PAGE SEE ~ J}0 f? TWO lRfIFORNIATech EDITORIAL C Volume LXXVIII, Numher 8 Pasadena, Califomia Friday, November 12, 1976 Eight Pages Free Will More Than a Wish? A new view of the nature of "In effect, the change means consciousness and the relation of ... that the whole value-rich mind to brain, elevating the role qualitative world of inner con­ of subjective conscious exper­ scious subjective experience (in ience to that of "a top level other words, the world of the causal control in brain function," humanities) that has long been was described last Sunday night explicitly excluded from the by Dr. Roger Sperry, Hixon domain of science ... is now Professor of Psychobiology here reinsta ted. at Caltech. "In the revised scheme, con­ In contrast to the past scious mental phenomena have a treatment of conscious mind in place and a use in brain function science as "some kind of non­ and a reason for having been causal epiphenomenon," con­ evolved in a physical system." sciousness is now emerging as A consequence of the change "an active causal property of is that many of the more high order brain processing" that mechanistic aspects of science can move matter in the brain, that the humanities have had Dr. Sperry told the presidential difficulty relating to no longer symposium at the sixth annual apply in the new framework, meeting of the Society for explained Dr. Sperry, adding: Neuroscience. "Science, and particularly be­ The new concept has been havioral· science, gets a new look evolving gradually over a ten-year on these terms to become much period in contrasting with the more ... humanistic." This swing traditional materialist view in is more than just a matter of Photo-Dave Wheeler which conscious mind had no changing attitudes; it has "au­ In celebration of the victorious Tech football game, a small crowd of pyromaniacs prepare the ceremonial influence upon the physical thentic theoretical support and fire for the thundering horde. activity of the brain and was grounding in fundamental therefore something that "brain changes in our basic mind-brain research and objective science concepts." generally could safely, and per­ The current view helps rein­ haps wisely, ignore," he declared. force the scientitlc status of Tech Stomps Colts 24-6 The new concept moves con­ those disciplines in behavioral scious, subjective experience into science that rely on subjective the realm of science and makes it experience, such as humanistic by Gregg Brown someone who was listening to a to the police, Saturday night at "something that science can psychology and psychiatry, even Tech Staff Writer police ba:ld radio immediately that time-around eleven­ hardly ignore where it wants an though none of the theoretical before the fire that they an­ thirty-is prime time for drunken explanation of the higher brain changes "makes subjective exper- The strong-armed. denizens of nounced the score from the drivers. functions," Dr. Sperry said. Continued on Page Four the gridiron won another football football game over the radio Fortunately, no such incident game last Saturday the 6th of while dispatching the cars. After occured. November and to nobody's sur­ the event the police provided Although the police ended prise we had another marsh­ escort for the marching crowd, their escort with a cheery "See 1I/XJ//fJ FfJlJnd mallow roast and sawdust dis­ putting a patrol car in front and you after the next game", one posal event in front of the one in the rear of the crowd. feels that if the football teams A large rock a few hundred zipped by within 500,000 miles.) Pasadena City Hall. This action reflected the only don't tone it down they might yards in diameter has been Designated as 1976 VA, it is Planning and care that would apparent worry of the police, get a trifle weary of this discovered in space, one that has probably the smallest minor have made the French Resistance that someone from the post-fire happening every other week. come within 750,000 miles of planet ever observed and has the forces look like Jack Klugman crowd would be hurt on the road If anybody cares, the score the earth-which is the second shortest period around the sun-a made this an orderly affair as a result of a confrontation was 24-6, and we played the closest approach of any known little more than nine months. creating as much possible nui­ with a drunk driver. According Glendale Colts again. minor planet. (In 1937 Hermes Only the moon is closer to the sance with as little possible earth than these objects, which damage. are of interest to geologists as