FRIDAY 14TH MAY 2021 | ISSUE 228 | WWW.POINTVILLE.AG MJOLNIR MESSIAH IS THE TOP STUDENT FOR CSEC, 2020 SEE PAGE 3 BARS AND CLUBS TO BEGIN REOPENING NEXT WEEK SEE PAGE 8 PAGE 2 FRIDAY 14TH MAY 2021 EDITORIAL VACCINATION PROGRAMME AT THE CROSSROADS After a very promising the Oxford-AstraZeneca ing to be vaccinated. among the top ten most start towards the end of vaccine. Here in Anti- It is inevitable, some tourism-dependent February and well into gua and Barbuda our may say, that there ap- countries in the world. the month of March, amount was forty thou- pears to be some po- In this edition of the the vaccination roll-out sand. With the uncer- litical mischief making paper is an article quot- exercise had gathered tainty over when addi- that has somehow been ing the chairman of the momentum with up to tional vaccines would able to wound its way Antigua and Barbuda two thousand individ- arrive, and recognising into the misinformation Hotels and Tourist Asso- uals presenting them- that each person need- and the sowing of seeds ciation stating unequiv- selves to be vaccinated ed two shots of the vac- of doubt. Much as it is ocally that potential vis- in a single day. cine to be fully inoculat- widely accepted that itors are inquiring about Antigua and Barbuda ed, just over twenty-six the vaccination exer- the rate of vaccination had reached a higher thousand doses of the cise is in the best inter- in the country as well as rate of distribution and vaccine were adminis- est of the country and the status of people at uptake than any other tered. Additional vac- at least in their public the various properties. country in the Carib- cines did arrive, but not discourses politicians This is not a game! Tour- bean at that point. We before the exercise was of all colours and hues ism is this country’s life- were all certain that at placed on a hiatus to have voiced support for blood. The pandemic the current pace of the await those vaccines. the programme, one has caused severe harm first few weeks of the roll During this period of wonders if perchance to the industry and to out, the country would a lull in the roll-out, an there are not those who the country generally. have achieved the state aggressive misinfor- view a potential failure Our only way of return- of ‘herd immunity’ by mation campaign was of the roll-out as an op- ing to positive econom- the month of June. launched, exploiting portunity to score polit- ic growth that benefits Unfortunately, there the fears and uncertain- ical points. It really is a all is by up to seventy was one major factor ties about vaccines gen- sad day that in matters per cent of the adult over which the coun- erally among many in as fundamental to the population being vac- try had absolutely no the community. well-being of the coun- cinated. This is not a control: availability of Admittedly, much of try there may be some scare tactic! This is not the vaccine. The gov- this misinformation has people who are playing a joke; the nation stands ernment of India, in a caught root and has re- on the genuine con- at the crossroads of de- remarkable demonstra- sulted in a higher than cerns of some people to velopment or econom- tion of generosity, made expected number of achieve a political out- ic depression. How we available to several Ca- people who have decid- come. decide collectively will ribbean countries vary- ed to opt out of the exer- It bears repeating that determine the path we ing amounts of doses of cise and who are refus- Antigua and Barbuda is take! FRIDAY 14TH MAY 2021 LOCAL NEWS PAGE 3 MJOLNIR MESSIAH IS THE TOP STUDENT FOR CSEC, 2020 Seventeen-year-old Academy sat and Mjolnir Messiah is passed twenty-one been named Antigua subjects, securing and Barbuda’s Top sixteen Grade Ones Student for the Ca- and five Grade Twos. ribbean Secondary “In everything that Education Certificate comes with the de- (CSEC) for the year sired outcomes is the 2020. result of much hard Messiah, a former work and dedication. student of St. Joseph’s First, I must thank Cont’d on pg 4 PAGE 4 LOCAL NEWS FRIDAY 14TH MAY 2021 God for his blessings fall into line,” he of his non-stop ad- out a doubt, SJA has and guidance as well added. vancement well into continued to im- as my teachers and He also reported that the far flung future,” pact the education- parents for the sup- he intends to pursue Browne stated. al landscape of our port that they gave a career in medicine, “I applaud his par- nation in indelible me as these efforts with a specialisation ents whose love and ways,” director Clare allowed me to do in pathology. support have assist- Browne declared. well in my exams,” Director of Educa- ed in creating that Mjolnir Messiah is he told PointeXpress tion, Clare Browne, enabling environ- currently enrolled newspaper. on Thursday morn- ment that has pro- in the baccalaureate Messiah said he kept ing contacted Mjol- pelled him to this programme offered his focus on his stud- nir’s mother, Nata- academic apex.” by Island Academy. ies and while he en- sha Messiah, with The