WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE IRON A N D S T E E L T R A D E S JO U R N A L VOL. 74. No. 1474. NOVEMBER 16. 1944 P°Ho PRICE S FIREBRICKS Registered at the G.P,0.'as a Newspaper. Offices :J49, Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.C.2 Land Oversea« 21 . - (Prep,i As ustd by all the hading Iron and Steelworks and Foundries at Home Used by many leading foundries and Abroad MANSFIELD MOULDING SAN • PULVERISED READY FOR USE IF REQUIRE • SEND US YOUR ENQUIRIES DISTRIBOND ALBION (Mansfield) SAND CO. Manufactured by ihe PROVEN BRITISH substitute for Bentonite J. T. P R IC E & C O . L T D . P ro p .: STOURBRIDGE Telegrams: DISTRICT CHEMICAL COMPANY LTD. THOS. W. WARDWARD°LTD LTD. r Albion Works, SHEFFIE Tele: hone: “Refractory, Telephones: Sheffield 26311 {IS lines) Mansfield -■ Brierley Hill 7162 B rierley Hill ** T-19. Ne» Oxford Street, London, W.C.1 A.'::., : - jR R O m /C TIO JV BRITISH MOULDING MACHINE CO., LTD. FAVERSHAM. KENT. ^viFRtlSEMEHT Pneulec CUPOLAS THE CUPOLA W ITH TUYERES PLACED £BELOW INSTl OF INSIDE THE B MOND B u ilt by PNEULECLTD., SMETHWICK, Nr. BIRMINGH STEEL VTOKKS PLANT NO VEM BER 16, 1944 FOUNDRY TRADE JOURNAL 3 BIRLEC for MELTING -.j-.iw*.—iiKt-ie si raw materials in short supply owing to war conditions are advertised FOUNDRY TRADE JOURNAL NOVEMBER 16, 1944 Industry to-day plans on a large scale. The departmental system gives place to the single huge bay where an entire manufacturing process may be carried out under one span of roof. For the efficient lighting of these large areas, o s ir a high pressure mercury vapour electric discharge lamps offer manifold advantages. They give a cool glareless diffused light which minimises accidents and 7~\ facilitates speedy accurate work. They require the minimum change in existing wiring. They give nearly three times as much light as tungsten filament lamps using the same current . Consult the g .e .c . upon your lighting problems. , s . < s PRODUCT FOR A.C. CIRCUITS ONLY v OSIRA LAMPS Advt. of The General Electric Co. Ltd.. Magnet House, Kingsway, London , W.C. NOVEMBER 16, 1944 FOUNDRY TRADE JOURNAL 5 WALLWORK GEARS LIMITED FOUNDRY EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT OCEANIC HOUSE, la, COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, S.W.I Telephone - Whirehall 8051/2/3 6 FOUNDRY TRADE JOURNAL NOVEMBER 16, 1944 SHUTTER VENTILATION for instant clearance of FUMES AND SMOKE from Foundries, Retort Houses, Furnace Buildings, etc., etc. The Shutters provide what is in effect to facilitate extraction in strong winds. a moveable roof to the building which, In very wet weather, driving snow and by means of steel louvres in them­ at night they can be closed and form selves forming extraction vanes, create complete weather-tightness and light extraction draught. The louvres are obscuration. formed on both sides of a centrally Adequate natural light to the workshops operated dual gear unit; each side can below is available when the shutters are be operated independently in order open. OPEN HALF O PE N CLOSED When fully opened, the specially It is often dangerous for rain In driving rain, sleet, etc., the designed louvres provide an al­ to fall through the open foof of Shutters can be closed down most instantaneous clearance of a workshop. In very light rain completely and they are then fumes, smoke etc., and, what is Hills Shutters can be partly weather-tight. Thé closing equally important, give adequate closed and still permit a very also provides light obscuration natural lighting to the work­ high percentage of extraction. for blackout. shops below. t m i s HILLS PATENT GLAZING COMPANY LIMITED ALBION ROAD, WEST BROMWICH. ’PHONE : WEST BROMWICH 1025 (6 lines) London Office War Address : 24, HEATH