Ukrarne R mbers CanadaA ledges BceraHagcrruft TrDr(AeHb nigrvriueHm lo.nogoMopy L6 - 23 tucroraAa 2008 poKy Y 75-ry piunruIrc feHorlrAy n Yxpaini L932-33 poxin Y 2008-ouy poqi runornroerrcr 75 poxin 3 Toro qacy, Korrr ronoAHa cMeprE y lr,rupur.rft uac, na nafipogouiurii serud y cniri, o6ipna.na ui.nsfioun .nro4cuc,rx goar. lorogorvrop - opra s xaficrpamriluor rao.mdr n icropii nro4crra. B nacnigox crinoruol i virr<o clllltrroBaEol noairxxu toraairapnoro xouyuicrrvnono pexr,rMy 3HrrrrleHo uinrfioru Jrx)AcbKr,rx [orb. 3a cBoiM Bpa>KarcqlrM ruaclrra6ou lo.rogorraop flepeBr,r[[rB uarirs nrpam yKpai[rcbKoro xapogy nig vac ,{pyroi csirosoi sirlrur, Mu ft goci nepexooaeuo xacni,q<u rporo 6eoxaarnoro repopy. Koffpec Yrpai'rqia Kanaqn nporonourye nepururi Bceraua4crxuft r'rDr(Aerrb si${iqemrx lonogorrropy, m<nft qroro poxy rpoxo[rrlrMe nig 16-ro go 23-ro Jrucror4qa. Ilaur uarrlip - ulo6u qeft rroxgenr rrlopoKy o6'epqman, xe runue yKpaiHcbKy npoMary, a:re rt ranaqcrxe cycnirncrro, gorxora npocnirrurpxoi Kalmanii i cnimnoro sIua4rBamrx :Keprn qiei rparegii. Ilpogonx 6oro poxy ni4uivemn lorogolropy n Kauagi, rpoMaAa 3a3HaJra ycnixie i qe eugamrr uacair.rnoe [oAiI, ,Ki 3B€pHyrr.r yBary KauancbKono cycni;rrcrra ua qeft vacro aa65rnni reHorEA. flogaeuo .muue xilu<a rpmoragia: M uapopra ltresnacrora Csiq<a Becxoo nipigg;ra: ycnixor'r 17 rporvraq y Kanagi. Y rpanui ralragcrxNi yprg, opa 3 nepur{x 3axi,qror xpain, rnsuar lo.no4ouop axrorr,r reHor[.rAy nlrcrm yKpaurcbKoro napory. Minicrepcrro ocniru y nponirqii A.rn6epra BKJrK)rruJro reMarlrKy lonogorraopy B cepeAHbo-ocBirurc nporpauy. Y Toponri uxiarna KaHaAcbKa paAa npuftnx.na pero.rrroqio axorc [porroJrorrreuo qerBepry n'rnnr4o rorcroro Jr]rcronaAa AIreM nau'rri :xeprn lonoAoMopy. Bce x taxu, sa.mulwrocr Iqe 6araro rurx oc*rrrenns i r\,fl.r He crraieruo syrunrrnr cnoro 4irnuricrs s KiHrIe^, rlboro poKy. Mycuuo npoAou(yBaflr flpar+o 3 nponirqirhur*u,r rraiuicrcpcmarrnr ocnirr,r qo6r 3arreBHurr{ BKJrroqeHH, TeMr lo;rogorraopy r xanagcsKi utrdmui nporpaian nanqamrs. Mlr uaeuo rraopa:rrmd o6os'cgox 3arreBHrrrlr, qo caiguerurr overrp{r loro4orraopy ro<i npoxomarcrrr y Kanagi e naJrexHo AoKyMerrrorani i s6epoxexi qm uaft6ymix noxoniur. IIa uixxapo4rouy pinui ne syruounto npauo, goKr,r O6'epalri Etaqii ne su3Harorb foroAoMop reHor+rAoM. 3ar.nra<aeuo ncix - .Y cyfury 22-to Jucmnala, pa3oM a Yrpaiuroro, nruanynarr nau'err:r<eprr op{oxllrJrxHHoro MoBrraHKoro o roauifi 9-ii paao i aaua.rurra cni.ry n xoxxoruy yxpaihcrxorr,ry 4orrri . Y xegiflo 23-ro Jrllcrorraga B3rr[r yvamr y 6orocny>r<emux i nanaxrgax n<i 6ygyrs ri,qpanaeai y BauMx rlepr(Ba)( . B3rru y.racrE y noumanrrurx iupeaax sopraxisorannx Batrroro rvricqeeoxr rpoMaAoro I-le xeo6xi4nui uiuiMyrr,r, cKrxft ltr{, cyvacui yxpauqi, uaerr,ro apo6mr ne rinrxr A.lrs Minrionio aaru6.nux, a cropirue g,nr xaurrx Haula[<ia, fld noswui saa>xpr nau'maru npo lonogouop i po6rrnr rce, uqo6 nogi6ua rpareqir nixorn ne noBToploBaJlacr. Big<puftrro cnimni npaupr upo lonoqorrrop! Yrpaiha rraM'srae - Cnir Blr3Hae B c e rcanad c urcufi Ko.Dtime m d"oa eid*tiqe Hu a fonod ouopy Korurpe c Vrcparttqie Kanadu National Holodomor Awareness Week November 16 -23,2008 On the 75th anniversary of the famine genocide in Ukraine 1932-33 Sevent5r