Holographic Data Storage Cover Feature Digital data storage using volume holograms offers high density and fast readout. Current research concentrates on system design, understanding and combating noise, and developing appropriate storage materials. Possible applications include fast data servers and high-capacity optical disks. Demetri as the rapid increase in available storage from Bell Labs to a large consortium funded by the US capacity fueled the demand for storage, or Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (which Psaltis vice versa? It’s hard to say: Computer users’ includes industrial partners such as IBM, Optitek, California hard disk drives are perpetually overflow- Rockwell, Kodak, and Polaroid), to independent start- Institute of Technology H ing with data, even though a year earlier the up companies such as Holoplex. same-size disk seemed more than sufficient. Research Geoffrey into and development of data storage devices is a race HOLOGRAMS to keep up with this continuing demand for more A hologram is a recording of the optical interfer- W. Burr capacity, more density, and faster readout rates. ence pattern that forms at the intersection of two IBM Improvements in conventional memory technolo- coherent optical beams. Typically, light from a single Almaden Research gies—magnetic hard disk drives, optical disks, and laser is split into two paths, the signal path and the Center semiconductor memories—have managed to keep reference path. Figure 1 shows this holographic pace with the demand for bigger, faster memories. recording arrangement. The beam that propagates However, strong evidence indicates that these along the signal path carries information, whereas the two-dimensional surface-storage technologies are reference is designed to be simple to reproduce. A approaching fundamental limits that may be difficult common reference beam is a plane wave: a light beam to overcome, such as the wavelength of light and the that propagates without converging or diverging. The thermal stability of stored bits. An alternative two paths are overlapped on the holographic medium approach for next-generation memories is to store and the interference pattern between the two beams data in three dimensions. is recorded. In this article we discuss recent developments in A key property of this interferometric recording is holographic 3D memories,1-4 in which researchers that when it is illuminated by a readout beam, the sig- achieve high density by superimposing many holo- nal beam is reproduced. In effect, some of the light is grams within the same volume of recording mater- diffracted from the readout beam to “reconstruct” a ial. (For a brief look at other techniques, see the weak copy of the signal beam. If the signal beam was sidebar, “Methods of Optical Storage.”) Data are created by reflecting light off a 3D object, then the encoded and retrieved as two-dimensional pixelated reconstructed hologram makes the 3D object appear images, with each pixel representing a bit. The inher- behind the holographic medium. When the hologram ent parallelism enables fast readout rates: If a thou- is recorded in a thin material, the readout beam can sand holograms can be retrieved each second, with differ from the reference beam used for recording and a million pixels in each, then the output data rate the scene will still appear. can reach 1 Gbit per second. For comparison, an optical digital videodisk (DVD) outputs data at about Volume holograms 10 Mbits per second. When a hologram is recorded in thick material, the The surface density that has been experimentally portion of incident light diffracted into the direction of demonstrated in holographic memories is 100 bits per the object beam (the diffraction efficiency) depends on squared micron in a 1-mm-thick material.5 This can the similarity between the readout beam and the origi- reach in excess of 350 bits per squared micron with nal reference beam. A small difference in either the thicker materials.6 By comparison, the surface density wavelength or angle of the readout beam is sufficient to of a DVD disk is 20 bits per squared micron; of mag- make the hologram effectively disappear. The sensitiv- netic disks, 4 bits per squared micron. ity of the reconstruction process to these small varia- The potential of this storage technology has gener- tions in the beam increases, approximately linearly, with ated a large research effort. The participants range material thickness. Therefore, by using thick recording 52 Computer 0018-9162/98/$10.00 © 1998 IEEE . Recording Readout Hologram Hologram media, designers can exploit this angular or wavelength readout sensitivity to record multiple holograms. Object beam Reference Readout To record a second, angularly multiplexed holo- beam beam gram, for instance, the angle of the reference beam is changed sufficiently so that the reconstruction of the first hologram effectively disappears. The new inci- Figure 1. After recording a hologram with object and reference