Public Document Pack CORNWALL INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Date : Thursday 17 December 2020 Time : 10.00 am Venue : Online – Virtual meeting To view the meeting live online copy and paste the below link into your browser: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_ODEyZmVjMGItYTdkZS00ODk1LWI2NWUtNmNlNGJmMmI2NzU5 %40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22efaa16aa-d1de-4d58-ba2e- 2833fdfdd29f%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d52ab32b-bed2-4828-a093- ac100ad2951b%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d Agenda 1. Chairman's announcements 2. Apologies for Absence 3. Declarations of interest 4. Minutes of the meeting held on 18 September 2020 (Pages 4 - 10) 5. Questions from the Public An opportunity for members of the public to ask a question at a meeting of the Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority. A period of fifteen minutes is allocated for this purpose. Questions to be received by the Democratic Officer ([email protected] /01872 326489) by midday on Monday 14 December 2020. Further guidance on asking a question is available on the following link: https://democracy.cornwall.gov.uk/ieListMeetings.aspx?CId=801&Year=0 Page 1 6. Budget Monitor Report April - October 2020 (Pages 11 - 18) 7. Revenue Budget Report 2021-2022 (Pages 19 - 24) 8. Byelaw Working Group 9 November 2020 (Pages 25 - 31) 9. Coastal Fishing Nets (Salmonid Protection) Byelaw 2021 (Pages 32 - 49) 10. Bass landings and the development of compliance and enforcement measures (Pages 50 - 55) 11. Cornwall IFCA Chief Officer's Report 17 December 2020 (Pages 56 - 77) 12. Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers to be of Urgency The Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 prohibits the consideration of any items which have not appeared on the agenda for the meeting unless the Chairman is prepared to certify that a proposed item is ‘urgent’. An urgent item dictates that a decision must be made and, if this is the case, it must be as a result of a formal written report. If urgent, the special circumstances which make it so must be spelled out to the meeting. Membership Anthony G Berry Appointed by Marine Management Organisation John Brooks Appointed by Marine Management Organisation Geoff Brown Cornwall Council Richard Buscombe Cornwall Council Graham Coad Cornwall Council Bob Egerton Cornwall Council Victoria Hobson Appointed by Marine Management Organisation Mark Kaczmarek Cornwall Council Steve Knightley Cornwall Council Officer Marine Management Organisation Sangeeta McNair Natural England Mrs Celia J Mitchell Appointed by Marine Management Organisation Vacancy Appointed by Marine Management Organisation John Munday Appointed by Marine Management Organisation James Mustoe Cornwall Council Andrew Pascoe Appointed by Marine Management Organisation David Thomasson Appointed by Marine Management Organisation Tony Tomlinson Appointed by Marine Management Organisation Simon Toms Appointed by Environment Agency Nick Tregenza Appointed by Marine Management Organisation Page 2 Mrs Ruth Williams Appointed by Marine Management Organisation Enquiries on this agenda to Emma Richards, Democratic Services Officer, 01872 326489 or email at [email protected] We want to ensure that your needs are met. If you would like this information in another format or language please contact Emma Richards, Democratic Services Officer, 01872 326489, or [email protected]. Page 3 Agenda No. 4 CORNWALL INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY MINUTES of a Meeting of the Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority held in the Online - Virtual Meeting on Friday 18 September 2020 commencing at 10am. Present:- Tomlinson Chairman John Brooks, Cllr Geoff Brown, Cllr Buscombe, Cllr Coad, Victoria Hobson, Daisy May, Sangeeta McNair, Celia Mitchell, John Munday, Cllr Mustoe, Andrew Pascoe, Simon Toms, Nick Tregenza and Ruth Williams. Also in Councillor Formosa. attendance:- Apologies for Councillors: Tony Berry, Cllr Kaczmarek, Cllr Knightley, Cllr absence:- Robinson and Dave Thomasson. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN (Agenda No. 2) IFCA/115 It was moved by Councillor Geoff Brown, seconded by Councillor Coad and RESOLVED that Councillor Kaczmarek be elected as Vice Chairman of the Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority. CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS (Agenda No. 3) IFCA/116 The Chairman offered the Committee’s thanks and best wishes to Councillor Fitter who had served the Committee as Vice Chairman from its establishment. 1 Page 4 Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority 18 September 2020 The Chairman paid tribute to David Muirhead who had resigned from the Committee after many years of dedicated service as a Member of the Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority, as a Member and Chairman of the Cornwall Sea Fisheries Committee and to the whole fishing sector in Cornwall. