Risk assessment of the dietary exposure to contaminants and pesticide residues in young children in the Netherlands the in children young in residues pesticide and contaminants to exposure dietary the of assessment Risk Report 350070002/2009 P.E. Boon | M.I. Bakker | J.D. van Klaveren | C.T.M. van Rossum Risk assessment of the dietary exposure RIVM National Institute to contaminants and pesticide residues fot Public Health and the Environment Centre for in young children in the Netherlands Nutrition and Food PO Box 1 3720 BA Bilthoven The Netherlands www.rivm.nl RIVM report 350070002/2009 Risk assessment of the dietary exposure to contaminants and pesticide residues in young children in the Netherlands P.E. Boon* M.I. Bakker J.D. van Klaveren* C.T.M. van Rossum Contact: P.E. Boon [email protected] With contributions of: A.J. Baars J-D. te Biesebeek B.G.H. Bokkers M. van de Bovenkamp A. de Mul* M.C. Ocké E.H.M. Temme* G. Wolterink * RIKILT-Institute of Food Safety, Wageningen University and Research Centre This investigation has been performed by order and for the account of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, within the framework of projecr 5.4.10 ‘Food consumption survey - Young Children’ and for the account of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality within the framework of the Statutory Research Task (WOT) Theme 1 Contaminants (RIKILT), project ‘Intake calculations and modelling’ RIVM, P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, the Netherlands Tel +31 30 274 91 11 www.rivm.nl © RIVM 2009 Parts of this publication may be reproduced, provided acknowledgement is given to the 'National Institute for Public Health and the Environment', along with the title and year of publication. 2 RIVM report 350070002 Abstract Risk assessment of the dietary exposure to contaminants and pesticide residues in young children in the Netherlands The diet of children aged 2 to 6 years in the Netherlands is safe regarding the exposure to fumonisin B1, deoxynivalenol, patulin (toxic compounds produced by fungi), nitrate and organophosphorus pesticides. For dioxins, that are mainly present in animal fats, there is a limited probability that an adverse health effect will occur. For acrylamide, that is present in baked and fried foods, there is also a probability of an adverse health effect occurring in young children. However, the extent to which this could happen is as yet unclear. For aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A (both also toxic compounds produced by fungi) it was not feasible to determine whether or not adverse health effects occur in this age group. These are the results of a study performed by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the RIKILT-Institute of Food Safety. For acrylamide, aflatoxin B1, dioxins and ochratoxin A, more research is needed to refine the risk assessment. The most important requirements for this purpose are the generation of representative concentration data for aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A in food and a better understanding of the toxicological effect of acrylamide. The aim of the study described in this report was to assess the dietary exposure and the related possible health risk, to a selected group of compounds in young children in the Netherlands. For this purpose, food consumption data from the Dutch National Food Consumption Survey 2005/2006-Young children were linked to data on the concentration of these compounds in foods. The health risk of children was subsequently assessed with the help of the available literature regarding the toxicology of these compounds. Key words: young children, dietary exposure, chemicals, risk assessment, probabilistic modelling RIVM report 350070002 3 Rapport in het kort Risicobeoordeling van de blootstelling van jonge kinderen in Nederland aan contaminanten en residuen van bestrijdingsmiddelen via de voeding De voeding van peuters en kleuters in Nederland is veilig voor wat betreft de blootstelling aan fumonisine B1, deoxynivalenol, patuline (gifstoffen veroorzaakt door schimmelgroei), nitraat en organofosfor-bestrijdingsmiddelen. Voor dioxines (vooral aanwezig in dierlijke vetten) bestaat er een beperkte kans dat er een negatief gezondheidseffect optreedt. Ook voor acrylamide (aanwezig in gebakken en gefrituurde producten) is er een kans dat een negatief gezondheidseffect optreedt in peuters en kleuters. Echter de grootte van deze kans kan niet worden geschat. Voor aflatoxine B1 en ochratoxine A (beide ook gifstoffen veroorzaakt door schimmelgroei) kon niet worden beoordeeld of de voeding veilig is voor peuters en kleuters. