SECRECY SURROUNDS WORLD ARMS PARLEY DER FUEHRER’S TALK SHOULD BE CALLED, TO THE REICHSTAG ope Anxionsly Awaits SAYS SENATOR K IN i HUNDREDS FLEE Der Fnebrer’t Next Ad- PRIESTLEY IS ALARMED OVER HIS CITIZENSHIP. FLOODS; LAND AMD-NEW DEAL Asks Coogress To Instnict dress; May Demand Re- Wlckenbiirg, Ariz., Feb. 14__ (AP)—J. B. Priestley, British President To Invite Pow? ^, tnm Of Lost Colonies. DAMAffi IS BIG COMBINE FADES author, in alarmed about hla re- sponaiblliUes as an ’’American.” Vacationing on a ranch near ers To Washington h Tlw here with hla family, he told an Bcriln, Feb. 14.—(AP)—Jittery Fonr Cities h Miclugan In IN TW ^A R D E S interviewer: Europe U feeing Ita third consecu Interest Of Peace And T oli ”I received a notice the other Ove "Hitler Week-end.” Path Of Menacing Wa- day from the U. S:, Internal Rev- The German Fuehrer, weighing enue Department that my Amer- Relieve Nations Of G.0P., Democratic Leaders ican income tax would be due events of a feverish fortnight, main ters; February Thaw soon. I don’t recall that as an totned strict secrecy today on the Cool To Vandenberg Plan; Engliahroan I have a representa- dens Of War Expenditm measagt he will have foi the nation tive in Congress. I don’t think > Causes Unnsnal Condition they'd let me vote for one. sad the world In bis speech to the Reichstag next Sunday. Aiken Chides Party Heads “Let’s aee, wasn’t it taxation without representation which Washington, Feb. 14__ (AP) SpecuUUon aa to just wbst Hitlsr —Senator King (D„ Utah), wlU ssy sgitatea diplomatic quar- Detroit Feb. 14.—(AP)— New caused all the trouble between ters, but secrecy as usual was his Michigan floods over the week-end For Ignorance Of People. the colonies and England in the asked Congress today to li^ . flrrt place T” struct President Roosevelt to watchword. Official aileace likewise drove hundreds of families from surrounded results of Hitler’s talks their dwellings, blocked highways call an international anna eon* Saturday with Kurt Schusebnigg, Washington, Fob. *14 — (AP) _ ference. snd caused damage far more serious Senator Vandenberg’a renewed pro^ Austria’s chancellor, at Berebtes' Ordinarily a small stream, the Pajaro river, fed by 16 dajrs of torrential rain, got to be more *>!■" gaden, Der Keuhrer's Bavarian re- than last week inundstlons. poeal tor a coalition party of Re- Shortly before King treat. The property loss at M t Clemens five milea wide and swept over the main street of Watsonville. Calif., aa shown above. Many shoppers posed this in a resolution, were caught In stores and had to await rescue by boat. The storms have claimed 16 lives, flooded low- publicans and "Jeffersonian Demo- JAPS, CHINESE There were reports In diplomatic Slone was more than 8100.000, May- lands along a 400-mile stretch and left scores homelesa resentative Fish (R., N. Y.), circles that his big surprise for the or Donald R. Westendorf said. The crats'’ failed today to arouse mark- suggested before the Honaa ^ German people Sunday would be re- Clinton river at that point went on ed enthusiasm among leaders of ONE OF WORLD’S turn of Germany's lost war colonies. the worst rampage in 35 years, Ih- either group. Prominent Republl- Naval committee that 4? undating more than 700 acres with It was said Britain and Germany cana Indicated In Lincoln day new disarmament con^ereace: in the city. should grant Japan naval pari* were negotiating on an Important Grand Rapids, Lansing, Flint GREAT NAVAL BASE apeecbes that they would welcome GREAT_BATTLES colonial concession for the Reich, Pontiac, Utica, Rochester and Ionia 0. 0. MeJNTYRE IS DEAD; the suport of dissenting members of ty with the United States. but that certain conditions would be were suffering from overflowing President Roosevelt’s party. None, Downtown. Secretaiy- required. streams but their conditions were however, went so far as did Vanden- One of these conditions, it was FORMAUY OPENED berg in suggesting possible submer- Invaders Reach Middle Sec- questioned about this govern^; not to be compared with those pre- WAS NOTED COLUMNI S T stated, would be a clarification ot vailing at Mt. Clemens where ap- gence of tbe Republican label. ment’s attitude towa^ Qerman3r's relatloxs with Austria, proximately 400 bouses were sur- Speaking at Boston Saturday quests that the United States assuring against any sudden aggres tion Of YeDow River, Re- rounded by water snd refugee sta- night, the Michigan Senator declar- call a conference, renwrtied Sion in that sector. tions had to be set up. First Man To Write Syndicat- American Cruisers Present ed that if saving "the American that many things are being MnasoUni’s Scheme A relentless February thaw and system” required "altering the Re- port New Gains; China’s Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy, torrents