S WHY IS ARTANA THE ' ,, LARGEST AIR CARGO CARRIER IN AND OUT OP KABUL?, BECAUSE WE ALWAYS FULFILL OUR ' PROMISE TO THE PUBLIC! ' I J ' 1 7 LINKS V. EUROPE & MIDDLE-EAS- T vi i KABUL; THURS16AY,; SEPTEMB ER, 10, 1970, (SUNBULA 19, 1349 S.H.) Ariana Afghan Airlines: ; PRICE AF. 4 Nation observes Parliament Day (Waraafcv Daivi pay tribute to founded of legislature KABUL, Sept. 10, (Bakhtar ). The 40th anniversary of the establishment of parliament was' commemorated here yester-day- . House President Dr. Mohammad Omar, Wardak, Senate ' President Abdul Hadi Dawi, Vice Presidents and secretaries m of the two houses and some other parliament members visited Tape Maranjan, and to mark the occasion laid a wreath on the . tomb of His Majesty the Late Mohammad Nader Shah. .., ' The presidents of the two hou- - shold of a great change, increa-- -- ses also broadcast .speeches, over ... ses,. our .obligation in the legisla-1- .. Af-- Radio Afghanistan in 'the name ture for the prosperity of the of the Afghan ... ghan of Af- - : nation. nation and progress l House President Dr. Wardak in ghanistan, said Dr. Omar. The ' 0limentaj1ans- - Uiylna." wreath on the mausoleum of His Majesty the late King Mohammad Nader Shah. his speech expressed the convictA House of the People, he said, will f ti f tion that the Afghan ParliamentN rnakQ every effort to reflect heal-i- n accordance with the provisions', thy, positive, and beneficial view's HRIB:BMuiM:i HCiibti Moscow Royal audience of the constitution will perform of our. people, to establish 10, (Bakhtar).--Accordi- ng its duties towards building, , of; a; t . Tn sPnflW Drfwi af KABUL, Sept. WpA ' progressive and prosperous s6cie-- f. to- - 4n5niA ! th Urh. I UnUo Wnl fvfuvn" UlfCvl communications to a Royal Protocol ty on. the basis of social 1CIU" Department announcement the , Justice,;. KABUL, Sept. '10, (Bakhtar-- . Communications Minister preservation of humau.' integrity ' ' v ' " - ' following have, been, received in Nation, rAsds'ou tradition of ? jirgahs, i i : . Mohammad Azim Geran from, Moscow with dedication . and a spnsp -- -j Lii.i..-..i- returned to Kabul audience by His Majesty King .. t nnn i fim nrvnHfpwiir n Hinpi..i. j r the iiuri i yesterday. He visited the patriotisms ""f . .; ,; tn Atehiii.An th fetate1 Cnnnril t Soviet Union at the head of a delega during the week ending today: , tion at the invitation of the Soviet Communications Minister. Chief Justice of the Supreme He said His jWajesty the" - Late said Hiji Majesty the late Moha- - i 10 TEHRAN, ept. 10, . Duriiig his day stay in the system, and has agreed to help Court Dr. Abdul Hakim Ziayee; King Mohammad Nader with the", "rnmad Naderhah? laid the foun- - ? (Bakhtar) ; ta-- , - - Royal lHigh,nesses Soviet Union Eng. Geran held Afghanistan with provision National Defence Minister Army establishment -- of the .parliament- "'dation of a sound parliament whi-4- 0 Their Princess of Belquis and ' Abdul . Iks with hi8 counterpart in Mos-- i equipment and hardware General Khan Mohammad; Inte- years ago pn'.the basis; otf the? jch gathered niore stfengtb during ) Sardar ali for the " Tehran short cow on improvement and expan- - extension, of 250 kilometres of rior Minister Eng. '.Mohammad Islamic teachings, ' and our peo-- the jeign'of his son'jHis Majesty returned to after a " - j of postal," telephone" te lines." . i' '.,. Bashir Loudin; Information pie's tradifio'ns for the consoUda-- Mohammad tahet. Shah. With-th- : visif to- northern areasl! of Iran sion and and legraphio communications betwe- - Eng. Geran Culture Minister Dr. Mahmoud tion, of national unity, .and build-- the promulgation! the new cons- - ( Their Royal Highnesses Monday , was accompanied . en the countries. on the by Post Department Habibi; Justice Minister Abdul ing ot a sound .legislature, per- btution,- - he said. the parliament i watched an international 'tennis wo trip ( On arrival in Kabul airport i Sattar Sirat; President of the Tri- formed an unforgettable ileed. Jyas better organised, . the atioc game here.;; President Ghulam ' Mohammad - Belquis ; and Eng.. Geran said the Soviet Sekandar, Telephone Engi- bal Affairs Department Sayed The anniversary of .the found- Tiartirirtnt(H in '"State HRH' Princess t and , now Ministry had shown neer Abdul Haq Masoud Pohanir with some Ka-k- ar . ing of the parliament, he said,-i-s. policy;-- the Wolesi Jiifeah fljouse Sardar Abdul Wali are Hanafi. In his , dignitaries; Afghan Am- marked as a.special day as it has. of the;PeopleX andjthe Meshran visit to Iran af the invitation preparedness for the establishm-- talks with the Soviet Communi- the tele- bassador designate to India, Dr. a special place ia the history of .. Jirgah (House of the Elders) .were of Their Royal HighnessesShah-pu- r ent of direct telephone and cations, .Minister on regional co- Abdul Hakim T'abibi; , Hamidul-la- h the Afghan legislature. "7".. .founded, and theJ way wa open- -j "Ghulam Reza and . Princess'' graphic communications between mmunications En4 Geran Rid " ' Af-gh- an , - countries through carrier the delegations -. Hamid, President of the .Achievements' in the fields of (Qmtihtied jam . ?fi;,f,'f ; Manizeh. the iwo of tne two coun- j Bada-khsh- an - Electricity economy, "education etc. under '," M '.''i .xwuiiu.i.