GASS2017 ABSTRACT VOLUME CP.qxp_mag41.qxd 09/05/2017 15:52 Page 1 GASS2017 ABSTRACT VOLUME CP.qxp_mag41.qxd 09/05/2017 15:52 Page 2 GASS2017 ABSTRACT VOLUME CP.qxp_mag41.qxd 11/05/2017 11:17 Page 3 TIMETABLE 08:30 09:10 REGISTRATION & COFFEE 09:10 09:20 WELCOME & INTRODUCTION DR REBECCA BELL SESSION 1: GEOHAZARDS SPONSORED BY: ELSEVIER CHAIR: DR SIMON GOZZARD & NICHOLAS PIERPOINT 09:20 09:40 THOMAS PHILLIPS IMPERIAL Seiissmiicc Hazard & FFaaullt geometry 09:40 10:00 ZOE MILDON UCL Stress transsfffeerr;; Ittaalian Earthquakes 10:00 10:20 MELISSA GRAY IMPERIAL Slow sliipp Earthqh uuakes 10:20 10:30 POSTERS 2 MINUTES OF FAME A - D 10:30 10:50 COFFEE & POSTERS SESSION 2: OFFSHORE SPONSORED BY: SHELL CHAIR: NICHOLAS PIERPOINT & DR LIAM GALLLAAGHER 10:50 11:10 KINGSLEY NWOZOR ABERDEEN Overrppressure analyyssiiss - HPHT CNS 11:10 11:30 AMY TUCK-MARTIN RHUL East AAfffrriiccan margin plate modelliinng 11:30 11:50 DAVID RILEY SOUTHAMPTON Socio-o economiicc iimmpact off Gas Hydrates 11:50 12:10 MURRAY HOGGETT BIRMINGHAM Igneous iintntrusiionsons & fflluid ffllow 12:10 12:20 POSTERS 2 MINUTES OF FAME E - H 12:20 12:40 GEOLSOC PRESENTATION DR NIC BILHAAM 12:40 13:00 POLICY CONNECT PRESENTATION CLLAUAUDIA JAKSCH 13:00 14:00 LUNCH & POSTERS SESSION 3: CLIMATE & GEOMECHANICS SPONSORED BY: TMS CHAIR: DR LIAM GALLLAAGHER & DR REBECCA BELL 14:00 14:20 DR CHERRY NEWSAM UCL Eocene nannoffosossiill climate 14:20 14:40 MARCELO AUGUSTO DE LIRA MOTA BIRMINGHAM Eocene - Oliiggocene Palynology 14:40 15:00 R COATS LIVERPOOL Compleexx Magma rheh ology 15:00 15:20 POSTERS 2 MINUTES OF FAME I - M 15:20 15:40 COFFEE & POSTERS 15:40 16:00 GA PRESENTATION DR COLIN PROSSER SESSION 4: GEOMECHANICS & GEO-ECONOMICS SPONSORED BY: ATKINS CHAIR: DR REBECCA BELL & ROGER LLOYD 16:00 16:20 GIUSEPPE PROVENZANO SOUTHAMPTON Engiineneeriingng scale remote characteriissatiionon 16:20 16:40 DANNY POWELL-THOMAS BRISTOL Riiskskk Assessment 16:40 17:00 WILLIAM SMITH PORTSMOUTH CCorornubiiaan Ore Provviiincnce 17:00 17:30 KEY NOTE ADDRESS PROF IAIN STEWART 17:30 19:00 WINE RECEPTION / AWARDS & POSTERS GASS2017 ABSTRACT VOLUME CP.qxp_mag41.qxd 09/05/2017 15:52 Page 4 KEYNOTE ADDRESS Professor Iain Stewart Director of the Sustainable Earth Institute School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (Faculty of Science and Engineering), University of Plymouth Professor Iain Simpson Stewart, tsunami in 373 BCE, newly MBE FGS FRSE is a Scottish rediscovered in 2001. This, he says, geologist, a Fellow of the Geological "gave me a hunger to get more Society of London, the Royal Society geology on telly." of Edinburgh, and President of the He featured in another Horizon Royal Scottish Geographical Society. film, on earthquakes, in April 2003, He is Professor of Geoscience before appearing as a team member Communication at the University of in the fourth series of Rough Science Plymouth, a member of the (shown January/February 2004), a Scientific Board of UNESCO's series where a group of scientists is International Geoscience challenged to solve tasks using only Programme and a great friend and the resources of the local sefless contributor to the Geologists’ surroundings and a small set of Association and Rockwatch activities supplies. down the years. His main research interests are in Described (on his wikipedia page... the broad area of Earth hazards and don’t we all wish we had one!) as natural disasters, particularly in geology's "rock star", Stewart is best terms of identifying past major known to the public as the presenter of a number of science earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions in the programmes for the BBC, notably the BAFTA nominated Mediterranean region. Iain also specialises in geology's effect Earth: The Power of the Planet (2007). on culture and religion throughout the history of the world. He attended Mount Cameron Primary School and then He appears in other roles, including as a scientific Claremont High School from 1976 to 1982. In an interview commentator. with the Herald newspaper, Stewart revealed that he initially Iain was appointed Member of the Order of the British struggled with geology: "I was a middling student, never Empire (MBE) in the 2013 Birthday Honours for services to really at the top of the class, nor at the bottom. Which I think geology and science communication. is good, in a way. When you're out there at the top, it can be As well as teaching at Plymouth University, he is a patron quite isolating." of the English Riviera Geopark, a member of the Scientific Stewart was a child actor and holder of an Equity card, but Board of UNESCO's International Geological Programme and leaving acting behind, he studied geography and geology at chair of its 'Hazards' theme, a vice-president of The Strathclyde University, graduating in 1986 with a first class Geographical Association and its primary Geography honours