1162 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 February 2, 2011 (4) urges national and community organi- SENATE RESOLUTION 38—CON- Whereas the Auburn University football zations, businesses in the private sector, and GRATULATING BROOKLYN CEN- team earned its first national college foot- the media to promote awareness of the crime TER, MINNESOTA, ON ITS 100TH ball championship in the 1957 season, when of stalking through ‘‘National Stalking ANNIVERSARY. the team was led by Coach Ralph ‘‘Shug’’ Awareness Month’’. Jordan and quarterback Lloyd Nix; Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself and Mr. Whereas the victory of the Auburn Univer- FRANKEN) submitted the following res- sity Tigers in the 2010 BCS National Cham- f olution; which was considered and pionship Game was the fifth consecutive BCS agreed to: national championship won by a school in SENATE RESOLUTION 37—RECOG- S. RES. 38 the Southeastern Conference; Whereas in 2010, the Auburn University Ti- NIZING THE GOALS OF CATHOLIC Whereas February 5, 2011, marks the 100th gers were led by quarterback Cam Newton, SCHOOLS WEEK AND HONORING anniversary of the establishment of Brook- winner of the Heisman Trophy, the Maxwell lyn Center, Minnesota; THE VALUABLE CONTRIBUTIONS Award, the Davey O’Brien Award, the Walter Whereas in the summer of 1852, individuals OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS IN THE Camp Award, the Associated Press Player of came to Brooklyn Center and cleared rich, UNITED STATES the Year Award, and the Manning Award; tillable land to farm and build homes; Whereas during the BCS National Cham- Whereas those industrious individuals Mr. VITTER (for himself, Ms. LAN- pionship Game, Lombardi Award winner quickly transformed Brooklyn Center into a DRIEU, and Mr. JOHANNS) submitted the Nick Fairley recorded 5 tackles, including 3 prosperous farming community, where Min- tackles for losses, 1 sack, and 1 forced fum- following resolution; which was consid- nesotans grew and gathered harvests that fed ble, and was named the Bowl Championship ered and agreed to: countless families throughout the region; Series Defensive Player of the Game; Whereas Brooklyn Center was incorporated Whereas running back Michael Dyer S. RES. 37 as a village in 1911, became a city in 1967, and rushed for 143 yards on 22 carries, including Whereas Catholic schools in the United continues to be a community where all resi- 57 yards on the game-winning drive, and was States have received international acclaim dents can feel proud to live, work, and raise named the Bowl Championship Series Offen- for academic excellence while providing stu- their families; sive Player of the Game; Whereas Brooklyn Center has successfully dents with lessons that extend far beyond Whereas Wes Byrum kicked a 19-yard field balanced economic growth and business de- the classroom; goal in front of 78,600 fans as time expired to velopment with an enduring focus on family Whereas Catholic schools present a broad break the 19 to 19 tie and win the game; values and small town charm; curriculum that emphasizes the lifelong de- Whereas Gene Chizik, in his second season Whereas, as of the date of agreement to velopment of moral, intellectual, physical, as head coach of the Auburn University foot- this resolution, Brooklyn Center boasts 522 and social values in the young people of the ball team, won the Associated Press South- acres of parks and nature centers, a first- United States; eastern Conference Coach of the Year Award, rate education system, quality health care Whereas Catholic schools in the United the Home Depot Coach of the Year Award, options, accessible transportation, and the States today educate 2,119,341 students and the Liberty Mutual Coach of the Year historic Earle Brown Heritage Center; and maintain a student-to-teacher ratio of 14 to Award, the Bobby Bowden National Colle- Whereas Brooklyn Center is a city with a 1; giate Coach of the Year Award, and the Paul proud history and a strong place in the herit- Whereas the faculty members of Catholic ‘‘Bear’’ Bryant Award; age of the State of Minnesota and the United schools teach a highly diverse body of stu- Whereas Gene Chizik instilled character, States: Now, therefore, be it dents; Resolved, That the Senate— integrity, and the values espoused in the Au- Whereas the graduation rate for all Catho- (1) congratulates Brooklyn Center, Min- burn Creed in his players and inspired the lic school students is 99 percent; nesota on its 100th anniversary; and Auburn players, students, and fans through- Whereas 97 percent of