NEWARK POST NUMBER VOLUME \ II NEWARK POST, NEWARK,·OEL., MARCH 1S, 1916 Council In Ad. !Newark Man Speaks I NOTED HOLLANDER AT BRILLIANT LECTURER New Candy and Art IStudents Loan . d M . at Harvard Banquet I WOMEN'S COLLEGE VISITS NEWARK Needle-work Store • Journe eetmg Dr. W. O. Sypherd of Delaware -.- . -- . D. B. Roberts formerly of EasJ Fund a Reality College was one of the speakers Urges AmerIcans To Help OpportunIty To Hear MIss ton, Md., will open a Home-made \ --- .Jluditors' Report Accepted at the annual banquet of the Har- I War Sufferers Brehm Candy Shop, in the store property Pia d' T ttL I B L va I'd Club of Delaware, held at M' H d'k . M' M . C B h f p·tts \ adjoining the H. B. Wright Hard- I ce In 'us a oca anI( Co un cil me,t in special meeting Hotel duPont on Saturday even- \ Th I~ en rHI all vadn d~r. Flier of b I~S I ~rle . ~e. m t?fi ~ - ware store, some time after April The Student Loan Fund of Del- la t ni ght, to consider the exten- ing last. e ~gue, 0 an ,vIsited the urg, ec urer o~ clen I c ~m- _first. A full line of French cand- aware College is a fact. More than sion of the town sewer system, to _ _ ____ Women s College today, where she perance InstructIOn, representing . d t ff' 'll b I that it is void of the h ··t 'C II 0 .• was entertained at luncheon by the Board of Temperance of the les an penny . a les WI e t It' c. all y a~- inc 1u d e th e W omen s 0 ege. w- Serious Fife Averted Deall Robi M' d Presbyterian C h u r c h of the ~anuf~ctured dally. In connec- pec . IS ~ :-veIl orga~lzed b~ s l- ing to the fact that all the data . nson. ISS van er. tlOn with the candy store Mrs. ness propositIOn. No InnovatIOn necessary is not yet available, the A call for help was received at FI.ler IS the daughter of the chap- Um~ed States, will le~~ure. thiS Roberts will give lessons in cro- of recent years at Delaware has ma tter was postponed until a later the Hose House last Thursday lal to the ~ueen. For .years . she comlllg Thursday e~emng In the cheting and oil painting. The been promoted with such business meeting. The report of the audi- about noon, from the residence of has b~en Interested. In phllan- N~wark Pre~byterlan Ohurch. newcomers are planning to give methods. The Fund has been tors was accepted and orders J. P. Armstrong, west of Newark. throplc ."'?rk, havlllg. founded Mls.s wlll speak on th~ first class up to date service, and placed in the care of the Newark give n fo r its publicatio'n. Owing to a defect in the -steam a~ter a VISit to America about tOPI~ SCience and Te~perance. promise to fill a need in the com- Trust and Safe Deposit Company heating apparatus, the adjoining eight years ~go, a 1!I0Ys' Home. At During the year 1913 MISS Brehm munity. who will transact the business at- Important Grange Meeting fl oor was badly scorohed, but present she IS ~~urmg America in was selected. to . address two tending such loans. A committee otherwise little damage was done. the hope of r~lsln,g funds for a world conventIOns In Europe. I,n composed of the Dean of the Col- T here wi ll be a meeting of the Aetna Fire Company responded Holland-Amencan home, to fill July she spoke before t?e ~orld s Improvements at lege, Dean of the Women's Col- • T ewa rk G range on Monday even­ promptly to the summons. There the fut~re need of th~ thousands ~und ay ~chool Convent~on III Zur- the Old Depot lege, Dean of the Agricultural ing March 20. Due to the inclem­ was no man on the premises at of Belgian orphans In Holland Ich, SWitzerland, and In Septem- Enclosed sheds made comfort- Dpartment Treasure f th C I ency of t he weather o'n March 6th the time the fire was discovered. affording a place where thes~ bel'. ,she addressed t~e Wo:ld's able by steam radiators, have lege, President of th; 1lum~i :.s: the me eting arranged for that f ath?rless ones can be educated. Anti-Alcohol Congress III Milan, been erect ed for the convenience sociation will direct the fin