· - SUMMARY REPORT OF TWENTIETH MEETING OF COMMITTEE 111/1 Veterans Building, BQQm 223, June ~, 1945, 10:40 ~. Page 2, item 2, paragraph 2-- The Delegate of the United States urged that the text be adopted as unanimously as possible. LParagraph 1, Section C, Chapter vI7 In this connection he gave the following explanation of the manner in which the veto would operate with respect to methods for pacific settlement: He stated that when a permanent member of the Council was a party to a dispute, its enforced abstention would mean that the other four permanent members and three of the non­ permanent members might reach a decision which involved a judgment concerning "the rightness or wrongness of a dispute". This decision could include recommendations as to the terms of settlement. He observed, therefore, [that "there is no exception from the judgment of the bar of the world". The Delegate pointed out that, when no permanent member Was a party to a dispute every means of pacific settlement was opeh. After these means had been exhausted the parties were obliged to present the case to the Council. The veto would not apply ijither to a discussion of the matter or to an invitation to other interested nations to participate in the discussion. He suggested that a solution might be forth­ coming from the discussions, without the necessity of a decision. He compared application of the veto to the requirement of unanimity among the jurors in a criminal trial. He argued that unanimity would help assure acceptance of the recommenda­ tions for peaceful settlement, since they would thus carry the united weight of the nations of the world. With respect to the exercise of the veto in decisions to apply sanctions, the Delegate of the United States observed that this meant that if a major power became the aggressor the Council had no power to prevent war. In such case the inherent right of self-defense applied, and the nations of the world must decide whether or hot they would go to war. In conclusion, he expressed the opinion that although the proposed Charter was not perf~ct and ~ld be difficult to operate, it was as good as, or better than, any other system that could be devised. .. -2- u.s. DELEGATION MINUTES QE TWENTIETH MEETING OF COMMISSION III, COMMITTEE 1-- (Page 1, paragraph 2) The Delegate of the United States (Commander Stassen) explained in some detail the deliberations of Committee III/2 on Section A of Chapter VIII and the relation of the veto thereto. He explained that where a permanent member is a party to a dispute that member cannot vote and that a decision under that section would be taken by the affirmative vote of all permanent members not involved in the dispute, plus a sufficient number of non-permanent members not involved in the dispute, plus a sufficient number of non-permanent' members to total 7. He referred to paragraph 4 of Section A wherein the Security Council may recommend terms of settlement to the permanent Council members should they be parties to a dispute. In such cases there would be no exemption from the bar of justice; the permanent members would not be above the law. He also pOinted out that in Chapter VIII A en­ couragement is given to all kinds of peaceful settlement outside of the Security Council. In addition any party has a right to call a matter to the attention of the Security . Council, thus permitting discussion to take place. This would be by a procedural vote. Moreover, an invitation to non­ members of the Security Council under paragraph 5 of VI, D to participate in discussion would be made by a procedural vote. Only when action is required would the unanimous vote ot all permanent members be required; that ls, in the taking of decisions for enforuement action. II1ss Louise Wh1 te, SPA Bennie Mae Stevens, SA Authorization tor Pinance Otticer to Pay Per Diem to Commander Harold B. Stassen tor the Period April 13 to 19 and July, to 8 and Mrs. Stassen's Room Rent in San Francisco. Some time ago Mr. Gerig advised me that he felt sure the Department would agree to paying Commander Stassen per diem tor the time he spent in Washington prior to and tollowing the San Francisco Conference which was trom 9 a.m., April 131 to 12 noon, April 19, and trom 11 a.m., July" to ,ljO p.m., July 8 and that he would recommend such payment. These V1sitst ot Commander Stassen to Washington were tor the purpose, in the first instance t ot attending pre­ liminary meetings ot the United States Delegation and, in the secondtot consultation with President truman and other orticia1s regarding his release trom the assignment ot U.S. Delegate. With regard to reimbursement to Commander Stassen tor the amount he paid the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco to cover Mrs. Stassen's room