17736 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 13 July 14, 2009 Students and the public will be engaged to Intracoastal Waterway Operation and Main- local governments, state governments, federal learn from and understand the system func- tenance from Caloosahatchee River to Anclote agencies and regional planners. tions and renewable energy benefits. The River Requesting Member: Congressman CANDICE solar energy systems are proposed to gen- Account: Army Corps of Engineers, Oper- S. MILLER erate sufficient energy to power the park light- ations and Maintenance Bill Number: H.R. 3183 the Energy and ing systems with any excess energy returned Legal name and address of requesting enti- Water Development and Related Agencies to the grid for offsets to city electrical ex- ty: West Coast Inland Navigation District, P.O. and Appropriations Act of 2010 penses. Previous federal funding was provided Box 1845, Venice, FL 34284 Account: EERE for this project in Fiscal Year 2009 in the Description of request: $4,500,000 is in- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: United amount of $1,427,250. The City of St. Peters- cluded in the bill for the West Coast Inland Way of Southeastern Michigan burg will provide a $500,000 match. Navigation District for the maintenance dredg- Address of Requesting Entity: 1212 Gris- Tampa Port Planning, Engineering and De- ing of sections of the Intracoastal Waterway wold St. Detroit, MI 48226 sign for future requirements through six Florida counties, including Pinellas Description of Request: This request, in the Account: Army Corps of Engineers, Con- County. The 1945 Rivers and Harbors Act au- amount of $400,000.00, would be used by the struction thorized the Intracoastal Waterway to be main- United Way of Southeastern Michigan to as- tained at a width of 100-feet, and a depth of sist two community non-profits to make energy Legal name and address of requesting enti- nine-feet between the mouth of the efficiency and insulation upgrades at their fa- ty: Tampa Port Authority, 1101 Channelside Caloosahatchee River, near Ft. Myers, and cilities. The two organizations are Turning Drive, Tampa, FL 33602 the Anclote River, north of Tampa. The chan- Point of Mt. Clemens, Michigan, a domestic vi- Description of request: $500,000 is included nel runs through six counties (Pinellas, olence shelter, as well as the Macomb County in the bill for the Tampa Port Authority for the Hillsborough, Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte, Rotating Shelter Team, a coalition of churches continued planning, engineering, and design and Lee) and links natural deep-water sec- that provide overnight shelter to homeless per- for a project to widen and deepen the Tampa tions of bays through a series of man-made sons and families. shipping channel to allow for the safer pas- channels, thereby providing for the safe pas- f sage of shipping traffic and to accommodate sage of commercial goods and access to com- larger ships requiring a deeper draft. The mercial fishing grounds. Dredging of the Intra- ILLINOIS SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF Army Corps of Engineers completed a draft coastal Waterway commenced in 1960 and General Reevaluation Report (GRR) in 2008 was completed in 1967, at which time the HON. AARON SCHOCK which focuses on traffic congestion in the West Coast Inland Navigation District began OF ILLINOIS main Tampa Harbor channel where extensive maintenance activities. This funding will sup- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES delays occur due to lack of adequate channel port maintenance dredging for Longboat Pass Tuesday, July 14, 2009 width. The 40 mile main federal channel han- (Manatee County), Venice Inlet (Sarasota dles traffic in and out of the entire Tampa Bay County), mouth of Caloosahatchee River (Mis- Mr. SCHOCK. Madam Speaker, I rise today federal port system for the Ports of Tampa, erable Mile in Lee County), the Boca Grande to honor the Illinois School for the Deaf and Manatee and St. Petersburg. The ship channel Bayou area (Miller’s Marina in Lee County), Mr. Albert Caswell. On January 20, 2009, the is too narrow to allow for safe two-way vessel and a section of the Intracoastal Waterway in Illinois School for the Deaf traveled to Wash- traffic due to the introduction of new longer Pinellas County just north of the Tampa Bay ington, DC, to witness the inauguration of and broader cruise ships. The impacts associ- port shipping channel. Previous funding total- President Barack Obama. Inspired by these ated with having a restriction of this nature in- ing $1,400,000 was included in FY 2004 and young children and with the thought that per- clude vessels waiting at berth or at the sea FY 2005 for the