Hll1Il.aflQ2··· Life Alliance ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT lif f f hUIIlaOiife.org, AD ERTI._, m p r g n a n t e a I ne was 18 years old when I got pregnant. Since I had already enlisted in the Air Force. I thought I had to Pregnancy Care Resources have an abort ion in order to make something out of my life. 24 Hour Pregnancy Help lines My best friend drove me to the abortion clinic. It 50:50 was like an assembly line. When the ultrasound was Birthright (birthright.com) being done I asked to see it. But t his wasn · t allowed (so much for "an informed decision''). Then I asked how far 1.800.550.4900 along I was. I was told I was nine-and·a·half weeks pregnant. That hit me hard. I started doubtmg. and Nurturing Network (nurturingnetwork.org) wanted to talk to my friend. but I wasn't allowed to. 1. 800.866.4666 When 1t was my turn the nurse told me that I was gomg to feel some discomfort. l1ke strong menstrual Pregnancy Centers Online cramps. The truth is that the abort10n was more pam www.pregnancycenters.org than I've ever felt m my life. It felt like my 1ns1des were literally Help After an Abortion bemg sucked out of my body. Later I went into shock! American Rights Coalition After the abort1on. I 1.800.634.2224 tned to make up for 1t by trymg to get preg· Project Rachel nant agam. I wanterl my baby back. I never got 1.800.593 .2273 pregnant agam. I don't know if I can ever have Life Dynamics (legal help) another baby. I named my 1.800.401 .6494 baby. I found out later that this is part of the grieving process. Two·and·a·half years later. I ended up in the hospital with bulimia. I felt t hat no one had pun· ished me for what I had done so I was punishing myself. ,, I became obsessed with women who were The truth is that pregnant. My life was in shambles! I was suffering from post -abortion trauma. t he abort ion was When I was 21 yea rs old God brought me help through a woman who was more pa in than involved in pro-life activism. I went I' ve ever felt in through a post -abort ion counseling pro· gram called "Conquerors." God not only my life. It felt forgave me, He challenged me to help others. I answered the challenge! like my insides I started sidewalk counseling. There is a were literally healmg process that comes from getting mvolved in the pro-life movement. I talk bei ng sucked to you th groups and students and share my testimony. To them, and to you. I out of my plead. "Please don't make the same m1s· body. " takes I d1d." Michelle C. hlliilafllife.org \ll\ ERlJ'-;1 1 G Sl PPJ I:~IE. T Does Abortion Breast Cancer? Abortion Disrupts Hormonal Balance Estrogen is the hormone that turns ;, g1rl's body mto a woman's body at puberty. Actually. there 1s a whole class of s1mllar stero1ds. estrogens. wh1ch can stimulate the growth of the breasts and other female t1ssues. 1zat1on of the egg (conception) pregnancy. and then aborts that effect of a full term pregnancy... The most abundant and 1mpor· takes place. If conception has pregnancy. she IS left with more Most miscarriages occur in tant est rogen secreted by a occurred. the embryo begms of these cancer-vulnerable cells the first t rimester, and over 90'1> woman's ovanes IS called estra· almost 1mmed1ately to secrete than she had m her breasts of these are characterized by d10l . another chemical messenger before she was pregnant. In abnormally low maternal estradi· After pu berty. the levels of wh1ch acts like LH to "rescue" addit1on. any abn ormal, poten­ ollevels (quantities that do not es trad1ol nse and fall tw1ce w1th t he corpus luteum. tially cancer·formmg cells exceed non-pregnant levels) . each menstrual cycle. Under the If rescued. the corpus luteum already in he r breasts (present to One team of Swiss obstetricians, mfluence of the p1tuitary gland's proceeds to generate enormous some extent in all people 1 have as far bac k as 1976, was actually folliCle stimulatmg hormone concentrations of progesterone also been stimulated to multiply. able to predKt miscarriages w ith iFSHi. new. egg-containing folli­ and estradiol. By 7 to 8 weeks All thiS translates into a statisti· 92 accuracy w1th just a single cles develop in t he ovaries durmg gestation, a pregnant woman's cally greater probability that a measurement of est radiol. the f 1rst half of t he menstrual blood already contains SIX times cancerous tumor may eventually Theoretically, this makes perfect cycle. The follicular. estradiol­ more estrad1ol than it d1d at the ariSe. In fact most risk fa ctors sense: the very