rent, Mrs. fho~ne, BJ't informed me that they would need a memorandum ot authorization trom you betore such reimbursement could be made. I was told by Mrs. Clement that you had said the State Department would handle this matter. I would therefore, appreciate your authorizing the Pinance &tticer to pay these two items by memorandum which I may attach to the vouchers I am now preparing. SA:BIiI • ./ July 10, 194~ The Bohemian Club San Francisco t Calitornia AccountIng Department Gentlemen. I am trying to put in order allot Commander Harold B. St.... n·s reoord8 trom the San Francisco Cont.rence, and I 40 not tind a receipted statement tor the luncheon wbioh he gave at the Bohemian Club on June 22. It is mf recolleotion that someona in the accounting department gave me the total charge bY telephone a day or 80 betore the Conterence cl08ed, and that I mailed you a check in that amount. Would you ldn4ly check on this and intorm me it I am correct. It a statement had not been submitted at the time the bill was paid, would you furnish me with one, marked paid, to complete my records. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, (Mrs.) B. U. Stevens Seoretary to Comdr. Stassen Room 220 t Jlain State Building Department ot State Washington 2~, D. C. STATEM ENT BOHEMIAN CLUB POST AND TAYLOR STREETS SAN FRANCISCO 2, CALIfORNIA clUN 26 1945 r Oomdr. H. E. Stassen, June 30, 1945. M,x xlii I' ,tI •••• ~x¥CXX"W)dx\xx1«iXxJy lffiirmont Hotel, SfI&!i xiua iiliiKx I San Francisco, Oalif. L AMOUNT ENCLOSED 5 _________________ PLEAS!: DETACH AND RETURN STUB WITH YOUR REMITTANCE-YOUR CANCELLED CHECK WILL BE YOUR RECEIPT. MISCELLANEOUS DATE RESTAURANT AND BAR CHARGES BALANCE CHARGES AND CREDITS HAY 31'(5 54.45 PAY LAST AMOUNT IN THIS COLUMN ~ . ARTICLE XXI. Monthly dues shall be payable in advance, together with any indebtedness incurred during the previous month. If payment of indebt­ edness is not made on or before the 20th of the month, it shall become delinquent. The name of a delinquent member and the amount of his in­ debtedness shall be posted in the Club and notice of his delinquency shall be given to him by the Secretary. From the date of such posting further credit shall be denied such member untill the indebtedness shall be paid in fUll. BOHEMIAN CL.UB. SAN FRANCISCO. CALI,.. ADJ-ADJUSTMENTS LOY-LAUNDRY SUN-SUNDRY ITEMS VAL-VALET BRE-CAMP BROMLEY OR RENTAL L-M-LABOR OR MATERIAL AT GROVE TAX-TAX V-<:-VISITOR CARDS OF EQUIPMENT MSE-MIDSUMMER ENC/lMPMENT CHG. TSP-TRAPS OR SWIMMING POOL XMS-CHRISTMAS Box B-S-BARBER SHOP RMS-RoOM RENTAL T-T-TELEPHONE OR TELEGRAM DUS-DuES INCLUDING TAX SCE-SHARE CAMP ExPENSE STATEM ENT BOHEMIAN CLUB POST AND TAYLOR STREETS SAN FRANCISCO 2, CALIFORNIA r Comdr . H. ~ . Stassen June 30,1945 Fairmont TIotel , San Francisco, Calif. L AMOUNT ENCLOSED PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN STUB WITH YOUR REMITTANCE-YOUR CANCELLED CHECK WILL BE YOUR RECEIPT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$---------------- MISCELLANEOUS DATE RESTAURANT AND BAR CHARGES BALANCE CHARGES AND CREDITS 54.45 s JU, 24145 50.23 8.65 11 3.3 3 s JU~ 2 6 145 54.45 .. 58.88 s PAY LAST AMOUNT IN THIS COLUMN 5 ARTICLE XXI . Monthly dues shall be payable in advance, together with ..y indebtedness incurred during the previous month. If payment of indebt­ edness is not made on or before the 20th of the month, it shall become delinquent. The name of a delinquent member ud the amount of his in­ debtedness shall be posted in the Club, and notice of his delinquency shall be given to him by the Secretary. from the date of ~uch posting further credit shall be denied such member until the Indebtedness shall be paId in full. BOHEMIAN CLUB. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF'. ADJ·ADJUSTMENTS LOY-LAUNDRY SUN-SUNDRY ITEM. VAL-VALET BRE·CAMP BROMLEY OR RENTAL L-M-LABOR OR MATERIAL AT GROVE TAX-TAX V-C-VISITOR CARDS OF EQUIP,,"ENT MSE-MIDSUMMER ENCAMPMENT CHG. TSP-TRAP. OR SWIMMING POOL XMS-CHRISTMA8 Box B-S·BARBER SHOP RMS-.ROOM RENTAL T-T-TELEPHONE OR TELEGRAM DUS-DuES INCLUDING TAX SCE-SHARE CAMP EXPENSE ~ BOHEMIAN CLUB Date_ .... __________ •___ .________ No. ~)( Waiter I I No. served I ~ Sales Tax / 2:3 TOTAL ~o. .1.3 Mr. __{£~ _4& _ ; _ ~ __ ._______ __._._._ ~ BOHEMIAN CLUB Date............................ No. :l Waiter 1(. 4 No. served ...J( ......J.~~~ ..- ~... ~~ .4h......... .............. .. .......~ ..... .~ . :t: ...... ~.................. .. .. I.: ~12. .......;i .. Ja.~. 1:! .. ..................... .·.. I. ~ . r .......'-:! . J..~.. ~ ........................ .. ..~ .. ~. !? .......~ ... ~p.. .........b:I~ .. ........... ..... ..: . ...... .......} .. #. ~..................................... ... ~.~.f.r!.
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