The Weather . ' Cloudy with showers and thunderstorms likely tonight and 'Tuesday. Lows tonight in the 80s, highs Tuesday around 80. Swntttn lpral6 MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1975- VOL. XCIV, No. 259 Mancheater—A City of Village Charm TWENTY PAGES PRICEi FIFTEEN CENTS "Terrorist Demands Cool Water To Be Met KiJAU LUMPUR, Malaysia (UPI) — Japan announced It would meet the Was Relief demands of the Japanese Red Army terrorist group which shot its way into By SOL R. COHEN Manchester Police said weekend the U.S. Embassy here today, seized Herald Reporter daylight traffic was light; although it 40 to 50 hostages including five To Manchester residents trying to picked up a great deal in the evenings due Americans and threatened to kill beat the oppressive and record- to returning beach traffic. them. Police said there were few accidents breaking weekend heat, water—cool, ’The dreaded terrorist group demanded sparkling water—was the most pop- and few heat-related arrests. “It was too the release of seven Red Army men jailed ular standby for relief. hot to argue,” one policeman said. The Saturday afternoon heat kept for their parts in massacres, hijackings Most everyone sought it in one way or shopi^rs at home despite the lure of air and other violent acts in Asia, Europe and another—for drinking, for showering, for conditioned stores, local merchants the Middle East. They also asked for a watering, for bathing, for wading and for Japan Air Line DCS to fly them to refuge swimming reported.. The only shops reporting in- creased business were ice cream es- in a country of their choice—probably the Those who didn’t mind the crowded Middle East. tablishments. roads and beaches headed for the lakes Hiromori Kawashima, deputy chief The town water department reported it and the shore. Those who have backyard cabinet secretary, told a news coiderence had no water pressure problems and was swimming pools or who have friends and in Tokyo that "priority must be given to able to handle the steady call for water.- neighbors with backyard pools, spent their the protection of lives ... and (the govern- All in all, the key word over the weekend time there. And there were those—about ment) is ready to accept the demand.” was “water"—cool, sparking water. 3,700 Saturday and about 3,400 Sun- The Red Army already had killed a Malay- day—who enjoyed the town’s swimming sian policeman and wounded another In pools. seizing the embassy. Globe Hollow, the town’s largest and Japanese government officials said most popular pool, reported about 2,000 Japan Air Lines has been asked to ready a persons there on Saturday and about 2,200 DCS jetliper at Tokyo International Air- Sunday, with about 35 turned away each port to depart for Kuala Lumpur. day b^ause they weren’t town residents. The officiab at the special headquarters Verplanek Pool reported about 815 on No Picnic set up at the prime minister’s office said Saturday and, unexplainably, about 350 on the Japanese ambassador to Malaysia was Sunday. Swanson Pool reported 650 Satur- in contact with terrorists to confirm their day and 600 Sunday and Saulters, the In His Shop demands. town’s smallest pool, about 200 each day. The officials said the Malaysian govern- The town lost the use of Waddell Pool HARTFORD (UPI) - Dick Longo of the ment has been informed of Japan’s inten- during the weekend. Vandals had tom off Sandwich Hut thought it was a good idea to tion to follow Kuala Lumpur’s judgment the coping and had thrown it into the pool. keep his outside picnic tables chained to a with regard to the terrorists’ demand. The damage has been repaired and the tree to prevent thievery. The Japanese government accused the pool is expected to be open Tuesday. extremists of carrying out the attack to But when the Manchester resident The state Department of Environmental undermine the talks beginning in opened his Asylum Ave. shop this Protection reported all state parks and Washington ’Tuesday between President morning, he discovered the chains had state-operated beaches filled to capacity, Ford and Japanese Premier Takeo Miki. been cut and a picnic table placed against with people being turned away. The terrorists threatened to begin the shop door. Manchester building permits issued the shooting their hostages unless the last three years for swimming pools verify Japanese government accepted their A thief stood on the table and stole an air their growing popularity, with 45 issued demands. Japanese officials were in conditioner positioned over the shop en- during 1972-73, 106 during 1973-74 and 220 trance. telephone contact with the terrorists and during 1974-75 (the fiscal year ends June the deadline passed without the feared 30). The theft occurred during the weekend mass execution. (Herald i^oto by Caldwell) The Manchester office of the Hartford heat wave. “It is not going to be any pic- The terrorists did fire two shots into the Two Ways to Cool Off Electric Light