& ’• dO 0 3 3 STUDENT SUPPLIES Our Suggestion To You - - - And By This Sign Shall They Be Known \ Y / E T H IN K in terms of pictures. O ur ideas are not composed ” of mere angles, straight lines, or cubes, but are tbe complete mental forms of things we have heard, seen, tasted, felt, or smelled. A thing need not always be seen in its entirety to suggest its com plete nature to us. O ne snowflake can convey the idea of a storm, a flag can signify the nation it represents, and the appearance of CHRISTMAS SEALS one uniformed police officer denotes the forces of law and order. O ne little sign or symbol, simple, even inconspicuous, can by (In C o lo n ) association bring to tbe fore of human consciousness a vast and I? These Rosicrucian Seals a re detailed mental picture of that which it represents. A handsome, about the size of a twenly-five- yet small, Christmas Seal often can arouse more curiosity by the cent piece, and beautifully imaginative picture it creates in the mind than a long letter or printed in red and embossed in persuasive argument. gold. Each Seal is gummed and Provoke thought about, and interest in. the Rosicrucian Order therefore easily attached to pack­ by affixing to your Christmas packages and envelopes containing ages or letters. The symbol and your Greeting Cards, one or more of the attractive Rosicrucian name of the Order are artis­ S e a ls. N eat and colorful, they draw the eye and focus the attention tically presented. They are eco­ on the name and symbol of the Order, and they may result in a nomically priced at direct inquiry about AMORC. Enhance the appearance of your Christmas mail with these seals, and at the same time further the Only 50^ name and purpose of AM ORC. Write for a package today. Send For Package of IOC your order and remittance to: ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U. S. A. THE INSTITUTION BEHIND THIS ANNOUNCEMENT l/Ukcd Would Jlld - P lea P o d x a j ,? Before the graven reminders of today's hosts of war dead, what words would a Christ utter to a stricken humanity? Two thou­ sand years ago, He symbolized by His birth, life, and death that, of mortal ambitions and final ends, one ideal must transcend them all—peace on earth and good will toward men. Was His philosophy incomplete? Did His message lack efficacy? Or, in­ stead, are the miseries of the hour bitter proof that there truly is no other way of life than the one that He and the prophets before Him proclaimed ? At all events, mankind has failed. How far have we come? What progressive changes have occurred, not in the world, but in the hearts of men in the passing of twenty centuries? By what right shall we rejoice this Christmas ? Let words of reflection and serious resolution this year be our Cfjnstmas Greetings THE AMORC STAFF The Mysterious Influence In The Air You Breathe! T h e SOUL OF THE UNIVERSE is in the air you becomes not just an animated being but a "living breathe. Deposited in your blood with each in­ soul." Try this experiment, and ptoveaVital Life Force halation you take — is the intelligence that directs the exists in the air. When you ate in pain or despon­ course of the planets through the misty reaches of dent take a deep breath. Hold it as Jong as com­ space, and the strange phenomenon of life itself. fortable— then notice the momentary relief. What is it that causes your heart to beat, your lungs to expand and contract? What mind directs This Amazing Free Book the cells of your being, each in their purpose some Would you seriously like rn know how to draw upon this Intelligence of the Cosmic,with which the air is permeated? to create bone, others tissue and hair? What con­ You tan use it to awaken the creative powers of your mind, sciousness pervades these vibratory globules of life and and for making life an experience of achievement. Use the gives them awareness of their Cosmic function? coupon below for a free copy of the book, "The Mastery of Life.1' It tells how in the pTrvacy o fyour home you may Are you one o f the millions who have looked learn to use these simple, useful, natural laws. beyond yourself for some external Divine Power ot --------------- U S E THIS GIFT CO U PO N ----------------- 1 agency? Have you searched in vain for some outer l- i i Scribe S P. C The Rosicrucians (AMORC) ■ sign or word of Divine assurance when in doubt 1 Rusicrucian Park, San Jose, California * or in need? Now leatn of the unsuspected power that » J am sincerely interested in learning bow to use the myste- i f nous influences of rhe universe in the betterment of my life. i exists in every simple breath—and that becomes | Please send me a free copy of the book,“The Masteryof Life." part of you. The ancient Egyptians believed that the r l 1 NAME________________________________________________‘ essence of life was borne on the wings of the air. The Bible proclaims that with the first breath man ADDRESS---------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Rviurnciani are NOT a religious organization i T H E ROSICRUCIANS (AMORC] SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U. S. A. '-irr?r rrrrrrciyrfrttrrrtTT ROSICRUCIAN DIGEST COVERS THE WORLD THE OFFICIAL INTERNATIONAL ROSICRUCIAN MAGA­ ZINE OF THE WORLD-WIDE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER Vol. XX DECEMBER, 1942 No. II Christmas Greetings (Frontispiece] 401 Thought of the Month: What of Tomorrow? 