Chroniques du Manuscrit au Yémen عدد ٧ )٢٦(، يوليو ٢٠١۸ N° 7 (26) / Juillet 2018 Directrice de la Publication Anne REGOURD Contact Secrétariat [email protected] Comité de rédaction Tamon BABA (Université de Kyushu, Japon), Jan THIELE (Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid), Anne REGOURD Revue de presse Maxim YOSEFI (Université de Göttingen) Conseil de rédaction Geoffrey KHAN (Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Université de Cambridge (GB)), Martha M. MUNDY (The London School of Economics and Political Science, Dépt d’anthropologie), Jan RETSÖ (Université de Gothenburg, Dépt de langues et littératures, Suède), Sabine SCHMIDTKE (Institute for Ad- vanced Study, Princeton) Correspondants Tamon BABA (Université de Kyushu, Japon), Deborah FREEMAN-FAHID (FRAS, Assistant Con- servateur, Dir. de publication, The al-Sabah Collection, Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah, Koweït), Stéphane IPERT (Res- ponsable Préservation & Conservation, Qatar National Library), Abdullah Yahya AL SURAYHI (Manuscrits, Université d’Abu Dhabi, Bibliothèque nationale, Abu Dhabi) Comité de lecture Hassan F. ANSARI (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton), Anne K. BANG (Université de Bergen, Norvège), Marco DI BELLA (Indépendant, Conservation/restauration manuscrits arabes), Deborah FREEMAN- FAHID (FRAS, Assistant Conservateur, Dir. de publication, The al-Sabah Collection, Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah, Ko- weït), David G. HIRSCH (Advisor for Library Services, Mohammed bin Rashid Library, Dubai), Michaela HOFFMANN- RUF (Université de Tübingen), Clifford B. MESSICK (Université de Columbia), Samer TRABOULSI (Université d’Asheville, Caroline du Nord) Mise en page Eugénie DE MARSAY [email protected] Webmaster Peter J. NIX [email protected] ISSN 2116–0813 Photo de couverture/Cover’s image : Grande mosquée/Great Mosque, Ibb, 08.06.2008 © Hélène David-Cuny Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen 7 (Ancienne série 26) Juillet 2018 (prochain numéro janvier 2019) Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen 7 Juillet 2018 Sommaire Actualités ................................................................................................................................. 6 ʿArafat al-Hadhrami, libération ........................................................................................... 6 Yémen ........................................................................................................................................ 8 Arabie Saoudite ..................................................................................................................... 19 Kuweït ...................................................................................................................................... 20 Oman ......................................................................................................................................... 21 Qatar ......................................................................................................................................... 28 Arab Press Review ................................................................................................................. 29 Articles ................................................................................................................................... 35 Arthur Rimbaud : poétique des lettres d’Aden et du Harar Aurélia Hetzel (EPHE, Paris) ................................................................................................ 35 Arabic manuscript collections in the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen Anas Baqievich Khalidov (The Leningrad [St. Petersburg] branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) ............................................ 57 Qāḍī Ǧaʿfar in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana: An Overview Scott Lucas (University of Arizona) ................................................................................ 105 Shifting sands of writing inks in Yemen. The occurrence of sparkling particles in Yemeni manuscripts Anne Regourd (CNRS, UMR 7192, Paris) & Karin Scheper (Leiden University Library) ..................................................................... 