the core of all our needs U.S. SENATE, Unless my friend from Wyoming has is to truly experience Your presence. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, a statement, I suggest the absence of a We need You, dear God. It is our most Washington, DC, April 29, 2002. quorum, and I ask that the time for the To the Senate: quorum call be charged equally against profound joy to know that the desire to Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, know, love, and serve You today is the of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby both sides. result of Your hand upon our shoulders. appoint the Honorable BLANCHE L. LINCOLN, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- You motivate the desire to pray be- a Senator from the State of Arkansas, to pore. Without objection, it is so or- cause You delight in us when we desire perform the duties of the Chair. dered. The clerk will call the roll. You above all else. More than anything ROBERT C. BYRD, The legislative clerk proceeded to You can give us or do for us, we long to President pro tempore. call the roll. live in communion with You. Our spir- Mrs. LINCOLN thereupon assumed Mr. THOMAS. Madam President, I ituality is what we do with our yearn- the Chair as Acting President pro tem- ask unanimous consent that the order ing. In this moment of honest prayer, pore. for the quorum call be rescinded. we turn over to You the longings of our f The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- hearts; everything from our most per- pore. Without objection, it is so or- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME sonal anxieties to our relationships and dered. responsibilities. How wonderful it is to The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Mr. THOMAS. Madam President, I know that You have motivated us to pore. Under the previous order, the wish to speak on the bill before us. pray because You have solutions and leadership time is reserved. At 6 o’clock, as my friend from Ne- resolutions for our most complex prob- f vada mentioned, we will be voting on lems. the motion to proceed to one of the ANDEAN TRADE PREFERENCE Bless the Senators today with an en- more important bills before us this ACT—MOTION TO PROCEED gaging conversation with You. Thank year. I am glad we have some oppor- You that You are ready to give the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- tunity to talk about this legislation. guidance, wisdom, and vision that will pore. Under the previous order, the H.R. 3009 is the vehicle on which the be required in each hour. Go before Senate will now resume consideration Senate will be voting as to whether or them to show the way, reside in their of the motion to proceed to H.R. 3009, not the Senate will proceed to three minds to provide power, and replenish which the clerk will report. bills—the Trade Promotion Act, the their assurance that what You have The legislative clerk read as follows: Trade Adjustment Act, and the exten- called them to do is the people’s busi- Motion to proceed to the bill (H.R. 3009) to sion of the Generalized System of Pref- ness in Government. This is the day extend the Andean Trade Preference Act, to erences. I wish to focus on what I be- You have made; we will rejoice and be grant additional trade benefits under that lieve to be the more critical issue, and glad in You! Amen. act, and for other purposes. that is the Trade Promotion Act. f The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- This is often called fast track. It is pore. The Senator from Nevada is rec- designed to give us a system to bar- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ognized. gain, if you will, and negotiate treaties The Honorable BLANCHE L. LINCOLN Mr. REID. Madam President, today, with other countries, hopefully to the led the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: as the Chair has announced, we are benefit of the United States. I believe I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the once again on the Andean trade legisla- it is very critical to our economic fu- United States of America, and to the Repub- tion. We have a vote tonight at 6 ture. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S3481 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:10 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2002SENATE\S29AP2.REC S29AP2 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S3482 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 29, 2002 While other nations are negotiating growth in the 1990s. The jobs that are gotiation. That does not work. So we treaties—and have been for some dependent on exports are estimated to have to delegate that and then have time—to open markets and strengthen be 13 to 18 percent higher than the na- the overview of it in the Congress. their economies, the United States dur- tional average. One-tenth of American That is basically what this does. ing these negotiations has been on the workers, 12 million, are in jobs that de- The key provisions include estab- sidelines. Of the 134 free trade agree- pend on exports. So we need to think lishing the objectives of negotiations. ments in force, the United States is long and hard about the process we use. Obviously, when we negotiate for the only party to 3. Mexico has signed 28 Fast track sounds as if we are giving United States and the U.S. representa- agreements. One-third of the world’s all the authority to the President to tives, the purpose is to get as good a exports are covered by the European make these decisions, but that is not deal as we can possibly get for our Union’s trade and customs agreements, the case. What we are doing is setting country. There are congressional guid- where ours is less than 11 percent. up a system which allows the President ances to the President. It requires Since the authority for the President and his people to do the negotiations Presidential consultation with the expired in 1994, the rest of the world within guidelines that are set in the Congress before, during, and after trade has gone forward seeking to make bill, and then bring the results of those negotiations. So, again, it is not some- trade agreements that are favorable to negotiations back to the Congress. The thing that is apart from but is done in their countries. We have not been able Constitution provides that the Con- a particular way. It creates a congres- to do that. gress deal with those Federal trade sional oversight group, a broad-based The TPA bill passed the Finance issues. bipartisan organization, that has over- Committee 18 to 3, and, of course, has So as I mentioned before, a lot of sight of what is going on and can re- passed the House. I think it provides a these have been going on while we have port and give information to the Con- reasonable solution to where we ought not been able to do much about it, and gress. It is designed to do that. to be and where we need to be. All of us the impact is fairly simple. One exam- So the Congress is very much in- are concerned that trade be fair, that it ple is a $187,000 Caterpillar tractor volved. That is the key now. The way be equitable, that it gives us the best made in America and shipped to Chile this is happening is what is called the opportunities it can, but that there is is slapped with a $13,000 trade tariff. Trade Adjustment Act. That is the bill trade. Trade is there and billions of The same tractor made in Brazil and that is before us with these other two dollars move around the world every sold to Chile is $3,000. The same tractor that will be coming a part of that. One day. made in Canada and shipped to Chile, of them is Andean trade, which is a We need to make sure our trade is as there is no tariff.
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