
A Study of Fenale Àttitudes Towards Physical Education and Related Àctivities Àmong RecenÈly Àrrived and Established Filipino Female Students at a Major High School By: Jennj.f er E. Canpbell À Thesis Subnitted to The Faculty of craduate Studj.es fn the Partial Fulfilnent of The Reguireroent for the Degree of lfaster of Education University of Uanitoba Ifinnipeg, Manitoba 19 91 National L¡brarv Bib{¡othàlue nat¡onale E*E of Canada dú Cânada Canadian Theses Service Serv¡oe des thèsix canadierines Ot(aw4 Cãôådâ KIA ON{ The author has granted an inevocable non- Uauteur a accotdé une licencæ lnévocable. exclusive ficence et allowing tKi Nation€I Ubrary non exdusive petmethnt à la Bibliothèque of Canada to reproduce. Éar¡, d¡stibute orseit qaqnd. du Canada de reproduire, prêtèr. copies of hivher he.sis by any me€Ils and ¡n distibuer ou vendre des codes de èd any form or format, f¡esd maldng hls t¡eÆ¡s awitable de queQue aunlère et sous quelque to interested personb, forme que ce so¡t pour mettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à la disposition des personnes intéressées. The aulhor retains ownership of the copyright Uauteur conse¡¡e fa propriété du dro¡t dãuteur in his/her thesis. Neither the thesìé qui är protège sa thèse. Ni la thèse ni des extrajts substantial extracts from it may be printed or substantiels otherw¡se de celleci ne doivent être reproduced without h¡s,/her per. imprimés ou autrement mission. reproduits sa.," sãn autorisation. ISBN ø-315-76665-4 Canadä A STUDY OF FEMALE ATTITUDES TO'I,¡ARDS PHYSICAI EDUCATION AND RELATED ACTIVITIES AMONG RECENTLY ARRIVED AND ESTABLISHED FIIIPTNO FEMALE STUDENTS AT AT MAJOR HIGH SCHOOL BY JENNIFER E. CA}IPBELL A thesis subnrined to thc F¡culty of C¡âduete Studies of the Univcrsity of Manitoba in partial fullìllment of thc requ¡renlents of thc degrcc of MASTER OF EDUCATION o 1991 Pc¡mision has becn granted ro thc LIBRARY OF THE UNIVER. S¡TY OF MANITOBA to lcnd orçll copics of this thcsis. to lhe NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA to rnicrolìlm this lhcs¡s end to lcnd or scll copies oi thc lilm, and UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS lo publish an ¡bstr¿ct of ¡his thcsis. Thc euthor rcserycs olhcr publicrtion rig¡fs, end ncithcr thc thcsis no¡ cxlcnsivc cxlr¿cls from it may bc pnnteC or othcr- wisc rcproduced withoul thc euthor's writlen pcrmission. Dedicated to mY Parents for their love and support Lorne and Kathleen CamPbel l and to my closest friend who had her l-ife taken away far too soon Robin Lee Ahrens ( 1952 - 1985 ) A former educator and F. B.I. Agent "who are you" said the caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied rather shyly, 'I - I hardly know, sir, just at present - at least I know who I was when I got up this morning' but I thínk I must have been changed several times since then. " From Alicets Adventure in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol l -II1- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I express ny sincere appreciation of the assistance and cooperaÈion of my advisor, Professor 'fim Belford and the members of the Thesis comnittee, Dr' John Seymour, Dr. Winston Rampaul and Professor Bill Dl.ozda' whose advice and aid in the preparation of this thesis hrere encouraging. I wish to express thanks and appreciation for the assistance and cooperation extended by Dr. Eric MacPherson-f Dr. Heather Sharman, Mrs. Evel-ine Baran, Mrs. JuIia Estaban, and Dr. Koenraaci Lindner. I can never thank theln enough. I a.Lso express my appreciation to the physícal education staff at St. John's Hiqh School and Èo the students who were the subjects of this investigation, for their assistance and cooperation. Finally, I must give a 1ot of credÍt to my parents who gave me conlinued cooperation, patience and support which ¡nade this thesis possible. I thank them for never giving up on me and my education. ÀBSTR.ACT The purpose of this study was to exanine and conpare atÈitudes of rirecently arrivedrt and trestablishedrl fenale students, as it pertains to the physical education and related activities. The study population consisted of thirty-nine secondary FiJ.ipino fenales born in the Phílippines. The studyrs instrunent was a 42 item Likert scale survey. Unpaired t-tests were used to test the hypothesís. From the findings, the following conclusions lrere dravn: trRecently Àrrivedrr Filipíno female students appear to: - prefer non-aggressive sports. - respond to exercise thaÈ inproves poÍse. - ídentify with their fanily unit as their preferred advisor. - spend tine on the acadernic subjects than on physical education. trEstabLishedn Filipino fenale students appear to: - prefer aggressive and non-aggressíve sports. - be willing to take part in physical activity - have physical education as part of their school progran. - feel free to nake their own decisions. Inplications for education are that educators should be aware of the various ethnic backgrounds and cultural influences r¡ith different expectations of physical involvenent and achievenent that exj.sts anong ethnj.c students . TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. ACKOWLEDGEMENTS ABS TRACT CHAPTER Chap ter INTRODUCTI ON 1.1 Statement of the Problem 1-6 I.2 Nature and Purpose of Study 6-7 1.3 Research Question 7 1.4 General Hypothesis 7 l-.5 Educational Significance of the .. Study. ........ 