reason for an secreting cells surrounding the t1me of conception. more than for breast cancer are attributa· early miscarriage is an inade· eggs proliferate. and so the tw1ce the h1ghest level attamed ble to overexposure t o some quate supply of progesterone ovanes secrete ever larger quan· m the non·pregnant state. form of estrogen. from which estradiol is made. lilies of estradiol. reachmg a In contrast. a full term preg­ However. there is reason to peak about one day before ovu· Cancer Cells Run Amok nancy results m full differentia· believe that pregnancies which lallon. Th 1s pre·ovulatory peak 1s How es t radiol. or estrogens m tion of the breast tJSsue for the survive the first trimester (and the h1ghest blood level of estra­ general. relate to breast cancer purpose of milk production. they couldn't survive without diol a woman ever normally nsk. has to do w1th their role in which adequately high progesterone expenences m the non-pregnant the growth of breast tiSsue. It levels. which are paralleled by state. It stimulates her pitUi tary 15 estradiol whJCh makes the estradiol) are likely to raise gland to secrete another hor­ breasts grow to a mature breast cancer risk , if they go on mone, lute1mzing hormone (LH). Size at puberty. and to miscarry due to physical trau- wh1ch actually triggers ovulation. whiCh makes them ma or anatomic defect. Since After ovulatiOn . the follicle grow again during most miscarriages do occur in wh1ch has expelled the egg pregnancy. The cells the first trimester. miscar· becomes filled w1th another kind m the breast which riages generally have been of cell called a luteal cell. are responsive to found not to mcrease the risk These luteal cells proliferate estradiOl are those of breast cancer. Remember: under the Influence of pit u1tary which are primitive, reproductive rights are mean- LH , thus secreting ever larger or undifferentiated. ingless without the right of quantities of both estradiol and Once terminally differen· women to know all the conse· the pregnancy hormone proges· tiated into milk-producing quences of the choices they may terone, from which estradiol is cells. breast cells can no longer make. made. be stimulated to reproduce. leaves For this complete article and Since pituitary secretion of It is the undifferentiated fewer cancer·vulnerable cells in its documentation, plus Dr. LH falls off quite sharply after cells which can give nse to can· the breasts than were there Brind's responses to those who ovulation, the corpus luteum (as cercus tumors later in life. If a before the pregnancy began. This deny the link. check out the former follicle is now called) woman therefore has gone translates into the well known www.humanlife.org/breast· begins to regress, unless fertil· through some weeks of a normal breast cancer risk lowering cancer. hurnanlife.org ADYERTI~ I "'\G ~ l ' PJ>LE.\1 E r chro• nol•o•gy of a Now baby's developmg llght-sens1t1ve The sperm ]Oms wlth the ovum eyes. the stomach produces 01l and sweat to form one cell. Th1s one cell digestive juices. and the kidneys glands are func­ contains the complex genetic have begun to funct10n. The tiOning. The baby·s makeup for every detail of developmg baby IS now referred delicate sk1n 1s protected m the human development the child's to as t he fetus. a Latin word amn~ot1c sac by a spec1al omt­ sex. han and eye color. he1ght. meanmg "young one ment ·vermx . skm tone etc. Un~que fmgerpnnts are ev1dent The baby's bram has as many The f1rst cell divides and and never change. The baby cells as It w1ll have at birth. cell d1v1s1on continues now sleeps. awakens. and exer- The pre-born ch1ld uses the four m an orderly fash- CJses her muscles by turnmg her senses of \ISion. hearmg. taste. 10n as the small head. curlmg her toes. and and touch. ResEO'arch has docu group of cells opening and closmg her mouth - mented that she can now recog­ travels down often suckmg her thumb. She nize her mother's vo1ce. the Fallopian breathes amn1ot1c flUid to help tube to the oevelop her respiratory system. uterus. By the end of the month all the The skm begms to thicken. w1th There are organs and systems of her body a layer of tat stored underneath over 100 are funct1on1ng. The only maJor lor msulal!on and nounshment. cells present act1v1ty from now until b1rth IS The baby swallows a gallon of when th1s llny growth. ammot1c fluid per day. She often embryo reaches h1ccups. She has been unnatmg the uterus 7 to 10 for several months.
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