Sou-.-M-j Ca.ro I iioa- C Co ';o>'> j r\'^'Z>crr\\:3\sJ III ' JOURNAL OF THE Commons House of Assembly OF South Carolina November 15, 1726-March 11, 1726/7 Edited by A. S. SALLEY State Historian of South Carolina Printed for the HISTORICAL COMMISSION OF SOUTH CAROLINA By the State Commercial Printing Company Columbia, S. C. 1946 : Tuesday the 15*'^ day of Xovemb'": 1726. The Hon*'^'^: the Speaker & the followino- meiubers iiiett accord- ing to adjournment. John Lloyd William Rhett ] Tho« : Hepworth Samuel Eveleigh \- Estf^ Benj"^,, Whitaker Robert Hume J Tho«: Barton The Speaker adjournal the house till tomorrow morning ten of the Clock. AVednesday morning the 16^'' day of Nov'"": 1726. The house mett according to adjournment & adjourn'd till three of the Clock in the afternoon The house mett according to adjournment The house adjourn'd till to morrow morning nine of the Clock Thursday the 17*'^ day of November 1726. The house mett according to adjournment Coll°: Hall & Cap*: Saunders were directed to waite on the President & to acquaint him the house was mett according to adjournment. Order'd that the Orders of the house be read ay"^'' : Avere read accordingly The following message was order'd to be sent to his Hon''' : the President & John Lloyd William Dry & Peter S*: Julien Avere appointed a Com'ittee to meet a Com'ittee of his ^Majesties Coun- cil on the Subject of the same. Ma3^ it please y'"",, Hon*"": We desire that j^our Hon'"": will be pleas'd to lay before this house all such letters as you have rec'd from his Excel!' : the Govern'": of New York or any other persons relating to the Indians who have had the insolence to kill our Friendly Indians in the settlement & as this house has appointed a Com'ittee to take that affair under Consideration, We desire a Com'ittee of his Majestie's Council may allso be appointed for that purpose. Tho*: Broughton Speak'"": Sent up by Maj"".. Hepworth & Cap* : Hej^ward : M"": Sec'"-^ : Hart brought from his Hon''': the President the following message & several Journals & other papers relating to the Agents among the Indians. M"" : Speak'-,, & Gent",, Herewith I send you the several Letters I have rec'd from Coll°: Chicken & Cap*^: Fitch our Agents with the Cheerokee & Creek Indians, on your perusal of w*^^ : I desire your advice & Opinion that I ma}^ dispatch the message back as soon as possible. 17 Nov: 1726. A',, Middleton M"-: Sec''>': Hart brought from his Hon'"": the President two letters to his Hon"": concerning the late murther of one of our Friendly Indians by the Senecas, the one from Coll": Maurice Moore and the other from Coll" : Jon'^ : Drake the letters & papers relating to the Indian affairs was read. Order'd that a Com'ittee of Grievances be appointed & that the following Gent": be of the s'^: Committee & that they have power to send for Persons Papers & Records—George Smith Esq': Coll°: Arthur Hall Cap*: William Dry M': Tho«: Smith & Coll° : John Herbert. Order'd that all Com'ittees be Revived. Order'd that the following Gent": be appointed a Comittee to examine into the accounts of the Com'iss''^: appointed to exchang the bills, M' : Rhett M'' : Barton and INI''. Whitaker The house adjourn'd till two of the Clock in the afternoon The house mett according to adjournment. Order'd that all the absent Members of this house be forth w*'^ Sum'oned to attend the service, by the messenger of the h°: On motion the Question was put whether a Publication should be made by the Clerk of this house giving notice that all persons that have any petitions lying before this house may now attend this house being sitting. Carryed in the affirmative. Order'd that the Clerk of this house do give Public Notice to all persons that have anj'^ demands on the Publick of this Province that they im'ediately bring the said accounts to him in order to lay the same before the h°: Order'd that Thomas Hepworth Esq"" : be added to the Com'ittee appointed to Audit the Treasurers accounts. :: : .: Order'd that the following message be sent to his Hon'^: y^ Presid* May it please y'"",, Hon'"": On perusing the several Journals letters & papers ^A'hich your Hon"" : has rec'd from Coll" : Chicken and Cap^ : Fitch our Agents amongst the Indians, We are of opinion that as We may expect him so soon in the Settlements there is not any thing materialy necessary to be wrote to them at present We therefore return your Hon''" : the, said Letters and papers. Tho^: Broughton Speak'"": The above message sent up by Coll°: Herbert & ISI"": Barton who were directed to desire his Hon'"": to lay before this house any letters & papers that he hath rec'd from Great Britain relat- ing to the affairs of this Province. Order'd that the following message be sent to his Hon''": y^ Presid*^ May it please y'"",, Hon'"": We desire that your Hon'"": will be pleas 'd to lay before this house all letters that your Hon'"": has rec'd from Great Britain relating to the affairs