., THE WEATHER INTO THE NET Local th.atN Included In trl-"t"t. tern~rl1- to(fay all() "'rldnv: tle-ul. or n ..tlon -"' td ~ Inovle ture unchanced corporu.thm. l' ..... 6 Full Le.... Wlr. Reportl :Foulld" Official 8t .....t N.... p .... in 'ow. Twenty-fifth Year 6 PAGES 01 Th,e A.lloclated Pr••• 1101 Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, March 11. 1926 V"IY.nl',- .f lew. FIVE CENTS l Cllt,- Number 214 ens e ----------_. Briand Returns to Goodrich to Head Red Grange May Bar (ampas PhilOiopbe~ Commerce Head Steer French Ship Woolbert to Join Army Dirigible German Admission at Illinois Talks Faculty of Speech Senior Committee Drops Into Water Make Stop Here From Drake Cia.. Play Dispute Threatens on Memorial Gift on Way to Coast DES M:OINES, Mar. 10 (.4>)'­ Thomas ' V. Duncan, elected by to Club Tonight Department Here at Hampton Roads studen ts as the outstandlnc Entire Disruption Ben Goodrlch, of Iowa City, D~ "Red" Grange, the so·called Gal­ "campus phIl080pht.... at Drake representative of the college of med: lopln' Ghost of Illlni fame, wllJ visit . univerSity recently, and author, Thompson Leader In State Board Approves !clue, was named chall·man of the TA-5 Falls When Gas Iowa City 800n, according to A. M, by that I'Ight, of a denunciation Briand Alone Can Education Field, memorial committee of the senlQr Bremer, a cousin of ~r'·y Bremer ot student life that W!lS prlnted Save Situation, Belief l1Iinois Man for classes at a recent meeting of the Escapes and Motors of this city. Mr. Bremer, a cloth­ In a Dell MolneR newspaper, to· an-scnlor presIdents. Ing store man In Peoria, 111. is a day waR barred trom the leadIng of Delegates Says Phillips Staff Position Fa i 1 role of the college "drama shop" college friend of Grange, and re- Other members of the committee, annual " lay. The dramatic coach (By Th. A ..oclat.d P ....) "Aside from being one of the ~onllrmatlon by the state bOard at (BI' The Alloclated Pr... ) cepUy talked with the grIdiron star saId his a uthority to exrJude Dun­ whose function Is to d~cld6 on the GENEVA, Mar, 10-The crIsis In leaders In the tlehl ot education education of the appointment et NORFOLK, Va., !lfar. 10-Escap- when he purchased hl8 spl.lng can trom the pll<Y's cast came memorial to be lett the university the affairs of the League of Nations for business, Denn Charles M, Prot. Chdrles Henry Wool bert of the 111, gaR and falure ot her motors clothes at the Bremer store, from President Morehouse ot the by this year's gmduatlng classes, caused the army dirigible TA-S to "r should llke to visit the plaoe was consloered crltlcal late tonight. Thomson Is recognized aM an un· university. The dismissal from University 0' Illtnols as professor wlth the colleges which they repre­ <'Irop nose IIrst late t04ay Into lower where I was walloped last," wa. usually Interesting publlo Rpeaker. sont, aro: Frank Horack, Iowa City, the cast ls reckonc.d on the enm­ Contrary to the somewhat rosy re­ of speech for nc~t year here was Hampton Roads, pear Thimble Shoal Red's comment, He will not make The college of commerce and the liberal arts; Joseph Emmert, of At­ pus as punishment for DUncan's ports given out by 80me of the mem­ announced by Presldent Walter A. ll¥ht. a special trip to Iowa City, but will publlCJl.tion of the article, Commerce club nre very fortunate lantic, law; Donovan Shl\w, of Vin­ The three men aboard had narrow probably stop here on his way to bers that the situation was ripening Jes.,up 01'1 hie return yesterdn.y from In securing his services." hester ton, engineering; Ted FOl'Syth, at escapes but were rescued without the ' coast, where he wllI begin the toward an accord, reliable Informa­ A, Phll1lplI, dean of the college of the meeting of the state board of ed· Mystic, pharmacy; Joseph E, Shultz, serious Injury by the coast gwu·d fulfUlment ot his moving picture tion Indlented that three members of commerce hel'e chal·ncterlzes the of LuVerne, dentistry; and Hobert ucatlon at Ames Tuesday. ])I1trol boat 2314. contract. the council, Brazil, Spain and Jap­ head of the commel·ce college at tbe Protessor \Yoolbert, who received Bickel, of McGregor, commerce. The crew was compos('d of J.leut. During his visit In Peoria, Orange University of Il11nolll who wllI sPeak Swenson to Edit an, declined today o.t the unoWclal his A. B. degree nt Northwestel'n The tax for this year's gift, $1 to Rowland Kellburtz, nnd 'l'echnlrnl c!lused a sensotlon by appearing In before the