fMM W 41 nlfflX. jwjp' ita r wnn .f i - - ri - p y ' (tC IJLy ((4tCL (uf I ;L Ilv liV ilv iL rl il j '!. W 4 -- x. W VOL. XX XV., NO T,8 IIIINOI.ri.r. II T KKI DAY, .M'M!!0. IIMI1I - KI4.MI WKPKI.Y WIICM.K Mi .Mil, It iPtiilrtl, Iml bolted Hip liver nnd eeurrl thri' tinrti of nit. Thi nki'lp un mt'II bo piiM-m- ii f n nu'iiicnlci iirid may be EATEN Bf nioiiniid Inr III" lllnhop Mn mti Th SEMI-WEEKL- Y. Bryan and Stevenson Named. iHl'luii nf lb- - ulinrk h ml lb. ileiuinca-llr- n nf iiii i"iiiiiiicH rinlfiil i'v lm. IBHUKI) TUK8DWS N1) FIllliAY.S II 1' hi In ircniiil nn Intinir ..'inailnn In I'niicliiln unit mis ii I mus I tin 'p loplo SALTER C. SMITH, EDITOR. A of coin rrsn l Inn during most u(4Wie d.ty, Miiny ICiIIkI lit Thcoiiiii, SHA .... ,V olMlbl ItW'TION I lUIKd: TACMWA, Wash., July I. Nearly a hun- Pm Mouth $ .00 AnotllMr Jiipnimm Htrtlcn, AloNTII, FOKKHIN 7f dred pnnFrbKertt on u enr hound PM - lil''. feven htinitrrd Japanese In borers at Pus Ykar 6 M "do Mkt'i- Uliiiiiipiui Uts i I nil1- - I'oiw for thljfclty, wcie plunged down a gulch lis .nii'y r-- on 10 tea Ykah, hoitKiiirt il.M at TwcTny-- s xth ni.d C Btreels xlioit y lift- M I I lvrMlul pinniniion itnuni niv said l t ll I .. er 8 u'jpoek th'H morning. Those who iu n irih ording .. sports Payable Invariably Id Advance. and Sil or l'oi'i''l CiiM.s rtL'ry ur, i on ii .s mi mo Lmil Ulilbreclus root ,ri wire xtlimdlng on thi platforms dropped uniiigiii inini mm isinnu ny ini Hieam-e- r 'I olT onlvi- 1 by I T o liml I'n'tv Itn iii y lar Ma- - I.t'iuo Hi to crushed and wounded Nllhnn. The present otitbieiik for W. PEARSON. 1 the heay ody rf tho ctnrli, whip eth- Identified. the rnnu old cause, n strike fiir higher Suslnuss Manager. 'J'itjknr, ers Inside k I rd and mulmptl beforo lni,'0 iiihsni tliu "siti mi wire wages mnn-ngei- Kuriiijr lliey knew what had happened. Tho car refused by the plantuilnti The Kcnlln Jnpnnesc have been tu Milir. Trust; mill Mun p .li.-- s Jumped the trncl and nun smnshed to HUslEaS i:aI(I)S. iim, viiip.ithy kindling wood In tl c hint m of t'le chasm, $17 per month nnd rmw they I e HlJlH, I .ilict it-- to l.nliur, ocrn hundred fee ow. RECOGNIZES nml this the plantations refuse f'T flH linpnnuiuuiib of The dead will number nearly throe Attorney and ITH? There hnve been no serious LYLE A. DICKEY. m taw I I I score, for there nrp many of imc 7bC I Unpen (if lijured disturbances ns yet, the reports say, Notary Public. I. O. box Honolulu An an Wur Tux us who will nnd arc ex H. I. King nnd Uethol Sts. ncer recoicr who nlthottgh the laborers endeavored with- 9 u pected to dip nt any monont, and there; are at slxty-llx- e of the pnsscngers Human Remains Are Found in the out sucress to get the dock hands to H. HACKFELD &. CO., LTD. General oiiiiotoioitagiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiotaaiiiioit lintt Commlrslon Agents, Queen St., Hono- of the car now In the wii-uii- hospitals' Join the strike. lulu, H. I. nnd under the care of tliclr own physl-- l Stomach' of a Monster . SfjT clans. .VAl.r-rjiVV xV"" ?v Stlachlar. FUSION, IN NEB HA KA. P. A. BCHAEFER &. CO. Importers and nB Commission Merchants, Honolulu, Hu- - ''OnEQON allan Islands. m THE ALL. IIIOHT. Populists Wn.it Every NoinHi-- o ns In the contents of tho Btomach of a 8olnco for Towno'n D t. LEWE11S & COOKE. (Robert Lowers, F. Sho Arrives nt Chefoo and Will 1.0 killed yesterday ll.-- The J. Lowrey, C M. Cooke.) Importers and . shark at uluuiko a LINCOLN, Neb., July fusion mate- - to Kui-- dealers In lumber and building dlsiracttd w'fe recognized part of the of conventions, the I'opulls's, Dem- rials. OOlcc, 414 Fort St. State WASHINGTON, July 9. The Navy bedy of hpr husband who wns drowned a ocratic nnd Silver Republhaii, met hero Department was Informed today C. HUSTACB. Wholesale and Retnll Gro- that few days ago. The tdentlllcn'tlon took today to nominate a full Statp tlcl.ct. Re-fo- re cer, 212 King 119. Family, plan- 3 Oregon St.: Tel. tlio has arrived nt Caefoo. She plncc nt the police station. Mrs. Emll tho conventions were called to order tation and ships' stores supplied on short will for Kure, Jupan, to dock on notice. New poods by every steamer. start Uhlbrccht, the unfortunate woman, mini- (ond.tlons existed that thrnt toned to fulthfully July 10 or 12. Orders from the other Islands v mum il by rumors that human remains In In executed. The Navy Department's cablegram let ult a boit tho Populist convention 'jBi had been rescued fiom the sen, hnstencd of some of the largest county deipgntlons was from Captain Rogers of the Nash- CONSOLIDATED SODA WATER to the slntlon and demanded to see them, nnd n protracted was WORK3 CO., Ltd. Esplannde, Coi. ville, who made a fly.ng trip yesterday session lonlud for. The police loth to comply, but did At present the Populists control every Fort and Allen Sts. HoUistcr & Co., HIS Chcfoo tu weio . .''