H The Courier-Gazette 5 ? Entered u Second Clxii Mill Matte, THREE CENTS A COPT Established January, 1846. By The Courler-Gaiett*. 445 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, May 23, 1939 V olum e 9 4 ................... Number 61, The Courier-Gazette A Great Stunt They Visited Macy’s [ EDITORIAL] THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK Meet Your Mailman Memorial Day GOOD MATERIAL LINING UP “The Black Cat” Editor Deer Isle’s High School Band Rockland School Group Sees WM. O FULLER and We have today one more candidate who Is seeking the Associate Editor Carried Off the Honors Sights In Largest Depart­ Republican nomination for governor, with an even prospect FRANK A WINSLOW Memorial Sunday In Worcester m ent Store that Franz U. Burkett of Portland may run the tally up to six. Subscription* $3 GO ner year payable The latest entrant Is Sumner Sewall of Bath, who made a fine In advance; alngle copies three cents. I Deer Isle’s youthful musicians—17 Thirty Rockland High School record as president of the Senate and did much toward bring­ Advertlaleg rales bused upon circula­ The Memorial Day committee of tion and very reasonable boys and 15 girls—composing the students vls'ted the world's largest ing order out of the chaos which once confronted the legisla­ NEWSPAPER HISTORY Anderson Camp, Sons of Union Vet­ High School Band of that town ar­ tive bodies at Afigusta. The Rockland Uazette was estab­ department store. R. H. Macy and erans of the Civil War, extends an rived home In triumph Sunday The Courier-Gazette makes it a point not to seek to lished In 1846 In 1834 the Courier was Company, Friday ln the course of established and consolidated with the Invitation to the following patriotic from Worcester. Mass., where they Influence primary results, but It cannot refrain from saying Gazette in 1882. The Free Press was their three-day visit to New York eeeabllahed In 1855 and In 1891 changed organizations to participate ln Me­ won top honors in the 'New England that Mr Sewall's appearance ln the fields adds to the high Ita name to the Tr<bune These papers Music Festival over 60 other bands. and the World’s Fair. Under the consolidated March 17, 1897 morial Day exercises, and to attend standard of the entrants seeking this honor. Mr. Sewall's Conducted by Anton Mainente. supervision of 'Principal Joseph political views, and a brief biography of the candidate appear memorial church services at the *, *-**>I| of Lewiston, Fellow of the French E. Blalsdell, the group visited the elsewhere In this Issue. The biography reveals a man who ••• He only confers favors who First Baptist Church Sunday, May Academy of Paris and an accom­ store's,hospltality center where they has the proper background, and a man who distinguished ♦ remembers them no more - War 1 28. All affiliated bodies of the plished composer, the band was signed the guest register and then himself ln behalf of his country as a World War ace. If any­ •w Cry, t ' G.AjR, Ralph Ulmer Camp, Spanish originally a grade CC unit. So fine were escorted on a special “back- thing were to be added to his claims it would naturally be Ginger and Sweet the Bangor War Veterans, and Auxiliary, Wins- was its quality at this festival, how- stage tour" of Macy's. The tour. the fact that Sagadahoc County has not had a Governor for ever, that one of the judges, before (a complete exposition of the behind many years, though in the center of activities, particularly on News Columnist speculates as to loy-Holbrook Post, American Legion; Apply For Degrees whom it had Its audition ln Com- (the scenes activities of the great the coast. President Bewail will have a large following, and what has become of Rev. Frank W. Auxiliary, and Sons of World Waj- merce High School auditorium, (institution, covers the 20 story will even have the well wishes of hundreds who were already Sandford, one time leader of the Veterans; Huntley-Hill Post, Vet­ pronounced it suited for Grade A j building from its delivery fleet head­ committed to the candidates earlier In the Aeld. Holy Ghost and Us Society who Two Rockland Boys Who erans of Foreign Wars, and Auxili­ competition and it received a cer­ quarters ln the sub-basement to Its vanished utterly after his release ary, National Guard, Rockland Ptre Have Made Good At "Ansel" i tificate of Jhls rating. The band elaborate hospital on the top floor from the Federal Prison ln At­ Department, Boy and Girl Scouts, was founded and is now managed lanta. The Bangor writer has Wheaton College With 26 years to his credit In the Included in the tour was a visit to IN