Lawrence Plays Tonight, Tomorrow ^SinithWins In Final "Big Weekend" inity SGA Offices Clje fhtke change Hands Founded 1905-No. 26 Duke University, Durham, N. C. Friday, April 25, 1947 Smith Wins; Union Party Sweeps SGA Elections Women's Pan-Hel Imports Elliot Lawrence Winning, Losing Candidates Jackson, Palmer Fill For Final **Big Weekend" Of Spring Term Other Top SGA Posts Sweeping all opposition aside, Union Party candidates yesterday triumphed over University Party nominees in the Old Gym To Be Site Elliot Lawrence annual Spring Men's Student Government elections. A total Three Day oi 1,312 ballots were cast in a near-record vote. Of Season's Finale Smith Wins, 7 311-5 7 3 Highlighting the Spring Gordon Smith, SGA presidential nominee from the Union season's social functions, tl Graduation Psarty, defeated University Party candidate Howard Hartley Woman's Pan-Hellenic A by a total vote of 730 to 573, official tabulations revealed sociation is conducting this last night at 11 p.m. Of Smith's total vote, 109 ballots were week end a series of dances Plans Made east by College of Engineering students; Hartley received with the music of Elliot Law­ 69 Engineering College votes. The defeated candidate au­ rence and his orchestra. Hours tomatically assumes the post of SGA vice-president. Share Honors for the affair, given in the old of activities have been gymnasium, are 9:15-1 a.i Sharing winning honors with Smith are Lowell Jackson, scheduled for both graduates and Union Party candidate for SGA secretary, who defeated Ben tonight, 8:15-12, tomorro aing alumni. Massey, University Party nominee, 767-534, and Winston H. Bernard C. Clausen, pastor Voted "outstanding new band e Euclid Avenue Baptist ("Bakie") Palmer, candidate for student government treas­ of the year" by Look maga land, Oiiio, will preach the urer from the Union Party, who by a tally of 860-452 won sencement sermon for the Over University Party nominee Jack Quaritius. Band leading e ating classes in the Chapel Of the total number of votes cast, 1134 ballots were filled out by students in Trinity College, The College of Engineering student General Levin H. Camp- vote totaled 177, according fo final tabulations released by out­ r Chief of Ordnance Gordon Smith, winning candidate for Trinity College SGA 'ice-president of Interna- going SGA Secretary William Haup. president, is shown above, right, being- congratulated by Howard Harvester Co., will delivei Hartley, defeated contestant for the top Men's Student Govern­ New Trinity College representatives on the University Publica­ smmcncismiint Address and ment position, following announcement of yesterday's election tions Board include Jolinny Baldwin, Pete Maas, Dave Fick and Quadrangle Pictures, Duke's nor R. Gregg Chei results. —Photo by Walt Shackleford. Walton Parker. Publications Board members elected from the Col­ campus theatre, lights its 19th •«sis><s birthday candle with three col­ lege of Engineering include Len Thompson and Jack Shehee. The orful stage and screen shows six men elected were all members of the Union Party slate, al­ tonight and tomorrow featur­ Official Election Retura§ though Baldwin and Thompson were also named as University Party nominees for the Publications Board posts. ing "tbe newest rhythm in the Men's Student Gov nment Posts Und'—Elliot Lawrence and Commenting on Thursday's electio ., Harold (Lou) Bello, ous his orchestra, with vocalists Gordon Smith ... vard Hartley 573 Rosalyn Patton and lack Hun- going SGA president, said last night: Ihis election, conducted o a high plane sand without political mu •sllngtag, allowed that me t Massey „534 students do have an interest in SGA, believe lhal SGA has com ORIGINAL STYLE Treasi 1 Elliot Lawrence, above, noted young orchestra leader, will into its own this past year, and Ilia Orchestrations used by the share spotlight honors tonight and tomorrow with I ' Activities k Quaritius 45! Lawrence band use instru­ Puhlicatioi Gordon Smith and the other hewly-e band as the final Pan-Hellenic big weekend of the year Day will begin at 9 o'clock Moi student body on to greater heights." ments usually heard only in a underway. day morning, June 2, Trinity College symphony orchestra and pro­ (four highest elected) vide a new and original ap­ Johnny Bal 10*2 Pete Masis 665 Union Parly University Party proach to the usual styles of Dave Fick Final Statements Final Statements dance music. Included on the Carlton I 45ti Quaritius Wins Chronicle Post; me J Jack i(n M iim. Wright Dixon, Union I Ed Bott, c programs here will be arrange­ U.I.n.id it..'. 