--- . ·--- --·~. -- --·-------- ·~----- R.I, JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC. 130 SESSIONS ST. PROVIDENCE, RI 02906 Support Jewish Reod By Agencies More Than With Your 3-5,000 Membership People Tf-jf c,NIY fNSs'SH Jf ✓.'/oH ,'/ffl<Lr l"J R I t-1\JO SOUT'--'EAST MASS VOLUME LXI, NUMBER 52 THURSDAY, MARCH I, 1979 25¢ PER COPY - Carter Favorably Disposed Situation Of Syrian Toward Sadat Aspiration As Western Guardian Jewry Deteriorating By J09epb Polakoff request for the vast arms program he out­ By Yibllak Rall! successfully managed to flee the country. WASHINGTON (JTA): President lined lo Brown or Sadat's vision as a NEW YORK (JTA) - The situation of Appeals For Ulldentudia&, Help Carter reacted favorably to Egyptian "policeman" in the area within Egypt's Syrian Jews bas sharply deteriorated in the "I appeal through the American media to President Anwar Sadat's expressed aspira­ sphere of influence. "I can't comment of last two months, with the reimposition of world opinion to understand the plight of tion to serve as the guardian of Western course, on any nation being a police~an. restrictions on internal travel, intensified Syrian Jews and help us gain and enjoy our interests in North Africa and the Middle That would be a very serious mistake," harassment, frequent arrests and torture of freedom." Albert said. East. Although he said he was not im­ Carter said. members of the community, a Syrian Jew Albert unfolded his personal story of life mediately endorsing those ambitions, he The President said that the U.S. receives who escaped with his family six weeks ago, in Syria, where he was detained and tor­ observed that Egypt "can be a legitimate many requests for economic and military charged at a press conference here. tured several times since he was 15 years stabilizing force." Carter made his remarks assistance "in excess of what our nation can The 37-year-old Syrian Jew, who wore a old. Al one point he lifted up his shirt and in response to questions during a surprise provide." He noted that Israel and Egypt black mask to conceal his identity, was exposed to the reporters a huge scar, which appearance before the annual National are the two largest recipients of American presented only by his first name, Albert. He he said was the result of torture in a Syrian Foreign Policy Conference for editors and assistance and in that respect Sadat's told the press conference, held at the Drake prison. broadcasters at the State Department. requests would not be "unique." Hotel and sponsored by the Jewish Com­ Richard Ravitch, president of the JCRC, They followed Sadat's assertions to munity Relations Council of New York expressed deep concern over the fate of the Defense Secretary Harold Brown in Cairo Nocea SMat's Peacefw lllteadom (JCRC), that he arrived in Israel with his 4500-member Syrian Jewish community, that he needed American military Carter praised Sadat for demonstrating wife, three children and other family particularly in the wake of events in Iran. equipment in vast quantities to fill the role in a very dramatic way his peaceful inten­ members December 10, 1978 after he es­ Referring lo a recent State Department of the area's keeper of the peace. tions toward Israel. In this connection, he caped from Syria, "through the moun­ report on the status of human rights in The President pointed out that Egypt has noted the Egyptian President's trip to tains," to a ncigh_boring country. From that various countries, Ravitch charged that the five divisions in Sinai, east of the Suez Jerusalem in November, 1977 and his par­ country he and his family were able to reach report cited moves by the Syrian Canal, which, if withdrawn as the result of a ticipation in the Camp David summit Israel, where they now reside. He did not government to ease limitations on the rights settlement with Israel, "would mean these conference last September as proof of his give further details concerning his escape, of Syrian Jews but failed to note that 1h·esc divisions would be available" lo protect good intentions. claiming he did not want to endanger other have been rescinded and more severe Arab countries. He said that "any nation Asked if the U.S. was sufficiently press­ would-be escapees. treatment imposed. that would threaten to attack another Mid­ ing Jordan and Saudi Arabia to support the Accordmg to Albert, who read a Noting that Washington allocates S90 dle Eastern nation would face the threat Camp David formulas, Carter said "We statement in Arabic which was translated, million in aid to Syria, Ravitch declared f that these (Egyptian) forces would be used have approached the limits of legitimate simultaneously, "scores" of Syrian Jews that the Jewish community will demand this to protect the peace." influence and pressure - probably - on have been