November 24th 26 ATHLETICS WEEKLY ATHLETICS WEEKLY November Zth 27 Ireland, they have to run in safer confined arcas. East Grush tilest in Edinburgh.Glasgow They, travelled by boat and train to Glasgow on 4" d?y before the race, the entire party- of 11 NEW! slepJ in two private homes and yet qHgR.T of commandeering a helicopber, is they rnanaged i.t to finish flfth in {:heir flrst visit ,to \) beyond the contrivance of anvone io caoture Scotland with by JIM LOGAN one of their number achieving a fastest stage time: all the drama of this marvellous iace last S^atur- I.ITESOME performance day: how eloe, but from an aerial a really meritorious in the widcr viow, command- church,- ran trackman's meanrng. ing the whole range of the lield, could one capture a tvpical road effort- the heroic indiviiiual feats cruising speed with a watchiil eye on fuel sup- FIAREII]IE SPORT$UIT thit took Edinbureh plies-but still managed Results Southern from l2th on the first stage to consirlidate Victoria Provisional to second 5n Park's lead at nearlv a minute. the fourth, or even more remarkable. less Former O,lvmoian Jacket: Nylon/Cotton with collar, (pending enquiries into eligibility of an Aberrlcon if siuni- Fergus Murray (28:31), with peak individtial'per- roll chest flcant frorrr a race point of view, Strathclvde's su"rse pocket with zip, contrast collar and cuils. runner). formances probably behind him, showed poiwer through the fl9ld fmm a long last eighth tEe his Trousers: Flareline Edinburgh to on in a team context by bringing Southern with sewn-in creases and 1, Southern (G. Brown 28:2tt, l. same stage6. One man's view was fraementarv: he to sdcond, con(r?st stripe. (-olours: Navy/Canary trim. 29:19, Douglas just ahead of Aberdeen's wouderful veteran llliott C. 2l:5-5, F. Murray 2tt:.1 t. had to sit fuming in a snarl-up of trahc, and'then Ala- Navy/Scarlet trim, Scarlet/Black trim. Skv Tonl M.' Craven 26:35, D. Macgrcgor 32:22, stair (29:05). Edinburgh dropped Navy A. tluttorr rush to dre scene of action, find ,that important _Wood AC to Trousers with contiast trim. Lisht-Green 25.02, G. Bryan-Jones 27:O2\ 1:39:14. 'to ^even 4th, Springburn to'5th and Achilles oick^ed uo a Top/Olive Green Trousers with coniiast trim. twists in the plot had been missed. But a 2, Edinburgh AC (J. Aklcr 2(r:41, R. Krrorvlcs place again to 6th. Man of the jtage, Frink Small Large Shakespearc had to lament the inadequacies of his Medium 30:25, Convery 2l:52, l!. ,.piece Cleqelrt, was buried ,in the f,eld, bringing Strath- fE.64 iE.97 f9.50 J. A. Wiglrt 29:36, medium, and appeal to his audience-: out Elay 27:48, A. McKcan 3l:00, ,1. Milnc 2(r:()6. l). clyde frorn l2th to 8th in the fastest n;a 2g:15, our imperfections with your thoughts',. 6f Kncrwlcs 27 :53) 3:41 :?.3. which gives or^lq_a respect CROSS COUNTRY VESTS Slagc 1: lim Alder (Ze:43't, oiErlinbursh AC. +9rtr for ,A,ndy Brown,i 3. Abcrclccn ((;. stage record of 2i7:37r. Kcn Barrington long sleeved, cotton cross AA(l Milnc 2(r:54, A. Kcith still trailing clouds of glory, shook the fiEld out 30:17, l. Mackcnzic 2l:5ti, Wootl 2():O.5, R. Stage 5: This was a decisive phase as far as the counrry vest. White: 34in./36in.. 38in.. 40in. A. from the s.tart. forcing fighting performances from Royal: 30in.i32in., 34in./36in., 40in. Heron 27:3J, I. Stcwirr.t Ritchio 2.5:41, premier position was concerned. Martin Craven,s 38in..' -l'. ll:21, l). Cerry Pricc Actrilles (Belfast): Cordon Emcrald: 34in./36in., 38in., 4Oin. Scarlet: 38in. Mc(bok 2tl:44) .1:4 l :13. '(26:54).126:51), .Cilmour sharp cadence was in contrast to Bill Kerr's lons M,ilne Aberdeen; Ian 127:M\, only. fangerinc: 30in./32in.. 34in./36in., 38in. 4. Vicrloril l)rrrk (A. ltcirl 17:17, t,. l{ciliv 29:14, Montland; Bill Sheridan (27:15). stride, and there was no doubi which wa; td;;;; Please state second choice o[ colour. Glaseo* Uni- effective. Martin (26:35), fastest F. llrown 2l:.5 I, I). McMcckin 2tl:.54, W. Kcrr versity; and Alasdair neia Vjcrdria park, on the stase, 30i,n./32in. 34in./36in. -l8in. 40in. 2tt:30, A. .lohrrslon l2:30, ll. llrrrow 26:O0, A. iZZ:t7j, turned a 57 seconds deficit into a 58 seconds leid. 95p f1.30 C1.50 f1.70 which were to haye a significant bearins on these and.