
J llt : ept ng. for en -. irs. nr red >ts- low ted tre .•n:• ^.— or ^r[^/rt^^_ .—_^ _=^^ — - -- sA "^ A TELL TO, TOGETHER ^^ d.. r0- BOYS PULL ble. 1â e Official Organ of The Victorian and Tasmanian Divisions of the Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Antinomies. Registered at HE G.P.O., Melbourne for transmission by Post as a Newspaper HE JUNE-JULY . 11. No. 6. St. MELBOURNE, JULY 9, 1928. Price 2/- Per Annum, Post Free. rth, ing THE LOGO THEATRE un- Cleanliness Comfort Good Orchestra Perfect Pictures 35 Our Programs may be g•a- equalled but Cannot be Beaten or- UNITED WE STAND yer DIVIDED WE FALL ut UNIONISTS, you know what the above means. Whether you are in the Railway el Service or any other calling, UNIONISM and all it stands for deserves your itt UNITED SUPPORT. If you do not give it, then you are helping the other side and Ep^ all it stands for, i.e., Cheap Labour and Sweated Conditions. The Theatrical ad, Employees' Association have fought hard in the Arbitration Court for what it has I got, help them to keep it. Never in the history of Australia has the necessity for Unity been greater. So pass the word to the boys and your le families to Support The Loco. u ee PROGRAMME! CHANGED TWICE WEEKLY Victoria Street, NORTH MELBOURNE J 262 June-July, 1928. THE FOOTPLATE. July 9, 1928. ana#pltt#r Arbitration Court Case tion "They are slaves who will not dare Divi All wrongs to right, that All rights to share." and 1710T HEARING COMMENCED MONDAY, JULY 2, 1928 The MANAGERIAL NOTES. star the "The Footplate" is published rate monthly. The hearing of the General Claim Mr. Kean, for the A.R.U., informed dust All Branch Secretaries and Execu- for increased wages and improved the Court that his Union had a nun' ers ' tive Officers are empowered to act as conditions was commenced before His ber of members employed in the varl' Honor, Judge Drake-Brockman, in the a I agentp for this jou rnal. Hand your ous grades covered by the claim. W Fed eontrrbutions, name and address to Commonwealth Court of Conciliation had been served with a log by the and Arbitration, on Monday, 2nd July, not them. We do the rest. Commissioners, and should be permit' juri at 2.30 p.m. ted to be in attendance and take part Phone, F 2285. that in the proceedings. He could not give Lit .—To ensure publication, The Logs served by the Commis- van the number of A.R.U. members cover' Stat *contributions must be in not later sioners upon the A.R.U. and the A.F. ed by the claim in Victoria, but ad' U.L.E., together with the Log served M than the 19th of each month. Branch mitted the number was small. the reports should be in the hands of by the A.R.U. upon the Commis- sioners, were also listed for hearing According to figures supplied hinrl shor Editor as soon as possible after the Awe monthly meeting. Write on one side at the same time. there were 214 members covered by com of paper only. the claim in South Australia, and 790 The following advocates are con- , in New South Wales. In Tasmania dise ducting the case : Subscribers should see that "The and the Commonwealth, the A.R.U. the had no members covered by the claim• mar Footplate" is sent to their private ad- Victorian Railways Commissioners : dress, and not to Loco. Sheds. Sub- Mr. W. Swaney. He later admitted that a large propor' pre` scribers will be held responsible for tion of the 7,90 in N.S.W. would be Tril rea: any failure of delivery due to change N.S.W. Railway Commissioners : fuelrnon, who were not covered by the of address. They should notify Postal Mr. R. Blanch: present claim. Boa wit] authorities of any altered address, and His Honor suggested a Conference: forward same also to their Branch South Australian Railways Commis- torr sioners : Mr. P. Cherry. with a view to determining a line 01 Lay Secretary. ciemar•cation, stating he did not want 1V Commonwealth . Railways Commis- to exclude the A.R.U., if they had e, cati sioner : Mr. V. Allen. cla'nr to be present. mis Tasmanian Railways Commissioner: Thd suggestion by His Honor was tion acceptable to both parties, and it wa•` ASSIST YOUR BRANCH Mr. R. Proctor. to agreed a Conference should be held T SECRETARY BY PAYING Australian Railways Union : Mr. between representatives of the tw° cod i R. Kean, assisted by Mr. W. Robeson. Organisations. tionn YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS Mr. Drakeford then made applica' the Australian Federated Union of Lion for the N.S.W. Division to