M. f.^cRae, PUBLISHED BV THE UNITED FARM EPS of ALBERTA OFFICIAL ORGAN OF The united farmers of alberta the alberta wheat pool AND OTHER PROVINCIAL MARKETING POOLS Vol. IX. CALGARY, ALBERTA, MARCH 15th, 1930 No. 6. Wheat Pool Advances Guarantee Bill Passed Premier Answers Party Critics of Bill Official News from the Alberta Wheat Pool Professor Fay on '*Wheat, an Empire Problem'' A News Letter from the House of Commons By L. H. JELLIFF, M.P. Fifth Convention of A.lberta Livestock Pool T ' CJS CpCf< Entries in Junior Field Crops Competition — 2 (202) THE U. F. A. March 15th, 1930 The John Deere Model D For the Heavier Farm Jobs FEATURES That Mean LONGER SERVICE AT LOWER COSTS Heavy-duty design- Great power combined with Dependability and Economy light weight- Combined to Make it Famous Fewer but sturdier partti— Full pressure force-feed engine lubrication- The ability of the John simpler adjustments; with its Deere Model D to handle the positive oiling system that keeps all other important Transmission and different- the engine and heavier farm jobs day-in and parts thoroughly lubricated with- automatically ial parts day-out, month after in a dust-proof case—the Model oiled- month, without delays, with- D stands up under the heavy loads for which it is built. out adjustments, with in- fully en- no Working parts especially de- terruptions, is its biggest With an engine closed— signed to burn low-cost fuels; asset to its thousands of and fewer governor— with lighter weight Responsive owners. friction making parts to cut loss of power away down; with undi- Thermo-siphon cooling sys- When you combine this de- pendable service with real econ- luted oil forced under pressure to and effec- tem—simple omy that can be measured in all engine bearings, and with fewer tive- dollars — then the investment parts using oil, operating costs are in the John Deere is extra profit- fuel, oil and maintenance— Positive gear driven fan- able. surprisingly low. From its engine to its drawbar There is a John Deere dealer double cleaned before Air the John Deere is built for heavy- near you who will gladly point reaching cylinders- duty work. With its simple, out to you many other reasons powerful two-cylinder engine, its why the John Deere Model D Bel t pulley mounted on sturdy parts—heavy crankshaft, is the dependable and economical crankshaft- big bearings, strong gears; with its tractor to buy. See him when fewer working parts—fewer and you are in town. Roller and ball bearings- GET THESE FREE TRACTOR BOOKS Positive dry plate clutch- easy to adjust— *'What the Neighbors Say" contain* letters from nearly 100 John Deere Tractor owners. They tell you their experience with their John Deere's. Interestini;—f ull of unbiased facts. Tha Fewer adjustments easy to John Z^eere booklet tells in detail all about this famous tractor* Both free. Write to John Deere Plow Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Cal- make- gary or Regina, and ask for booklets FW-4 Easy to line up belt- Power take-off—the third power outlets JOHNSDEERE [THE TRADE MARK OF QUALITY MADE FAMOUS BY GOOD IMPLEMENTS] March 15th, 1930 (203) 3 SUBSCRIPTIONS ADVERTISING One Year »2.00 Commercial Display 35c per agate line Single Copies 10 cents ($4.90 per inch) No discount for time or space Make remittances by money order or postal Classified per prepaid note. We cannot accept responsibility for cur- 6c word Published on the 1st and 15th ot each mont'i mail. rency forwarded through the New copy reach us days in advance THE UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA must 8 of publication to insure insertion. Change of Address—When ordering a change Lougheed Building of address, the former as well as the present CALGART - ALBERTA No advertisements taken for liquor, patent the altera- address should be given; otherwise Official Organ of medicine, or speculative investment schemes. tion cannot be made. THE ALBERTA WHEAT POOL None other than reliable advertisements will be THE ALBERTA LIVESTOCK POOL knowingly accepted. Readers will confer a favor CIRCULATION THE ALBERTA DAIRY POOL by advising us promptly of unsatisfactory dealings with advertisers. Average net paid circulation, six months THE ALBERTA EGG AND POULTRY POOL ALBERTA CO-OPERATIVE WHOLESALE ending March 1st, 1930 45,141 THE ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT MANAOEMENT COMMITTEE Editor A. M. TURNER H. E. a. H. SCHOLEFIELD, J. JESSE STRANG W. NORMAN SMITH W. H. McCABDELL Vol. IX. CALGARY, ALBERTA, MARCH 15tb, 1930 No. 6. wheat grown in the world." Robert Gardiner, M.P., is Principal Contents quoted as having said in a two column interview pub- - 3 lished in the Montreal Standard. In the course of this . Editokial News op the Organization _ 4 interview, in a paper with a circulation of 