California Directory of Radio (93505). Box 2100 (93504). (760) 373 -1069. Fax: (760) 373-3333. KBTU(FM)- Apr 29, 1971: 101.7 mhz: 800 w. 590 ft. TL: N36 33 12 538-2795. Licensee: Bel Nahrain Inc. Format: Syrian. Dr. Sargon E -mail: kcelakcel.com. Licensee: Kathryn J. Efford. Format: Variety, W121 47 05. Stereo. Suite 300. 60 Garden Ct., Monterey (93940). Dadesho, gen mgr: Seimon Mamio, chief of engrg. country, Christian, oldies. Kathryn J. Efford, CEO & gen mgr; James (831) 643 -1017. Fax: (831) 658-5299. Web Site: www.1017btu.com. W. Reeder, chief of opns & chief of engrg; David W. Lloyd, dev mgr: Licensee: New Wave Broadcasting L.P. (group owner; acq 7- 11 -97; KLOC(AM)- Sept 15, 1963: 920 khz; 2.5 kw -U, DA -2. TL: N37 35 49 E Ries Efford, dir & mktg dir. grpsl) Rep: McGavren sls Guild. Wash ally: Leventhal, Senter & Lerman. W121 04 15. Suite 3A, 6820 Pacific Ave.. Stockton (95207). (209) Format: Rythmic AC. Target aud: 25-54; upscale, educated. above 474 -0154. (209) 521 -5562. Fax: (209) 529-1528. (209) 474-0316. average income. Ferrari, CEO; Charlie Cohn, pres; Kirk Jon Licensee: KLOC License Co. L.L.C. (acq 4- 17 -98; grpsl) Rep: Lotus. Calipatria Warshaw, CFO; Will Douglas, gen mgr; Ed Monroe, sls dir; Ron Format: Contemp Sp. e Lisa Sunday, gen mgr; Jose Reynoso, progmg Stevens, gen sls mgr; Scott O'Brien. progmg mgr; Rick Melzig, chief dir & news dir; Umberto Bustos, chief of engrg. KSSB(FM)- Feb 8, 1997: 100.9 mhz; 3 kw. 148 ft. TL: N33 07 12 of engrg. W115 30 47. Hm opn: 24. Box 1708 (92233). (760) 348 -7908. (760) 351 - 9088. Fax: (760) 348.7201. Licensee: Phillip J. Plank. (acq KRML(AM)- Dec 25, 1957: 1410 khz;.500 w -D, 16 w -N, 2.5 kw -U. Chester 3-21.94; FTR: 6- 20 -94) Rep: Lotus. Format: 50s, 60s, 70s & early 80s. TL: N36 32 06 W121 53 34. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 22440, Bldg. 25, News staff: one; news progmg 6 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 plus; female. 236 Crossroads Blvd. (93922). (831) 624.6431. Fax: (831) 625 -5598. KBNF(FM)- Apr 6, 1989: 98.9 mhz; 25 kw. 2,417 ft. TL: 1440 14 00 Philip Plank, CEO, progmg dir & chief of engrg: Theresa Plank, gen Web Site: wvw.thejazzandbluescompany.com. Licensee: Wisdom W121 01 11. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 4080. Quincy (95971). (530) mgr & stn mgr; Isabel Castro, sls dir. Broadcasting Co. Inc. (acq 12-5 -85) Rep: A/D; McGavem Guild. Wash 283-1370. Fax: (530) 283 -5117. Licensee: Carousel Broadcasting. atty: Putbrese, Hunsaker & Trent, P. Format: Big band, Black, jazz. (acq 2 -6-99; $220,000 with KPCO(AM) Quincy) Format: Adult Calistoga Target aud: 20 plus. Spec prog: Gospel 6 hrs wkly. Gilbert Wisdom, contemp. News staff: one; news progmg 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25.54; CEO, pres & CFO; Alan Schultz, VP, gen mgr & progmg dir; Gary general. Bob Fink, pres: Bob Darling, exec VP, gen mgr, gen sls mgr Beacham, chief of engrg. *Rates: $50; 40; 50; 25. & progmg dir; Steve Rice, chief of engrg. KGRP(FM)- 1996: 100.9 mhz; 64 w. 2,945 ft. TL: N38 40 10 W122 37 52. 