404 Soul Doctor 408 It Is Not The Outer Man 411 Journeys In The Esoteric: Part II 412 Behind The Mirror 416 What Do YOU Think? 418 Cosmic Politics 420 Cathedral Contacts: The Star In The East_ 423 The Moral Argument of Kant 425 A Philosophical View of Alchemy 427 Religion and the Mystic 431 The Vision of Perfection 433 Sanctum Musings: Peace 435 The Parable of fhe Exodus 436 Our New Curator (Illustration) 437 Subscription to the Rosicrucian Digest, Three Dollars per year. Single copies twenty-five cents. Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at San Jose, Cali­ fornia, under Section I 103 of the U. S. Postal Act of Oct. 3, 1917. Changes ot address must reach us by the tenth of the month preceding date of issue. Statements made in this publication are not the official expressions of the organization or its officers unless stated to be official communications. Published Monthly by the Supreme Council of THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER—AMORC ROSICRUCIAN PARK SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA THE THOUGHT OF THE MONTH WHAT OF TOMORROW? By THE IMPERATOR The following is the last installment in a series of articles by Ralph M Lewis. F. R. C.. on the changes today's international involvement will produce In thp world in Ihe near future. He has projected an outline of the effects current events will have on nations and on the minds, lives, and custom s of the people who live in them. In presaging these events, he has used nothing more mysterious as an aid than a pencil, a world map. the immanent faeul ties of observation and abstraction, and an analysis of what he perceives to be the present trends. — E D ITO R. AN actual benefits poses of the conflict. It will perhaps be be derived from contended that the numerous purported war? Yes. History advantages derived from a major war is replete with nu­ would in all probability have emerged merous alleged anyway, in the progress of civilization. examples. It is re­ The principal advantage accruing from lated that the ex­ a war. not considering its tremendous tensive use of iron mental, physical, and material costs, is by the ancient the great acceleration given develop­ Assyrians in their ment in technical and other fields of implements of human enterprise. A five-year war. for war, after discov­ example, may advance certain sciences ering it among the and arts, both in their refinement and Hittites whom enlargement, from fifty years to a they invaded, caused that metal to be century. more generally used by Asiatic powers Such results are sometimes indirect for peaceful pursuits. The raids of the consequences of the stimulation of war. Kassite hordes an the Babylonians in At the end of a war many newly cre­ 2100 B. C. introduced the horse to that ated and expanded technological pro­ civilization. Likewise, the barbarian cesses can. with comparative ease, be Hyksos. a mysterious people, who converted into the manufacture of civi­ swept down on and conquered Egypt lian products and become of service to about 1700 B. C. brought horses with society. them and taught the Egyptians to do­ What then will be some of the ad­ mesticate them. The Moors who fought vantages spawned directly by this war? their way from North Africa into Spain, There are certain ones which are so ob­ again brought to Europe the ancient vious that they must be apparent to all culture of the East and of Greece, alert persons. Aviation is such an ex­ which had been stamped out by the de­ ample. Necessity, concerted effort, and cadent Romans. unlimited funds have revolutionized cer­ The It must be conceded that a tremen­ tain aeronautical theories literally over Rosicrucian dous price in human hlood. suffering, night, in contrast to a norma] peacetime and misery was paid for such benefits. development. The mourners of today s Digest In almost all instances the benefits re­ war dead will inherit this advantage December sulting from war were unexpected, and with their grief.
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