faculty of St. Jo- J’Shawni Vickery of gages in extra-cur- the exciting news seph’s Academy has St. Joseph’s Acade- ricular activities, he and conveyed con- also been singled my was named most strongly believes gratulations on be- out by the director outstanding student that there must be half of the ministry. for the role it has in second place and a balance between “I am thrilled to ap- played in Messiah’s Ajonte Josiah, Bap- those activities and plaud Mjolnir Mes- achievements. tist Academy of An- his studies. “Nothing siah on his outstand- “SJA has maintained tigua in third place. comes easy in life. ing achievement at an academic excel- The CSEC modified You have to put your the 2020 CSEC ex- lence and competi- examinations were best foot forward aminations. Make tive will, which have administered by the and work towards no mistake about it, placed it among the Caribbean Examina- your goal. Once you even as I celebrate top secondary insti- tions Council (CXC) have the drive to do with him today, I tutions in Antigua from 13th July to 4th well and you focus, make bold to say and Barbuda and August 2020. everything else will that I expect to hear the region. With- FRIDAY 14TH MAY 2021 LOCAL NEWS PAGE 5 CABINET MEMBERS FULLY VACCINATED On the heels of healthcare work- lic that it is important to obtain effects of the vaccine. I am also ers receiving their second dose of the second dose to increase the imploring our young adults to go the COVID-19 AstraZeneca vac- efficacy of the vaccine and boost out and get vaccinated. We can’t cine, members of Cabinet gath- protection against COVID-19. get to herd immunity without ered at the Office of the Prime The COVID-19 vaccine prevents you.” Dr. Lewis said. Minister to receive their second serious illness, hospitalisation, The general public is asked to dose, officially making them ful- and death.” pay attention to dates given ly vaccinated against COVID-19. Dr. Courtney Lewis, Medical Di- within their vaccination card for Their vaccination took place with rector of Dr. Lewis Medical and their second dose. A subsequent the presence of the media in an Associates, issued a public ser- announcement will be made for effort to help inspire the general vice announcement remind- the second dose schedule for population to get vaccinated. ing the public to get vaccinated. uniformed bodies and targeted According to the Ministry of “Getting your second dose en- groups. Health, Wellness and the Envi- sures you get your maximum To date, Antigua and Barbuda ronment, “Health officials are protection against COVID-19 has vaccinated over thirty thou- reminding members of the pub- as well as the longest protective sand citizens and residents. Cont’d on pg 5 PAGE 6 LOCAL NEWS FRIDAY 14TH MAY 2021 CAUTIOUS CARNIVAL RESUMPTION TWO MONTHS FROM NOW By Shelton Daniel adherence to protec- was disclosed that “pro- Industries [Hon. Dar- MONTHStive measures FROM against moters NOW of Carnival fetes yl Matthew] in order A tentative and test- COVID-19 that have and other kinds of large- to seek approval for … the-waters resumption been proposed and group entertainment conducting of … large of Carnival festivities is agreed to by authorities events were invited to public gatherings in the contemplated for An- and organisers of mass Cabinet [at its weekly months ahead, espe- tigua and Barbuda this crowd events. meeting on Wednesday] cially at Carnival.” year. During this week’s by the Minister respon- According to the But it will depend on post-Cabinet briefing it sible for the Creative post-Cabinet briefing FRIDAY 14TH MAY 2021 LOCAL NEWS PAGE 7 notes circulated by Office of the switching and the patrons will dia briefing on Thursday morn- Prime Minister, “The promoters be provided coloured bracelets ing, Information Minister Mel- agreed that vaccination of the upon entry to ensure that they ford Nicholas provided some promoters, their patrons, and can mingle freely while obeying further elaboration. their guest artistes is a prerequi- the protocols established.” “We are satisfied now that the site to holding those parties and Alluding to a definite timeline promoters are indeed aligned in fetes during the Carnival holiday taking this major step to some re- their efforts and their approach, period and beyond … After in- sumption of normality, following and in the observance of the tense discussions, it was agreed the suffocating restrictions oc- protocols, to ensure that the first that a vaccine regime for all fans casioned by the pandemic since of those events – all things be- and events’ organisers, requiring March 2020, the statement an- ing considered equal – could be the presentation of vaccine cer- nounced thus: “If all the systems staged as early as mid-July … tificates and a government-is- are put in place, the first of these This will be a first case and a test sued identification, in order to events will take place on July 16, which will not involve extreme- enter.” 2021, the start of the Carnival ly large numbers.
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