escaping from Syria in recent aid be halted until the Syrian government "Egypt is very powerful in the Arab countries in that region in support of Camp weeks. "The remaining family members of stops denying its Jewish citizens their world." They can be a legitimate stabilizing David." He referred to Brown's visits to those who escaped arc tortured. Many arc human rights. Ravitch announced that the force," Carter said. "The potential is there Saudi Arabia and Jordan to seek support maimed and injured," Albert disclosed. He 26 member organizations of the JCRC, for Egypt lo help to protect other relatively for the Camp David negotiations. He said that all the restrictions by Syrian representing the organized Jewish com­ defenseless Arab countries and preserve the observed that the Camp David formulas authorities on the Jewish community, munity in the metropolitan area, were being peace in the Middle East." "arc a very firm and well advised foun­ which were lifted in 1976, were fully reim­ mobilized, together with concerned However, the President said he would dation" for the peace process in the Middle posed since the beginning of last December Christians, civic and human rights not, at least immediately, endorse Sadat's East. when a few members of the Syrian Jewish organizations on behalf of Syrian Jewry. community succeeded in escaping. New York Stale Attorney General Robert Abrams described plans during the Orthodox Soldier Wears Those restrictions ban free movement press conference for a bro2d-based city­ within the country, transfer of property, wide Legal Coalition for Syrian Jewry that attending universities and other denials of would include leading attorneys and jurists, Unorthodox Army Uniform basic human rights. The Muhabarat (Syrian public officials and legislators. Abrams, an secret police), Albert said, had in the last honorary chairman of the Legal Coalition, By Rochelle Saide( Wolk follow rituals," he said. "I try to instill a lit­ month alone brutally beaten some 20 men declared that "every possible channel will ALBANY, N.Y. (JTA): Tony Litwin's tle 'Jewishness' in them, but they don't in Damascus and Aleppo because they were be utilized to exert influence and assure the U.S. Army uniform isn't exactly like most seem to care." suspected of helping Jewish families who fundamental rights of Syrian Jewry." other enlisted men's because he proudly According to Dennis Rapps, executive wears a kippah on his head at all times. director and general counsel for the "When I first arrived at Fort Sill, Texas," National Jewish Commission on Law and he said, "my superiors asked me what I had· Public Affairs (COLPA), a group of on my head and told me to take it off, or I'd volunteer attorneys that represent get kicked out of the army. But we finally Orthodox groups, the wearing of kippot in came to a friendly agreement." the army is part of a larger issue that Litwin, who converted to Judaism a year includes beards. COLPA has had several ago, studied for five years and was "turned cases against the U.S. Air Force, he said. down" by several rabbis. He finally com­ pleted an Orthodox conversion in New Several years ago at Pease Air Force York City, under the guidance of Rabbi Base, a doctor who wore a kippah at all Basil Herring of Kingston, New York, he times was told to take it off in the mess hall. explained. The doctor was told he could only wear the kippah when it was correct to wear his of­ Litwin, 26, a native of California, whose ficer's hat. ·At these times, he was to wear original surname was Lagano, took his the kippah under the hat. "They were going present surname from his wife's grand­ to court martial him," Rapps said, "but mother's maiden name after he completed COLPA resolved the problem before it his conversion. A Vietnam War veteran, he came to court." reenlisted immediately after his conversion, complete with beard and payot. His current The kippah and beard questions both status is Spec. 4, working with computers in have to be discussed in the context of what Fire Direction Control. constitutes a proper uniform, Rapps con­ tinued. "In one case involving the beard of " I shaved voluntarily," he said, "but I a Jewish Air Force Chaplain, Rabbi still wear a kippah and arba kanfot Michael Geller, we won in the Federal (fringes), and I also daven and wear lefillin. District Court in Washington, D .C." With I get some 'flack' but when I explain that this case setting a precedent, COLPA is I'm an Orthodox Jew, officers usually seem now handling a similar court proceeding to understand." concerning another bearded Air Force REINVESTING IN ISRAEL: The first person in Rhode Island to reinvest in Israel Bonda in 1979 is 14 Tries To Instill Jewbhnns Chaplain, Rabbi Alan Kalinsky, of Bangor, Maine.
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