Tomas Järvinen Tomas Järvinen Tomas Tomas Järvinen Tomas A mixed method study on private cultural centres in Finland cultural on private method study A mixed centres in Finland cultural on private method study A mixed of Public Centres The Challengers Cultural of Public Centres Cultural The Challengers A mixed method study on private cultural centres in Finland cultural on private method study A mixed of Public Centres The Challengers Cultural TheTheThe ChallengersChallengersChallengers ofofof InstitutionalInstitutionalInstitutional theory theorytheory has hashas undergone undergoneundergone major majormajor development developmentdevelopment in inin recentrecentrecent decades, decades,decades, while whilewhile resource resourceresource dependence dependencedependence theory theorytheory has hashas re rere--- PublicPublicPublic CulturalCulturalCultural CentresCentresCentres mainedmainedmained essentially essentiallyessentially unchanged unchangedunchanged since sincesince its itsits inception inceptioninception in inin 1978. 1978.1978. ThisThisThis study studystudy examines examinesexamines the thethe associations associationsassociations of ofof these thesethese two twotwo theories theoriestheories AAA mixed mixedmixed method methodmethod study studystudy on onon andandand organisational organisationalorganisational performance performanceperformance in inin the thethe context contextcontext of ofof cultural culturalcultural privateprivateprivate cultural culturalcultural centres centrescentres in inin Finland FinlandFinland centrescentrescentres in inin Finland. Finland.Finland. This ThisThis thesis thesisthesis also alsoalso addresses addressesaddresses the thethe gap gapgap in inin the thethe literatureliteratureliterature by byby empirically empiricallyempirically examining examiningexamining how howhow and andand why whywhy resource resourceresource dependencedependencedependence influences influencesinfluences organisations’organisations’organisations’ strategicstrategicstrategic responses.responses.responses. TheTheThe results resultsresults support supportsupport the thethe conclusion conclusionconclusion that thatthat private privateprivate cultural culturalcultural TOMASTOMASTOMAS JÄRVINEN JÄRVINENJÄRVINEN centrescentrescentres do dodo not notnot passively passivelypassively adhere adhereadhere to toto institutional institutionalinstitutional constraints. constraints.constraints. Rather,Rather,Rather, they theythey selectively selectivelyselectively choose choosechoose strategic strategicstrategic responses responsesresponses that thatthat bal balbal--- anceanceance conflicting conflictingconflicting institutional institutionalinstitutional pressurespressurespressures andandand theirtheirtheir ownownown inter interinter--- estsestsests and andand goals. goals.goals. Additionally, Additionally,Additionally, the thethe more moremore dependent dependentdependent a aa cultural culturalcultural centrecentrecentre is isis on onon a aa single singlesingle revenue revenuerevenue source—in source—insource—in this thisthis study, study,study, the thethe mu mumu--- nicipality—thenicipality—thenicipality—the greater greatergreater of ofof conformity conformityconformity it itit displays. displays.displays. Likewise, Likewise,Likewise, thethethe more moremore dependent dependentdependent a aa cultural culturalcultural centre centrecentre is isis on onon diverse diversediverse revenue revenuerevenue sources,sources,sources, the thethe greater greatergreater diversity diversitydiversity it itit displays. displays.displays. ISBN:ISBN:ISBN: 978-952-329-118-8978-952-329-118-8978-952-329-118-8 (PRINTED)(PRINTED)(PRINTED) ISSN:ISSN:ISSN: 0788-37570788-37570788-3757 (PRINTED)(PRINTED)(PRINTED) ISBN:ISBN:ISBN: 978-952-329-119-5978-952-329-119-5978-952-329-119-5 (PDF)(PDF)(PDF) ISSN:ISSN:ISSN: 2489-81552489-81552489-8155 (PDF)(PDF)(PDF) STUDIASTUDIASTUDIA MUSICAMUSICAMUSICA 767676 (ISSN(ISSN(ISSN 0788-3757)0788-3757)0788-3757) UNIGRAFIAUNIGRAFIAUNIGRAFIA HELSINKIHELSINKIHELSINKI 201920192019 767676 STUDIASTUDIASTUDIA MUSICAMUSICAMUSICA STUDIASTUDIA STUDIA RESEARCHRESEARCHRESEARCH STUDYSTUDYSTUDY PROGRAMMEPROGRAMMEPROGRAMME MMMuTriuTriuTri DOCTORALDOCTORALDOCTORAL SCHOOLSCHOOLSCHOOL THETHETHE SIBELIUS SIBELIUSSIBELIUS ACADEMY ACADEMYACADEMY OF OFOF THE THETHE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF OFOF THE THETHE ARTS ARTSARTS HELSINKI HELSINKIHELSINKI MUSICAMUSICA 76 76 MUSICA 76 THE CHALLENGERS OF PUBLIC CULTURAL CENTRES A mixed method study on private cultural centres in Finland Tomas Järvinen .?8;B?KI$FDGHP\8QLYHUVLW\RIWKH$UWV +HOVLQNL(K/H?'RFWRUDO6FKRRO .JK:?7(KI?97 W/EC7I%RHL?D;D6LEHOLXV$FDGHP\ &RYHU-DQ5RVVWU|P /D\RXW7RPDV-lUYLQHQ 3ULQWHGE\0D?