FRUIT FLY BIBLIOGRAPHY 302 MYIA Volume 9 Bibliography by Lynn E. Carroll, Allen L. Norrbom, F. Christian Thompson, & Neal L. Evenhuis. The following bibliography gives full references to the works Journals/Serials: Journal titles are usually abbreviated fol- cited in the catalog as well as many other works dealing with lowing the standards of the Serial Sources for the BIOSIS Tephritidae. All together 5,368 works are included in this database, Biosciences Information Service, and the Interna- bibliography. A concerted effort was made to examine as many tional Standard (ISO). Abbreviations for journals not found in of the cited references as possible in order to ensure accurate these sources have been formed on the same principles. All the citation of authorship, date, title, and pagination. References abbreviations used are given herein. Additional information, are listed alphabetically by author and chronologically for such as series number or name, is given in parentheses but not multiple articles with the same authorship. italicized. New series and equivalents like Neue Folge are abbreviated (n.s.). Volume and plate numbers are given in Author's names: Names of authors are cited in the bibliog- Arabic numbers irrespective of whether or not Roman numerals raphy the same as they are in the text for proper association of were used in the work cited. Issue or part numbers are included literature citations with entries in the catalog. Because of the in parentheses after the volume number only if each issue is differing treatments of names, especially those containing arti- separately paginated. In cases where there is no volume cles such as de, del, van, Le, etc., these names are cross-indexed number, but the volume pertains to a particular year, that year in the bibliography under the various ways they may be treated is used as the volume number even though the actual date of elsewhere. For Russian and other names in Cyrillic and other publication may differ. Pagination is given for the entire article non-ASCII character sets, we follow the spelling used by the except in those cases where the article has been published at authors themselves. different times due to separate issues. Plate and/or figure num- bers are omitted in the citation when included in the cited Dates of publication: Dating of these works was obtained pagination. Where these are separate from the pagination, they through various methods in order to obtain as accurate a date are included. of publication as possible for purposes of priority in nomencla- ture. Dates found in the original works or by outside evidence Books: Single-volume books are cited with title, publisher (if are placed in brackets after the literature citation. The format known), place(s) of publication, and pagination (Roman and for the dates is [year.month.day], and uncertainty is indicated Arabic as appropriate). Multi-volume works are listed sepa- by query marks. Thus, for example, [1910.10.??] indicates a rately by volume with full references as for single-volume publication that is known to be published in October of 1910, books. Continuously paginated multi-volume works are listed but the precise day is not known. Under the rules of nomencla- singly for as many parts (or volumes) as were published in a ture, this publication is, therefore, treated as if it was published single year (only if separate issues dates are not known). on 31 October. However, the query marks are also used to Unpaginated portions of a book are placed in square brackets. indicate that further investigation may more precisely restrict Some books that have been published in parts over time are the date of publication. The sources of dates from outside treated as serials. For example, Lindner's monographic work, evidence (reviews in other journals, evidence through publish- Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region, is treated as a serial. ed research, library receipt stamps, etc.) are given in the anno- tations, unless previously published in a standard source (see Annotations: Annotations are given to clarify author's spell- under annotations). ings, explanations of dating, title variations, language of the work, duplicate versions, English translations, separate edi- Titles: Titles of articles in serials and books are given in full, tions, and various other reasons. Annotations that have ap- including secondary titles. Titles are given as on the title page peared in other works, such as Coulson et al. (1965), Smith et of the original work (titles on wrappers, covers, and tables of al. (1980), Evenhuis et al. (1989) and Evenhuis (1997) are not contents may vary somewhat). Titles are standardized to low- usually repeated. These are considered core resources that ercase except for proper nouns and in cases where languages should always be consulted for bibliographic details. require capitalization. Titles in non-ASCII characters, such as Slavic, Cyrillic, Kana, Kanji, or Chinese, have either been Aartsen, B. van. translated into English and placed in brackets or transliterated. 