-Aberdeen, Srnitlr 2ll: l4l l:42:3O. clubs' fulurc fortunes. Edinburgh AC, Springbum and Sh-ettleston. in l5tir position Achilles retained their 4th, Stn plac".. WARM.UP IVR,AR 5. Achillos A(), ltclfast ((i. I,ricc 26:51, J. Mc- and nearly 2jmin down, were doomed aira 5th ttAussie" l;rtrglrlirr .10:27, fiom the with Shettleston's Dick Wedlock (27:071 waun-up top by Admiral. lrr rrrirchirre- I,. Mc(jouran 22:34, J. McGuin- start, although Edinburgh Southern. and, {aining noss 29:22, R. l2Lh l* two places to 7th, but a long way dry washable stretch lerry lrrrrttri;rl (7(t pq.r Durack 2tl:01, Gerry klannon 32:42, minutes down were also in a stickv position. vel back. (':rlr (ircg. Hannon 24:52, B. Stry* 6: The thought at ,this stage was "Could cent cotton, 30 per cenL nylon). lrc wollt Gregory 28:53) 3:43:42. by deveioprncnt of strengt"h and indiviilual inspiia- , -bis with hood up or down. Writc with rcrl irnd (r, Shcttleston (L. Meneely 29:06, J. L. Stewart tron were able Ian Stewart do it?" Ilowever, the name was blue to drag themselves from the s'lough Andy McKean, trim to waist and culls. Youths f3.40, 29:22, R. Morrison 23:0'1, D. Wright 29:01, R. by holf-way. with a record brea[ing Ieg ot Srnall f4.55, truledium f,4.61, I;rrgc €4.75. Wedlock 27:07, IVlorrison 3l rn-inutes dead, a 7 seconds beatins oT N. 32:24, S. Easton Stage -ptace FeJsus Gerry North lrollsers, 25:19, Slrmmerhill 28:43) 2: Expatriates stole the glorv on this stase. Murray's 1965 figures. This won one Tift track suit in white H. 3:44:09. Jim Brown back to stretch nylon matcrial. Snrall, Mcdium and 7, Springburn 1(S. Gillespie ?7:42, Falconer i29:16), in Sc6rlaid for thc liist Edinburgh AC into 3rd but Stewarl"'i 3l:21 was C. time since he went to Boroush Road Collesc- nut [,arge; slightly soile d. Normally [3.45, our 28:5:l , J. Mclean 22:39, C. Lennox 29:55, Gor- good enough ;to take Aberdeen into the lead over price f,2.95. II. Monkland in the lead, aid I-aurenc" "Reittv man 27:22, E. Knox 33:33, A. MacFarlane ,8;. marathon champion Don Macgregor (32.ZZ). yic- Nylon footless "l'ights in Black. Srnall, Medium '2.5:26. 129:14), hero o[ the previous weck's Watcrloo toria Park dropped J. Lawson 28:18) 3:Mt52. 'to 4th, Achilles were 5i.h an<l and Largc f,1.40. 8, Monkland (L brought Victoria Fark to second. Fastest on thc She'ttleston gainecl another place be Gilmour 27:O6, J. Brown 29: l6; stage, 'to 6th. T. Callaghan 23':17, Davidson.30:06, however, was another Anglo, Colin Fa1- 7: Southern back through Hudton CROSS COUNTRY SIIOES l. E. Devlin coner (28:57), .,9tlgu hit X8:3f, MacDonald 32:O6, who took Springburn from Tth to (25:02) to regain the lead over Aberde-en's Lawrcncc Counlry Studs". Lightweight R, l. Smatl 26:32, W. mara- "Cross Devlin 28:07) 3:45:06. 3rd. Edinburgh AC, Aberdeen and Achriltes, thon man Donald .Ritchje (25:41); and Edinburgh Multistud shoe. Blue/]Vhite Trim. Sizes 6, 7, 8, althouglr dropping places kept in conten- AC's grizzled (26:06t. 8+, e, 9+, r0. f3.s0. 9, Glasgow Univ (W. Sherridan 27:15, J. Gun- super-marathoner Jim Milne stone tion in 4th. 5th and 6rjr. Ian- Eltiott (29:19) who has run thc whole route the past, Lawrcnce Strong shoe, Deep Ripple. 31:O8, R. McCrone 22:38, 1. Mitchell 30:12, bcsan in mairi- "Ripples". C. Bruce 29:46, Logue 31:16, Southern's fight back by coming up to 7th tained third place, with Victoria pai-k re- Sizes 4, 5. 51 f4.95, 6-ll f5.65. D. S" Crawford and Lachie (29:22) now 2i7:07, W. F'othergill 28:17) 3:47:39. Stewart took Shettleston to 9th. signed to 4th. Achilles (Greg Hannon ,'A:52, with Lawrie Spcnce again did his salvage operation on fastes.t LETTE,RS , 10. Edinburgh Univ (N. Blacklcy 28:20, J. Wal- just leg]. kept 5th piace-for the belfast' boys th,is lap, two seconds behind eotin- Falconer's ahead of Shetfleston. fron-on letters in black or white, 2 inches high, ker 30:30. I. Orton 22:23, 1. Malcolm 3l:27, D. timc, ideal for tracksuits, yests, etc. Please enclose Menzies 2E:45,1. Dingwali 33:06, ,G. to hoisrt Strathclyde from a long last to l3th Stage 8: Gareth Bryan-Jones made a decisivc Millar 2i:08, spot. it stamped addressed envelope when ordering. 3p I. Kiltie 29:37) 3:51 16. victory for Southern by running the lastest leg per letter.
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