US 201503,42236A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2015/0342236A1 BHOWMK et al. (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 3, 2015 (54) ENZYMATIC PROCESS (60) Provisional application No. 61/074,167, filed on Jun. 20, 2008. (71) Applicant: Givaudan SA, Vernier (CH) Publication Classification (72) Inventors: Tarun BHOWMIK, Mason, OH (US); Stefka Ivanova MYAKA, Loveland, OH (51) Int. Cl. (US); Johan Peter VAN LEERSUM, A2.3L I/237 (2006.01) Morrow, OH (US); Roy Wade SMITH, A2.3L I/23 (2006.01) Cold Spring, KY (US) (52) U.S. Cl. CPC ................. A23L I/2375 (2013.01); A23L I/23 (21) Appl. No.: 14/824,682 (2013.01); A23 V 2002/00 (2013.01) (22) Filed: Aug. 12, 2015 (57) ABSTRACT O O Provided is an enzymatic process that hydrolyzes spinach Related U.S. Application Data plant material to form a salt-enhancing ingredient, the formed (63) Continuation of application No. 12/996,731, filed on salt-enhancing ingredient, food products comprising said Dec. 7, 2010, filed as application No. PCT/CH2009/ salt-enhancing ingredient and a method of enhancing the 000201 on Jun. 15, 2009. salty taste of food products. US 2015/0342236 A1 Dec. 3, 2015 ENZYMATIC PROCESS 0016 (8) The process as described under item (7) wherein the Lactobacillus microorganism is selected from the TECHNICAL FIELD group consisting of L. plantarum, L. casei, L. brevis and L. 0001 Disclosed is a novel ingredient and the enzymatic helveticus. process to form said ingredient to enhances saltiness in food 0017 (9) The salt-enhancing ingredient formed by the products, in particular in food products with a low or reduced process as described under any one of items (1) to (8). Sodium content, to improve their taste. 0018 (10) The salt-enhancing ingredient as described under item (9) which is concentrated at least 1.5 times by BACKGROUND removing water. 0019 (11) The salt-enhancing ingredient as described 0002. A high amount of sodium intake is considered to be under any one of items (9) to (10) wherein the salt-enhanc detrimental to health and therefore there is a desire to reduce ing ingredient is spray-dried. the amount of sodium chloride (NaCl) in food products, with 0020 (12) A flavor composition for food products com out reducing the desired salty taste at the same time. The salty prising the salt-enhancing ingredient as described under taste is very important to the perceived flavour intensity and any one of items (9) to (11) and one or more food-grade profile, especially for savory food products. excipient. 0003. There exists a need in the food industry to provide ingredients that enhance the salty taste of food products so 0021 (13) The flavor composition as described under item that sodium/NaCl can be reduced. (12) wherein the concentration of the salt-enhancing ingre 0004 Potassium Chloride (KCl) is used to replace other dient of claim 9 is 0.25 to 400 ppm based on the use of the salts, particularly NaCl. If KCl is used in the desired concen unconcentrated Salt-enhancing ingredient. Useful concen tration to reduce NaCl, an undesirable bitter and metallic taste trations for the salt-enhancing ingredient (unconcentrated) is perceived by the consumer. Furthermore, certain individu in flavor compositions or food products include 0.25 to 300 als desire to avoid KCl because of health concerns. It would ppm, 0.25 to 200 ppm, 0.5 to 100 ppm, and 0.5 to 20 ppm. therefore be of interest to find a product that is able to enhance 0022 (14) A food product comprising the salt-enhancing the salty taste of NaCl so that KCl can be partially or com ingredient as described under any one of items (9) to (11). pletely replaced. 0023 (15) The food product as described under item (14) 0005 Spinach or its hydrolysates have not been known for wherein the concentration of the salt-enhancin ingredient a salt-enhancing effect. as described under any one of items (9) to (11) is 0.25 to 400 ppm based on the use of the unconcentrated salt SUMMARY enhancing ingredient. 0024 (16) The food product as described under any one of 0006 Various aspects of the invention comprise the fol items (14) to (15) which is a reduced or low sodium food lowing: product. 0007 (1) A process of forming a salt-enhancing ingredient (0025 (17) The food product as described under item (16) comprising the steps of wherein the sodium chloride concentration is 0.15% (wit/ 0008 (i) forming an aqueous slurry of spinach plant mate wt) to 3% (wit/wt). rial, and 0026 (18) The food product as described under item (16) 0009 (ii) forming a hydrolysate of spinach plant material wherein the sodium chloride concentration is 0.15% (wit/ by Subjecting it to an enzymatic hydrolysis using one or wt) to 1.5% (wit/wt). more proteolytic enzymes. 