Washington and Lee Semi-Weeldy Newspaper THE RING-TUM PHI Volume LIV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, OCfOBER 30, 1953 Number 12 THEY WILL LEAD COTILLION CLUB FIGURE TONIGH T Miss Joan Gaddy Miss Frema Kutler Miss Barbara. Ann Basso Miss Gwen Haley wlt.h with with with Harry Ford Chuck Raub Guy Drake 0 . P. Pollard Frankenstein Monsters Rally Tonight in Gym To Conduct Seminar Here At 10; Ghouls, Goblins to Attend Allred Frankenstein. music and To the music of Buddy Morrow, his trombone Cotillion Club Co-president George Fellows, wUllead art critic tor the San Francl.sco and orchestra, the 1953 Openings dance setr-wtth the figure. They will be followed by set vice-presi­ Chronicle, has accepted a.n Invita­ the novel theme or a "Monster Rally"-wlll harken dents and members or the Cotllllon Club with their tion to appear before the Washing­ In the Hallowe'en weekend at Washington and Lee. dates. ton and Lee Semlnars In Litera­ From the early predictions the weekend weather­ Dress for both night will be formal, according ture. stormy and wlndy-wUl add an appropriate touch LO Dance Board President Fletcher Lowe, who also Tbe date for Mr. Frankenstein's to the Charles Addams view of Ule. reminded all students that the Dance Board Is appearance Is Friday, Nov. 6, at 8 With hundreds of glrls expected to crowd Lex­ vigorously d1scouraglng the use of flowers and p.m. He will talk on "The Writing Ington for the first "big" weekend of the session corsages by Washington and Lee sLudents at all of Music and Art Criticism" 1n the (for a. list of some of them, please turn to page dance sets this year. Lowe specifically requested art gallery of the McCormick Li­ three> Doremus Gymnasium will rock and reel be­ all students to act unilormally to make the attempt brary. ginning at ten o'clock this evening. But actually successful. Mr. Frankenstein, who has been social acLivit:.ies will commence much earlier. • • • music and art critic for tbe west At 4 p.m. this afternoon the Phi Kaps had start­ SATURDAY AFTERNOON the Generals play coasL newspapers since 1934, Is cur­ ed the fesUv!Ues rolling with a cocktaU parcy In the host to the Colonials of 0 1!orge Washington Uni­ rently on tour. Before hJs Wash· Pine Room ot the Maytlower. In honor of Set Presi­ versity. Kick-off tlme Is 2 p.m. Special half-time l.ngton and Lee appearance he will dent George Fellows. the pan;y featured music by ceremonies are being planned by tbe ROTC Band. deliver a lecture at Yale Univer­ the Southern Collegians, popuiar W&L Dixieland Immediately following the game Buddy Morrow and sity. Following his Lexington talk, combO. In addltion the Colonnades, formerly the his orchestra wUI seranade the foot.ba.ll crowd he will appear at the National Art Deltones were eXPecLed to provide further enter­ with a concert in Doremus Gymnasium. Gallery 1n Washington. tainment. Tomorrow nlgbt will probably be the h1gbllgbt of Mr. Frankenstein Is the author the weekend. From 8 :30 p.m. until midnight the of the book, Alter the Bunt.. which IN PREPARATION for the W&L· George Wash­ atmosphere In the Oym wm be that of a "Masked is a study of the work of Wllllam ington football clash tomorrow. a. pep rally Is sche­ Monster Rally." The Hallowe'en splrit will be ac­ Hamett, 19th century still life duled tor 7:30p.m. in front of Doremus Gymnasium, cented by ghoullsh cartoons and haunted houses. painter. with the ROTC Band on band to furnish a lot or Everyone will be behind a masque untll 10 p.m. The department of art at Wash­ noise. Early plans also called tor the rally to be when the sophomore class figure will begin. l.ngton and Lee cooperated with followed by a parade down Maln Street. Miss Gena Bryant, of Randolph-Macon Women's the literary group in secw·ing the Dancing tonight wUl last from ten until two College and Greenville, S. c .. will lead the sopho­ distinguished critic. tomorrow morning. Morrow's orchesLra. will feature more class figure, escorted by Class President Dewey vocalists Frankie Lester and Miss Jean Terry. The Oxner. Following Miss Bryant will be the other of­ Cotllllon Club figure will commence at eleven ficers and members of the class a.nd their dates. LEADING the CotJlllon Club figure tonight will be Miss ~f.arpret 19 J oin Fraternities o'clock, at which time Miss Margaret Burke, of Al­ During inLermlsslon Saturday night the Collo­ Burke (above), of Cedarcrest CoUege and Rahway, N. J., escorted by During Deferred Rushing; lentown, Pa.. and Ceda1·crest College, escorted by nades will provide enLertalnment. Set President. George Fellows. Tomorrow night, .1\11.98 Gena Bryant (below), of Randolpb-lUacon and Greenville, S. C., wiD lead the Sophomore class flJUre escorted by Class Presldent Dewey