A spokesman for the fire well as astronomers because they department assured this reporter have been known to hit the earth that with six stations in the in the past. Pasadena area, dispatching one The fast-moving object-it was truck to perform the obligatory traveling at about 24,000 miles duties was no real strain on the per hour relative to the earth fire fighting resources, and posed when first observed-was re­ little danger of trouble should a corded practically simultaneously real fire occur. and independently by three One policeman stated that it observers at Palomar Observa­ was a relief to arrive at the scene tory. of a disturbance to be greeted The observatiOlls were made with cheers instead of the normal by research astronomer Charles harsh words and occasional heavy Kowal and grad student William ~ass and metal objects. Sebok, both of Caltech and Hale The police in fact acted in an Observatories, and by Caltech extremely pleasant manner about planetary scientist Eleanor Helin. the fire. Rumor has it from Assisting her were Caltech under­ grads Tod Lauer and Dave Zelinsky. Photographs were taken with the I8-inch and 48 inch Schmidt telescopes, the first Pawns being taken the night of Oct. 21. Pilfered! Precise positions made by Some summer resident of the Caltech undergrad S.J. Bus from student houses apparently walked photographs covering several off with the Dabney House chess nights were communicated to Dr. set. In case you're wondering, Brian Marsden of the Smith­ this action represents a violation sonian Astrophysical Observa­ of the Honor System. Please Photo-Dave Wheeler tory, Cambridge, Mass., for the return the set to the Dabney The Pasadena Fire Department decided they wanted their hotdogs steamed, so .... Continued on Page Five House Lounge. Page Two THE CALIFORNIA TECH Friday, November 12, 1976 The Decline and Fall of the RF ~,~! {ll,ip> ,~d UII\'1 i;' Iii' il11pli('Jict! :111 ill1l0!'('!)i pai't'., ;):~! 1~: ~!; J :< pi 'I L ~) ( Pi'r!1;"1p:"; tIle j il ."d U H' !-., !! !j( H i ( r d Ii",,: .< i ) r ! (l q ·'l?:' '1', 'it,·,;;. :'1 d 'pll!L! ill 01] dU~!ti Ll ! r;dtn \ ('Oin';-" ~J_,'J:·t( d di'(IPIJli rki" rji U ~":~""!!! i!l:!i ~Oln.I\\)jl!\ d'\'lI!<d tlldl il !Ii\' oli]('r~ iii lita! ,'<}!Ir,'" \\ 'IT dOIIIF! i~'ll(Ti.lll\·(' fi>tdt:'.d lIirl'I,,\I\ IfI l!l fll' (H't lhal. ih~'rl'" !Jeit,r thall III' ,\a~. a lo::'i,';,l :l!id l'I'a"ollailk illlp()rl~lIil rllk~ IT~<ll'dill::': wa.~ !wu VIT.' !{ F\: \\'\,"1 iiil'iilil'll,d­ :J!I''l'llalivl' 10 "Iu" Ihl'lIl d"'\ll :1 hI!. ill Ihi" Hillel ca~I' de"lroyill~ wed,,~ I) dama;.;\' ,III.' tllill;!:, all<1 whal\'\\T VU\! br\'ak, ) Oil I'i". h) '.)i' '\'urk Oil their pad. Havdalah Exalllpk" uC HV" wlli('ll l'('.eoglli/,cd (hi" rlil\' ,liT' lhe ltu,,\' 'I'll\' poilll i~, all ttF ITa"e,; to be all n F wllt'll il ITaH',; The Cal tech Jewish C0111· Buwl Card Tri\'k IH', Lytllall's !.\,lIlutt,.: 1 ,,\'d Car,.:, tIl(' to [W cOl\slrllclive or evcll good-Ilatl\l"ed, hilt [)('eomes munity (l hllel) will be sponsoring Claimillg ul' til(' Peuple',.: \\all b) tlte OCRC (Official illslcad all act of (kstruction or of malice_ Those who have a Picnic-Havdalah Service at the Beach Sunday, Nov. 14. Anyone Campu" Itiut COlnmillee, furllledy lh\' ()fficial~uilviul('nl chosen to ignore this fact in their actions are well aware uf wishing to go should meet at Call1pu~ Riut Committee), the McDonald's Affair, and the it anyway hence their craving for anonymity. Years ago, Michael Perelmuter's house at Baxter Fishing Expedi tiun in which olle Whale was caught. one could be' reasonably certain that if one' saw allYthing at 724 Strand on Sunday at II a.m. In none of these RF's was any property damaged (in fact, Tech maliciously damaged it had been the work of an If you need a ride from Caltech, in the ease of the People's Wall, said wall was redefined outsider. Knowledge that a contemplated prank was to be meet in the Athenaeum Parking when the original waH was refinished), and in each case, a performed by Techers was virlually a guarantee that Lot at 10 a.m. For more information or directions call specific group took the credit (ur blame) for the act. nobody would be hurt. This is no longer the case, and we Louise Lorden at 355-1625. So R(~centIy, however, there has been a dramatic change in must sadly bid farewell to a glorious era in which there was bring your sack lunch and have the nature of sl/eh pranks: protests, or whatever you wish a sharp line between Tech and the real world. wme fun! to call them.
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