NEWARK POST NUMBER VOLUME \ II NEWARK POST, NEWARK,·OEL., MARCH 1S, 1916 Council In Ad. !Newark Man Speaks I NOTED HOLLANDER AT BRILLIANT LECTURER New Candy and Art IStudents Loan . d M . at Harvard Banquet I WOMEN'S COLLEGE VISITS NEWARK Needle-work Store • Journe eetmg Dr. W. O. Sypherd of Delaware -.- . -- . D. B. Roberts formerly of EasJ Fund a Reality College was one of the speakers Urges AmerIcans To Help OpportunIty To Hear MIss ton, Md., will open a Home-made \ --- .Jluditors' Report Accepted at the annual banquet of the Har- I War Sufferers Brehm Candy Shop, in the store property Pia d' T ttL I B L va I'd Club of Delaware, held at M' H d'k . M' M . C B h f p·tts \ adjoining the H. B. Wright Hard- I ce In 'us a oca anI( Co un cil me,t in special meeting Hotel duPont on Saturday even- \ Th I~ en rHI all vadn d~r. Flier of b I~S I ~rle . ~e. m t?fi ~ - ware store, some time after April The Student Loan Fund of Del- la t ni ght, to consider the exten- ing last. e ~gue, 0 an ,vIsited the urg, ec urer o~ clen I c ~m- _first. A full line of French cand- aware College is a fact. More than sion of the town sewer system, to _ _ ____ Women s College today, where she perance InstructIOn, representing . d t ff' 'll b I that it is void of the h ··t 'C II 0 .• was entertained at luncheon by the Board of Temperance of the les an penny . a les WI e t It' c. all y a~- inc 1u d e th e W omen s 0 ege. w- Serious Fife Averted Deall Robi M' d Presbyterian C h u r c h of the ~anuf~ctured dally. In connec- pec . IS ~ :-veIl orga~lzed b~ s l- ing to the fact that all the data . nson. ISS van er. tlOn with the candy store Mrs. ness propositIOn. No InnovatIOn necessary is not yet available, the A call for help was received at FI.ler IS the daughter of the chap- Um~ed States, will le~~ure. thiS Roberts will give lessons in cro- of recent years at Delaware has ma tter was postponed until a later the Hose House last Thursday lal to the ~ueen. For .years . she comlllg Thursday e~emng In the cheting and oil painting. The been promoted with such business meeting. The report of the audi- about noon, from the residence of has b~en Interested. In phllan- N~wark Pre~byterlan Ohurch. newcomers are planning to give methods. The Fund has been tors was accepted and orders J. P. Armstrong, west of Newark. throplc ."'?rk, havlllg. founded Mls.s ~.re~m wlll speak on th~ first class up to date service, and placed in the care of the Newark give n fo r its publicatio'n. Owing to a defect in the -steam a~ter a VISit to America about tOPI~ SCience and Te~perance. promise to fill a need in the com- Trust and Safe Deposit Company heating apparatus, the adjoining eight years ~go, a 1!I0Ys' Home. At During the year 1913 MISS Brehm munity. who will transact the business at- Important Grange Meeting fl oor was badly scorohed, but present she IS ~~urmg America in was selected. to . address two tending such loans. A committee otherwise little damage was done. the hope of r~lsln,g funds for a world conventIOns In Europe. I,n composed of the Dean of the Col- T here wi ll be a meeting of the Aetna Fire Company responded Holland-Amencan home, to fill July she spoke before t?e ~orld s Improvements at lege, Dean of the Women's Col- • T ewa rk G range on Monday even­ promptly to the summons. There the fut~re need of th~ thousands ~und ay ~chool Convent~on III Zur- the Old Depot lege, Dean of the Agricultural ing March 20. Due to the inclem­ was no man on the premises at of Belgian orphans In Holland Ich, SWitzerland, and In Septem- Enclosed sheds made comfort- Dpartment Treasure f th C I ency of t he weather o'n March 6th the time the fire was discovered. affording a place where thes~ bel'. ,she addressed t~e Wo:ld's able by steam radiators, have lege, President of th; 1lum~i :.s: the me eting arranged for that f ath?rless ones can be educated. Anti-Alcohol Congress III Milan, been erect ed for the convenience sociation will direct the