Oxner. SigmaNuLeads With 3 C/ bB . C il D .d T S O ed~~~~:r~~~~g;:l~as:er~~e~::~; 13 u egtns ou~c ect es 0 upport. ne deferred rushing. Football Parley: Sam Davidson, IFC president, 1n;t;at;on, , , Chartty In 2nd Semester Drtve indicates hls satJsfact1on wlth the The World University Service fund, an international stu· rushing program so far. Inlllation for 13 juniors who have dent relief project, has been selected by the Christian Council Mysterious, Beer Drinking One sophomore and one junior been selected for m embership 1n are among the pledges, with first the "13" Club, a secret junior or­ as the beneficia ry of the Charity Chest drive this year, accord­ year men rounding out the re­ ganization. has been set for the ing to an announcement last night by Council President Roy malnder of the defened rushing 13 days before Monday, Nov. 16, Stranger Panics Local Hoods list. right before Homecomings, accord­ H errenkohl and Charity Chest Co·Chairman Ellis Drew. ing to Carl Swanson, new president In addition, present plans call for the drive to begin some­ By CECI L EDMONDS Rudy Stuzmann, a Junior, has has been pledged U> Kappa. Sig­ or the organization. time during the second semesLer•------------­ The cloak and dagger boys were at work m Doc's last ma fraternity; Dick Johnston Swanson succeeds John Bow­ rather than In the fall, which 1n charities that each year solicit the past has been the customary Friday night. ls the sophomore pledged w Pi man. Frank Hundley Is the new from students. The World UD!· Ka ppa. Pbl. secretary-treasurer, following John period for the Charity Chest cam­ At least that's what everyone thought. paign. versity Service was selected be­ Mol'gan Shelor, freshman, Is the Lawson into office. cause the CouncU felt that it would The Co rner Store was filled with smoke and beer drinkers. oLher deferred rushee pledged to The 13 Juniors who have been The decision to name one chari­ appeal to the students and faculty The crowd was going wild as Randy Turpin and Bill ttBo-Bo" PI Kappa Phi. picked for the society will go ty as lhe sole recipient of funds members alike. through the snme rttual as In pre­ collected by the Charity Chest was Olson c:une in the room throug h the mirade of television . • Traditionally the Charity Chest • vious years. They will participate reached last weekend after six funds have been awarded to num­ The door creaked open. A breath*'------ in the usual "mud fight" 1n Lex­ of fresb all· circulated throughouL SIG~fA NU leads the list In members of the Christian CouncU erous organizations, some of which The FBI story grew. BY the first freshmen pledges during the de­ log and will put on a stunt dur­ had aLlended a VIrginia regional In the past have corresponded to tbe room. And ln walked a strang­ part of the week the big cheese Ing the half-time of the Home­ er. ferred program: Lee Placio, Bill conference or the World Universi­ Red Feather-type local agencies. In the local football pool quit. Greene, Fred Magollne, and Pete comings football game with Vir­ ty Service at Natw·al Bridge. Rep­ while others. such as the World The erowd said he looked like Then most of the Jlttle cheese who Leininger. ginia this year. resentatives from many Vlrgin!a a. stranger. Dec said he looked University Service fund, which has operated within the fraternity PI Kappa Alpha has pledged Wieldl.DK paddles, the "13" schools were present at the meet­ been a past recipient or some like n stranger. And Doc can houses quit. The underworld o! George Lunstone, Gene Keith, ing. always spot a. stranger. nill also direct the freshman Charlty Chest money, have been Lee Avenue and route 60 was and Mike Johnson. torchJJght parade prior to Home· • cracking up. strictly student-type charities. The boys who were handltng the Phi Kn.ppa. Psi pledge!> are Ed comings. football parley cards panicked. • • • TilE FACT THAT the Christian Herrenkobl emphiLSIZed that J,alrd and Bob Large; P hl Gam­ The '"13" Club has selected as Council felt that it could not com­ the drive next semester would be They remembered what happened I l\IEANWIIlLE, D. w. McNeil, ma. Delta has Jim Vaurban a nd Its proJecL lhls year a campus­ pletely cover all Lhe organizations the only campaign which would ln Charlottesville with the tooL- Commonwealth's Attorney for Jack EUioU: In Delta UpsUon wide collection to aid in sending and charities which each year so­ be sponsored by the Christian ball cards. The hoods there were Rockbridge county warned .stu­ pJ(dge training are John Brush worthy Boy Scouts or Lexington licit rund.s from Washington and CouncU or its subordinate com­ oust.cd and fined $25 for violating dents Involved In the distribution and WUI Helmus.
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