Territorial News www.territorialnews.com www.facebook.com/TerritorialNews Vol. 33, No. 8 Your Connection to the Old West November 13, 2019 Next Issue The Dalton Gang’s Wednesday November 27 Last Raid Play Disaster in Coffeyville, Kansas Arizona Trivia See Page 2 for Details or a year and a half, nized as they crossed the the Dalton Gang had town’s wide plaza, split up This Week’s Fterrorized the state and entered the two banks. of Oklahoma, mostly con- Suspicious townspeople Question: centrating on train holdups. watched through the banks’ Though the gang had more wide front windows as the murders than loot to their robbers pulled their guns. On September 4, credit, they had managed Someone on the street 1886, Apache leader to successfully evade the shouted, “The bank is being Geronimo surrendered to U.S. government best efforts of Oklahoma robbed!” and the citizens troops in Arizona. law officers to bring them quickly armed themselves, Where did it to justice. Perhaps success taking up firing positions take place? bred overconfidence, but around the banks. (14 Letters) whatever their reasons, the The ensuing firefight gang members decided to lasted less than fifteen min- try their hand at robbing not utes. Four townspeople lost Members of the Dalton Gang lay dead after the just one bank, but at rob- ill-fated raid on Coffeyville. From left: Bill Power, their lives, four members bing the First National and Bob Dalton, Grat Dalton, Dick Broadwell. of the Dalton Gang were Index Condon Banks in their old gunned down, and a small hometown of Coffeyville,, feyville. Their objective had been torn down due to Kansas town became part Arizona Kid..................17 Kansas, at the same time. was to achieve financial road repairs. This forced of Western lore. Arizona Trivia................2 Around 9:30 on the security and make outlaw the gang to hitch their hors- David Elliott was edi- Business Directory........18 morning of October 5, 1892 history by simultaneously es in a nearby alley, which tor of the local newspaper Classifieds....................18 five members of the Dalton robbing two banks. From turned out to be a fateful and published a detailed Jim Harvey.....................2 Gang (Grat, Emmett, and the beginning, their auda- decision. account soon after the gun Bob Dalton, Bill Power, cious plan went astray. The To disguise their iden- battle: and Dick Broadwell) rode hitching post where they tity (the Dalton’s were well into the small town of Cof- intended to tie their horses known in Coffeyville), two “...After crossing of the Daltons wore false the pavement the men beards and wigs. Despite Narcissa Whitman this, the gang was recog- (See Coffeyville on Page 4) Tragic Oregon Missionary Indian Captives s Narcissa Whitman a valiant taste for frontier he practice of cap- som or to use to gain bar- moved west, minis- adventure. tive-taking among gaining power with an tering to the moun- Born Narcissa Prent- TNorth American allied European govern- A Indians goes back to pre- ment or colony. tain men that adored her, iss in New York State in she was known to exclaim, 1808, she was courted as historic times. Centuries The earliest Euro- “This is a cause worth liv- a schoolgirl by Henry Har- before white men came pean captives in Texas ing for!” She did not real- mon Spalding. Narcissa de- to these shores, captives were Alvar Nipez Cabeza ize that it was a cause she clined Spalding’s proposal were taken from neigh- de Vaca and three com- would die for. of marriage, but coinciden- boring tribes to replenish panions, survivors of the Whitman and anoth- tally, the two were later losses suffered in war- expedition of Panfilo de er missionary wife, Eliza thrown together under dif- fare or to obtain victims Narvaez in 1528. Though Spalding, beame the first ficult circumstances. to torture in the spirit of these conquistadors used two American women to In 1834, Narcissa be- revenge. When warfare their skills as medicine journey overland to Or- came inspired with mis- developed between Euro- men to escape from cap- egon. Their journey was A vivacious blond, Narcis- sionary fervor by Samuel peans and Indians, white tivity, during the next significant because they sa Whitman was outgoing, Parker, who spoke at her captives were taken for three centuries numerous proved that families could good-humored, idealistic, the same reasons and, in traverse the Oregon Trail. and deeply religious, with (See Missionary on Page 6) addition, to hold for ran- (See Hostages on Page 8) Page 2 Territorial News November 13, 2019 Give Thanks Arizona - Web of Time When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, discourage an escape by the for your life and strength. 