PU S t i c LIBRARY , 221 VJASHINQTON AVE BELLEVILLE I OlM* 2.00 »OTH YEAR, NO. 5 BELLEVILLE, TUESDAY, DECEMBEI C.Y.O. UNITS SET OR. D I RUGGIERO PHILIP R . WHITE Qranese Not Head FIRMLY SUPPORTS IS NEW EDITOR FOR SNOW QUEER K ennedy SUMMER SCHOOL OF TIMES-NEWS O f School Campaign BALL JANUARY is Suddenly Clubs Activ School Board President Publisher Frank Orechio All Count Says Article in Times Last Week Incorrect if CrowjQ Asks New Budget Makes Appointment Winne as Founder I Include Plan To Position Today Releases Stateirient Clarifying Position Will Get Prizes Catholic Youth Organia- Dr. Frank DiRuggiero, pres-1 Last Year’s School Elections Tía ’/ ' ] ztion units are Set for the annual Ut this Paper Ident of the Board of Education, I accentuated he uld nof permit snow Queen contest planned for has come out strongly for a full Joseph Gránese, who has an- nounced hie candidacy fo r the atters p ertlln - Saturday, January 2. The con* time schedule of academic clas its tojectito in Belleville Board of. Education, to?t he school, test to elect a Snow Ball Queen ses through the summer- ing to affaire < Back in 1909 day issued a statement explain­ has been won by Belleville girls ing and clarifying a re p d rt ap-s tern.” - Jibe p a s t threi Jimes J. Kennedy, of 53 pearing in la s t week's publication rh e text of th wmeiniiig . poy- sentatives of Avenue, Bellevfie, co­ of The BeUevUle Times. 6 p re s s release issued I ot The Belkeville Times, vey conducted by the The report stated-that Mr. Gra- by Mr. G rá n e s e -follows! .. The dance/ Will be held died Monday, December 21, at School System indicated that 107 “ Em phasizing the growing need Hall University in South Orange. home of a heart attack. He was students attended out » of . town nese h a d . served as campaign; m anager for school board candi­ of all citizens to pfoperly sypprf- The date m arks the 15th time 80. classes last summer. the* annual event has been dates in the election a y e a r ago,: ciate the v io ll need of a n effi­ - A lifelong-resident of Belleville, Coptinufog, the school. board Joyed by C.Y.O. groups througR- The statem ent was in error. cient and progressive school sys­ Mr. Kennedy w as an active and president said that another }0t te m to pro v id e the preparation M r. G ranese’a statement points devoted journalist. In add: students participated in .. the re­ of our ch ildren in coping with Each parish in the out that he «tressed “ ‘he had his co-foundfog The Belleville medial reading program in. the mounting complexities..,.; pre­ Hudson area is eligible supported fo u r ofifoe five whi­ Times, he served In editorial ca- ville an d that ISO additional stu­ sented by a highly competitive a . girl in the competition. The'i n ers.” pacifies on the Da*1V ^dvei*’,"“r dents attended musical classes. business w orld, Granese sa id he w inner will be decided on the] , The press .release also stated î foe Star “A sum m er program Would 'de- would dedicate -his efforts—as a basis of votes cast-in her name which later becamii that Mr. G ranese Is discounting Eagle in Newarx, ou foe New " finitely be a forward step in edJ School trustee to provide Belle­ by those buying tickets'to the statement o f Belle- York Herald and viith the War ucation progress in Belleville,” ville’s youth - a n educational op­ dancé up' to a week before Jan­ Commissioner George EJer- Information Office. Dr. DiRuggiero told the Board concerned with an alleged portunity comparable to any In uary- 2. - Funeral services were conduct­ Education. politics the State, th u s assuring an equal Thp winnimj girl will. receibe James J, Kennedy ed Thursday morning at 8 o’clock He asked the board consider Philip R. Opportunity f o r either job place­ gifts valued at more' than $ , 130 from the Kieman Funeral a sum m er program whett formU: Granese sa id he “insists that ment or acceptance in accredited including flowers, an evening en­ lating th e new school budget. F ran k A. Orechio, publisher of Hom e,101 Union Avenue, Belle­ politics be divorced from school universities to continue th e ir ed­ tem blé, "a watch', trophy, and a Completion' of the budget is. ex« the Times, today- announces the ville. A Solemn High Mass of m atters.” T h e release said “He ucational aspirations.” set of pictures of the occasion. CONSOLIDATE PTA pecfed momentarily but- no appointment of Philip R . White Requiem was offered at 9 o’clock There, will be special awards for of such an, announcement was the editorship' of À ie news­ in Saint Peter’« (fourch.