-.lUI'Ulj ilttaln.l from station nt OUl tllO Slllti nlllni nirrnl I Iputnmint llnvornnr , Agents. KJlr - ' ",'--r i rIef' T" -- -S 3. .cene of the grounding of the Oregon. "" occupied by a Ser Republlcaivand the HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Ma W thirty-fiv- e miles northwest of the port. wiiu luuitcu Din un insiani, wuen sue icu Attorney Generalship, by a Democrat. chlnery of every destrlptlon mado to His dispatch wns as follows: back fainting. The Democratic leaders have been ask- order. ing for n more cqultablu 9. Oregon "It Is he," sho cried. Mrs. Uhlbrecht division, but u "CHEFOO. July starts for strong dlspofltlon was shown by tho Pop- Kure dock, Jupan, about 10th or 12th, wns ccitn.n of her Identification. ulists lo Insist that cvciy nuiiiluee bo a THE MAINLAND stopping en route If weather is bad. Tho shark was captured Wednesday Populist. This, they clalmtd, was no All well on board Oregon." night by John Klnlpekl, n more than fair on account of the defeat WILUAM JENNINGS BRYAN. fisherman born ADLAI E. STEVENSON. The dfjpatch conveys Indirectly the In the South Sea He In of Chnrlis A. Towne In the Democratic Islands. went out convention. This feeling was so In SUGAR MARKET KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 6. Ilryan bns had his way. He has been nominated Information communlcuclon keen, that wlic his eanoc early In the evening In hopes of fact, that the delegation had In- by upon a pla l1? 1 oister the Democratic Convention tform containing an explicit to plank with Chcfoo Is again open. A rough on own He was not compell plat- getting a Bhnrk his hook, and rowed struct oils to bolt unless every nomlnco of h's dictation. d to refuse the nomination upon n estimate "made Navy Depart- was a Populist. A fight Lai D form was distasteful to him, ns he to do If were at the to n spot midway between the lighthouse brisk was also Tho test Pi ices seller that threatened Its provisions locked for over the nomlnat.cn Gov not In nccord with his personal vIcwb upon the money question, and all this ho ment consigns the Oregon to the dry and the spnr buoy. He had an especially for is Out Com-- b accomplished judgment docks for three courtesy ernor. Opposition to Governui I'liynter's ol the against the best of the wisest political heads of Ills party months. The btrong book wound with wire where It lenomlnntlon apparently and aga'nBt the outspoken wishes of the majority of the delpputcs of conven- - Jexhlb ted by Japanese crystall zed dur- the the Government ing the day on John O. con- -, ue. Hon. The day's work of the committee on dem- - Jo'ned the line nnd was prepared for big Yerscr. Tho resolutions nnd of the convention in allowing Hie Oregon to use the dock, ventlons will bo cal ed to 3 p. onstrates how complete Is his ascendency over the party that has accepted him game, order at m wlilch la owned by the Government, is with prospects good for an bco-slo- n. as Its leader. 11 Klnl-- , NEW YORK, July 11. Sugar Raw j "It was nbout o'clock," says It was 5:30 o'clock when the nomination of a for Prcs'dency of much appreciated by the Navy Depart ennd'date the ptkl, 1 go through my The Democrats settled differ- firm; fair refining, 4 Uc.; centrifugal, the United States was declared In order. Few persons In the hall realized for ment officials here. "when felt the line all their I ences over organization a speaker was who fingers, with lightning rapidity. Fouu-natel- y, at sesa on of 93 test, molasses sugar, 4c. some minutes who the had taken the platform or what he was tho State Committee 4c; Is ungciveTnable. lies In I held Jiitt before talking about. This convent'on It does whnt It pleases when It Kure the' southwestern part of bad In ought along enough, and noon.
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