beams, a readout beam dence angle is used to record a second hologram with can be used to reconstruct the object beam and make the object reappear to a viewer. a new object beam. The two holograms can be inde- pendently accessed by changing the readout laser beam angle back and forth. For a 2-cm hologram thickness, the angular sensitivity is only 0.0015 degrees. Therefore, it becomes possible to store thou- Detector sands of holograms within the allowable range of ref- array erence arm angles (typically 20–30 degrees). The maximum number of holograms stored at a single Reconstructed 7 location to date is 10,000. hologram Storing and retrieving digital data To use volume holography as a storage technology, Spatial the digital data to be stored must be imprinted onto light modulator the object beam for recording, then retrieved from the reconstructed object beam during readout. The input device for the system is called a spatial light modula- Reference tor, or SLM. The SLM is a planar array of thousands Storage beam of pixels; each pixel is an independent optical switch material that can be set to either block or pass light. The out- put device is a similar array of detector pixels, such as a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera or CMOS pixel array. The object beam often passes through a set of lenses that image the SLM pixel array onto the Figure 2. For data storage, information is put onto the object beam with a spatial light output pixel array, as Figure 2 shows. modulator and removed from a reconstructed object beam with a detector array. Methods of Optical Storage Near-field optical recording—Higher sets are addressed with ultrashort laser Optical data storage techniques are cat- 2D density than with conventional sur- pulses. It may add a fourth storage egorized in three basic groups. The sym- face recording is achieved by placing a dimension to holography but requires bol • that precedes a technique indicates a small light source close to the disk. Light cryogenic temperatures and materials method that is already in use to produce throughput and readout speed are issues. development. commercial products. Optical tape—Parallel optical I/O has the advantages of magnetic tape without the Bit-by-bit 3D recording Surface or 2D recording long-term interaction between tape layers • Sparsely layered disks—The focus of • CD/DVD—Data are stored in reflec- wound on the spool. Flexible photosensitive the CD laser is changed to hit interior lay- tive pits and scanned with a focused laser. media is an issue. ers. DVD standard already includes two Disks are easily replicated from a master. layers per side. • CD-Recordable—Reflective pits are Volumetric recording Densely layered disks—A tightly fo- thermally recorded by focused laser. This Holographic—Data are stored in inter- cused beam is used to write small marks type is usually lower density than read-only ference fringes with massively parallel in a continuous or layered material; read versions. Researchers have proposed blue I/O. Suitable recording material is still with confocal (depth-ranging) micro- lasers and “electron-trapping” materials to needed. scope. achieve density improvements. Spectral hole burning—This technique 2-photon—Two beams of different • Magneto-optic disks—Spots are re- addresses a small subset of molecules wavelengths mark writes, then read in par- corded with a combination of magnetic throughout the media by using a tunable allel using fluorescence. Material sensitiv- field and focused laser. narrowband laser. Alternatively, all sub- ity is an issue. February 1998 53 . Most holographic The hologram can be formed anywhere in the length not normally absorbed by the crystal except in imaging path between the input pixel array and the presence of a third “gating” beam of different read-write materials the output pixel array. To maximize storage den- wavelength. This beam is present only during the are inorganic sity, the hologram is usually recorded where the recording and is switched off for readout. photorefractive object beam attains a tight focus. When the ref- Organic photorefractive polymers have also been crystals doped with erence beam reconstructs the hologram, the developed. These materials provide more opportunity object beam continues along the original imag- for performance tuning because you can fabricate transition metals ing path to the camera, where the optical out- them using a wide variety of constituents. However, such as iron or put can be detected in parallel and converted to these materials tend to be limited in thickness and rare-earth ions such digital data. Capacity and readout rate are max- require large applied voltages.4 as praseodymium, imized when each detector pixel is matched to a single pixel on the SLM, but for large pixel Write-once materials grown in large arrays this requires careful optical design and Writing permanent volume holograms generally cylinders in the alignment.
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