five years have passed since famine raged through Ukraine eradicating the lives of millions of children, women and men from one of the world's most bountiful lands. Holodomor - one of t}re most heinous crimes in the history of mankind, was the result of a deliberate political strategy masterminded by Stalin and his totalitarian communist regime. By sheer magnitude, losses during the Holodomor surpassed those of the Ukrainian nation during the Second World War. Ukrainians worldwide continue to suffer the consequences of this merciless act. The Ukrainian Canadian Congress is launching the first National Holodomor Awareness Week on November I 6-23 . The goal is to annually unite ttre Ukrainian community and all Canadians in remembering the victims and raising awareness of this tragedy. This publication highlights some of our successes as a community in Canada throughout the year and aims to draw the attention of Canadians to this often forgotten genocide. We offer several examples: The Intemational Remembrance Flame successfully toured 17 Canadian cities in the spring, In May, Canada was among the first western nations to recognize the Holodomor as an act of genocide. Alberta's Ministry of Education included the Holodomor in its high school curriculum. The Toronto School Board will include the Holodomor in its 2009 curriculum and the fourth Friday of every November will be marked in the schools as Holodomor Memorial Day. There is a great deal of work still to be done. We must continue working with our provincial ministries of education and local school boards to ensure that our students in Canada leam about the Holodomor. We have a moral obligation to ensure that the personal stories of our survivors are documented and preserved for future generations. Internationally, the United Nations must recognize the Holodomor as an act of genocide. kt us remember together - . On Saorday, November 22, in solidarity with Ukraine, honour the memory of the victims with a moment of silence at 9:00 a.m. and light a candle of remembrance in your home. On Sunday, November 23 participate in memorial services which will take place in your local churches . Participate in events organized by your local community This is the bare minimum which we, as Ukrainians should do not only for the millions of victims, but more importantly, for our descendants who must always remember the Holodomor and heighten the international community's sensitivity to the reoccurrence of similar uagedies. Ukraine remembers - the World acknowledges N ational H olodomor C ommemoration C ommittee U krainian C anadian C ongre s s PHOTO - AL KACHKOWSKI H r tl otlr)nt()t' \//l'r' it'or S' t c liut H r trlttt t'.slr I i,qlrt.\ u t'lr i I d'.s cttrttllc i rt Strskrtloort . PHOTO - YURIY POPADENETS " M cttt ltt' t',s o.f' I ltc Sv i lttnok" dttttt'c,qr()ttlt 1tt'rf'ot'ttt ttl tltc t t ) ( ) t H r I r tl r t n t' lll r t t t t t n t' n I t't' 1t I i c t t orr Pttrliturtt'rrt Hill irt Otttrlr'(/, PHOTO - ROMAN PETRIW l',tl tttr tnl r ttt,l I tt.\'( )t' .