ancing evenin g was postponed, and it is Inspection At Armory MI SS von der Flier gave '11. Ttaly. of the public travelling on the of the Fund and making the loans I des ired that there be a large at­ Lieutenant U. M. Diller, of the graphic descri~tio~ of experi- Mi ss Brehm deals with the tem- northbound trai'ns, at the Penn- The local Trust Company unde~ tp ndance on n ext Monday even- U S 1ft 'II' 't th ences a.t the beglllmng of the war perance question entirely aside sylvania depot. Workmen are the Declaration of Trust will ren- ing. n an ry WI VIS I e ar- when little Holland found her fr,o m the usual course of proced- I b d . th . 'f f h n.o I' y on Wednesday eve'ning, populatio suddenly increased b a ure, a nd the result is that new a so usy this week, grading and e ~ . ~Ir servI ce. ree o · c. a.rge. March 22nd, to inspect Company million and a half F ar ,.,oYrse seeding the banks along the , It such bus 1l1 ess .a d~lnl s tra- A THLETIC COUNCIL E of Newark. The Lieutenent will t h b b d h'll Y and fresh interest is added to the track, south of the railway cross- bon known to the public, It can be AWARDS HONORS t th ffi ' . d 'll f an om s an s e s seeme d to topic which is now undergoing , ing- a feature which promises confidently hoped that many of I ep?r k.e e clency 111 l'1 0 I her the endless shuffling feet of such wide discussion. Her keen to add to the general attractive- t he f riend's of t he college ~ili con- P la n s For The InterScholastic ~;~I~:~O~~~~y and the personne h~~el ss multituds. ~he speaker l insigh.t into the met~ods and ness of the station. t ribute thus making an invest- M I M . to of the many sacl'1fices made agencIes of the world-Wide move- ment toward educated citizenship e~t n. ay I • b; people of Hallond,}uoHng the m.ent of scientific temp?rance, has It. means more men will go out F inal co ns ideratIOn of track, Crusade Against Tramps " ords of the queen, If ~e have I g'lV en. her. a s tate s ~an s grasp of Distinguished Guest WI th college work complete. The baseball , and tennis schedules A crusade against undes irable ?tut ~t~r~;t o~, bread we Will share It h~ SItuation, enablIn&: her to ~c- Among.Colored Folk contributors to date are: took up most of the time of the t rans ients and hoboes who visit I .';1 em. qUire a fresh fund o~ I~format~on Reverend Dr. Mathew Gale a I J ohn J . Raskob $250 Delaware Co llege Athletic Coun- Delaware and cause trouble, is be- Althou,,?h we III Holland have and .up-to-date statistics which fie ld missionary from Africa vis it- Henry A. duPont 100 eil at the meeting last night. in g carried on by the courts par- been mercifully spared the honor are 1I1valuable to all temperance d N k S d h' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Bancroft 100 , . I ' . '. of war" Mi ss van del' Fl' 'd ork e ewat' on un ay, preac' Illg L C ;\ Ianager G. O. Smith of track, was t lcul arly the state courts. Dur1l1g" h ' . d ler sal . l weI's. mor ning and evening in Mt Zion ammot duPont 100 hefore the Co uncil and submitted la t week Judge William H . Boyce . we a.~e ~xp:l'1ence the moral A U M E Church Dr' Gale A. Felix duPont 100 the fo ll owin g schedule wh ich was specially warned tl.e unwelcome Ie;ce -Ifln~t aW-grhaphic ten~ k. Funds Needed For cho s ~ a's 'his' theme at the ~ o rning L. Scott Townsend 50 pproved ' ' ·t M t f th b ht e ec t 0 I. e ave the vIctims S G d Wk' th G A Rhodes 50 a '. ., VISI ors. os 0 ose roug with us-the des erate lonel c h 00I ar en or sen.vce. e co.nver.sion of P aul, A' . aturday, ApI: II 29- Umverslty of b~fo re the court were charge.d hungry women an~ children.:l; A bake will be held in the Opera I·evlewlllg.the hlstol'1caij and spirit- WL . ; .oster . 100 P ennsvlva nla relay races of With lar ceny, and because of thiS A' d 't h th th H t b 'Id' S t dual expel'1ences of -the apostle's m. 1I1d er Laird 100 Franki in Field.
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