1992. New and rare fruit flies for the Dutch and Belgian fauna 1 Where a title has also been given in ASCII characters (usually (Diptera: Tephritidae). Entomol. Ber. (Amst.) 52: 73- English, French or German), this title is used without being 76. [1992.??.??] Abate, T. placed in brackets. Where the language of the article is different 1992. Is the invading Medfly eligible for California resi- 2 from that of the title, this is indicated in brackets at the end of dency? Scientists are developing a genetic passport to the citation. Where no title was given for a work (such as notes determine origin. BioScience 43: 3-6. [1992.??.??] at meetings), a title as close as possible to the note being presented is provided in brackets. 304 MYIA Volume 9 Abrahamson, W. G., P. O. Armbruster & G. D. Maddox. dae, Diptera). Acta Zool. Lilloana (1950) 9: 307-323. 1983. Numerical relationships of the Solidago altissima stem 3 [after 1951.10.25] gall insect-parasitoid guild food chain. Oecologia 58: [Printed 25 October 1951, but not immediately distributed. See Sabrosky (1971).] 351-357. [1983.??.??] Aczel, M. L. Abrahamson, W. G., J. M. Brown, S. K. Roth, D. V. Sumerford, 1952. Revision parcial del genero americano Paracantha Co- 17 J. D. Homer, M. D. Hess, S. T. How, T. P. Craig, R. A. Packer & quillett (Diptera, Trypetidae). Acta Zool. Lilloana 10: J. K. Itami. 199-243. [1952.??.??] 1994. Gallmaker speciation: An assessment of the roles of 4 [Last p. of vol. 10 states printed in the year 1952.] host- plant characters, phenology, gallmaker competi- Aczel, M. L. tion, and natural enemies, p. 208-222, In P. W. Price, 1952. Further revision of the genus Xanthaciura Hendel 18 W. J. Mattson & Y. N. Baranchikov, eds., The ecology (Trypetidae, Dipt.). Acta Zool. Lilloana 10: 245-280. and evolution of gall-forming insects. U.S. Dept. [1952.??.??] Agric, Forest Serv., North Central Forest Experim. [Last p. of vol. 10 states printed in the year 1952.] Station, Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-174, 222 p. [1994.??.??] Aczel, M. L. Abrahamson, W. G., K. D. McCrea & S. D. Anderson. 1952. Suplemento al 'Catalogo de la familia 'Trypetidae' de 19 1989. Host preference and recognition by the goldenrod ball 5 la region Neotropical'. Acta Zool. Lilloana (1951) 12: gallmaker Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae). 117-133. [after 1952.10.15] [Printed 15 October 1952, but not immediately distributed. See Sabrosky Amer. Midi. Nat. 121: 322-330. [1989.??.??] (1971).] Abrahamson, W. G., K. D. McCrea, A. J. Whitwell & L. A. Aczel, M. L. Vernieri. 1952. Generos y especies neotropicales de la tribus 'Trypet- 20 1991. The role of phenolics in goldenrod ball gall resistance 6 ini'. II. Dos generos y una especie nuevos. Acta Zool. and formation. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 19: 615-622. Lilloana (1951) 12: 253-278. [after 1952.10.15] [1991.??.??] [Printed 15 October 1952, but not immediately distributed. See Sabrosky (1971).] Abrahamson, W. G., J. Sattler, K. D. McCrea & A. E. Wels. Aczel, M. L. 1989. Variation in selection pressures on the goldenrod gall 7 1952. El genero Euaresta Loew (=Camaromyia Hendel) en la 21 fly and the competitive interactions of its natural ene- region neotropical. Rev. Chil. Entomol. 2: 147-172. mies. Oecologia 79: 15-22. [1989.??.??] [1952.12.19] Achala Paripurna, K. & B. G. Srivastava. Aczel, M. L. 1989. Effect of different quantities of sucrose and glucose on 8 1953. The genus Trupanea Schrank in the Neotropical region 22 the growth and development of Dacus cucurbitae (Co- (Dipt. Tephritidae). I. The diespasmena-group. quillett) maggots under aseptic condition. Indian J. Dusenia 4: 273-286. [1953.07.31] Entomol. 51: 229-233. [1989.??.??] Aczel, M. L. Achterberg, C. van. 1953. The genus Trupanea Schrank in the Neotropical region 23 1983. Revisionary notes on the genera Dapsilarthra auct. and 9 (Dipt. Tephritidae). 2. The argentina-group. Dusenia 4: Mesocrina Foerster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Alysi- 365-387. [1953.11.30] inae). Tijdschr. Entomol. 126: 1-24. [1983.??.??] Aczel, M. L. Achterberg, C. van & K. Maeto. 1953. La familia Tephritidae en la region neotropical. I. Acta 24 1990. Two new and aberrant species of Braconidae 10 Zool. Lilloana 13: 97-200. [1953.12.??] (Hymenoptera) from Japan. Zool. Meded. 64: 59-60. Aczel, M. L. [1990.??.??] 1954. Generos y especies de la tribus 'Trypetini'. 3. Sobre los 25 Aczel, M. L. generos Rhagoletis, 'Phorellia', y Tomoplagiodes. 1937. Trypetida-tanulmanyok. Allattani Kozl. 36: 80-82. 11 Dusenia 5: 71-94. [1954.03.31] [1937.??.??] Aczel, M. L. [In Hungarian and German.] Aczel, M. L. 1954. Generos y especies de la tribus Trypetini 4. El genero 26 1939. Bohrfliegen-Studien. Zool. Anz. 125: 124-131. 12 Rhagoletotrypeta y nuevas especies de Tomoplagia y [1939.02.15] Zonosemata (Diptera, Tephritidae). Dusenia 5: 137- Aczel, M.
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