Commerco cl ub In 1 he and his Pll. D, at llarval'd, has been Serg'eants Chester Johnllon and Jo- a big bearskin coat and a ,8000 meeting o,t the council to so.tlsfy ChO/nber of Commerce club rooms each senlol·, will be paid with the that they would vote for the election in charge of speech work nt the gradUation fee at the secretary's of­ seph. Winters. Lieutenant Kellburtz automobile, but, as a Peorla. paper Business Journal nt 6:15 this evening_ UnlvCl"slty of Illinois tor seven W<l8 first reported bn(lly InjUred but pointed out, he really Isn't a spend­ of Germany as 0. permanent mem­ He Is the a uthor of several text­ li ce, Instead of by an Individually ye.1r8. He 18 to join the University assellSed tax as last year. The steps was found to have been only Slight- thrltt tor he bought the coot at a ber, books In the field of economic hIs­ ly hurl. sole and the cnr was a present trom of Iowa lrultructlonal atalf next fall amI the aun porch of the Memor­ Allen, . Chizek, Lake Gloom PrevaJls tory nnd Is perhnp9 best known for and will supervise work of the re­ The TA-5 was observed to be in an a utomobile company which his remarkable rise in the field of Aristhle Brinnd Ial Union bullolng were contributed The greatest gloom prevails quired freshman course, pl'lnclples by the 1025 graduates. trouble twenty minutes before she thought It worth while a8 publiCity, and Powell, Also education and for his achievements feU, and four planes from the naval among 0.11 the delegations, It Is of speech, and teach UndC1'!;raduate thought that only the master hand both In regard to the college of com· ba~e here went up to otrer assistance Have Berths I1nd graduate teacher·s courses In Arthur Boeke, of Melvin, ~epre8en· of Briand can save the situation. merce and for his promotion of big New Crisis Faces he department of speech here. taUve of the schOOl Of pharmacy, but could do nothing. When the buslnellS In illinois. Upon receivIng Presidents Name ,V, Kene'tt Swenson, A3 of Ot· which, In the view of many ot the Prof. E . C. M,able, hEk'ld ot the de· was appointed chairman of the In­ ehlp struck the \\'atu·, her stern was leaders, threatens the very exlst­ his degree from the University of tumwa, \V0.8 elected editor of the partmen t of sp€bch here, says ot vitation committee at the somo left high In the air and the gas bag, ence of the League itself. JIUnols III 1909, he took a positIon as Briand Ministry Professor \Yoolbert, "Doctor Wool­ meeting. Other members on the was damaged to some exte!)t. Journal of Business for next year labOt·atory assistant and ten years Chairman of Hop Atrance Mello Franco of Brazil, bert Is 11 dynamic and lnsplrlng committee are: Max Stanley, ot The ship was 1,200 feet In the air by the student-faculty advisory tnformed the council that he had later WaS made dean of the coll ege. teacher nnd Is a leader In his field. Corning, engineering; John F . Den· when trouble develop(d but Lleuten· He has Instituted n course In pub­ board which .controls this magazine, expIJclt Instructions from the pres­ Enemy Attacks Center I am very happy that we are able to man, of LIverpool, England, liberal unt Kellburtz rna neuvered her to at the meeting yesterday afternoon. Ident of the Brazllan republic that lic utilities which Is tbe only course bring him to Iowa," arts; Frances Roose, of Iowa City, within 500 feet of the surface betore Shepherd's Resigna­ of Its kind In America. lIe Is I·e­ on Malvy, Minister Dale C. Allen, Cm3 of NE>wton was If he voted In favor of giving Ger­ P,'ofe.ssor \Voolbert has just been liberal Ilrts; Fern Cole, of Calva, 6he went down out ot control. She tion Causes Shift in chosen associate edltOl·, Clctus Chlz· many a permanent seat he must sponslble :for bringing many big was towed to Langley field, where made chalrmnn of the committee on medicine; E, L, Schoen thaler, Of El­ ek, CmS of Clear Lake, business s lmu ltn n ~o usly vots Brazil the some businesses to Illinois, and through of Interior speech training In secondary sohools wood, law; Lyal Dingman, of Gild· she has been used for training pur· his course In public utilities, he Committee manager, and Ray Powell, CmS of privilege. of the National Assoclution of den, commerce; and John Wormley, poses, by an army tug' after the ac­ Montour. assistant bllslness man· Brazil Threatens WitluJra.wal keeps the commerce college In close (By The A ••ool ..ted Pre •• ) Tea~hel.s Speech.
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