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek van het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) en het RIKILT-Instituut voor Voedselveiligheid. Voor acrylamide, aflatoxine B1, dioxines en ochratoxine A is aanvullend onderzoek nodig om de risicobeoordeling te verfijnen. De meest belangrijke elementen hiervoor zijn het genereren van 1) representatieve concentratiedata van aflatoxine B1 and ochratoxine A in de voeding, en 2) kennis over het schadelijke effect van acrylamide. Het doel van dit rapport was om de inname van een groep stoffen, en het mogelijk daarmee samenhangende gezondheidsrisico, te berekenen in peuters en kleuters in Nederland. Hiervoor zijn consumptiegegevens van de Voedselconsumptiepeiling onder peuters en kleuters gecombineerd met monitoringgegevens van concentraties van de onderzochte stoffen in producten. Met behulp van de aanwezige literatuur op toxicologiegebied is vervolgens het gezondheidsrisico voor de kinderen geschat. Trefwoorden: jonge kinderen, blootstelling via de voeding, chemische stoffen, risicobeoordeling, probabilistisch modelleren 4 RIVM report 350070002 Contents Summary 9 Glossary 11 1 Introduction 13 1.1 Vulnerability of children 13 1.2 Available exposure assessments in children in the Netherlands 13 1.3 Aim of this study 13 1.4 Outline of the report 14 2 Methods 15 2.1 DNFCS-Young Children 2005/2006 15 2.2 Study population 15 2.3 Method of dietary assessment 17 2.4 Concentration data 18 2.5 Link between food consumption data and concentration data 21 2.6 Dietary exposure calculations 22 2.7 Risk assessment 25 2.7.1 Decision tree of VWA panel 25 2.7.2 Risk assessment of chemicals addressed 26 3 Dietary exposure and risk assessment of acrylamide 31 3.1 Introduction 31 3.2 Exposure assessment 31 3.3 Risk assessment 33 3.3.1 Toxicology 33 3.3.2 Overall risk assessment 35 3.4 Conclusion and recommendations 36 4 Dietary exposure and risk assessment of dioxins 39 4.1 Introduction 39 4.2 Exposure assessment 39 4.3 Risk assessment 41 4.3.1 Toxicology 41 4.3.2 Overall risk assessment 43 4.4 Conclusion and recommendations 44 5 Dietary exposure and risk assessment of selected mycotoxins 45 5.1 Introduction 45 5.2 Exposure assessment 46 5.2.1 Aflatoxin B1 46 5.2.2 Deoxynivalenol (DON) 49 5.2.3 Fumonisin B1 50 5.2.4 Ochratoxin A (OTA) 50 5.2.5 Patulin 51 5.2.6 Discussion exposure assessment 51 5.3 Risk assessment 54 5.3.1 Aflatoxin B1 54 5.3.2 Deoxynivalenol (DON) 56 RIVM report 350070002 5 5.3.3 Fumonisin B1 59 5.3.4 Ochratoxin A (OTA) 60 5.3.5 Patulin 62 5.4 Conclusion and recommendations 62 6 Dietary exposure and risk assessment of nitrate 65 6.1 Introduction 65 6.2 Exposure assessment 65 6.3 Risk assessment 68 6.3.1 Toxicology 68 6.3.2 Overall risk assessment 69 6.4 Conclusion 70 7 Dietary cumulative exposure and risk assessment of organophosphorus pesticides 73 7.1 Introduction 73 7.2 Exposure assessment 73 7.3 Risk assessment 80 7.3.1 Toxicology 80 7.3.2 Overall risk assessment 82 7.4 Conclusion and recommendations 82 8 Discussion and conclusions 83 8.1 Main findings 83 8.2 Methodological issues related to the exposure assessment 83 8.3 Risk assessment 89 8.4 Recommendations 91 8.4.1 Recommendations per compound 92 8.4.2 General recommendations 92 8.5 Conclusion 93 6 RIVM report 350070002 References 95 Acknowledgement 111 Appendix A List of concentrations used in the dietary exposure assessments (samples with concentration below LOR were assigned ½LOR) 113 Appendix B WHO toxic equivalence factors as used in the dietary exposure assessment of dioxins 125 Appendix C Relative potency factors for the pesticides for which concentrations above LOR were reported in Dutch monitoring programmes of 2005-2006 126 Appendix D Details on linkage of analysed foods, food groups or raw agricultural commodities to foods entered in DNFCS Young Children 2005/2006 128 Appendix E Long-term dietary exposure assigning either zero, ½LOR or LOR to samples with a concentration below LOR 139 Appendix F Modelling of processing 142 Appendix G Variability between individual units within composite samples as applied in the cumulative exposure to OPs 146 Appendix H 95 % confidence intervals (in brackets) around the best estimates of dietary exposure (samples with a concentration below LOR were assigned ½LOR) 148 Appendix I Deviations from the decision tree of the panel ‘Children and chemical substances’ of the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority 151 Appendix J Effect of grouping analysed biscuits and cookies on the dietary exposure to acrylamide 152 Appendix K Toxicological profile of acrylamide 153 Appendix L Toxicological profile of dioxins 156 Appendix M Toxicological profile of selected mycotoxins 161 Appendix N Toxicological profile of nitrate, nitrite and n-nitrosodimethylamine 179 Appendix O Toxicological profile of acephate 187 RIVM report 350070002 7 8 RIVM report 350070002 Summary Prevention of negative health effects due to pesticide residues and contaminants in food is an important world-wide issue. It has been recognized that especially children may be a potentially vulnerable subgroup in this respect due to their higher consumption levels per kg body weight and differences in physiology compared to adults. The aim of the study described here is to assess the dietary exposure and the related possible health risk to a selected number of compounds.
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