fin ancing evenin g was postponed, and it is Inspection At Armory MI SS von der Flier gave '11. Ttaly. of the public travelling on the of the Fund and making the loans I des ired that there be a large at­ Lieutenant U. M. Diller, of the graphic descri~tio~ of experi- Mi ss Brehm deals with the tem- northbound trai'ns, at the Penn- The local Trust Company unde~ tp ndance on n ext Monday even- U S 1ft 'II' 't th ences a.t the beglllmng of the war perance question entirely aside sylvania depot. Workmen are the Declaration of Trust will ren- ing. n an ry WI VIS I e ar- when little Holland found her fr,o m the usual course of proced- I b d . th . 'f f h n.o I' y on Wednesday eve'ning, populatio suddenly increased b a ure, a nd the result is that new a so usy this week, grading and e ~ . ~Ir servI ce. ree o · c. a.rge. March 22nd, to inspect Company million and a half F ar ,.,oYrse seeding the banks along the , It such bus 1l1 ess .a d~lnl s tra- A THLETIC COUNCIL E of Newark. The Lieutenent will t h b b d h'll Y and fresh interest is added to the track, south of the railway cross- bon known to the public, It can be AWARDS HONORS t th ffi ' . d 'll f an om s an s e s seeme d to topic which is now undergoing , ing- a feature which promises confidently hoped that many of I ep?r k.e e clency 111 l'1 0 I her the endless shuffling feet of such wide discussion. Her keen to add to the general attractive- t he f riend's of t he college ~ili con- P la n s For The InterScholastic ~;~I~:~O~~~~y and the personne h~~el ss multituds. ~he speaker l insigh.t into the met~ods and ness of the station. t ribute thus making an invest- M I M . to of the many sacl'1fices made agencIes of the world-Wide move- ment toward educated citizenship e~t n. ay I • b; people of Hallond,}uoHng the m.ent of scientific temp?rance, has It. means more men will go out F inal co ns ideratIOn of track, Crusade Against Tramps " ords of the queen, If ~e have I g'lV en. her. a s tate s ~an s grasp of Distinguished Guest WI th college work complete. The baseball , and tennis schedules A crusade against undes irable ?tut ~t~r~;t o~, bread we Will share It h~ SItuation, enablIn&: her to ~c- Among.Colored Folk contributors to date are: took up most of the time of the t rans ients and hoboes who visit I .';1 em. qUire a fresh fund o~ I~format~on Reverend Dr. Mathew Gale a I J ohn J . Raskob $250 Delaware Co llege Athletic Coun- Delaware and cause trouble, is be- Althou,,?h we III Holland have and .up-to-date statistics which fie ld missionary from Africa vis it- Henry A. duPont 100 eil at the meeting last night. in g carried on by the courts par- been mercifully spared the honor are 1I1valuable to all temperance d N k S d h' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Bancroft 100 , . I ' . '. of war" Mi ss van del' Fl' 'd ork e ewat' on un ay, preac' Illg L C ;\ Ianager G. O. Smith of track, was t lcul arly the state courts. Dur1l1g" h ' . d ler sal . l weI's. mor ning and evening in Mt Zion ammot duPont 100 hefore the Co uncil and submitted la t week Judge William H . Boyce . we a.~e ~xp:l'1ence the moral A U M E Church Dr' Gale A. Felix duPont 100 the fo ll owin g schedule wh ich was specially warned tl.e unwelcome Ie;ce -Ifln~t aW-grhaphic ten~ k. Funds Needed For cho s ~ a's 'his' theme at the ~ o rning L. Scott Townsend 50 pproved ' ' ·t M t f th b ht e ec t 0 I. e ave the vIctims S G d Wk' th G A Rhodes 50 a '. ., VISI ors. os 0 ose roug with us-the des erate lonel c h 00I ar en or sen.vce. e co.nver.sion of P aul, A' . aturday, ApI: II 29- Umverslty of b~fo re the court were charge.d hungry women an~ children.:l; A bake will be held in the Opera I·evlewlllg.the hlstol'1caij and spirit- WL . ; .oster . 100 P ennsvlva nla relay races of With lar ceny, and because of thiS A' d 't h th th H t b 'Id' S t dual expel'1ences of -the apostle's m. 1I1d er Laird 100 Franki in Field.
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