2046 W. F St., Napa (94558). (707) 253 -0665. Fax: (707) Carmel Valley KTOR(FM) -Not on air. target date: unknown: 99.7 mhz; 400 w. 973 258 -8744. Web Site: www.kgrp.com. Licensee: Independent ft. Box 1074. Tupelo (95927) Licensee. M. Jayne Sawyer. Broadcasting Corp./The Station House. (acq 2- 23 -98) Format: Lite KSRK(AM)- July 10. 1989: 540 khz; 10 kw -D, 500 w -N, DA -2. TL: rock. Target aud: 25-52; upscale - 60% female. Fred Constant, pres; N36 39 38 W121 32 29. (CP: 50 kw-D, 500 w -N, DA -2). Stereo. 651 George Carl, gen mgr; Bob Cross, stn mgr, Dana Curley, opns VP; Cannery Row, Monterey (93940). (831) 373-1236. Fax: (831) 373- Chico Brad Kahn, sls VP. *Rates: $35; 30; 35; 20. 1255. Licensee: Wagenvoord Advertising Group Inc. (acq 6.2419) Format: Sports, news/talk. Target aud: 25-54. *David Wagenvoord, KCHO(FM)- Apr 22, 1969: 91.7 mnz: 7.71 kw. 1,219 ft. TL: N39 57 Camarillo CEO; Ron Harrison, gen mgr, gen sls mgr & progmg dir. 30 W121 42 48. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Califomia State Univ. (95929-0500). (530) 898-5896. Fax: (530) 898 -4348. Licensee: California State University, Chico Research Foundation. Net: PRI. KMRO(FM) -Jan 19, 1987: 90.3 mhz; 4.43 kw. 1,250 8. TL: N34 24 Carmichael NPR. Wash ally: Cohn & Marks. Format: Class, jazz, news& info. 47 W119 11 10. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Suite 28, 2310 Ponderosa Dr. News staff: one: news progmg 37 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. (93010). (805) 482 -4797. Fax: (805) 388.5202. Licensee: The Assoc. KFIA(AM)- Jan 11, 1979: 710 khz; 25 kw -D, 1 kw-N, DA -2. TL N38 Jack Brown. gen mgr: Mike Birdsill, opns dir & chief of engrg; Louise for Community Education Inc. Wash atty: Miller & Miller. Format: Relg, 49 58 W121 19 03. Suite 520, 1425 River Park Dr., Sacramento Philippi, dev dir; Steve McAleer, Mg mgr, Joe Oleksiewcz, progmg Sp. Target aud: General; Hispanics. Phil Guthrie, pres; Mary (95815). (916) 924 -0710. Fax: (916) 924 -1587. Licensee: Vista dir; Catherine Robinson, mus dir; Todd Thornton, news dir & pub afire Guthne, gen mgr; Pepe Caballero, opns dir; Tom King, chief of engrg. Broadcasting Inc. Group owner: Salem Communications Corp. (acq dir. 2- 15-95; FTR: 5 -8 -95) Format: Relg. Target aud: 35 plus; general. Edward Atsinger Ill, pres; Joe Cruz, gen mgr; Steve Gasser, opns KOCP(FM)- Aug 15, 1972: 95.9 mhz; 5 kw. 813 ft. TL: N34 06 47 mgr; Dan Rosenberg, gen sls mgr; Don Perkins, chief of engrg. KFMF(FM)- Feb 1, 1974: 93.9 mhz; 2 kw. 1.128 ft. TL: N39 56 46 W119 03 34. (CP: 1.25 kw, ant 1,440 ft. TL: 34 20 55 W119 20 13). W121 43 17. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Suite D, 1459 Humboldt Rd. