Appendix A: Datasets and Models Table A.1. Models considered in this book. Model Page Antoine 56 Beverton-Holt 2, 106 Biexponential 87 Brain-Cousens 58, 71, 108 Clapeyron 56 Demodulator 48 Deriso 106 Exponential decay 24, 31 Hockey stick 41 Hyperbolic 4, 35 Logistic 70, 101 Log-logistic (4 parameters) 5, 60, 118 Log-logistic (3 parameters) 58 Michaelis-Menten 9, 30 Monoexponential 108 Ricker 78, 106 Shepherd 106 Verhulst 70 134 Appendix A: Datasets and Models Table A.2. Datasets used in this book. Discipline Page Package Name Biology exp1 87 nlrwr exp2 87 nlrwr L.minor 9 nlrwr Leaves 35 NRAIA methionine 131 drc RGRcurve 33 nlrwr RScompetition 4, 45 drc ScotsPine 108 nlrwr Chemistry btb 35 nlrwr Isom 53 NRAIA sts 35 nlrwr vapCO 56 nlrwr Fisheries M.merluccius 2, 105 nlrwr O.mykiss 91 drc, nlrwr sockeye 78 nlrwr Engineering Chwirut2 23 NISTnls IQsig 48 nlrwr Medicine heartrate 71 drc Puromycin 109 datasets wtloss 20 MASS Toxicology G.aparine 118 drc lettuce 57 drc ryegrass 60 drc S.alba 4 drc secalonic 101 drc spinach 131 drc vinclozolin 123 drc Other Indometh (pharmacokinetics) 71 datasets segreg (energy consumption) 44 alr3 US.pop (population growth) 71 car Appendix B: Self-starter Functions Table B.1. Available self-starter functions for nls(). Model No. Self-starter function param. Mean function Biexponential 4 SSbiexp(x, A1, lrc1, A2, lrc2) A1 · exp(− exp(lrc1) · x)+A2 · exp(− exp(lrc2) · x) Asymptotic 3 SSasymp(x, Asym, R0, lrc) regression Asym +(R0 − Asym) · exp(− exp(lrc)x) Asymptotic 3 SSasympOff(x, Asym, lrc, c0) regression Asym · (1 − exp(− exp(lrc)(x − c0))) with offset Asymptotic 2 SSasympOrig(x, Asym, lrc) regression (c0=0) Asym · (1 − exp(− exp(lrc)x)) First-order 3 SSfol(x1, x2, lKe, lKa, lCl) compartment x1 · exp(lKe + lKa − lCl)/(exp(lKa) − exp(lKe)) ·(exp(− exp(lKe)x2) − exp(− exp(lKa)x2)) Gompertz 3 SSgompertz(x, Asym, b2, b3) Asym · exp(−b2 · b3x) Logistic 4 SSfpl(x, A, B, xmid, scal) A +(B − A)/(1 + exp((xmid − x)/scal)) Logistic (A =0) 3 SSlogis(x, Asym, xmid, scal) Asym/(1 + exp((xmid − x)/scal)) Michaelis-Menten 2 SSmicmen(x, Vm, K) Vm· x/(K + x) Weibull 4 SSweibull(x, Asym, Drop, lrc, pwr) Asym − Drop · exp(− exp(lrc) · xpwr) Appendix C: Packages and Functions All the packages listed below will be available in the R session after installation of nlrwr from CRAN (http://cran.r-project.org) and subsequent loading (using library(nlrwr)). Table C.1. Packages used in this book. Package Description alr3 Methods and data to accompany Weisberg (2005) car Companion to Applied Regression datasets The R Datasets Package (in the R standard installation) drc Analysis of dose-response curve HydroMe Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Parameters from Experimental Data lattice Lattice Graphics lmtest Testing Linear Regression Models MASS Support software for Venables and Ripley (2002) NISTnls Nonlinear least-squares examples from NIST nlme Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models nlrwr Support package for this book nls2 Nonlinear regression with brute force nlstools Tools for nonlinear regression diagnostics NRAIA Datasets from Bates and Watts (1988) sandwich Robust Covariance Matrix Estimators stats The R Stats Package (in the R standard installation) 138 Appendix C: Packages and Functions Table C.2. Main functions used in this book. Function Package Page AIC() stats 107 bartlett.test() stats 65 bcSummary() nlrwr 82 boxcox.nls() nlrwr 82 coeftest() lmtest 85 confint2() nlrwr 99 delta.method() alr3 100 deriv() stats 40 getInitial() stats 34 glm() stats 19 gnls() nlme 112 levene.test() car 65 nlme() nlme 128 nls() stats All over the book! nls.control() stats 52 nls2() nls2 28 nlsBoot() nlstools 97 nlsContourRSS() nlstools 16 nlsList() nlme 113 plotfit() NRAIA 20 (also in nlstools) sandwich() sandwich 84 selfStart() stats 33 shapiro.test() stats 69 xyplot() lattice 6, 118, 123 References Bailer, A. J. and Piegorsch, W. W. (2000). From quantal counts to mechanisms and systems: The past, present and future of biometrics in environmental toxicology. Biometrics 56, 327–336. Bates, D. M. and Chambers, J. M. (1992). Statistical Models in S, chapter 10 (Nonlinear Models). Chapman and Hall, Boca Raton, Fl. Bates, D. M. and Watts, D. G. (1988). Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 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