FOREIGN LOTTERIES school children, and Police Depart­ by Carl Pickering of Deer Isle. Macy’s famed Bureau of Standards even heard It claimed that San­ carrier service Ansel 8. Saunders ment. Charles H. Ellis of 198 Rankin Aside from the certificate awards where thousands of laboratory and It appears that more than half of the winning tickets ford is even now at Shiloh, but Albert W. Thomas, Chairman. street is among the 203 seniors mak­ may be claimed among Uncle Sam’s there are no trophies, no cups, nor actual wear tests are made on Macy ln the Epsom Downs derby, tomorrow, are held in this country, that nobody has been able to con­ other championship honors at this and that nine persons will collect <140.400 apiece. Lucky, firm this fact. ing application for a degree at veteran toters of the mail bag. He merchandise annually. Is at present covering Route No. 4, 'celebrated festival. The individuals There are a large number of indeed, but the story does not take Into account the hundreds Wheaton College. Illinois largest lib­ Red Check Revue I and group are merely classed by of thousands of dollars which were spent ln vain or the hun­ Sorry that I cannot shed any the patrons of which are able to Maine folks among the 12,000 Macy eral arts college, which will hold i judges who present their rating dreds of thousands of dollars which are annually sent out of the light on the subject. I was ln oc­ set their watches by him. so regu­ employes and the store pays tribute commencement exercises June 12. Pleasant Valley Grange Has I sheets to the supervisors. Neither country on bogus lotteries. Legislature frowned upon a State casional correspondence with Mr. lar are his comings and goings. to Maine and the other States of Ellis, who Is a candidate for the Fine Entertainment In ' are there any public announce­ lottery here In Maine on the ground of “corrupting influences," Sandford while he was at Atlanta, Saunders was born in Rockland the Union by displaying the shields degree of bachelor of arts, has taken ments of winners. but the advocates of such an institution thrust back with and It Is barely possible that I was April 16. 1894 and waa educated in Store Tomorrow of the 48 States on the pillers of an active part in campus acUvlties The Deer Isle band received a re­ the charge that money spent in foreign lotteries went out of the only person outside of the the city's public schools. In the the street floor. Part of the stores He has been a member of the Excel­ markable A rating in all of the circulation here in Maine, and that a State lottery would at strange sect who did hear from summer of 1912, after leaving High Pleasant Valley Orange will pre­ special World's Pair Welcome Cam­ sior Literary Society for the past qualitative divisions of music: tone. least be conducted in an honorable manner. As to "corrupt­ him, at that time, but from the School he worked for Thorndike A sent a musical entertainment called paign includes distribution of free four years He was a member of Intonation, Interpretation, tech- ing Influences" they ask for Information concerning the Pari- time he left the prison I have never Hx. and in the winter he was em ­ "Red Check Revue" Wednesday broadcast tickets to its program the basketball team and of the base- night at 8 o'clock. Many favorite nlque. and general effect. At its au- “Consumer Quiz Club of the Air" Mutuel and the legalized saloon. received word from him. and noth­ ployed by the Rockland, Thomas­ ing but hearsay as to whether he ball team of which he served as cap­ entertainers will make their ap­ dition Friday morning, it played which is head over WOR from 12.45 ton A Camden Street Railway. Is still living Whatever faults may tain ln his junior year. He was pearance ln excellent numbers. The Beethoven's famous "Egmont Over­ to 1 p. m. dally. Monday through president of the Student Council In But that wa< the end of riding ture " and, as a required number. have been bis they did not crop to scene Is the Interior of the “Red Friday Rockland residents plan­ SKIMMING THE CREAM for him, because he Joined the car­ the surface ln our relationship. To his senior year He was a member Check Cafe.” The Festival Overture" written by ning a World’s Fair visit may se­ rier service in May, 1913, and has Robert W Gibb, of Dedham, Mass. me he was always the kind and cf the "W" Club and of the History P a rt One cure these broadcast tickets by ap­ The Division of Maritime Promotion and Information con­ Club, and served his class as treas­ been "hoofing It” ever since.
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