SST.T. PPAUL’SAUL’S NNEWMANEWMAN CCENTERENTER Ministry to the Students, Faculty, and Staff of the University of Wyoming since 1957 UUNIVERSITYNIVERSITY CCATHOLICATHOLIC CCOMMUNITYOMMUNITY 0055 . 2211 . 22017017 Sixth Sunday of Easter "If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows him. But you know him, because he remains with you, and will be in you." Jn 14 2-3 How Jesus Became God, A Great Course Series WWeekeek aatt a GGlancelance Saturday, May 20 Summer Adult Faith Forma on Sixth Sunday of Easter The early Chris an's claim that Jesus of Nazareth 5:00 p.m.—Mass: Edin Vaske was God completely changed the course of Western Sunday, May 21 civiliza on. In fact, without the Chris an declara on 8:30 a.m.—Mass: St. Paul's Newman Center Community of Jesus as God, Western history as we know it would 9:30 a.m.—Diving Deep have never happened. You are invited to this video 11:00 a.m.—Mass: Paul & Catherine Svetahor presenta on and discussion beginning on Wednesday, Monday, May 22 May 24 at 10:00 a.m. or on Thursday, May 25 at 10:30 a.m.—JoelAnne Berrigan Funeral 6:00 p.m. The series will run throughout the summer Noon—Medita on months. Come to one or as many of these presenta ons as 5:00 p.m.—Mass: For the conversion & voca on of Martha Tate you are able. Call Anthony for more informa on: 745-5461. Tuesday, May 23 1:30 p.m.—Staff Mee ng Interfaith Vaca on Bible School will be 5:00 p.m.—Mass: For the inten on of Addie Mullins June 13-16, from 9:00 a.m. to noon at Wednesday, May 24 1st Bap st Church. Register online at 10:00 a.m.—Adult Faith Forma on: How Jesus Became God Laramie c.org. Please click on the tab 5:00 p.m.—Mass: Special Inten on for vbs to register. The cost is $10.00 Thursday, May 25 5:00 p.m.—Special Inten on per student and is open for preschool 6:00 p.m.— Adult Faith Forma on: How Jesus Became God through 6th grade. Youth volunteers as well as adult Friday, May 26 volunteers are needed. Please contact Anthony Allen 5:00 p.m.—Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion if you are interested in helping. Last year 30 children Saturday, May 27 from the Newman Center par cipated. We hope to 4:00 p.m.—Sacrament of Reconcilia on see you there! The Ascension of the Lord TThankhank YYouou 5:00 p.m.—Mass: Joe Mondragon Last Sunday’s Gi Off ering Sunday, May 28 $5,373 minus 10% the ($537) for our brothers and 8:30 a.m.—Mass: St. Paul's Newman Center Community sisters in need 11:00 a.m.—Mass: Elly Kozlowski “Freely you have received, freely give.”” Ma hew 10:8 1800 EAST GRAND AVENUE, LARAMIE WY 82070•4316 (307)745•5461 FAX (307)742•0521 www.newmancenter.org ““CorCor aadd CCoror LLoquitur”oquitur” ““HeartHeart SpeaksSpeaks toto Heart”Heart” Bishop-elect Steven Biegler will be ordained and installed on Monday, “The Earth is the Lord’s, the world, and those who June 5, 2017, Memorial of Saint dwell in it.” Psalm 24:1 Boniface, at 2:00 p.m. at the Cheyenne I am personally grateful to each of you for the eff orts Civic Center, 510 West 20th Street. you put forth each year to make the annual appeal Doors open at 1:00 p.m. Sea ng is successful. limited. Overfl ow will be at St. Mary’s Catholic School, 2200 O’Neil Avenue, The good news is that we have been overwhelmed by where Liturgy will be viewed via responses and are simply unable to keep up with the livestream. For those not able to a end, a link for recording the gi s that have come to us. the livestream will be available on the Diocese of Hence, my request for your pa ence in delayed Cheyenne Website at repor ng as we catch up with the abundance of gi s h p://www.dioceseofcheyenne.org/ and aired live on with which God has graced all of us. We an cipate EWTN. catching up in the next few days, so look for an update next week. Volunteers for Habitat for Humanity & Thrivent Builds Please keep Living and Giving in Christ in your prayers Help build a home in Cheyenne. Four hour work and thanks again for your generosity in making Living sessions are scheduled on Saturday mornings and and Giving in Christ: Unity through Diocesan Ministries Sunday a ernoons. Contact Don Candelaria for a success. informa on at 307-760-4323 in Laramie or Dan Dorsh Peace, Ma Po er at 307-778-3076 in Cheyenne for informa on. Director of Development