Contemporary Views on Architecture and Representations in Phonology edited by Eric Raimy and Charles E. Cairns A Bradford Book The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England 6 2009 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher. MIT Press books may be purchased at special quantity discounts for business or sales promo- tional use. For information, please e-mail [email protected] or write to Special Sales Department, The MIT Press, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142. This book was set in Times New Roman and Syntax on 3B2 by Asco Typesetters, Hong Kong and was printed and bound in the United States of America. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Contemporary views on architecture and representations in phonology / edited by Eric Raimy and Charles E. Cairns. p. cm. — (Current studies in linguistics) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-262-18270-6 (hardcover : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-262-68172-8 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Grammar, Comparative and general—Phonology—Methodology. I. Raimy, Eric. II. Cairns, Charles E. P217.C667 2009 414—dc22 2008029816 10987654321 Index *LongV, 389–401 Classical, 235 *s, 391 Der ez-Zor, 125 [æ]-tensing, 308–309 Araucanian, 124 3-D phonology. See Three-dimensional Archangeli, Diana, 283, 341 phonology Archi, 243 Architecture Abkhaz, 84 as constraint on the class of possible Abramson, Arthur S., 89, 346–347 grammars, 388–392 Acehnese, 315 of cyclic and postcyclic rule application, Acoma, 108, 111, 133 371–379 passim Acquisition of language. See Language of grammar, 327, 331–333 acquisition of phonological theory as set of modules Aguacatec, 235 or components, 1–12, 261–298 Ahtna, 315 passim Aklan, 231, 232, 233, 242 Armenian, 39, 90, 104, 121, 122, 123, 124, Alawa, 316 125, 126, 129, 135, 149, 272, 281 Albanian, 26 Eastern, 78, 80, 122, 151 Aleut, 79 Western, 121 Amharic, 79 Aronson, Howard, 269 Anchor Point, 181–183, 393–401 Arrernte, 26, 33 Anderson, Stephen, 101, 131, 261, 298 Articulation Angaatiha, 35 and its relation to phonology, 337–349 (see Antigemination, 331 also Articulatory, grounding of Aoun, Youssef [Joseph], 126 phonological features; Interfaces, between Appendix, 13, 101–131 passim, 289, 291– phonetics and phonology) 293. See also Extrasyllabic supplemental as phonetic enhancement, 50 based analysis of reduplication (and (see also Phonetic enhancement) infixation), 118–121, 177–184 Articulator, designated 71 defined, 108 Articulatory disputed, 145–161 passim and acoustic/auditory characteristics (see formal representation of, 123–125 Quantal theory) and the Prosodic Hierarchy, 149 cost/ease and Robustness, 44 Arabic, 80, 82, 124, 240 development, 328 Cairene, 103, 112, 115 gesture, 71 406 Index Articulatory (cont.) Bell, Alexander Graham, 69 grounding of phonological features, 19–22, Bell, Alexander Melville, 69–71 71–72, 76–77 Bella Coola, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, grounds for markedness, 32 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 135, 391 parameters, 43, 57–58 Bell’s phonetic alphabet, 69 representations, 261–262 Berber, 77, 106, 112, 169, 170, 273 stable regions (see Quantal theory) Bermu´dez-Otero, Ricardo, 379 weakening, 329 Berta, 39, 84 Articulatory phonology, 75 Best, Joel, 82 ASL, 57, 58, 204 Bhaskakarao, Peri, 60 Assimilation, 8, 10, 11, 34, 35, 282, 345 BigNambas, 227 asymmetric, 317 Binary feature values, 82 of place of articulation, 285–286, 317–318 Bleeding/counterbleeding order, 287, 289. Atalyalic, 308 See also Feeding/counterfeeding, order Auca, 35, 84, 194, 202–203, 209 Blevins, Juliette, 112, 115, 338, 340, 349–350 Auditory Bloch, Bernard, 2 cues, 61 Bloomfield, Leonard, 357, 379 dispersion, 20, 27, 44 Bohn, Ocke-Schwen, 343 distance of consonants from resonants, 50, Bontok, 330 53, 57 Booij, Geert, 126 distinctness, 19, 27 Borowsky, Toni, 151, 157, 162 grounding of features (contra), 21, 76 Bothorel, Andre´,26 knowledge as a component of phonetic Brighenti, Laura, 347 knowledge, 339 (see also Phonetic Bromberger, Sylvain, 262, 311 knowledge) Broselow, Ellen, 108, 126 prominence and resonance as grounding of Bulgarian, 124 sonority, 167 liquid metathesis, 269–277 response and Robustness, 44 Bye, Patrik, 134 Automata, finite state (FSA), 191–210 passim and natural classes, 249–250, 256 Caha, Pavel, 380n and long-distance dependencies, 247–256 Cairns, Charles, 132 Avery, Peter, 317 Calabrese, Andrea, 61, 84, 108, 109 Awadhi, 231, 232, 233, 242 Cambodian, 112, 133–134 Canaanite rounding, 217 Baayen, R. Harald, 332 Capanahua, 231 Bagemihl, Bruce, 116, 119, 120, 126, 128, Carlson, Katy, 120 178, 187 Catalan, 171, 326, 378 Balcaen, Jean, 214, 223 Categorical perception, 22–23, 326, 342, Baltic, 275 