be re' mat Locomotive Englnemen : QUARTERLY. Mr. A. S. leased from Federal jurisdiction, as in Lea Drakeford, M.L.A., assisted by Mr. B. N.S.W. there was a competent Stat e con, Chifley, of N.S.W. Tribunal, with power to deal with all mai matters in dispute between the C0_,111' not In opening the case, Mr. Drakeford r missioners and the men. The N.S.' any made application for permission to members were working to a 44 hour 1V JOIN THE alter Clause 52 (2) of the Claim relat- week, which could not be obtaine d at 1 ing to method of promotion from from this Court, as the hours section 1V Cleaner to Fireman. of the claim had already been de' for termined by the Full Arbitration on Loco Self-Denial Fund The alteration was not contested, Court, and fixed at 48 hours for the Me; so permission was granted by the week. A similar application had been beir NO ENTRANCE FEE. • Court to alter the claim as desired. made previously to the Full Arbitra' C tion Court, the Court stating that the Mr. Drakeford informed the Court proper time to make application to be CONTRIBUTIONS, 1/ per Week that he had been instructed by his released from an Award was when ° Organisation to object to the Aus- new Award was being considered. C BENEFITS .. .. £2 per Week tralian Railways Union participat- Mr. Blanche, N.S.W., informed th° l ing in the hearing. The first Award Court that he would oppose, the aptl Cou DEATH LEVY, ls. per Member y; -' was made in 1925. At a Conference ^' cation for the release of the N..S the Division. Over 800 Members have joined this held to consider matters in connec- t and tion with the complaint, the A.F.U. Mr. Cherry informed the Court tha ce nt Fund. representatives attended and similar l, he had been instructed to make apPl objection was taken by his Organisa- cation for the South Australian Co" mer Get a Rule Book on Joining. tion. Mr. Justice Powers, who had missioner to be struck out of the pecr 4 decided the case, held the matter over. ceedings. hadO but when the case came before the Mr. Swaney stated that he had been fen Court, the A.R.U. did not send a re- instructed to make a similar applic a, rea DO IT NOW AND HELP YOURSELF presentative. If the A.R.U. were -'er- tion regarding the Victorian RailwCS' 1V mitted to take part in the case, it Commissioners. he G. S. SAMSON, Secretary, ed would lengthen preceedings and cause At this stage, the Court adjourn won N Hall St., Moose* Ponds. embarrassment to his Union. until 10.30 a.m. the following da- July 9, 1928. THE FOOTPLATE. June-July, 1928. 263 Federal Executive together not .later It was agreed to consider the Log Tuesday, July 3, 1928 than the end of July, so that a meet- of the A.F.U.L.E. first, each item to be Mr. Blanche objected to the applica ing of the two Executives could be ar- taken in order as set out in the Log, tion for the release of the N.S.W. ranged to discuss, and if possible, and report only in respect to a com- Division being granted, contending reach an agreement. plete agreement. that, in the interests of uniformity Mr. Drakeford then replied to the Agreements Reached : and stability, a Federal Award was statement of Messrs. Blanche, Cherry 1. Enginemen shall be provided more desirable than a State Award. and Swaney. with a water bag of suitable The fact of employes performing sub- At 12.15 p.m. His Honor delivered capacity. stantially the same duties, meeting at judgment upon the following applica- 2. Engine Drivers, Electric Train the border, but receiving different tions :- Drivers and Rail Motor Drivers rates and conditions, would cause in- 1. Application by the A.F.U.L.E. shall be supplied with watches dustrial unrest. N.S.W. Commission- that the A.R.U. be not permit- to be kept in good order by the ers'had objected, in the first place, to ted to take part in the proceed- Department. a Federal Award, but once under ings. (Agreement subject to the Federal jurisdiction, the Union should Judgment reserved pending Confer- Court deciding that the matter not be permitted to change to State ence on line of demarcation. For the is not one for the management jurisdiction, because it was thought present, A.R.U. to have the right of to determine). that for the time being, greater ad- appearing in Court and Conference, 3. Cleaners and Firemen shall be vantages could be obtained from a but the carriage of Case to be in the called up in order of seniority State Tribunal.
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