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (Agenda No. 4) IFCA/117 There were no declarations of interest. REVIEW OF THE CORNWALL IFCA CONSTITUTION (Agenda No. 5) IFCA/118 The Corporate Information and Governance Manager introduced the report to the meeting. A Member commented that it was common for democratic bodies to have a maximum term of 10 years for Chairman and Vice Chairman to hold the post. In answer to a question it was heard that the Committee was able to decide on the term of office for its Chairman and Vice Chairman. It was moved by Andrew Pascoe, seconded by Ruth Williams and RESOLVED that: 1. That version 19 of the Constitution for the Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority, as attached to this report at Appendix 1, be adopted; and 2. Appendix 2 be appended to the Constitution. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 13 MARCH 2020 (Agenda No. 6) IFCA/119 It was moved by Victoria Hobson, seconded by Ruth Williams and RESOLVED that the minutes of the Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority held on 13 March 2020 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 2 Page 5 Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority 18 September 2020 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC (Agenda No. 7) IFCA/120 Two public questions had been received. In the absence of the questioners the Chairman read the question and answer to the meeting: Question 1 Mr B Collick Does Cornwall IFCA agree that a 40% average utilisation of bass catch limits is totally unsustainable and not acceptable for Cornwall? If all 959 English bass vessels were to use 40% of their bass catch limits, this would equate to 5,338 tonnes for England alone (ignoring France, the Netherlands and Belgium), whereas the ICES recommendation for 2021 for all Northern Europe is only 1,680 to 2,000 tonnes of bass landings. Answer Our analysis of the MMO data for Cornish netting vessels in 2019 showed that they had utilised approximately 20% of their bass catch limits. Bass uptake in England is monitored by the MMO on behalf of Defra and to our knowledge, they have not highlighted any issues with the amounts landed in Cornwall under the EU bass emergency measures. Question 2 Mr R Bradley Does Cornwall IFCA accept that it has an urgent problem with net-caught bass landings and needs to investigate this further? Landings have plummeted in the rest of England as a result of measures to protect bass, but they have gone up in Cornwall. Answer From the MMO data which we have analysed, Cornish netting vessels landed approximately 20% of their total annual allocation of bass in 2019. Cornwall IFCA doesn’t hold any specific information on the stocks within the six mile limit to be able to assess whether these levels constitute an urgent problem. 3 Page 6 Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority 18 September 2020 However, Cornwall IFCA has already identified the development of a netting management plan for all netting activity as a priority workstream within its five year legislative forecast. This work was scheduled to begin in 2023 but in recognition of previous concerns raised about bass, the start date was brought forward to the first quarter of the 2021 financial year. BUDGET MONITOR REPORT (Agenda No. 8) IFCA/121 The Chief Cornwall IFCA Officer introduced the report to the meeting and highlighted the key variances during the period. It was moved by Councillor Graham Coad, seconded by Nick Tregenza and RESOLVED that: 1. The outturn for the 2019/20 financial year as shown at Appendices 4 is noted and agreed. 2. The 2020-21 budget monitoring and reserves position for April 2020 – July 2020 as shown at Appendix 1 & 2 is noted and agreed. 3. The Small Bodies Audit for the year ended 31 March 2020 is approved by the Committee in order for it to be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk as required (Appendix 3). FAL FISHERY NATIVE OYSTER ENHANCEMENT SCHEME (Agenda No. 9) IFCA/122 The Principle Scientific Officer introduced the report to the meeting. During discussion the following points were raised: 1. To increase larval production and avoid the risk of Bonamiosis events, there was potential to move oysters to a set area to allow them to reproduce. Density of the oysters was seen as a key factor in avoidance of such events. 2. It was hoped that licence holders would agree to re-lay oysters in a set area where the chances of survival were improved. A voluntary exclusion area would need to be agreed. 4 Page 7 Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority 18 September 2020 3. The Principle Enforcement Officer agreed to discuss with the Fal Fishery Management Committee the potential to agree a minimum size and voluntary exclusion area by those working in the fishery. It was agreed that a report be brought back to the next meeting of the Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority further to discussions with the Fal Fisheries Management Committee on how voluntary management of the fishery could be taken forward. BYELAW WORKING GROUP UPDATE (Agenda No. 10) IFCA/123 It was moved by Ruth Williams, seconded by Victoria Hobson and RESOLVED that: 1.
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