\' I t' ltlt c tt ,lltttttlcl I i,<ltt s I ltr' t'tutrll ( s r tf H r tl otlr ttn( )t' \tt t't' ir'()/'\ ttl tlt(,\llt(t'ltr l-c,qi slrtt tu-(. Keep the Flame AliYe Mix<HaponHa On the initiative of the International Coordinating Commit- tee Ukrainian World Congress, in cooperation with Ukraine's HesracrlMa CniqKa Foreign Ministry and the secretariat of the president of Ukraine, 3a iniqiatrlBoto Kouirery no BigrvriueHHlo lologolaopy an International Remembrance Flame is traveling the globe. Crironoro Konrpecy Yrpatrqin y cnirupaqi s MinicrepcrBoM Designed to raise awareness of the Holodomor on the occasion 3aropgouHr,rx Cnpan Yxpaiuu i cexpetapiarorvl npe3I,IAeHTa its journey in Austra- of the 75th anniversary, this Flame began Yrpainz nig6ynaerrcx ecraQeta Mbruapognoi Hegracmraoi lia on April 1, 2008 and will travel through 35 countries before Cni.{Kra 3 Meroro notuupeHHfl,rrpaBpoz. npo lonogoMop 3 HaroAI,I ending its journey in Ukraine in November of this year. rioro 75-oi pivnnqi. I{eIl crvronocKl,Itr 3aroqarKyBaB cBoro Canadian events titled "Keep the Flame Alive" remembered roAopox( n Ancrpanii L-ro xsirHr 2008 pory, nogopoxye 35 the victims of the Holodomor while ensuring that the story is rpainauu ceity, a Ha 3aBeplueHHq upu6yge r Yxpaiuy y transferred from generation to generation, from Holodomor Jrr,rcrorraAl rlboro poKy. survivors to the youth. Commemorative programs emphasized YrpaiucrKa AepxaBa, rK oprauisatop axqii, ypoqrcro the importance of sharing facts about the Holodomor with Ca- repeBo3rlTs Hesracl4My Cnivry B cyrpoBogi nocnis ra xoucylin nadians and continuing the awareness campaign going forward Yrpaiuu, i roxcua yxpaiucrra rpoMaAa opranisye ypouucti thus helping to ensure that similar atrocities are never repeated. 3axoArr B rleHTpax ge nepe6yBarrrMe csiqra. The Flame was escorted throughout Canada by Holodomor loronHorc Meroro KaHaAcbKrIx irvrnpes y sr'rsry s npu6ymarra survivor Mr. Stefan Horlatsch. cniqru 6yra ua.nexne BIuaHyBaHH, flaM'flTi >reprn lonogolaopy The International Remembrance Flame visited the following i s6epe>rerura 4iei ictoplr.urof narrl'sri nig noxoniHb Ao noroninr, Canadian centres: nig cnigrin lonogor,ropy Ao Halxoi yrpaincrroi uonogi. Manitoba Winnipeg - OQiqirluuu uocieu Hesraculvloi Cei.rKI,I qepe3 Kanagy 6yn Sasktchewan Yorkton, Regina, Saskatoon, North Battleford - cnigor lonogolaopy, CreQan lopaau. Alberta Vegreville, Red Deer, Calgary,Edmonton - HesracuMa Csiqra npu6yla HacryrHl{x IleHrpir Kanagu: British Columbia Vernon Ao - Maniro6a - Binninef Ontario - St . Catharines Hamilton, Toronto London, Windsor, , , Pig>rafiua, CacraryH, Hopr Ottawa Cacra.resaH - ftoprton, EarenQopg Quebec - Montreal Eguouton The International Remembrance Flame visited the following Anr6epra - Befpenr,u, Peg [ip, Kanfapu, countries worldwide: Epradficrra Konrcla6ix - BepHon Australia, Canada, USA, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Ontapio - Ct. Karepuuc, larrailrroH, TopoHto, Ilougou, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Great Britain, Sweden, Estonia, Bingsop, Orrana Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Poland, Germany, Belgium, France, Kse6ex - Monrpear Spain, Portugal, Italy, Vatican, S erbia, Croatia, Hungary, Greece, Hearacurnry Cnivry npulTtua.uu yrpaincrri rpoMaALI n rpainax Romania, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Russia, Armenia, Georgia,
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