and Stewardship Rosary, Friendship, and Chocolate Staff (307)745-5461 You are invited to a Newman Center mothers group. [email protected] We will gather to pray the Rosary and for friendship, Pastor: Fr. Rob Spaulding comaraderie, support, and community building. And ext. #105 [email protected] Director of Campus Ministry: Lillie Romeiser yes, there will be chocolate! Kids are welcome and we ext. #104 [email protected] will have ac vi es for them while we pray. Stay longer Director of Pastoral Music & Liturgy: Tom Quinlivan for fellowship if you’d like. We will meet the 1st and ext. #101 [email protected] 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 11:15 a.m. Our fi rst Director of Pastoral Ministry: Anthony Allen gathering is June 7 in fi replace room. Kids welcome! ext. #103 [email protected] Parish Business Manager: Sandy Gaddis April showers, bring May fl owers…Well, not ext. #100 [email protected] really in Laramie. Around here plan ng is Communica ons Coordinator: Myra Belser closer to June 1. If you are interested in plan ng ext. #106 [email protected] and caring for one of our fl ower areas, please contact Administra ve Assistant: Lynsey Spaeth Sandy at [email protected] for informa on. ext. #102 [email protected] Your green thumb and labor is all we need. The Newman Center always pays for the fl owers. LLiturgicaliturgical MinistryMinistry ScheduleSchedule Parish Offi ces are closed May 27-28 5:00 PM 8:30 AM 11:00 AM on Memorial Day Lector C. Aneiros /R. Peak Needed/R. Sax E. Bremer/S. Brin Monday, May 29. Altar Server J. Waggener M. Ballard C. Krueger LLiturgyiturgy ooff tthehe Eucharist E. McGann N. Pajak M. Guenzel EEucharistucharist T. Scherden J. Murray B. Pier Saturday 5:00 p.m. D. Gaddis R. Richter J. Harlow Sunday 8:30, & S. Gaddis T. Schlegel T.Cramer 11:00 a.m. Weekdays 5:00 p.m. J. Tibbe s H. Schlegel K. Krueger SSacramentacrament ooff Hospitality B. He gar/S. Root Elledge NEEDED S. Nordquist/R. Sprinkle RReconciliationeconciliation Eucharis c Bread: B. Horst Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sixth Sunday of Easter | May 21, 2017 Powered by the Spirit A Word From Pope Francis By Mary Katharine Deeley The new things which God gives to our lives are lasting, aken by the story of the saint I confess I was far more interested in not only in the future, when we and the old movie (not so old getting the new name and curious about will be with him, but today as T then) The Song of Bernadette, the light slap on the cheek from the well. God is even now making I took Bernadette as my confirmation bishop that would herald the arrival of all things new; the Holy Spirit name. The sister who taught us in fifth the aforementioned Holy Spirit. is truly transforming us, and grade had talked about saints as people We’re a couple of weeks from the through us he also wants to we wanted to be like—our heroes who celebration of Pentecost, and today’s transform the world in which were constantly before God in heaven readings begin to tell us how the Holy we live. Let us open the doors and looking out for us on earth. She also Spirit enabled Jesus’ followers to do to the Spirit, let ourselves talked about the Holy Spirit and the gifts miraculous things and helped them be guided by him, and allow and fruits of the Spirit, which we had to witness to their faith in Christ. God’s constant help to make us new men and women, inspired memorize. Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the Advocate, by the love of God which the which is a legal term, but it can also Holy Spirit bestows on us! mean spokesperson, comforter, or intercessor. —Homily, Mass Sunday Readings and conferral One thing is certain: The Spirit of the sacrament Acts 8:5–8, 14–17 witnesses to the truth of Christ, who QHEQPƂTOCVKQP lives in us and with us. The Holy Spirit April 28, 2013 “With one accord, the crowds guides and teaches the Church, which paid attention to what was said is the body of Christ. In confirmation, by Philip when they heard it and the grace of the Spirit becomes fully saw the signs he was doing.” manifested in us, enabling us to tell the 1 Peter 3:15–18 world that we follow Jesus and have become new people in Christ.
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