
TAB LE OF CO NT ENTS Chapte r I — ’ Or i gi n of th e n am e of Ca mpb e ll D ia rmid o Du i bh n e — — —“ ’ The Cl an Ca mpbell Th e Fi er y Cross It s a F a r — h a Cry to L och A w e T e C mpb ell Country . Chapte r II — E a rly H istory of th e Ca mpb e lls of Argyll M a cChai llan or — o n a e F r t Ea r o r —Th e M e C li C mpb ll , i s l f A gyll ” L ordship of L o rn E a rl of Guil e an d L ord Forlorn — w Th e Argyll To e r . Chapte r III Th a e o B r ea a a ne L o o n an d a w or e C mpb lls f d lb , ud u , C d — — Oth e r B ra nch e s of th e Cl a n Th e Cla n M acI ver a n d h a n M A r h r —Th i h n t e Cl ac t u e Go b ean . Chapt er IV Nota e a n ot an r n 1 th n d bl C mp—bells i S c l d—du i g the 7 a 1 8th Ce nturi es H ighland M a ry The B rooch of L orn —“ The Campbe lls a r e Coming. Chapt er V — Ea rly Am e rica n H istory o f the F a mily Arri va l o f th e — first Ca mpb e lls in Am e rica Story of the Ea rly S ettl e rs — — “ Duncan Ca mpb ell of B oston Th e B oston New s ” L e - a L a chli e tt r C pta in u n Campb ell . Chapte r VI — Th e C a mpb e lls in R ev olutiona ry Time s F rom the R ev o t on to th v r — R or lu i e Ci il W a Ci v il W a r e c ds . Chapter VII Th e a e F a n h n t t t C mpb ll mily i t e U i ed S a e s . Chapter VI I I — H ea ds o f the Fa mily in Scotland Notable Ca mpb ells o th B r t h E r f e i is mpi e . r or a B ear n A m i l i gs . PREFACE LL races of men seem to have an intuitive feeling that i t is a subj ect of legitimate pride to be one of a clan or fami ly whose name is written large in past hi story and present affairs . Everybody likes to know something about his forefathers , and to be able to tell to his children the tales or stories about their ancestors , which he himself has heard from his parents . The commandment “H onor thy father and thy mother ” is good and sufficient authority for that feeling of reverence which is so generally shown towards a line of honorable ancestry . The history of the family was a matter of much importance to the Greeks ; i t was the custom of the early Roman to place in the au la of his house the images of the illustrious men of h i s family ; the Chinese go so ' far as to magnify such reverence into ancestor worship , and even the red Indian of our own Northwest recorded the traditions of his ancestors on ‘ the totem of his tribe . Well , then , may the story of the chivalry, courage and even lawlessness ( so often the mate of courage! of their forefathers find a responsive echo in the hearts of Campbells of the “ present generation , who come of ane house and are of ane surname , notwithstanding this lang ti me ” bygane . It is not intended in this History of the ” Campbell Family to attempt any genealogical i n i i n vest gat o or show any family tree , but rather to tell of those bygone Campbells , in whose achieve 6 Hi stor y of th e Camp bell Fa mi ly ments and history it is the common heritage of all who bear the name to take pride and interest . Old stories of Campbells of reckless bravery , of Camp bells who were good and true friends and of Camp bells who were neree and bitter enemies . Stories of Campbells who fought hard , lived hard and di ed as they fought and lived . Those olden days may seem a time of scant respect for law, of mi sdirected chivalry and of brave deeds often wrongly done , but there is surely no true Campbell who , in his inmost heart, is not proud to claim descent from a clan whose ancient records are replete w ith such traditions ; whose later records tell of those early adventurers who left their native hills and glens for the new land of promise , and W hose descendants have , in more prosaic times, earned honors i n litera “ ture , arms and art . It is wise for us to recur to the history of our ancestors . Those who do not look upon themselves as links connecting the past with the future do not fulfill their duty i n the world . H ISTOR Y o n TH E CA MP B E L L F A MIL Y CHAPTE R I EW clans can claim as great an antiquity l as Na Cam b eu i ch , The Clan Campbell ; and authorities do not agree as to the origin of the name . The Scottish anti qu a r y and historian , Pinkerton , claims that the name is derived from a Norman Knight , styled de Campo Bello , who came to England with William the Conqueror in 1 066 . But in the Roll of Battle Ab bey , a list of all the knights who composed the army of the Conqueror , the name of de Campo Bello does not appear . Fu rther the appearance of the patronymic in Scott ish record and ancient docu ments is always in the form which it still retains , although in the oldest writings it is spelled Cambel or Kambel . These names were , however , written by persons not acquainted with the individuals whose names they record . The manuscript account of the ~ Battle of Halidon H ill , preserved in th e B r i ti sh Museum , was written by an unknown English writer ; while in the Ragman Roll , 1 296 , the name given to the collection of instruments by which the nobility of Scotland were compelled to subscribe I allegiance to E dward of England , the name is spelled Kambel by an English clerk . When writt en by a member of the family , at any period , the name does not appear otherwise than as Campbell . Most writers agree with the bards who preserved 8 H i stor y of th e Camp bell F a mi ly the traditions of the clan that the name is personal , like that of others of the Highland clans , and is “ ” composed of the words cam , bent or arched , and “ ” beul , mouth ; this being the most prominent fea i ture of the great ancestor of the clan , Diarm d o Du i bh n e, who is much celebrated in traditional i story , and from whom the Clan Campbell der ved “ ” the appellation Siol Diarmid . The history of the family , prior to Di armid o Du i bh n e, takes us back to the time of the Romans . At that period three different peoples i nhabited Scotland , the ancient Britons , the Picts and the Scots , each governed by their own kings . A colony of the Britons accompanied one of the returning Roman Governors into France , and there estab li sh e d themselves , under their ow n king, in what became known as Britannia Galli cae. In the year 404 their kindred in Britain , being troubled by the constant attacks of the Picts and Scots , sent to them for assistance , offering the sovereignty of the coun try to their king . Thei r ruler declined the sover i e gn ty for himself, but sent an army under his son Constantine , who ruled over the Britons until about 42 the year 0. Constantine was the grandfather of Arthur of the Round Table , with whom the Camp bells commonly commence their family lineage . From Arthur the seannachies trace the line of descent down to Diarmid o Du i bh n e . Hi s son , Arthur , known as A r m der g or Red Armour from the frequent coloring of the same with blood , had D i several sons , the eldest of whom Paul 0 u bh n e , Knight of Lochow, married Marion , daughter of Godfrey, King of Man , by whom he had one dau gh ter, Eva , heiress of all his estates . She was married , H i stor y of th e Camp bell Fam i ly 9 i in the eleventh century , to her cousin , G llespie h o (Archibald! Campbell , w thereby acquired the Lordshi p of Lochow . From this marriage the Chiefs of the Clan Camp bell take descent , being first designed of Lochow and later of Argyll ; and from them are descended the collateral branches of the clan .
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