ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 26(1): 182–195 23 JUNE 2017 Fishes of the Astrakhan Nature Reserve: an updated checklist with comments of recent records Ихтиофауна Астраханского государственного заповедника: обновленный список видов и новые находки S.A. PODOLYAKO*, V.V. FEDOROVICH & K.V. LITVINOV С.А. ПОДОЛЯКО, В.В. ФЕДОРОВИЧ, К.В. ЛИТВИНОВ S.A. Podolyako Astrakhan State Reserve, 119 Tsarev-river Emb., Astrakhan 414021, Russia, E-mail: [email protected] V.V. Fedorovich Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyana Sq., Astrakhan 414000, Russia, E-mail: [email protected] K.V. Litvinov. Astrakhan State Reserve, 119 Tsarev-river Emb., Astrakhan 414021, Russia, E-mail: [email protected] Since publication of the previous list (Litvinov & Podolyako, 2013), new data on species com- position of fish fauna in the Astrakhan State Reserve have been obtained. As a result of revisions of the collected material and new records (e.g., the first finding of Khvalyn spined loach Cobitis amphilekta Vasil’eva, Vasil’ev, 2012), the list of fish species has been corrected and widened. At present, the list of fish species in the Reserve includes one species of Petromyzontidae and 60 species of Acipenseridae, Clupeidae, Cyprinidae, Cobitidae, Siluridae, Coregonidae, Salmoni- dae, Esocidae, Lotidae, Atherinidae, Gasterosteidae, Syngnathidae, Percidae, and Gobiidae. Identifications used in previous lists of fishes found in the Astrakhan reserve in 1936–2016 and brief information on biology and dates of latest records of each species are given. Со времени выхода предыдущего списка (2013) появились новые данные по видовому составу Craniata в заповеднике. В результате ревизий материала из коллекций и новых находок (первая находка в заповеднике хвалынской щиповки Cobitis amphilekta Vasil’eva, Vasil’ev, 2012), список видов ихтиофауны был значительно изменён и дополнен. Со- временный список ихтиофауны Астраханского государственного заповедника включа- ет 1 вид бесчелюстных из семейства Petromyzontidae и 60 видов лучепёрых рыб из се- мейств Acipenseridae, Clupeidae, Cyprinidae, Cobitidae, Siluridae, Coregonidae, Salmonidae, Esocidae, Lotidae, Atherinidae, Gasterosteidae, Syngnathidae, Percidae, Gobiidae. В статье приведена синонимия видов в предшествующих списках ихтиофауны Астраханского заповедника, включены краткие сведения по биологии каждого вида в период 1936– 2016 гг., указаны даты последних встреч особей каждого вида. Key words: agnathans, teleosts, phaunistics, Asrakhan State Reserve, Volga delta, Caspian Sea Ключевые слова: бесчелюстные, костные рыбы, фаунистика, Астраханский государ- ственный заповедник, дельта Волги, Каспийское море INTRODUCTION Trikhizbinsky (central), and Obzhorovsky (eastern), located in the Lower, Kultuk The Astrakhan Nature Reserve is locat- Delta and the Island Avandelta zones of the ed in the Volga Delta lowlands. It consists Volga River (Fig. 1). of three sectors — Damchiksky (western), Systematic ichthyological observations have been held in this area since 1936. In * Corresponding author. early 1950s, a monitoring network of ich- © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes S.A. PODOLYAKO ET AL. FISHES OF ASTRAKHAN NATURE RESERVE 183 thyological observation stations was estab- Since 2010, the list of agnathan and fish lished in the Reserve. The fish fauna is stud- species recorded in the Reserve has been ied by means of net fishing carried out in considerably updated based on results of the lower zone on a weekly basis and in the field observations in 2011–2016, archive kultuk zone and islands of the avandelta on analyses of phenological observations car- a monthly basis. Tkanka (a fingerling trawl) ried out by the Reserve scientists in 1934– was used at observation stations located not 2015, and of the Reserve fish collection. As only in channels but also temporary water a result, some new species were added to the bodies (inundated meadows) that made it list and a new version is presented in this possible to reveal places of occurrence of ju- paper as an updated catalogue. venile fish and marine fish that are not com- Taxonomic identifications follow Bo- monly caught by nets. Continuity of moni- gutskaya et al. (2013). Identifications of toring surveys allows to trace and analyse species (species names) given in the previ- an overall impact on the fish fauna of the ous faunal catalogues are provided in species Volga-Caspian Region. accounts below. This information is followed Ichthyologists Konstantin P. Batov, by data on population structure or abun- Anatoliy D. Bondarenko, and Klavdiya R. dance, indication to ecological form of the Fortunatova initiated regular studies of the species, and brief information on its biology fish fauna in the Reserve in the late 1930s. (migration, reproduction) in the