Catholic high school (2) commends the Minnesotans who have out the season with the theme of ‘‘All In’’; graduates go on to college; made Brooklyn Center, Minnesota ‘‘A Great Whereas offensive coordinator and quarter- Whereas Catholic schools produce students Place to Start and a Great Place to Stay’’. backs coach Gus Malzahn was recognized as the top assistant coach in the country, re- strongly dedicated to their faith, values, f families, and communities by providing an ceiving the 2010 Broyles Award for leading intellectually stimulating environment rich SENATE RESOLUTION 39—CON- the offense of the 2010 Auburn University in spiritual character and moral develop- GRATULATING THE AUBURN UNI- football team to single-season school records for total offensive yards, total rushing yards, ment; and VERSITY FOOTBALL TEAM FOR and points scored; Whereas in the 1972 pastoral message con- WINNING THE 2010 BOWL CHAM- Whereas the vision and leadership of Presi- cerning Catholic education, the National PIONSHIP SERIES NATIONAL dent Jay Gogue and Athletic Director Jay Conference of Catholic Bishops stated, ‘‘Edu- CHAMPIONSHIP Jacobs was instrumental in bringing aca- cation is one of the most important ways by Mr. SESSIONS (for himself and Mr. demic and athletic success and national rec- which the Church fulfills its commitment to ognition to Auburn University; the dignity of the person and building of SHELBY) submitted the following reso- lution; which was considered and Whereas the winning season of the 2010 Au- community. Community is central to edu- burn University football team was also made cation ministry, both as a necessary condi- agreed to: possible by the leadership and service of past tion and an ardently desired goal. The edu- S. RES. 39 Auburn men such as George Petrie, John cational efforts of the Church, therefore, Whereas the Auburn University Tigers won Heisman, Ralph ‘‘Shug’’ Jordan, Jim Fyffe, must be directed to forming persons-in-com- the Tostitos Bowl Championship Series Na- and James E. Foy; munity; for the education of the individual tional Championship Game (referred to in Whereas the 2010 BCS National Champion- Christian is important not only to his soli- this preamble as the ‘‘BCS National Cham- ship Game was a victory not only for the 2010 tary destiny, but also the destinies of the pionship Game’’) in Glendale, Arizona, on Auburn University football team, but also many communities in which he lives.’’: Now, January 10, 2011, in a thrilling victory over for the great Auburn University football therefore, be it the University of Oregon Ducks with a score teams and players throughout the history of of 22 to 19; the program, including the undefeated teams Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas the Auburn University Tigers of 1958, 1993, and 2004 and players Bo Jack- (1) recognizes the goals of Catholic Schools earned their seventh Southeastern Con- son, Pat Sullivan, Tracy Rocker, Terry Week, an event cosponsored by the National ference title by defeating the University of Beasley, Jason Campbell, Carnell Williams, Catholic Educational Association and the South Carolina Gamecocks on December 5, Ronnie Brown, Ed Dyas, and Quentin Rig- United States Conference of Catholic 2010, with a score of 56 to 17; gins; and Bishops that recognizes the vital contribu- Whereas the Auburn University Tigers fin- Whereas the 2010 Auburn University foot- tions of thousands of Catholic elementary ished the 2010 season with a perfect record of ball team has brought great honor to Auburn and secondary schools in the United States; 14 wins and 0 losses; University, the Auburn University family, and Whereas the Auburn University Tigers won and the entire State of Alabama: Now, there- (2) commends Catholic schools, students, 6 games against nationally ranked opponents fore, be it parents, and teachers across the United during the 2010 season; Resolved, That the Senate— States for their ongoing contributions to Whereas the 2010 BCS National Champion- (1) congratulates the Auburn University education, and for the vital role they play in ship Game marks the second national college football team for winning the 2010 Bowl promoting and ensuring a brighter, stronger football championship in the storied history Championship Series National Champion- future for the United States. of Auburn University; ship; VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:28 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\S02FE1.002 S02FE1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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