APPENDIX J REFERENCES WEST MOJAVE (WEMO) DESERT PLAN AMENDMENT SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT REFERENCES Chapter 1.0 Introduction BLM (U.S. Bureau of Land Management). 2003. Decision Record for the Western Mojave Desert Off Road Vehicle Designation Project. BLM (U.S. Bureau of Land Management). 2005. Final Environmental Impact Report and Statement for the West Mojave Plan, A Habitat Conservation Plan and California Desert Conservation Area Plan Amendment. Moreno Valley, California: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, California Desert District. BLM (U.S. Bureau of Land Management). 2006. Record of Decision, Western Mojave (WEMO) Plan Amendment to the California Desert Conservation Area Plan. March, 2006. BLM (U.S. Bureau of Land Management). 2012. Travel and Transportation Management Handbook 8342-1. BLM (U.S. Bureau of Land Management). 2016a. Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan, Land Use Plan Amendment, September, 2016. BLM (U.S. Bureau of Land Management). 2016b. BLM Travel and Transportation Manual 1626. USFWS (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 2011. Revised Recover Plan for the Mojave Population of the Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Region 8, Pacific Southwest Region, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Sacramento, CA. May 6, 2011. Chapter 2.0 Alternatives BLM (U.S. Bureau of Land Management). 2006. Record of Decision, Western Mojave (WEMO) Plan Amendment to the California Desert Conservation Area Plan. March, 2006. BLM (U.S. Bureau of Land Management). 2012. Travel and Transportation Management (TTM) Handbook 1626-1. BLM (U.S. Bureau of Land Management). 2016a. Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan, Land Use Plan Amendment, September, 2016. Section 3.1 Analysis of the Management Situation BLM (U.S. Bureau of Land Management). 2005. 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South Coast Air Quality Management District Annual Air Quality Monitoring Network Plan. USFWS (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 2013. Sonny Bono Salton Sea National Wildlife Refuge Complex – Sonny Bono Salton Sea NWR – Coachella Valley NWR. Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment, Volume 1, July 2013. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. VanCuren, R., 2015. Transport aloft drives peak ozone in the Mojave Desert. Atmospheric Environment, 109, pp.331-341. Section 3.3 Geology, Soils, and Water Beeby, D.J., R.V. Miller, R.L. Hill, and R.E. Grunwald. 2002. Aggregate resources in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology, Miscellaneous Map No. 010. BLM (U.S. Bureau of Land Management). 2005. Interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health, BLM Tech Reference 1734-6, Version 4. Hedrick, J.B. 2002. Yttrium, U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, pp. 186- 187. Leszcykowski, A., et al., 1993, Mineral resources of the West Mojave Desert tortoise habitat (category one and two lands), U.S. Bureau of Mines, Western Field Operations Center, Special Publication, unpublished report prepared at the request of the BLM to conduct a study of the mineral resources as mandated by the National Materials and Minerals Policy, Research and Development Act of 1980, pp. 68, Appendix A & B, four plates, 1:100,000 scale. J‐3 WEST MOJAVE (WEMO) DESERT PLAN AMENDMENT SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Ouren, DS. et.al., 2007. Environmental Effects of Off-Highway Vehicles on Bureau of Land Management Lands: A Literature Synthesis, Annotated Bibliographies, Extensive Bibliographies, and Internet Resources. US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, Open File Report 2007-1353, Reston, Virginia, 2007. 241 pgs. Ver Planck, W.E. 1957. Strontium: California Division of Mines and Geology, Mineral Commodities of California, Bull. 176, pp. 607-611. 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