of this Province. Tho^ : Broughton Speak"" Sent up by Coll'' Herbert & M"": Barton The house adjourn'd till to morrow morning nine of the Clock Friday morning the 18*'" day of November 1726 The house mett according to adjournment. • Cap*: William Dry a member of this house desir'd leave to lay before the house several papers which came to his hands & having the leave of the house so to do he deliver'd in at the table the follow^: papers Viz*: Proposals Grievances «&'''" An Essay on Indian Trade, An Essay towards settling the Indian Affairs humbly Hon'^ie offered to the Hon^'^'^ : the Speak"" : & the rest of the the members of the Com'ons house of Assembly The foregoing papers were read & the Essays on the Indian affairs referr'd to the Com'ittee on Indian affairs & the pro- posalls and Grievances to the Com'ittee of Grievances. M'': Sec""-^' Hart brought from his Hon"": the Presid*: y^ follow": message : : : 6 M--: Speaker & Gent": Upon sending the last express to Coll° : Chicken at the Chero- kees I agreed to pay John Chester fifty pounds Current money for that purpose, I therefore reconiend to you that an order may be im'ediately pass'd that the s'^: money may be pay'd him he waiting now in town on purpose. Nov: the 18*^ 1726. Ar„ Middleton The Speaker laid before the house a Letter from his Excell'': Fra^ Nicholson Esq"" : GoV : of this Province to the Hon'^^*^ : the President & several other letters from Fra'^ Yonge Escf : & M"": John Sharp a Sollicif:, to the President & an account of the s'^: Sharp for Solliciting the affairs of this Province all w<^'^: letters & papers were read. George Smith Esq"": laid before the house proposals of Nicholas Trott Esq"": for perfecting the last Collection of the Laws of this Province of S°: Carolina fitt for the Press w^'^ : was read and Com'itted to the following Gent" : Viz* M--: Geo: Smith AP: Whitaker & Coll: Hall. The following message was Ordered to be sent to his Hon'': the President & the several letters & papers laid before this house by his Hon''": to be return'd. y'"",, ' - May it please Hon''" . The house having read the several Letters from his Excell' : the Gov'": M'" Yonge & M'": Sharp to your Hon'^: which you have been pleas'd to com'unicate to us, We observe that there are many things in them contained Avhich very much require the Consideration of the General Assembly AVe therefore desire that you will be pleas'd to lay Copys before us of M"": Sharps & M"" : Yonge's letters to your Hon"' : & their acc^^ : & of the L"'* Proprietors' petition to his Majesty & of M'": Shelton's memorial. Tho^: BroLighton Speaker Cap*: William Dry from the Com'ittee appointed to meet a Com'ittee of his Majesties Hon''^'': Council on the affairs of the Seneca Indians made the following Keport The Conrittee appointed to meet a Conrittee of the Council on the affairs of the Seneca & Tuscarora Indians now lurking about the Frontier Settlements do Report. That all our Friendly Indians living within the settlements be advised to retire im'ediately with their families to some proper place of security there to remain until such time as it is thought the Senecas may be return'd home. : : : That in the meantime they be supi)lied >vith Indian Corn suf- ficient for their Subsistance at the Publick charge. That the President be desird by the first Oppertunity to write to the Govern'": of Xew York to know from him when it may be proper to send an Agent there to treat with those Indians & to desire his assistance. And that when an Answer arrives from the Gov"": of X: York & it 'be found Convenient there be an Agent dispatched with full powers, & a suitable present to conclude a treaty with those people in favour of our Friendly Indians. The above Report was read & taken under consideration & after being agreed to with Amendments the following message was order'd to be sent to his Hon"": the President. May it please y"'^,, Hon'" The Report of the Com'ittee on the affairs of the Seneca In- dians having been read & consider'd in this house is herewith y'"" sent to : Hon"" : agreed to Avith some amendments and We desire that your Hon"" : will be pleas'd to write im'ediately to the Govern"": of New York on that affair so favourable an op- pertunity offering as a Sloop sailing to day or to morrow Tho* : Brougliton Speak""" The above message sent up by Cap*^ : Dr}' & M"" : S^ : Julien The house adjournal till two of the Clock in the afternoon The house mett according to adjournment Order'd that Allex"": Parris Escf: Treasurer do pay out of the Publick Treasury of this Province unto John Chester for his going with an express to Coll" : Chicken at the Cherokee Xation according to his Hon"^: the President's Agreement with him the Sum of fifty pounds, And that this order be sent to his Hon*"" : the President and his Majesties Hon'"^*^,, Council for their Concurrence & that the Speaker do sign the same.
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