345–346 Basbøll, Hans, 23 Caucasian, 84 Bashkir, 78 Cayuga, 124 Basque, 23, 39 Chang, M. Laura, 185 Battistella, Edwin, 316 Checking of representations, 287–288. See Beasley, Tim, 204 also Derivations; Instructions; Markedness Beckman, Mary E., 60, 173 module Beesley, Kenneth R., 192, 200, 206 component, 264 Bell, Alan, 133–134 computational capacity of, 286 Index 407 cyclic, 295–296 click, 27, 44 by markedness statements, 264 dental, 23, 26, 27, 51, 57 and ordering, 288, 291–294 ejective, 31, 39, 40, 41–42, 55 and phononlogical derivations, 262 fricatives, 22, 28–33, 34, 38–41, 43–45, 49, and spotlighting, 286 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 106, 127–128, 159, 167, Cheng, Chin-Chuan, 308 168, 169, 171, 250, 328 Cheremis, 235 geminate, 5, 6, 9, 11, 114, 339, 345–349 Chierchia, Guglielmo, 113 glottal, 3, 4, 36, 37, 41, 43, 45–48, 55, 120, Child language. See Language acquisition 128, 170, 182–183, 325–326, 339–340, Chinese, 326 345–348 (see also under Features) Chi wei, 343 implosive, 29, 31, 43, 55, 79, 344 Cho, Young-mee Y., 120, 126–128 laminal, 23–25 Chomsky, Noam, 2–3, 70, 255, 256, 360 laryngeal, 43, 82, 170, 315–316, 318 Chugach Alutiq, 200, 204 lateral, 36, 35, 43, 52–53, 168, 329, 344 Clements, G. N., 106, 108, 110, 123, 132, liquid, 38, 55, 106, 111, 112, 114, 115, 165– 151, 152, 158, 193 169, 269–270, 275–276 Closed-syllable laxing, 113, 159 nasal, 9–11, 28, 36, 38–40, 44–45, 49, 52– Closed-syllable shortening, 309 53, 55, 81, 106, 115, 156, 165–169, 278, Coetzee, Andries, 157 307, 317, 326, 328 Complex onset constraint, 172–173 obstruent, 2–3, 6, 11, 28, 30, 32, 35, 36, 38, Components of phonological theory. See 39, 44–45, 48, 51, 52, 71–72, 76, 80, 81, Modules 106, 121, 122, 126, 127, 156, 166, 168–172, Computation 182, 277, 282, 288, 307, 325, 344, 347–348 capacities of modules, 1, 3, 8, 14, 286, 383, (see also under Features) 392–396 (see also Modules) palatal, 25–26, 51, 81, 194, 269, 284, 329, finite state automata on the metrical grid, 357, 364, 366, 369 13, 191–211, 247–250 palatoalveolar, 25, 26, 284 metrical, 214–222, 225–243, 250–256 pharyngealized, 33 morphological, 153–156, 177–187, 383–402 posterior, 22, 25, 26, 35, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, phonetic, 2–3 52, 56 phonological, 8–12, 15, 149–151, 160, 261– prenasal, 8–12, 53 296, 355–379 retroflex, 25, 26, 80 Connectionism, 75 sibilant, 45, 56, 166, 168, 328, 329–330 Consonants, about sonorant, 35, 38, 43–47, 49, 51, 52, 53, 56, contrasts, 44, 45 71–72, 103, 109, 111, 112, 119, 127, 128, deletion, (see Deletion) 152, 154, 167, 170–172, 262, 271–277, 291, discrimination/perception, 23 303 (see also under Features) epenthesis, 4, 13 unaspirated, 31, 35, 37, 39, 43, 76, 78, 79, features of (see Features, about) 84, 116, 281, 315 lenition, 331 Constituent structure Consonant types. See also under Features, on the metrical plane, 213, 217–222, 225– distinctive 228, 237–238, 240–243 (see also Iterative alveolar, 26–27, 51, 57, 344 constituent construction) apical, 23, 26, 43 morphological, 355–379 approximant, 51, 167–168 on the prosodic plane, 4–5, 101, 104, 145, 147 aspirated, 31, 35, 43, 49, 55, 76, 78, 79, 81, of syllables, 152–160 116, 126, 281, 315 ternary, 198 408 Index Constraints. See also Markedness, Correspondence theory, 391 constraints; Negative instructions; Sonority Counting in phonological computation, 13, sequencing principle 201, 209, 392–393 ternary, 193, 197–198, avoidance constraints, 192, 203, 204, 256 201 on grammars due to grammatical Count systems (stress), 238–240 architecture, 388–392 Crosswhite, Katherine, 204 on grammars due to human computational Cutler, Anne, 347 limitations, 392–396 Cwikiel-Glavin, Annemarie, 103, 110 on grammars due to language acquisition, Cycle/cyclic, 146. See also Postcyclic rule 396–401 application on the metrical plane, 225, 228, 229 cyclic rule application, 288–296, 355–381 negative, 263, 267, 272–274, 278, 287–289, passim, especially 360–364 305, 312, 331, 333 (see also Markedness cyclic syllabification, 150, 186 module) marking of a‰xes for, 362 in optimality theory, 8, 20, 128–130, 206– strict cyclicity, principle of, 363 210, 222, 232–233, 312, 384, 389–392, 393 Czaykowska-Higgins, Ewa, 116, 120 phonetic (articulatory and/or perceptual), Czech, 15, 355, 364–371, 372, 373, 378 325, 326, 327, 328, 342, 346 reduplicative template, constraint on, 119, Dakota, 112 121, 384, 389–392, 393 Dari, 227 on sequences of elements, 57, 123, 150, 157, Davidsen-Nielsen, Niels, 116 161, 166, 280 (see also Phonotactics; Davidson, Donald, 340 Sonority sequencing principle) Degenerate syllable. See Syllable, degenerate syllable structure, 171 Deletion, 4, 13. See also Rules and Context dependency/independency, 61 constraints
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