438 versity Party, said in a CHBON­ ments of "HhsipssoJy in Blue" Pus 11, iimn- Board interview lasst night: "On b ICLE interview last night: "On and "Clair de Lime" featuring College of Engineering Action Of Trustees Is Revealed of the Un behalf of the Uni­ the 33-year-old bandleader at (two Highest elected) Party, versity Party I the piano. en Thompson 145 Jack Shehee Jack H. Quaritius, rising wish lo congrat­ Among the other numbers Ed Gautiei Choose Fraternity Senior from Rock ville Center, Handbook Petition ulate Gordon will be baritone Jack Hunter if Tbe Dnke Engins Smith and the New York, Sigma Alpha Ep­ (highest ccted) 1 Delegates By May 2 silon, won the post of busi­ Due In Tomorrow ...103 Billy Olive "Willie l blue iffice: by Rosalyn ness manager of the CHHON­ ICLE Tuesday as the Publica­ SGA. The c duet "Sonth America Tsike tions Board met in a special 45 Freshmen Win Membership Away," and the entir. ir SGA representative meeting to conclude annual ist.it ion will combine fc publications elections begun elty number "Left in the Cor- ie week after the ex- row, according to YMCA p In Exclusive 2.25 Fraternity ecu live elections as ording to last week. Ident Ed Galling. It is ur§ SGA officials. The that the staff be named im: .iating the largest shisslc Quaritius' election ended a • in Duke history, Phi Eti planned for tomorrow's mati- the fraternity representatives diately so that work on to the Student Legislature week of speculation following handbook may begin at oi I, freshman scholastic hon- the performance, and this will should be given to the Secre­ the Board's action in questioning be broadcast locally by station tary of SGA, before Friday, ty of William Houck, May 2. i Chi, other i WDUK. CHEONS Dr. Ward To Conduct Dr. A. K. Manchest- slaff post. Houck was permitted Research In England Freshmen and Facul Police Mystified By Campus Crimes lo run when a special Faculty of the honorary, stats Dr. Charles E. Ward, A developments Doctor Waldo Beach Committee session approved his class of 1950 is the sociate Professor of English, le To Preach In Chapel eligibility. forthcoming at press time to­ yesterday for England. D day concerning Duke Hos­ Veterans Office Announces Dr. Waldo Beach, Professor Other Elections Ward, an authority on John Dr; pital's iirebug and the near- Christian Ethics in the Divinity den, expects to spend the ne: School, will preach on the sub­ 'n' Duchess coed editor and three months in England for sp- fatal shooting Wednesday Summer School Regulations ject, "Except you turn . ." ai night in the Duke Memorial CHRONICLE coed business man­ cial research to be included i . Clifton Davenport had thi morning worship service in ths ager—deferred by the Board in a biography of the English pO' hest freshman rating with ai Gardens, authorities revealed effort to eliminate list: was that several top-notch Duke chapel, Sunday at 11 a.m (Continued on Page 3) srage of 2.764. ite rush of veterans to Duke and other schosils 30th fror l 10:00 a iek—the head n •eek issued 'IIII ss thi of the Roy i-: :: is s lhat vill .cilita and speed up ?f of the Chanticleer Appearing Monday lotstil Rtsisiiuilil tion and During a recent interview •-us­ nf Financ 1 Shanley Announces with the CHBONICLE, Wilson Coleman Reveals Look At That...Two'Heads! able Honeycutt, Veterans Adminis­ •", t.'V'.'.-i | Theme Of Annual; tration Training Officer, stated - .,',!' ::'.-: Delivery Schedule alleged maniac VA. that "men who plan to attend All vetera For Coming Week Dedicated To Wade ispital Tuesday summer schools other than Duke must file a written request with The : ' Chant my office, 104 Administration of he Uni Bldg.. in which is mentioned the schist! bug guilty reason for a Supplemental Cer­ ule early next week as hundrcdss tificate of Eligibility and the de- of completed copies rolled off l-gold motiff throughout. The ting s s-iil 1: the presses in slid wards and st section is printed on dull- tal's psytslii Broughton's Raleigh plant and eoat paper, the remainder on dispelled by Nced Note onlo the campus, Lib Shanley, high gloss enamel finish stock. Superintendent H. C. Mickey. "Accompaning the first letter editor, and John Coleman, busi­ I Ise edition is hound in blue and The fires touched off Tuesday must also be a note of approval ness manager, revealed today. white Fabricord, ight totally destroyed a large Dean Cox advising that the Meeting the earliest delivery Seven Sections collection "of valuable X-ray es to be pursued will not be :ent years, the Divided into seven sections— films" stored in a large hospital •d by Duke this summer," Administration, Classes, Hon­ vault. Other fire damage was ycutt added. Veterans are Chant Coeds Elect Segall : to take these steps as soon i being rushed to oraries, Organizations, Pan-Hel­ reported to be of little impor- ssible. completion as Coleman an­ lenic, Features and Athletics— Sandals President: nounced delivery dates as Mon­ the book also includes a number day, Tuesday, and Wednesday of of campus scenes and a complete In a Joint meeting with old Helen Kaiser Speaks Senior class index, a feature not Rhine's Perception next week on East campus; Wisst members on April 17, recently At Charlotte Meeting campus deliveries will begin on used by the annual in several tapped Sandals elected Shirley employeo of I Studies Publicized Thursday.
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