Ganyra josephina janeta (Dixey) (Leipdoptera: Pieridae), a Butterfly Recorded on the Mainland of Trinidad for the First Time in Over 100 Years John Morrall Morrall, J. 2015. Ganyra josephina janeta (Dixey) (Leipdoptera: Pieridae), a Butterfly Recorded on the Mainland of Trinidad for the First Time in Over 100 Years. Living World, Journal of The Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists’ Club , 2015, 73-74. Nature Notes 73 Ganyra josephina janeta Di[e\ /eSiGRSWera PieriGae , a BXWWerÀ\ 5ecRrGeG Rn the Mainland of Trinidad for the First Time in Over 100 Years Ganyra josephina janeta 'L[H\ LVDZKLWHEXWWHUÀ\RI -DQXDU\RQDWULSWR&KDFDFKDFDUH,VODQG0DWWKHZ the Pieridae family, with subspecies janeta being known Cock and Julius Boos found it to be the commonest but- RQO\IURP9HQH]XHODDQGVRPHRI9HQH]XHOD¶VRIIVKRUH WHUÀ\WKH\HQFRXQWHUHG &RFN islands. It has been referred to as Pieris sevanta janeta 2Q2FWREHU,VDZVHYHUDOZKLWHEXWWHUÀLHV and Ascia menciae janeta in the Trinidad literature (Cock that looked a little different than the normal species on 2014). Point Gourde, and I captured one. It proved to be a male In his book 7KH%XWWHUÀLHVRI7ULQLGDGDQG7REDJR, G. josephina janeta. These were very fresh individuals, 0DOFROP%DUFDQW GLGQRWDFFHSWLWDVDYDOLGVSHFLHV so I assume they are breeding there. The specimen was for Trinidad and Tobago, although he noted that a single SRVLWLYHO\LGHQWL¿HGE\0DWWKHZ&RFN specimen had been recorded from Teteron Bay (on the $VIDUDV,DPDZDUHWKLVLVWKH¿UVWUHFRUGRIWKH &KDJXDUDPDV3HQLQVXOD LQ7KHUHZHUHQRIXUWKHU VSHFLHVIURPPDLQODQG7ULQLGDGVLQFHWKHVSHFLPHQ UHFRUGVXQWLO8ULFK GLVFRYHUHGLWRQ*DVSDUHH,V- was collected. Having said that, G. josephina janeta is ODQGDOVRRQWKH&KDJXDUDPDV3HQLQVXODVRLWZDV¿QDOO\ plain white with only a narrow black tip to its forewings FRQ¿UPHGDVRFFXUULQJRQ7ULQLGDGDQG7REDJR7KHQLQ and an indistinct hindwing spot, so it is possible that it Fig. 1. Ganyra josephina janeta upperside. Fig. 2. Ganyra josephina janeta underside. 74 /LYLQJ:RUOG-7ULQLGDGDQG7REDJR)LHOG1DWXUDOLVWV¶&OXE could have been overlooked or confused on the wing with REFERENCES RWKHUZKLWHEXWWHUÀLHVIRXQGLQ7ULQLGDGVXFKDVPDOHV Barcant, M.%XWWHUÀLHVRI7ULQLGDGDQG7REDJR&ROOLQV of Glutophrissa drusilla (Cramer) or even the common /RQGRQS cabbage white, Ascia monuste (L.). The specimen from Beccaloni, G.W., Viloria, A.L., Hall, S.K. and Robinson, G.S. Point Gourde is shown in Fig. 1 (upperside) and Fig. 2 &DWDORJXHRIWKHKRVWSODQWVRIWKH1HRWURSLFDOEXWWHUÀLHV (underside). The distinctive white scaling along the veins &DWiORJRGHODVSODQWDVKXpVSHGGHODVPDULSRVDVQHRWURSLFDOHV LVSDUWLFXODUO\FOHDULQWKHOHIWKDOIRIWKHXSSHUVLGH¿JXUH 0RQRJUDItDVGHO7HUFHU0LOHQLR9RO 6RFLHGDG(QWRPROyJL- 2QDVXEVHTXHQWWULSWR&KDFDFKDFDUH&RFN FD$UDJRQHVD=DUDJR]D6SDLQS witnessed G. josephina janeta ovipositing on Quadrella Cock, M.J.W. 2014. An updated and annotated checklist of the odoratissima (then known as Capparis odoratissima; ODUJHUEXWWHUÀLHV 3DSLOLRQRLGHD RI7ULQLGDG:HVW,QGLHV3DSLO- Capparaceae). The recorded food plants of the genus are ionidae, Pieridae and Nymphalidae. Insecta Mundi, other species of Quadrella along with Capparis and Forch- Cock, M.J.W.%XWWHUÀLHVIURP&KDFDFKDFDUH,VODQGLQ- hammeria (Capparaceae) (Beccaloni et al. ,QThe cluding three species new to Trinidad. Living World, Journal of Flora of Trinidad and Tobago:LOOLDPV UHFRUGHG The Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists’ Club eight species of Capparis, which are now included among Cock, M.J.W. /HSLGRSWHUDQRWHVLiving World, the genera Capparis, Quadrella and Cynophalla; several of Journal of The Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists’ Club, these are found on northwest peninsular Trinidad, although Q. odoratissima has been recorded only from Chacach- Urich, F.C.7KHUHDSSHDUDQFHRIPieris sevanta janeta. acare. One or more of these is likely to be a suitable food Living World, Journal of The Trinidad and Tobago Field Natu- SODQWIRUWKHEXWWHUÀ\RQWKHPDLQLVODQGRI7ULQLGDG ralists’ Club Williams, R.O.&DSSDULGDFHDH)ORUDRI7ULQLGDGDQG ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 7REDJR Many thanks to Matthew Cock for his assistance in LGHQWL¿FDWLRQDQGIRUVXSSO\LQJEDFNJURXQGLQIRUPDWLRQ John Morrall on this species. [email protected].
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