141 A. Regourd & K. Scheper Shifting sands of writing inks in Yemen SHIFTING SANDS OF WRITING INKS IN YEMEN. THE OCCURRENCE OF SPARKLING PARTICLES IN YEMENI MANUSCRIPTS1 Anne Regourd (CNRS, UMR 7192, Paris) & Karin Scheper (Leiden University Library) In memory of Professor Robin Clark (UCL, d. 06.12.2018), A pioneer in the application of Raman Spectroscopy To the identification of pigments. Abstract This article focuses on the analysis of glossy inks from a body of manuscripts from Yemen preserved in the University Library of Leiden, the phenomenon having been noted for the first time in Zabīd in the 2000s. Arab sources, including Yemeni, contain ink recipes in which the sparkling effect is sought after and obtained through the use of various ingredients. Laboratory analysis, meanwhile, reveals that the shiny effect results from particles (mica and sand, sometimes with a preparation based on red pigment) spread after the writing exercise. The use of these particles between functionality and aesthetics, which seems to be peculiar to Yemen, is at the center of the study and opens a new field of investigation. Résumé Cet article porte sur l’analyse d’encres brillantes à partir d’un corpus de manuscrits du Yémen conservés à la Bibliothèque universitaire de Leyde, le phénomène ayant été noté pour la première fois à Zabīd dans les années 2000s. Les sources arabes y compris yéménites comportent des recettes d’encre dans lesquelles l’effet brillant est recherché et obtenu par le recours à des ingrédients variés. L’analyse en la- boratoire révèle, quant à elle, que l’effet brillant résulte de particules (mica et sable, parfois avec une préparation à base de pigment rouge) répandues après l’exercice d’écriture. C’est l’usage de ces parti- cules entre fonctionnalité et esthétique, semble-t-il particulier au Yémen, qui est au centre de l’étude et ouvre un nouveau champ d’investigation. خﻻصة تركز هذه املقاةل عىل حتليل ا لحبار الﻻمعة من مجموعة من اطوطات المينية اﶈفوظة يف مكتبة جامعة ليدن يف هولندا، وقد اكتشفت هذه الظاهرة لول مرة يف مدينة زبيد يف العقد ا لول من القرن احلادي والعرشين. وحتتوي 1 This study was made possible thanks to: A grant from the Stichting Oosters Instituut, Leiden (support- ing the lab analysis); The Leiden University Library; Brill’s annual grant; Preußischer Kulturbesitz Grant at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin; Project for safeguarding manuscripts in Zabīd; and the Rijksdienst Cul- tureel Ergoed (RCE). CmY 7 (Juillet 2018) 141 A. Regourd & K. Scheper Shifting sands of writing inks in Yemen املصادر العربية، مبا يف ذكل المينية عىل وصفات لت جهزي وإاعداد ا لحبار، وتمت مبزج تكل املكوانت اتلفة للحصول عىل بريق وملعان احلرب. ويف الوقت نفسه، يكشف التحليل اتربي أن التأ ثري الﻻمع قد ينتج عن وجس اميت من املعادن مثل )املياك والرمل، و أحيا ًان مع التحضري عىل أساس الصبغة امحلراء( املس تخدمة بعد الانهتاء من الكتابة. وتس تخدم هذه اجلس اميت لتجفيف احلرب من انحية وإاضافة اللمعان وامجلال من انحية أخرى، ويبدو أن اس تخدام هذه الطريقة اقترصت عىل المين، وهذه ادلراسة تفتح الباب ملزيد من البحوث والتحقيق. Keywords Yemen, manuscripts, inks, midād, ḥibr, sparkling inks, rih, altın riğ, altın riği, altın rihi, gold sand, scribes/copyist, scribes and copyists practices, ink analysis, sand, blotting material, mica, Ibn Bādīs (d. 454/1062), ʿUmdat al-kuttāb wa-ʿuddat ḏawī al-albāb, al-Malik al-Muẓaffar Yūsuf (d. 694/1295), Kitāb al-muḫtarʿ fī funūn min al-ṣunʿ, Abū Bakr Muḥammad Zakariyā al-Rāzī (d. 313/925), Risāla zīnat al- kitāba, Zabīd, Leiden University Library, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts, Islamic codicology and material culture, conservation Mots-clés Yémen, manuscrits, encres, midād, ḥibr, encres brillantes, rih, altın riğ, altın riği, altın rihi, « gold sand » ou « sable d’or », scribes/copistes, pratiques des scribes et copistes, analyse de l’encre, sable, matériel dessicatoire, mica, Ibn Bādīs (d. 454/1062), ʿUmdat al-kuttāb wa-ʿuddat ḏawī al-albāb, al-Malik al- Muẓaffar Yūsuf (d. 694/1295), Kitāb al-muḫtarʿ fī funūn min al-ṣunʿ, Abū Bakr Muḥammad Zakariyā al- Rāzī (d. 313/925), Risāla zīnat al-kitāba, Zabīd, Leiden University Library, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Bi- bliothèque nationale de France, Musée d’art turc et islamique, codicologie et culture matérielle du ma- nuscrit islamique, conservation تعابر رئيس ية المين، اطوطات، املداد، احلرب، أحبار لمعة، رحي، altın riğ, altın riği, altın rihi، "الرمال اذلهبية"، النساخ، التذهيب، حتليل احلرب، ن نشاف، مياك، رمل، ابن ابديس )ت 454/1062(، معدة الكتاب وع ندة ذوي ا للباب، املكل املظفر يوسف )ت 694/1295(، كتاب ارتع يف فنون من الصنع، ابو بكر محمد زكراي الرازي )ت 313/925(، رساةل زينة الكتابة، زبيد، مكتبة جامعة ليدن، املكتبة الوطنية يف برلّي، املكتبة الوطنية الف نرس ية، متحف الفنون الرتكية وا إلسﻻمية، كوديكولووجيا والثقافة املا ندية للمخطوط ا إلسﻻيم، احلفاظ عىل اطوطات I. Introduction In many catalogues, the material composition of manuscripts is recorded somewhat superficially. The writing substrate is often mentioned though this may not extend be- yond ‘paper’ (or ‘papyrus’, or ‘parchment’), and if the type of binding is noted, this may just point out that it concerns an oriental binding without any further indication of the materials used, or it may roughly sketch the covering material(s) and some decora- tive characteristics, rather than provide a full codicological description of structure and
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