Bachelor of Science degree. He obtained his 'Champion', a member of the Steering Committee of the doctorate, entitled "The evolution of neotectonic normal fault IUGS-Commission on Geoscience for Environmental scarps in the Aegean Region" in 1990 at the University of Management Working Group on 'Communicating Bristol on research into earthquakes in Greece and Turkey. Environmental Geoscience', a member of the UK National In 1990 he began teaching geology at the West London Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement's Academic Action Institute of Higher Education (WLIHE) in Osterley and from Research group, and a member of The Geological Society of 1995 at Brunel University (due to its merger with WLIHE). London's external relations committee. After 12 years in London he moved back to Scotland to He has always been a generous contributor to Geologists’ develop a new career as a science broadcaster. Association activities and in this vein the Convenors of GASS He moved to the University of Plymouth in 2004, later 2017 determined that there was only one champion of becoming Professor of Geoscience Communication, a position Student Research who would be most suited as the first he believes to be unique in the world! keynote speaker at what we hope will be become a mainstay Iain returned to television as an expert academic for Helike in the GA’s programme of events. – The Real Atlantis, a 2002 BBC Horizon film about the destruction of the Greek city of Helike by earthquake and 2 Geologists’ Association Student Symposium 2017 GASS2017 ABSTRACT VOLUME CP.qxp_mag41.qxd 09/05/2017 15:52 Page 5 Dr Rebecca Bell WELCOME TO GASS 2017 on behalf of Convenors GASS2017 If you can't explain something simply, you don't understand it well enough. Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, and may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone. Everything should be as simple as it can be, yet no simpler Albert Einstein The ability to communicate your research effectively is a an insight into the cutting edge science being conducted by crucial skill for scientists. It does not matter how important students in the UK and internationally. and ground-breaking your research is if other scientists, Our chosen topic for the first GASS symposium is “Geology policy makers, industry and the general public do not know and societal change: What difference does your research about it. In these changing times where it feels sometimes make?” We have thirteen exciting talks lined up as well as at like “experts” are no longer trusted like they once were, it has least twelve posters. The day will be divided into five different never been more important to communicate science subject areas that are based on the range of abstract topics accurately and engagingly. that were submitted- Geohazards, Offshore geoscience, There are plenty of conferences in the Geosciences but Climate, Geomechanics and Geoeconomics. these are often highly focused and provide you the As well as the student presentations we are also delighted opportunity to present your research to other specialists in to host Iain Stewart, Professor of Geoscience Communication your field. These presentations often involve a discussion of and Director of the Sustainable Earth Institute, Plymouth your methods and results in detail, but do not include an University as our key note speaker. Many of you will likely explanation of why your science is important or why it recognise Iain from a number of television appearances that matters to society (which, it surely does as it has been may well have inspired your decision to study geosciences. funded by someone!). As a student myself I often found We will also have presentations by the Geologists Association describing my research to family and friends a challenge- and Geological Society where you can learn more about the fault development might be interesting to a structural work done by these groups and what they can offer to geologist, but why should my great uncle care? students. Finally, we are honored to host Claudia Jaksch from The fact that science communication to a broad audience is Policy Connect, a not-for-profit social enterprise that brings so difficult, and that it is not a skill that students routinely get together parliamentarians with public and private to practise, has inspired us to organise a new conference- the organisations to tackle big issues across a range of sectors Geologists’ Association Student Symposium (GASS). The affected by policy. Geologists’ Association was founded in 1858 and has played It is important to recognise and commend excellent a strong role in geoconservation in the UK and promoting the communicators and we will be awarding a prize for the best communication of science to the public. The aim of the GASS talk and best poster.
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