-- . ' tries agreed that a plan 'should Institute; "" Governor Roshandil Ro-sha- n; the guidance, of His Majesty the , be prepared for direct communi- King, together with the promulga- I Literacy Buy cations between Afghanistan and Nangarhar Governor Sul- Special functions mark Inf tan Aziz; Commandant of the of whi- : the Soviet mic- tion the hew constitution, " ; Union through , v v , Kandahar Gen. ch placed the country op the thre-- r ... rowave - facilities which could al- - jiilitary. garrison - KABUL, Sept. 10, The ceremo nies marking the International Literacy Day num- (Bakhtar). so fulfill the requirements of the Mohammad Sayyad; and a Highnesses Prince Moham-- ; Ar- in the Women's Institute Tuesday were attended by Their Royal region. , ber of generals of the Royl , It was agreed that this - S'mad Mahmoud Habibi, my who have won promotions Premier- Etemddi Nader and trincesf JLailuma, toformation andt Cultures Minister Dr. plan should be prepared as ear-- . and high ranking officials of the ministry, members' of" the' Literacy Campaign Committee, ly as possible.' this year. in Lusakd members of the National UNESCO Commission, writers, and dignitaries, and volunteer women. ', ;The Afghan delegation was His Majesty also received Meh-- di arrives . rr"7iniXfii j-- r. ... life..- requested to go ahead with the Aliov Moscow university pro- - vocati- KABUL,' Sept. 10, (Bakhtar). Speaking at the function Wo ions m tnis direction tnrougnqui ducts combined literacy t plan jalso probing the interests fessor and head of Moscow uni- Prime Minister Noor Ahmad Ete- - men's Institute President Mrs. these years in cooperation with onal courses. There are 245 such of India and Pakistan for the versity Oriental Languages,' Ins- .body of madi arrived in Lusaka Tuesday Saleha Farouk Etemadi said the' enlightened volunteer women and courses with , a .student establishment of such a direct titute, and Sayed Ahmad Jahani " afternoon to take part in the non-- launching 'of the campaigns ag- -' men. "... .'"' " 9000, he said. communications links, in the re- who has returned home recently of Her Royal i Entezar, Ruhi, Montazer, gion. completion of his stu- aligned cations meeting of the ainst illiteracy in Afghanistan is The participation Dr. following director of; the ( , heads of state and government as a positive move made during the: Highness Princess Lailuma in this and Mrs. Mobarez , Continued on pave 4) ,. dies in petroleum production and honourary president . Enlightenment Departmei? in the Baku. head of the Afghan delegation. enlightened reign of His Majesty. , struggle, as prospecting in also spoke - The Prime Minister was welco- -' This campaign, she said, con-- v of the Committee for Campaign Women's Institute at D'Afghanistan - meeting. V. , i med Lusaka airport by the Za- -; an attempt to ensure . Against Illiteracy has been high- the , at stuutes a nese--Af mbian President Kenneth Ka better life for the citizens, young 'i ly effective and encouraging, Mohammad Kasem Rasekh a Ja pa gha n ' -- 'rjraised ser- - and a volun- unda.; . ' and old alike, and raise the edu .Mrs Etemadi the Journalism student expressed apprecia Bank's Board of The two statesmen also review- -, cational and social in . vices of the ministries of National teer teacher '' Friendship standards ' i ". Society ed a guard of honour and the mu- the country. ' ., .. Defence and Education and the tion for the certificates given to . sic played national anthems of the The Women's Institute, she con-- ' efforts of the Scout Organisation volunteer teachers by Her Royal ' ' jlighness Eailuma. President here two countries. , inued, has exerted effohs for , And expressed the hope that more Princess Directors meet i Lusaka airport and streets have promotion of literacy and trflw-led- ge educated young men and women The day was also marked, in been decorated with flags of the eversince its establishment take an interest in helping to Mir Bacha Khan highscKool at a function held KABUL, Sept. 10. (Bakhtar).-T- he KABUL, Sept. 10, (Bakhtar). participating nations. Arriving through opening of courses and .. carry out this national crusade. Mirbachakot at ' ' Board D'Af-ghanist- an The President of the Japanese at the same plane in Lusaka with vocational schools. In his speech Dr. Mohammad by the UNESCO. of Directors of officials, ed- Bank un- - Afghan Friendship Society Hiro-hid- e Prime Minister were Pri- -, In 1342 the with, the Pazel, second deputy , education i Eduction Ministry met Tuesday the ( the Institute, Mi- and stu- der the chairmanship Ishida arrived here yester- me Minister of Singapore, the issuance of a message by Her Ma-- ; minister said the Education ucation experts, teachers of the First whi- Deputy pre- day at the invitation of govern- President of Cyprus, the ;; Prime jesty the Queen declared the cam- - nistry now maintains 839 lite- dents attended the function, Prime Minister, and v by.
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