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Suite 2 -G, 2284 S. Victoria, Ventura (93003). (92928). (530) 899 -3600. Fax: (530) 343-0243. Licensee: Regent (805) 289 -1400. Fax: (805) 644 -4257. Web Site: Carnelian Bay Broadcasting West Coast Inc. Group owner: Regent Communications www.theoctopus959.com. Licensee: Gold Coast Broadcasting Co. Inc. (acq 8- 21 -97; grpsl) Rep: Christal. Format: Active rock. News staff: (group owner; acq 1995; $1.2 million with KKZZ(AM) Santa Paula) KODS(FM)- Licensed to Carnelian Bay. See Reno NV one; news progmg one hr wkly. Target aud: 18-44. Dick Stein, gen Rep: Katz. Format: Classic rock. Target aud: 25-54. *Chip Ehrhardt, mgr & prom dir; Marty Griffin, progmg dir: Holly Chase. news dir; Dave gen mgr; Perry Van Houton. progmg dir. Carpinteria Remund, chief of engrg. Cambria KSBL(FM)- June 1, 1981: 101.7 mhz; 310 w. 810 ft. TL: N34 27 55 KZAP(FM) -1999: 89.1 mhz; 12 kw. 285 ft. TL: N39 43 37 W121 40 W119 40 37. Stereo. 414 E. Cota St., Santa Barbara (93101). (805) 45. Box 7573 (95927). (530) 877 -5650. Web Site: ww- 879 -8300. Fax: (805) 879.8430. Licensee: Clear Channel Broadcast- w.familyradio.com.yes Licensee: Family Stations Inc. owner) KOTR(FM)- Oct 1, 1984: 94.9 mhz; 25 kw. 328 ft. TL: N35 31 26 (group ing Licenses Inc. Group owner Clear Channel Communications Inc. W121 03 40. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Suite 2, 396 Buckley Rd.. San Luis Format: Relg, educ. Thad McKinney, gen mgr. (acq 5 -4.99; grpsq Net: ABC, AP. Format Adult contemp. Target Obispo (93401). (805) 927 -5021. Fax: (805) 547 -9860. Web Site: aud: 25.54; women. Jim Votaw, gen mgr, Jennifer Van Donee, sls www.kotrfm.com. Licensee: Central Coast Community Broadcasting KHSL -FM -See Paradise dir; David Heffernan, prom dir; Peter Bie, progmg dir; Ran Bullard, Inc. Rep: Allied Radio Partners. Wash atty: Haley, Bader & Potts. chief of engrg. Format: AM. Target aud: 25 -54. Bruce W. Howard, CEO & gen mgr: KKXX(AM) -See Paradise Warren Raschen, nad sls mgr & rgnl sls mgr; Drew Ross, prom VP; Janette Younger, progmg VP; Dean Kadad, asst music dir; Tom Cartago Hughes, chief of engrg. KLRS(FM)- June 1993: 92.7 mhz; 1.5 kw. 643 ft. TL: N39 48 25 KWTY(FM)- November 1989: 102.9 mhz; 2 kw. -1,787 ft. TL N36 19 W121 37 35. Box 7568 (95927). (530) 342 -2200. Fax: (530) 342 -2260. 16 W118 01 22. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 91, Olarcha (93549). (760) E -mail: kirs927 @sunset.net. Licensee: Results Radio Licensee L.L.C. Canyon Country 764 -1111. (760) 873 -2071. Fax: (760) 764-1111. E -mail: Group owner Fritz Communications Inc. (acq 6.11.99; grpsl) Format: 40. [email protected]. Licensee: Michael L. Benson. Format: Classic rock, Top Jack Fritz, gen mgr; Ron Woodward, progmg dir. rock. 7 KIIS(AM)- June 1989: 1220 khz; 1 kw -D. 500 w -N, DA -2. TL: N34 27 News progmg hrs wkly. Target aud: General; 15-55 years 55 W118 24 08. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 348 E. Ave. K4, Lancesler (M -F), recreation/resort commuters. Dan Owen, sls dir: Mark Miller, KMXXFM)- Listing follows KPAY. (93535). (661) 942 -1121. Fax: (661) 723.5512. Web Site: chief of engrg. e Rates 55: 5: 5: 3. www.1220kiisam,com. Licensee: Citicasters Co. Group owner: Clear KPAY(AM)- Apr 17, 1935: 1290 khz: 5 kw -U, DA -N.
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