of rain caused the latest published in different capitals publican identity, 1 would do it" who was said to have urged the overflow of Michigan rivers. ed New York Articles, LATE NEWS Antl-Rooaevelt Democrats in Oon- about movements for navid dia*^ Bchusctmlgg-Hltler mseting, was Much colder weatbor was fore- greaa refrained from public com- Air Fleet Is A$am Active. armament, general disarms* described as favorable to a ssttio- cast for today and It appeared Im- Biggest Dock Dedicated. ment on his proposal, first advanced mediate relief might result. Passes Away; One Of ment and general peace. raent by which Hitler would get FLASHES! last September, Some, however, He added to hla press ronfeTeoBS -eolonles and Italy would gst British Only Temporary. In the Grind Rapids area the said privately that they preferred at Shanghai, Fab. 14.—(AP)—Jap- however, that be would prefer tp recognition of the oonqusst of World’s Highest P aii this time to work for their prin- let hie queetlonenf form Gh^ owp . Ethiopia. tributaries of the swollen Grand RAND CO. BUUNO Singapore, Feb. 14.—(AP)—Tbe an’s rlalng sun Jwarriors, following river began to receda early this British Empire’s roost formidable ciples within their'own party. the trail biased by the Mongol concluclona. The secretary aald M Thera were indications that Hit- Now Vork. Feb. 14—(AP)—The not conferred with morning but it waa feared the re- naval base—a Oilbraltar of the Far Senate Mergers UnUkely hordes of Genghis IQian 700 yeara baa anyoaa -ia ler and Mnsanllnl were worldng to- lief would be only temporary. Many New York, Fob. 14.—(AP)—Oe- United States Oreult OdoH of Ap- There has been talk last summer either House at Congreaa on tha gether to reach a lasting eoiutton East—was formaUy opened today ago, fought one of the; worid’a blocks of Grand Rapids Industrial car Odd McIntyre, newspeper col- peals today upheld nnanlinously, that RcpubUcana might support tor subject at a conference. of the Austrian question, which has with an American cruiser equadron greatest hattles today In the con- King’s resolution said that “tha and realdentlal ppipaty were cov- mnnlst to whom mllllona of Ameri- with minor modUleations the order re-election some of the Democratic been the atnmhllng block in other- ered with water. i of the National Inbor RelaUona attending the ceremoniea. senators who opposed the presi- quest of central China. The same Increaiw in world armaments Is wUe pleasant German-Italian friend Eastward from Grand Rapids at cans looked for their impressions of Board requiriag Remington Band, Thousands of carefully-checked dent’s court reorganisation bill. battlefields In Honan province causing deep concern among thk ship. guests cheered as Sir Sbenton people of all nations and Is regardM Portland, Ionia and i.an«iii|j- the New York city, died today in hie Ino., to teinatato employea who lost These suggestions have not crystal- where the great Khan’s horsemen The week-end surprlae of Hitler’s Park avenue apartment. their Jobs beosose of onion activ- Thomas, governor of the Straits lized. and moat observers expect Re- by them as provocative of intornii. struck Urror into the heart of Asia tlonal conflict;” meeting with Scbuschnigg, coming (OeatlBiied ou Page Two) One of the most famous news- ities and those who have been unem- Settlements and personal represen- publicans to have their own Sena- reverberated with the din of mod- after the previous week-end surprise papermen of the nation, he came to ployed since Inst year’s strike, In tative of King George VI, dedicated ern conflict aa tbe Japaneae invad- It declared also that "suob in- of the army and Cabinet sbakeup, which they took part. crease Imposes heavy burdana at New York from a small 0)ilo town, the huge. 898,000,000 d r y ^ k , pride (UODtlniMd on Page l%o) ers drove desperately fighting Oil- stirred the Oermen pubde. and alwaya boaated that he never • • • of the Singapore stronghold. neee troops southward toward the taxation upon the people and evaqf But todL.y*s morning papers car BUND’S GATHERING lost the naive curiosity of the STATE LAW UPHELD Rear Admiral Julius Towneend, Lunghal railway. form ot Industry and interrupts lied just <w4 line of fresh informs- "home town boy.” For a quarter commanding tbe battle cruiaera Tbe Jsf>aaeae already have cap- trade and commerce amosig Iia. tlon. about Austria’s chancellor— Washington. Fe6. 14—(AP)—The tlons.” of a century his dally column, "New Snprenie Court held today that pro- Trenton, Memphis and Milwaukee, tured the lower stretches of the Yel- that be had returned safely to York By Doy", gained Increaatng repreaentod the United Statea—the FLEE(B OF $2,500 low river and have reached the mid- King proposed therefore that tha Vienna.
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