Reserve. Later, the studies were continued by Anna Besides, whenever possible, the period and F. Koblitskaya, Ludmila N. Tryapitsina, locality of latest observations of species are Lina P. Kizina, Ludmila E. Alentyeva, Kirill given. The checklist consists of 61 species V. Litvinov, Stepan A. Podolyako, and some belonging to 11 orders and 15 families re- others. corded in the Reserve in 1934–2016. In 1936–2016, six checklists of agna- than and fish species were prepared based LIST OF SPECIES on ichthyological studies conducted in the Reserve. The first one, a manuscript writ- Order PETROMYZONTIFORMES ten by one of the first ichthyologists in the Family PETROMYZONTIDAE Reserve (Bondarenko, 1948, unpubl.), “Biol- ogy of juvenile fish in coastal waters of the 1.Caspiomyzon wagneri (Kessler, Delta”, included 31 fish species. The next 1870) – the Caspian lamprey. A rare anadro- checklist (Fortunatova, 1948, inpubl.) was mous species. Listed in the Red Data Book presented as a part of an unpublished report of the Russian Federation (category 2, de- on ichthyological research in 1946–1947. clining number), the Red Data Book of the The first edition of “Identification keys of Astrakhan Region (category 1, endangered) juveniles of fishes of the Volga Delta” (Ko- (Fedorovich, 2014d). The migration routes blitskaya, 1966) included 47 species record- are water courses with fast flow. It does not ed in the Reserve. The second edition of this reproduce in the Reserve. Recorded in the book (Koblitskaya, 1981) contained 52 fish Reserve five times, in Obzhorovsky sector species. The fifth checklist was published by in 1949, 1963 and 2010, in Damchiksky sec- Kizina and Koblitskaya (1999) and included tor in 2010 and, the latest record, in Decem- 56 species. ber 2011. The sixth checklist of agnathan and fish species occurring in the Reserve (Litvinov Order ACIPENSERIFORMES & Podolyako, 2013) was published in 2013 Family ACIPENSERIDAE (Bogutskaya et al., 2013) and included 39 species recorded during the period of 2006– 2. Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt 2010. et Ratzeburg, 1833 – Russian sturgeon. As © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(1): 182–195 184 S.A. PODOLYAKO ET AL. FISHES OF ASTRAKHAN NATURE RESERVE Fig. 1. A map of the Volga Delta showing the Astrakhan State Reserve. Acipenser güldenstädti Brandt in Koblits- Since the 1970s catches of the species have kaya (1981). Not included in Bondarenko significantly decreased due to a general (1948) and Fortunatova (1948). A rare decline in its population in the Volga–Cas- anadromous species that does not repro- pian Reg ion. In recent years, only down- duce in the Reserve. Often caught only stream migrating juveniles bred in hatcher- in the 1940s. In recent years, only down- ies were found in the Reserve. Last record- stream migrating juveniles bred in hatcher- ed in Damchiksky sector in 2003. ies upstream were recorded in the Reserve. 5. Acipenser huso (Linnaeus, 1758) – Last observed in Damchiksky sector in De- beluga. Not listed in Bondarenko (1948) cember 2015. and Fortunatova (1948). As Huso huso in 3. Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758 – Koblitskaya (1966, 1981) and Kizina & starlet sturgeon. Not included in Bondar- Koblitskaya (1999). In the genus Acipenser enko (1948) and Fortunatova (1948). A based on recent morphological, molecular, very rare anadromous species. It does not and karyological data showing that the ge- reproduce in the Reserve. Since the 1970s nus Huso is polyphyletic (Artyukhin, 1995; the catches of this fish species has signifi- Artyukhin 2006; Artyukhin, 2008; Birst- cantly decreased because owing to a general ein et al., 1997; Ludwig et al., 2000; De decline in abundance of its population in la Herrán et al., 2001; Hilton et al., 2011; the Volga–Caspian Region. Last recorded Krieger et al., 2008; Vasil’eva et al., 2009). in Damchiksky sector, in 1978. A very rare anadromous species. It does 4. Aсipenser stellatus Pallas, 1771 – not reproduce in the Reserve. Single speci- starry sturgeon. Not listed in Bondarenko men catches were recorded in the 1950s – (1948). A very rare anadromous species 1980s. Last recorded in Damchiksky sector that does not reproduce in the Reserve. in June 1989. © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(1): 182–195 S.A. PODOLYAKO ET AL. FISHES OF ASTRAKHAN NATURE RESERVE 185 Order CLUPEIFORMES specimens are caught in May in the Reserve. Downstream larvae are sometimes caught Family CLUPEIDAE in June. Last recorded in Damchiksky sec- Subfamly ALOSINAE tor, Kultuk Zone in June 2016. 6. Alosa caspia (Eichwald, 1838) – the Subfamily CLUPEINAE Caspian shad. A very rare anadromous spe- cies. Endemic to the Caspian Sea. It was 9. Clupeonella caspia Svetovidov,
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