Co. reported no unusual nic,” he said. street below to emphasize thieir deter- problems (other than a steady, drain of mination, hitting near a fire truck and Weekend visitors to Coventry Lake display two ways to cool off: Water skiing, and watching water skiing. power by air-conditioners)' for the scattering a dozen reporters and weekend. pbotographen standing nearby. ’The terrorists were holding U.S. con- sular official Robert Stebbiiu and four other unidentified Americans, theSwedisb Charge d’Affaires Fredrik Bergenstrahle, Bergenstrahle’s secretary, four Ford Says Mideast Stalemate Delays Peace Australians, a Japanese and a number of Malaysians. BELGRADE (UPI) — President Then came his talks with Tito, who has Moderation and greater flexibility are ab- and constructive,” and said the two Firemen were moving spotlights and promised both matters would get "my Ford said today continued stalemate been critical of Israel. The Yugoslav solutely essential at the present time.” leaders agreed that “the interdependence other fire-fighting equipment into the very personal attention Ijecause of their in the Middle East would be president startled reporters and apparent- Tito said, "Both sides have, of course, of all peoples and countries, developed and ground floor of the embassy building when significance.” catastrophic to hopes for world peace, ly the White House by saying his views and expressed concern about the Middle East. developing, is an essential factor in the the shots were fired, and It was believed that activity provoked the shooting. Police and called for “moderation and Ford’s on the Middle East “are quite iden- I think our views are quite identical, es- search for a just and efficient economic Yugoslavia has expressed interest in a tical.” resumption of U.S. arms cut off in the ear- ringed the building and crowds of curious flexibility’’ between Jew and Arab to pecially after I heard what President'Ford development.” Press Secretary Ron Nessen hastened to ly 1960s when Yugoslavia patched up old were held back several hundred yards. break the deadlock. said about the actions the United States in- The communique said the presidents assure reporters “there is no change” in quarrels with Moscow. Ford wound up his 10-day, five-nation tends to take in future.” emphasized the particular importance In Tokyo Deputy Prime Minister Takeo the U.S. position on the Middle East. exercise in friendship and summitry with He did not elaborate, and reporters were they attach to “peaceful settlement of dis- Nessen said Ford told Tito, “We do have Fukuda said the government would take “The United States is encouraged that lengthy talks described as “cordial, open not permitted to question the two leaders. putes and adherence to the principles of a list of Yugoslavia’s (military) needs. U.S. Ihtentions into full account in dealing President Tito, as a leader of the non- and constructive” with Yugoslav Presi- Following their meetings, Ford issued a independence, mutual respect and full This list is being carefully and sym- with the terrorist attack. aligned world, does have an apparent dent Josip Broz Tito. He then prepared to communique saying be and Tito had equality of sovereign states, regardless of pathetically examined.” Fukuda told a news conference that positive attitude toward our views,” agreed to increase efforts to find equitable differences or similarities in their social, Prime Minister Mlkl, now in Washington fly home for discussions with Japanese Nessen said. Prime Minister Takeo Miki. solutions to the urgent economic problems political and economic systems.” Ford told Tito he was prepared to mqve for talks with Ford, was seriously con- And Kissinger reiterated that Ford has Although his wife Betty and Secretary of facing mankind. Ford said he and Tito discussed ahead on military assistance, but the cerned over the incident. Ford was flying not changed U.S. policy. “Our views are State Henry A. Kissinger were visibly It described the talks as “cordial, open economic and military relations, and he matter had been snarled in red tape. ' back to Washington tonight for the well known,” he said. ”We have not tired by the rigors of the journey. Ford meeting. changed. He was perhaps understanding himself shmgged off any weariness and our policy better.” rose early. Referring to his talks with Tito, Ford Under overcast skies, he jogged through said, “I indicated that the United States Portuguese Junta Threatened the sloping, scuptured gardens of the would continue its very vital interest in presidential palace overlooking the progress in the Middle East. LISBON, Pojiugal (UPI) — Portugal’s to. discuss “the restructuring of the the third junta member and a moderate, Danube, then swam eight quick laps in a "I stated very emphatically that three-man military junta struggled to stay executive,” but did not elaborate on what appeared to be more secure in his position.
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