design, engineering, and per- haps one day one of those children may also buoy while large cruise ships transit the chan- mitting for this project and $1,215,000 was in- stand on the west front of the U.S. Capitol, I nel. The GRR concurs with the Tampa Port cluded in FY 2008 and $2,076,000 in FY 2009 submit a poem penned by U.S. Capitol Guide Authority and the port community that the re- for the initial dredging of this waterway. Albert Carey Caswell. Mr. Caswell was able to sulting congestion causes safety hazards and f spend some time with them on that day and economic inefficiencies and recommends wid- wrote the following tribute. ening select portions of the main channel. The EARMARK DECLARATION CAN YOU HEAR ME? GRR finds that vessel operation costs would (By Mr. Albert Caswell) be reduced, resulting in transportation cost HON. CANDICE S. MILLER Can you hear me? savings, increased harbor safety and reduced OF MICHIGAN I can hear you! cargo delivery delays. In addition, the contin- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Not with my ears! ued reevaluation of the needs in the Tampa But, with something far much more greater, Harbor is necessary, to include deepening, in Tuesday, July 14, 2009 so true! order to facilitate anticipated growth in trade Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Madam Speaker, For it’s with my heart . as the Port of Tampa continues its steady pursuant to the Republican Leadership stand- That, I can hear you too . Look at me! growth and diversification. As Florida’s largest ards on earmarks, I am submitting the fol- I’m just the same as you! cargo port, the Port of Tampa handles ap- lowing information regarding earmarks I re- For what I’ve lost . proximately 50 million tons of cargo per year. ceived as part of H.R. 2892 the Department of For inside, I’ve gained so much more so too! The Port of Tampa is also the largest eco- Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2010 For I can feel you . nomic engine in West Central Florida and the Requesting Member: Congresswoman And, I can read you . nation’s 14th largest port in terms of short CANDICE S. MILLER I’m just a kid like you! tons. The Port of Tampa generates an annual Bill Number: H.R. 3183 Energy and Water And, I want to grow up to be happy . and economic impact of almost $8 billion on the Development and Related Agencies and Ap- so healthy, oh so much so too! Just, because I can’t understand you! region which includes the contribution of over propriations Act of 2010 I can read you! $570 million annually in state and local taxes. Account: Construction Like a book! This project is authorized by three separate Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Army For our Lord God, has given me other gifts federal statutes: The Energy and Water Devel- Corps of Engineers that I can use.... opment Appropriations Act, 2004 (P.L. 108– Address of Requesting Entity: 477 Michigan For your coming through to me, loud and 137); The Energy and Water Development Ap- Ave. Detroit, MI 48226 clear . propriations Act, 2005 (P.L. 108–447); and the Description of Request: This request, in the For I’ve developed my senses, so much great- Water Resources Development Act of 2007 amount of $100,000.00, would be used to im- er so here.... We’re all the same! (P.L. 110–114). Previous funding for this plement one or more priority projects that are Some of us even, have the same names . project has been provided as follows: FY consistent with the St. Clair River and Lake St. So hear me! 2009—$478,000, FY 2008—$133,000, FY Clair Management Plan. These projects were Do not fear me! 2004—$2,500,000, FY 2003—$200,000, FY developed in a broad based and consensus Be near me, be my friend . so tried and 2002—$500,000, FY 2001—$300,000. driven process involving multiple counties, true . VerDate Mar 15 2010 14:31 Nov 14, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\E14JY9.000 E14JY9 TKELLEY on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD July 14, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 13 17737 There’s, so much more we can learn about president, vice president, and secretary and tioned to provide this training through an Insti- each other . me and you received its Outstanding Citizen of The Year tute for Intermodal Transportation (IIT). MDC For, I can hear you! Award and its Small Business Advocate of has a foundation for the coursework and train- In our world, there is such a special The Year Award. bond.... He was on the Fairhaven Workshop Board ing through its various departments and That, in the quiet world is so formed . of Trustees, Niles Churches for Housing, and schools. A number of the educational pro- At first, you may not understand .
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