-Inter-1 the girls placing second and • received by Tilt Belleville Titties paper. Mr. White is being trans- GROUPS ORGANIZE ment was in foe Immaculate | third with all foe others receiv­ at p ress time. Eerred to the Belleville post from Conception Cemetery. District Scout Leaders ing ’mementoes. Dr. DiRuggiero noted that h e little Falls Herald a n d Tot- Choose Roselle Head; Founded P aper in 1909 when Belleville student« attend owa Times Herald, two Passaic / f All' the girls w in be introduced ' sum m er classes out - of « town, County weekly newspapers pub- to the. dancers by Harry J. Sul­ •New Officers Ready * Mr. Kennedy and the late Au­ tuition costs- must be paid by M ark Golden Jubilee livan.- of St. P e te r’s- Belleville, gustin McEnery of The 'Newark parents. He said that a- privately .foe m aster of ceremonies. The Plans For Season News, co-£ounded The Belleville operated summer school in ing year w h ich was subsequent­ runnerups will serve as the Times in 1909. They managed the H ie Golden Jubilee D inner of Consolidated/P. T. A.’s of Belle­ publication for attveral years., ; Bloomfield; fòri example,': charges BELLEVILLE PLAYS Belleville d istrict scout leaders ly unanim ously elected.' queen’s court of honor a t foe ville m et recently to discuss and Belleville students, a $35 tuition dance. Presiding ' at the coron lit 1922 and again in 1924 Mr. and their friend* was held at the The guest speaker for the eve­ fee. Branch B rook Manor in Belle- iling was R o b e rt Pony. assistant, BeUevyje. fof* tb e èom iM ; y è è ^ corder-in Beflèville. Accorrjig^ ••toJheaaMreyv. taken , W,OR|NGE TUES. MaranqncikSt. .<Pfíer!í , I of all foe ß te s w n tf .vffi®: - director of Finance of, the na­ M (Couihiueil on B W illiam ' Chapmah, >vice chalri tional office o f the Boy Scouts — r òf’foe, väfiolis P/RA^h of BeUq- New School Budget Squad Loses to Passaic m an of th e Belleville district of America. committee was'mister of cere­ Today’s Ordinances: .film strip; “Plus Givfo«,” Ralph Roselle was appointed W ill Be Released By 67-35 Score, monies. chairman and Mrs. P-C. Mac«- w as shown b y Charles K elly, ex­ School Election Rides, Sometime This Week Heggians High H ie, invocation was delivered by Itev. C. A . Hewitt o f Wesley plaining the need of donations to PLANNING BOARD The Belleville Board of Ed­ satisfy fo e n e e d s of the s c o u t or­ 2 Purchases al $12,O M lU ZLS*™ ** BellevIfie High -School’s’ basket­ Methodist Church. Opening cere­ -During the next month all will ucation budget fo r thé coming ball squad returns to action next ganization f o r the coming year, ■ Today’s Belleville H m er car* year Vvillw,. released in 'ample; mony was conducted by Charles partibipate in 'foe school bùdget EXPECTS VISITS Tuesday alter a. S h o rt recess for Kelfy, scout executive, a n d eagle These m onies . would1 be in Jlddi- ries five legal- advertisements, Urne fo r ali'residents to study study and, make recommenda­ ! the- holidays. The Bellboys are tion to the funds given1 to the tWo of which are concerned its .provisions - before the : elec­ (hits. tions based on this review. scheduled to m eet West Orange George H . Brown, district United and o th e r drivel]; TO OTHER TOWNS tion. -< with the December 31 deadline • Hie group will again sponsor away Tuesday in a Big Ten Con­ chairm an re a d the annual report The meeting was cohcludcd Dr. Frank DiRuggferp^pres-. for ' candidates’ filing petitions an open meeting inviting all j _ . , ' „ . and welcomed the guests. with benediction by ReV. John 'ident oft the Board ol Educa­ ference. with the school board cldrk. prospective candidates for the Qyoup To A ppoint Chair- Jam es Killough Jr,, chief scout J. Netta of S t. Anthony’s Catholic tion, sa id 'thè budget Will be Unbeifofo Passaic High“defeat­ A second legal advertisement Board of Education election to, ed BeUevdlg in the Bellboys last executive of the Robert Treat Church. 1 present views to foe public The men Tuesday Meeting; released this week. Of thè Board of Education id1, , The presentation of- the pro­ contest, December 22, in the lOSal Council then explained th e plans The din n er committee was session w ill1 be held at, School Guest Speakers concerned with procedure»« posed budget to the citizenry gym, The visitors raced to 1 a and purposes of the Golden Jubi­ composed of Dr.
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