140,000, Mr. BAUAr. Locals Raise $61 for Deficit Fund . — 4 Gardiner advocates the setting up of a Royal Commis- U.F.A. Membership Basis of Oil Purchasing 5 sion to investigate grain trading practices, short selling A Visit to the City — 7 Alberta Oil Consumers' Co-operative- 8 in particular. He states that "Western farmers are Two Angles of the Marketing Problem „ _ 9 not so much worried about the wheat situation as some 10 News Lltter from the House of Commons people in Eastern Canada appear to be." Comment from the Press Gallery _ 11 Legislative Assembly i Mid-Session 12 m * * Trackways Bill Beaten by Two to One _ 16 News from Alberta Wheat Pool Head Office 18 "TOOK A FARMERS' GOVERNMENT" Wheat a New Empire Problem _ _ — 18 Prize Winning Essays - - - 19 Commending the action of the Alberta Government Splendid Pool Spirit Prevalent in Alberta 21 which took the lead in dealing with the stock market 22 New Booklet for Juniors situation, the Vancouver Sun says in part: Problems of Co-operative Credit Societies — 25 "Canada has nine Attorneys-General, has a Minister of Subsidizing of Immigration Organizations - 26 Convention Commends Federal Members- 27 Justice; any or all of whom are charged with the re- Interests of United Farm" Women 30 sponsibility of law and have complete control of legal Traditions which Might be Discarded _ 30 machinery to see that the people get a run for their money. To Honor First Woman Legislator _ _ 32 In addition Canada has seven or eight banks enjoying U.F.A. Junior Activities _ ~.— 35 Field Crops Competition _ 38 a complete monopoly of our 6nancial business and, as News from Head Office Alberta Livestock Pool 42 token of their supposed reliability and dependability to 42 Year of Progress Revealed in Reports _ keep the financial machine of Canada on an even keel, Discussion of Co-operative Credit Societies- 44 received Immigration, Coal Markets, Discussed _ 46 a half dozen of them have knighthoods. Yet To Compel Oil Companies to Sell at Well _ 47 with all this regal and legal and financial ability, the What is the Wheat Pool? _ 48 Canadian public has for the past few months received Premier Defends Pool Guarantee _ 50 Wheat one of its worst financial trimmings and no one raised voice or hand until things got so bad that the Farmer Government in Alberta called a halt. EDITORIAL "Ten years ago it took a Farmers' Government in Alberta to arouse and show the political parties of Canada that public office must mean something more than the UNDER POOL'S PROTECTION SINCE 1923 mere drawing of a salary. What the public wants and Members of the two old political parties in the Legis- needs is not inactive authority, but courageous, com- lature have manifested considerable concern for the pro- monsense leadership, and if there is such a thing in tection of the non-Pool farmer under the terms of legis- Canada today, outside of Alberta, that leadership should lation to assist in meeting the wheat situation. As the ." make itself felt. non-Pool farmer has himself recognized, he has lived continuously under the protection of the Wheat Pool * • * since 1923. * * * THE UNIFYING FORCE Premier Brownlee is never more effective than when At a time when plans are in the formative stage for the dealing with entirely unexpected opposition criticism, as development on a Province-wide scale of purchasing ac- in the case of the bill dealing with the guarantee of Wheat tivities in which the life of many U.F.A. Locals is rooted, Pool advances. A report of the debate in which he it may perhaps be worth while to consider carefully the covered with complete thoroughness every aspect of the bearing which such plans may have upon the future of problem under review, is published elsewhere in this the Locals. issue. The U.F.A. is an organization of extensive interests « * * —social, educational, and of citizenship. Underlying "In the future Canada's abihty to maintain her them all, and giving the greatest assurance of perma- primacy as a producer of wheat for export will largely nence and healthy development, are the local economic depend on the ability of other countries to raise their activities. Throughout the years these activities have standard of living, and to increase wages so as to permit become in many communities of fundamental import- the masses of their people to consume more of the best ance. Farmers who have banded themselves together (Continued on pace 8) 4 r404) THE U. F. A. March 18th, 1980 NEWS OF THE ORGANIZATION Aetivitiss of U.F.A. Locals and District Associations and Information from Central OSieo—Notes on Co-operation Contributions to the Deficit Fund are Balzac Locals Raise $61.00 for Deficit Fund acknowledged below: Previously acknowledged S134.00 U.F.A., U.F.W.A.
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