The Party Founding Museum Monthly Journal (772) C O N T E N T S 3 Political Ideal of WPK The dignity of socialist Korea is on the rise with its people enjoying a worthwhile life thanks to the people-fi rst policy of the Workers’ Party of Korea. 4 Edifi ces Built on Best Places 7 Matter of Utmost Concern 8 From Ill to Good 10 Self-development First–Strategic Line 12 Far-sighted Leader 13 My Dear Party, You’re My Mother 14 President Kim Il Sung’s Reminiscences With the Century Homeland Party Working Committee Monthly journal Korea Today is available on the Internet site www.korean-books.com.kp in English, Russian and Chinese. 1 17 Immortal Juche Idea (6) Popular Masses Are Subject of Social History 18 By Dint of Love and Trust 19 Fruit of Research 20 Gravity-fed Waterways Stretch 21 Secret of Increased Production 22 New Types of Shoes Manufactured Front Cover: The Workers’ 24 New Observation Devices Developed Party of Korea celebrates 26 Young Doctor of Medicine the 75th anniversary of its founding in October this 27 A Day of Amateur Marathoner year Photo by Ra Jin Hyok 28 Triple World Taekwon-Do Champion 30 “I Want to Book a Room Here” 32 World of Magicians 33 National Intangible Cultural Heritage (47) Sumbakkokjil 34 Blind Singer 35 Quality Certifi cation Develops 36 True story Life and Promise 38 Ostrich Dishes and Goods Grow Popular 42 Traditional Condiments Get Tastier 44 Family of Tailors Back Cover: In the festive 45 Mt Myohyang (5) evening 46 Hwadam So Kyong Dok Photo taken by Ri Yong Myong in October 2017 47 Koguryo Mural Tombs and Relics Unearthed 13502 48 Mausoleum of King Tangun Edited by Ri Ryon Song Address: Sochon-dong, Sosong District, Pyongyang, DPRK E-mail: fl [email protected] © The Foreign Language Magazines 2020 2 Political Ideal of WPK HE PEOPLE-FIRST POL- and everything by relying on with a noble outlook that he has Ticy is the political ideal of them!” and has made sure that nothing more to wish for even the Workers’ Party of Korea. the slogan has been the funda- though his body may be scat- It means regarding the mass- mental principle and mode of tered like grains of sand for the es of the people as masters of the activities of the Party and the people, and a will that he will revolution and construction, re- State to the letter. not hesitate to undergo all sorts lying on them and making self- The Supreme Leader admin- of hardships for the good of less, devoted efforts for their in- isters the politics of love for the them. On the journey he unhes- terests. people by which to take full re- itatingly inspected frontlines Kim Jong Un puts the posi- sponsibility for and care of their when the dignity of the country tion of the people on the highest destiny and life. and the destiny of the people possible level, and administers During the past eight years were at stake, and tried and got the politics of attaching impor- the Korean people once stood at on a new underground train, tance to them by which he solves the crossroads of war or peace, cable car, and amusement facil- all problems arising in political and broke through countless tri- ity to be used by the people. The practice by relying on them. als, and in the course of this they journey has also produced such The being he respects and grew stronger and developed to anecdotes as those of his forced worships above all is the peo- a higher position. march in the midnight and his ple. He defi ned the essence of All the thinking and practice forced march in the scorching Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, of the Supreme Leader are di- heat. The harder the time is, the guiding ideology of the Party rected to resolutely safeguarding the more selfl ess, devoted ef- and the State, as the people- the life and safety of the people. forts he makes for the good of fi rst principle, and set forth It is his will that there is nothing the people. the idea of applying President more important than defending It was a bold decision only he Kim Il Sung’s and Chairman the safety of the people, and that could make to set forth the idea Kim Jong Il’s outlook on the all potentialities of the country, of making a frontal attack for a people thoroughly. human, material and technical, breakthrough run through with In his work Making Self- should be concentrated on the selfl ess, devoted efforts for the less, Devoted Efforts for the effort to relieve them of misfor- people, and propose to build the Good of the People Is the Mode tunes as soon as possible. Pyongyang General Hospital on of Existence and Source of In- In the early days of the the best spot in the capital city vincible Might of the Workers’ world-sweeping pandemic which of Pyongyang for the promotion Party of Korea published on threatens the existence of man- of the people’s health. October 10, Juche 104 (2015) he kind gravely, Kim Jong Un, The term of politics has said that the history of the Party with his far-sighted acumen and been long used as the con- is just the path travelled by the resolute determination, took cept of ruling over the people. Korean people, that its might is strong preemptive and block- But the politics of the Korean their might, that its greatness is ade-style measures to check the Supreme Leader means his love their greatness, and that its vic- inroads and spread of the infec- for and devotion to the people: tory is the victory achieved by tion. He shares sweets and bitters them; he clarifi ed that the great He is devoting his all to the with them and dedicates his all Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is, sake of the people. Making self- to them. in essence, the people-fi rst prin- less, devoted efforts for the peo- Thanks to the people-fi rst ciple, and that the mode of exist- ple is a phrase representing the policy the dignity of socialist Ko- ence of the Party is serving the current era in the country. rea has risen even in grim trials, people. The Supreme Leader con- and the people have become able He put forward the slogan tinues his journey of selfl ess, to enjoy a worthwhile life. “Everything for the people devoted efforts for the people Kim Kum Hui No. 10, 2020 3 Edifi ces Built on Best Places LACES WITH ALL NECES- Hill, which has long been called Earlier, designers wanted to set Psary conditions are regarded garden of Pyongyang as it consti- up a government building on the as best places. tutes the heart of the city’s scen- hill. But Kim Il Sung rejected Korea was seething with en- ery, and the Taedong River that their plan at once, saying: I do thusiasm for the building of a is called chongnyu and okryu as not think it is a good idea to put new country after its liberation its water is clear. The top of the up a government building at from the Japanese military oc- hill commands not only splen- such a nice place. In the centre of cupation on August 15, 1945. At did views of Moran Hill and the the city there should be a public the time lots of things had to be Taedong River but also a general building to be used a lot by the built in Pyongyang. view of the city. On the very top people instead of a government Kim Il Sung, leader of the of the hill was built the univer- building. new Korea, showed primary con- sity, the fi rst of its kind for the In mid-December Juche 62 cern for the building of a univer- people in the country. (1973) Kim Il Sung went up sity to educate sons and daugh- The centre of the city was the hill and suggested building a ters of the people. also developed for the sake of the large library there since the city Mentioning that the posi- people. A crucial index in defi n- already had a palace of culture tion of the university was most ing the character and nature of a and a schoolchildren’s palace. A view of Munsu Water Park important, the national leader country’s social system is how to Then children would study in (August 2019). ► built on the hill. Thus the Grand air theatre on the spot, saying: himself made a fi eld survey and form a city, especially, its centre, the schoolchildren’s palace and People’s Study House, a grand Then working people could come fi xed the top of Ryongnam Hill and what building is built in the adults would do in the library, he palace of learning for all people, to Songdowon together with as the site of the university. centre. The central axis of down- mentioned, adding that the peo- rose on the hill, a spot the leader their children on Sundays to go The hill rises near Moran town Pyongyang is Namsan Hill. ple would like it if a library was ► A panorama of Kim Il Sung had valued for 20 years. swimming in the sea, have lunch University. The Grand People’s Study under pine trees, look round the House situated in the centre of botanical garden and the zoo the capital city is surrounded by during the daytime and enjoy an such buildings for the people as art performance or fi lm in the the Mansudae Art Theatre, the open-air theatre on the way back Pyongyang Students and Chil- home in the evening.
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