=H7<?7*O#;BI?DA? $.) +-$)/ $..) +-$)/ $.) +! $..) +! ?? ABSTRACT Institutional theory has undergone major development in recent decades, while resource dependence theory has remained essentially unchanged since its inception in 1978. This study examines the associations of these two theories and organisational performance in the context of cultural centres in Finland. Few studies have attempted to empirically determine the effects of resource scarcity on institutional pressures. In addition to the novelty of combining these two theories, this thesis addresses this gap in the literature by empirically examining how and why resource dependence influences organisations’ strategic responses. Using a mixed methods approach, this research involved in-depth semi-structured interviews and surveys in a later stage. A total of 20 interviews was conducted at four private cultural centres in Finland, while quantitative data (i.e. surveys) were gathered from 106 cultural centres. Thematic analysis was applied to the qualitative data to investigate the factors that influence the practices of private cultural centres. Next, the quantitative data were reviewed to confirm or reject the assumptions from the qualitative data. A broad range of participants was selected to generate generalisable, reliable, valid and meaningful data and conclusions. The results support the conclusion that private cultural centres do not passively adhere to institutional constraints. Rather, they selectively choose strategic responses that balance conflicting institutional pressures and their own interests and goals. Additionally, the more dependent a cultural centre is on a single revenue source—in this study, the municipality—the greater of conformity it displays. Likewise, the more dependent a cultural centre is on diverse revenue sources, the greater diversity it displays. Through this theoretical discussion and empirical assessment, this research contributes to an expanded, more accurate understanding of how organisations can engage in sustainability practices that improve performance. This study also fills the research gap on Finnish cultural centres and identifies factors that affect the adoption of organisational strategical responses. Finally, this study yield recommendations for future research and implications for the practice of cultural centres, suggesting how resource dependence alters organisational strategic responses. Key words: Institutional theory, resource dependence theory, strategical responses, cultural centres iii ABSTRAKT Institutionell teori har varit föremål för en stor utveckling under de senaste decennierna, medan resursberoendesteori har mer eller mindre hållit status quo sedan starten 1978. Den här studien har granskat samband mellan de två teorierna och organisationsprestationen i sammanhanget av kulturhus i Finland. Även om kombinationen av dessa två teorier är något av ett framväxande koncept, har rätt få studier empiriskt försökt studera vilka effekter resursbrist har på institutionellt tryck. Därav tar denna avhandling upp detta litteraturgap genom att empiriskt undersöka hur och varför resursberoende påverkar organisationer strategiska val. Denna forskning har använt en blandad metod (mixed methods), och har prioriterat djupgående halvstrukturerade intervjuer i ett första skede och genomfört en enkätundersökning i ett senare skede. Sammanlagt 20 intervjuer genomfördes i 4 privata kulturhus. De kvantitativa uppgifterna omfattade 106 kulturhus. Studien använde tematisk analys på den kvalitativa data, för att undersöka faktorer som påverkar praxisen bland de privata kulturhusen inom fältet för kulturhus. Därefter använde den kvantitativ data för att bekräfta eller avvisa antagandena från kvalitativa data. Denna omfattande spridning av deltagare har valts för att skapa generaliserbara, tillförlitliga, giltiga och meningsfulla data samt slutsatser. Den här studien drar slutsatsen att privata kulturcentrum inte passivt följer institutionella restriktioner. De väljer selektivt strategiska svar som balanserar konflikten mellan institutionellt tryck och sina egna intressen och mål. Studien föreslår vidare att desto mer beroende ett kulturhus är av en enda inkomstkälla, i det här fallet kommunen, desto högre grad av konformism kommer den att visa. Likaledes, ju mer beroende ett kulturhus är av en stor mångfald av intäkter, ju högre grad av mångfald den kommer att visa. Primärt genom en teoretisk diskussion och en empirisk bedömning bidrar denna forskning till bättre precision och förståelse för hur organisationer i en tillräcklig grad kan nå hållbarhetspraxis för att få fördelar i deras prestanda. Denna forskning bidrar också till litteraturen, genom att bidra med information om det finländska fältet för kulturhus i allmänhet och identifiera faktorer som påverkar antagandet av organisatoriska
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