0027 (19) The reduced or low sodium food product as 0010 (2) The process as described under item (1), wherein described under any one of items (16) to the formed salt-enhancing ingredient is inactivated by 0028 (18) additionally comprising KC1, optionally in a heating. concentration of 0.1% to 2% (wit/wt) KC1. 0011 (3) The process as described under any one of items 0029 (20) A method of providing a food product (1) to (2) wherein the one or more proteolytic enzymes are enhanced in saltiness wherein the salt-enhancing ingredi Selected from the group consisting of proteinase, pepti ent as defined under any one of items (9) to (11) is admixed dase, and glutaminase. to a food product. 0012 (4) The process as described under any one of items 0030 (21) The method as described under item (16) (1) to (3) wherein the one or more proteolytic enzymes wherein the food product is a reduced or low sodium food comprise both proteinase and peptidase enzymes. product optionally containing KC1, optionally in a concen 0013 (5) The process as described under any one of items (1) to (4) wherein the one or more proteolytic enzymes tration of 0.1% to 2% (wit/wt) KC1. comprise an enzyme preparation from Aspergillus Oryzae (UmamizymeTM) and the hydrolysis is performed at 40°C. DETAILED DESCRIPTION to 60° C. 0031 Surprisingly, it has been found that when spinach is 0014 (6) The process as described under any one of items treated enzymatically with one or more proteolytic enzymes (1) to (5) wherein the hydrolysate is formed by subjecting including, without limitation, the enzyme classes of protease, the spinach plant material to an enzymatic hydrolysis using peptidase, and glutaminase, an ingredient can be formed that one or more carbohydrase enzymes in parallel or Subse has an enhancing effect on the perception of salty taste in food quent to enzymatic hydrolysis by the one or more pro products and exhibits a salty taste of higher intensity. teolytic enzymes. 0032. By salt-enhancing is meant the effect of an ingredi 00.15 (7) The process as described under any one of items ent on the salty taste in food which is found more pronounced (1) to (6) wherein the hydrolysate is subjected to fermen (stronger, enhanced) in its taste intensity and/or longer in its tation using a Lactobacillus. duration as analyzed by trained panellists sensitive to salty US 2015/0342236 A1 Dec. 3, 2015 taste, when comparing food comprising an ingredient with a efficiently break down a protein both from within and from salt-enhancing effect to food without an added salt-enhancing the ends of each protein and resulting peptide. ingredient. 0041) Useful proteolytic enzymes include, without limita 0033. The enhanced intensity of the perception of salty tion, an enzyme with one or more of the following activities: taste by the salt-enhancing ingredient can be increased by protease, peptidase, glutaminase (including, without limita additionally using a carbohydrase enzyme, either in parallel tion, L-glutamine-amido-hydrolase (EC, endopro or consecutively, in its formation. tease, serine endopeptidase, Subtilisin peptidase (EC 3.4.21. 0034) To avoid off-tastes that may become noticeable in 62). Some food products when using higher concentrations of the 0042. Other proteolytic enzymes are useful as well, and a salt-enhancing ingredient (a higher concentration may be, for great variety is known and available; some additional types example, about 50 ppm or more, about 100 ppm or more, and examples are given below. about 200 ppm or more, or about 300 ppm or more), it is 0043 Proteolytic enzymes (also called proteases, protein advantageous to include glutaminase in the enzymatic treat ases, or peptidases) are currently classified in six groups ment. including serine protease, threonine protease, cysteine pro 0035. The enhanced intensity of the perception of salty tease, aspartic acid protease, metalloprotease, and glutamic taste can be further increased by an optional fermentation step acid protease. Proteolytic enzymes can cut at the end of a employing Lactobacillus bacteria, for example, Lactobacil protein (exopeptidases) or attack internal peptide bonds of a lus plantarum. protein (endopeptidases). Exopeptidases include, without limitation, aminopeptidases, carboxypeptidases, and carbox Spinach ypeptidase A. Endopeptidases include, without limitation, trypsin, chymotrypsin, pepsin, papain, and elastase. 0036 “Spinach' as used herein refers to the green leaves 0044 Proteolytic enzymes (EC 3.4 and EC 3.5) are clas and/or stalks of a flowering plant in the family of Amaran sified by an EC number (enzyme commission number), each thaceae (formerly known as Chenopodiaceae), including class comprises various known enzymes of a certain reaction Spinacia oleracea, and the closely related species Beta vul type. garis (also known as chard, spinach beet, silverbeet or per 0045 EC 3.4 comprises enzymes acting on peptide bonds petual spinach); Atriplex spec., including A.
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