15 inmates. The prison’s ex- Give thanks for your food Jim Harvey terior walls were made of and the joy of living. The Arizona Trail adobe. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies in yourself. The ruins of a multi- for food, fiber and dyes. 1889 was the year a 29- -Tecumseh story American Indian vil- year-old U.S. Army lieuten- lage abandoned 600 years In 1865, white prospec- ant named John J. Pershing ago are located on the tors and miners dug escape went hiking with three com- Captain’s Bar Presents outskirts of Globe east of tunnels from their log cabins panions in the Grand Can- Apache Junction. What’s near Prescott to increase the yon. The story’s told that ARIZONA TRIVIA left of the village is open chance of surviving an attack they got lost, ran out of wa- This Week’s Question: On September 4, 1886, Apache leader to the public and there’s a by Yavapai Indian warriors. ter, and were finally guided Geronimo surrendered to U.S. government troops in Arizona. museum with exhibits of to safety by a Havasupai Where did it take place? (14 Letters) ancient pottery, tools and When the Arizona Terri- Indian. Eighteen years later, clothing. There’s also a torial Prison opened in 1876 Pershing commanded Amer- Last Issue’s Question: The famous jazz musician garden of plants the prehis- at Yuma, there was a gatling ican military forces during Charles Mingus was born in what Arizona city? toric inhabitants harvested gun in the guard tower to World War One. Answer: Nogales Congratulations! You got the right answer! www.territorialnews.com A 1903 New York City newspaper reported that the Leo Achin, Keith Adams, Charles Bean, James Case, Sid Clarke, Doyle mining town of Jerome over- Ekey, Jeanne Finch, Kevin Gartley, Roger Kvammie, Robert Lidgett, Gerald We’re On The Nelson, Bill Riordan, William Smith, Nancy Swanson, Richard Valley. looking the Verde Valley had become the most wicked How to Play Internet! town in America. Accord- Letters are hidden in the advertisements. Find the letters to spell the answer. Submit your answer with your name, address & phone Check us out! ing to the newspaper, Je- number on a postcard for the current issue’s question to Territorial www.facebook.com/TerritorialNews rome outranked Dodge City, Publishing, P.O. Box 1690, Apache Junction, AZ 85217. Look for Deadwood and Tombstone the answer in the next issue. To have your name listed in the next issue, cards must be received no later than 10 days past the current as a place of crime and de- issue of the Territorial News. For example: submitted answers to bauchery. the 11/13/19 question, deadline is 11/23/19. Limit one postcard per household per issue. Must be at least 18 years old. Remember to put your name on your entry! The 1907 Fred Harvey hotel and restaurant at Ash Fork west of Williams ca- tered to passengers traveling the steam-powered Santa Fe Railroad. There was a barber shop, reading room, and a dining room lighted by crys- tal chandeliers. An old bachelor who lived near Camp Hualapai northwest of Prescott on the road to Kingman rarely if ever took a bath until 1910 when he heard about Halley’s Comet. He told a surprised neighbor who found him sit- ting outside his cabin in a tub of water and soap suds that he was afraid the comet was about to strike the earth and he wanted to die clean. Territorial News P. O. Box 1690, Apache Junction, AZ 85117 Phone 480-983-5009 Fax 480-393-0695 [email protected] For All Advertising Information: Linda Rae Stewart 480-522-7728 or [email protected] Ralph Henderson - Business Manager •David Stanfel - Editor Linda Rae Stewart - Ad Sales 480-522-7728 Michael Murphy - Layout & Design Richard Kimball - Writer The Territorial News is published by Territorial News Inc. The Territorial features Old West stories, photos and art that are part of our area’s rich and interesting past. The publisher assumes no liability for the opinions contained within this publication; all statements are the sole opinions of the contributors and/or advertisers. The Territorial’s East Valley coverage area includes areas east of Gilbert Road, including East Mesa, Apache Junction, Superstition Falls, Mountain Brook, Gold Canyon and Queen Creek. Copies are distributed free at convenience and grocery stores, restaurants and bars, RV parks and subdivisions and libraries. Subscriptions are also available. Merchandise or services advertised in the Territorial News are expected to be accurately described and readily available at advertised prices. Deceptive or misleading advertising is never knowingly accepted. To find out if a contractor is licensed call the Registrar of Contractors at 602-542-1525.All classified ads must be paid in advance. Standard ad rate is $2.00 per line or $10.00 per column inch.
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