7 II REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE 2.r The Philippines. 8- 10 2.2 Influence of the church .... 10-12 2.3 The Church and Politics .... ..... 12-13 2.4 Filipino Family Structure .. 13-16 2.5 The People and Physical Activities 16-19 2.6 Traditional Filipino woman . ...... ).9-22 2.7 Sex Stereotypíng Within the Philippines . 22-25 2.8 The Philippines Educational System 25-37 A. Historical Background ... ,.. 23-26 B. What is taught? - Education content in the Philippines 26-30 C. Objectives and Aims of the Philippines ceneral Education 30-31 D. Education and Religion .... 3l-32 E. Philippines' Phys ical Education Program .... 32-34 F. Physical EducaÈion in the Philippines and Manitoba . ., 34-37 ?o Famì.ly and School - Their Influence on Female Involvement in Physical Education Education ., 37-40 2.r0 Social-ization of Filipino E emale in Canadian Schools ., ,, . 40-42 2 .11 Summary .. 42-45 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Subjects ..,. ..., 46 -vr- I - 3.2 Profile of the Population 46-48 3.3 Design and Procedure ... 49-52 3.4 Instrument q) 3.5 Definition of Terms 32-53 3.6 AnaLysis of Data 53-54 3.7 Limitations of the study. 54 3.8 Ethics 55-56 A. Permi s s ion IV ANAIYSIS OF DATA AND RESULTS 4.I Introduction .... 55-57 4.2 Statistical- Analysis 57-62 4.3 Informa¿ion Derived from the DemograPhy 62- 67 4.4 Statistical Ana1ys i s 67 -162 V SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Summary of Findings .:.... 163- 16 4 5 .2 Concl-us ions 164-165 5.3 Recommendations. 165-16 6 5 .4 Surunary 166-178 5.5 Concluding Summary 178-180 REFERENCES 181-186 Appendix Page A. Demographics of the Philippines 189-r90 B. A list of Fextivals held in the Philippines I92-I94 c. Olympic Meda1 winners. 196 D. 1.973 ConstiÈution of The Republic of The Philippines: New Trends in Education. 198-199 E. Report of the Magsaysay Committee on ceneral Education in The Philippines, r960 . 20r-202 F, Type of Activities Taught in The Philippines 204 G. Letter to Parent s/Guardi an 206 H. Sample ouestions from SÈudent Questionnaire .. -v111- Page I. Group A - Ages and crades .... 2!O_2II J. Permission Form . ., ..... 2I3 K. Demographics of Sample population and Demography fnformation . 215-216 L. Covering letter for Student euestionnaire 2Ig M. Student Questionnaire .... 220_224 N. VerbaL fnstruction Sheet . ..... 226 o. Attit.udinal Tests . ....... Z2A P. Translation of the Student euestionnaire in Tagalog ......230-234 Data Tablês. 236_275 E' PhysicaL Education Schoot Time Structure. 277 LIST OF TABLES lab 1e Page 1. EIemenÈary School s 29 2. Means and standard Deviations for Group and Groups B Age s 48 3. Likert Scale Drive Point Val-ue Rating Sys tem 59 4. Group A - Recently Arrived - Mean Scores N= I9 60 croup B - Established - Mean Scores N=2 0 61 6. Demographic Information 63 7. Group B 'Established' Female FiJ.ipino Students: Intramural Resu1t.s 65 8. croup B - 'Established" Female Filipino Students: school Team Results 66 o The Nine Statements that meet' the AccepÈed Standard (.05 or better) 68 10. statements #3 and #3I 70 Lt. Statement f3 72 - weighted Points Value Score and Overalf Means and Standard Deviations for GrouP A and GrouP 12. StatemenÈ #31 - Weighted Points val-ue Score and Overall Means and Standard Deviations for Group A and Group statement #9 - weighted Points Value Score and Overall Means and Standard Deviations for Group A and Group 14. Statement *II - Weighted PoinÈs Value Score and Overall Means and Standard Devialions for Group A and Group Statement #23 - weighted Points Value Score and Overall- Means and Standard Deviations for croup A and Group Page 16. Statement #24 86 - I^¡eighted Points value score and Overall Means and Standard Deviations for Group A and GrouP B I7. statenent #36 89 - weighted Points value score and Overall Means and Standard Deviations for GrouP A and GrouP B 18. Statement #41 92 - Weighted Points Value Score and overall Means and Standard Deviations for GrouP A and GrouP B 19, Statement #42 94 - weighted Points Value score and Overall Means and Standard Deviations for GrouP A and Group B 20. Statement #1 97 - weighted Points Value Score and OveralL Means and Standard DeviaÈions for GrouP A and GrouP B 2l .
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