HURST ROAD, HAMPSTEAD, N.W.3. ’Phone : HAMPSTEAD 0700 M-W .48 N O VEM BER 16, 1944 FOUNDRY TRADE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL RECORDS 7 N field sports there are few more popular events than the hurdles where all the up-to-date international records are held by U.S.A. Sportsmen. The 120 yards record of 13.7 seconds was set up by Forrest Towns at Oslo in 1936. The 220 yards record of 22.5 seconds was secured by Fred Wolcott in 1940 and the 440 yards hurdles record of 52.6 seconds by John Gibson at Nebraska in 1927. The record of International Alloys Ltd. in supplementing the nation’s supplies of essential light metals cannot be fully published till after the war. Mean­ while, for post - war developments, please note the name— ‘ IN T A L ’ are and will be makers of aluminium alloys for every conceivable purpose. International Alloys ltd INTERNATIONAL ALLOYS LTD., SLOUGH, BUCKS Phone: SLOUGH 23212. Grams : INTALLOYD, SLOUGH 8 FOUNDRY TRADE JOURNAL NOVEMBER 16, 1944 FOUR BIRDS WITH EVERY STONE . OF O Dependability a , WARNER • Analysis to Specification REFINED • Uniform Distribution of Alloys ALLOY • High Duty Castings PIG IRON WARNER & Co. Ltd. MIDDLESBROUGH ASEA ELECTRIC PULLEY BLOCKS The robust totally enclosed construction and close lift make the ASEA electric pulley block the best handling equipment for foundry use. Its range of usefulness is almost unlimited throughout the various foundry departments, for instance: Cupola feeding (block arranged with fast lit). Handing core boxes and pouring (block fitted with inching attachment giving control to •02"). Knocking out cores and fettling (as illus­ trated). Loading the finished castings for despatch. We will gladly send particulars on request. ASEA ELECTRIC LIMITED (Associated with Fuller Electric & Manufacturing Co. Ltd.) HEAD OFFiCE : FULBOURNE ROAD, WALTHAMSTOW, L O N D O N , E. 17 Telephone : Larkswood 2350 (10 lines) Telegraph : A utosyncro, Telex , L o n d o n NOVEMBER 16, 1944 FOUNDRY TRADE JOURNAL 9 .... .. - c * . :• K ~ ' \ - ¿s*. : ,W«0U6H0ur r()f woiVB w CLASS “ T ” COMPRESSORS Class “ T ” Horizontal, Heavy-duty, Double- acting Stationary Air Compressors are supplied in sizes from 60 to 500 cubic feet of free air per minute actually delivered, at working pressures up to 100 lbs. per square inch. They are also available as low pressure units with ki capacities up to 2000 cubic feet per minute. They can be used with flat or “ V ” belt drive and can also be supplied as complete self- contained, steam-driven units. (p ability to supply industry at will is circum­ scribed by its commitments to the war effort, but we are keeping pace with new tendencies and needs and shall be able m r| i " ^ '& ■■■ % o a .to meet them fully after feated. ¡’i i MR COMPRESSORS • P\EI M A T1C. TOOLS • ELECTRIC TOOLS • DIESEL E NO INKS • VALIUM Pl'MP* (OMRACTOKS- EQUIPMENT • ROCK DRILLS • DIAMOND DRILLS • OIL W ELI. * TOOLS s otwrt Sborp t Portntrt HI? 10 FOUNDRY TRADE JOURNAL NOVEMBER 16, 1944 TITAN CORE MACHINES are daily solving new core-making problems anc* removing bottle-necks in war production Saving in Skilled Labour A girl can operate the Titan machine. Intricate cores may be blown in one operation (one movement of the hand lever). Faster Output. Up to tenfold increase over hand methods. Better Cores of uniform quality, greater strength and maximum permeability. The machine illustrated is fitted with a sand container of 75 lbs. capacity (which can be re­ charged in a couple of minutes) motor-driven sand agitator and automatic compressed air hori­ zontal clamp. This machine takes boxes up to 20 ins. long by 12 in. wide by 24 in. high without removing the clamps. EARLY DELIVERY Provided motors for standard current are required, we can offer early delivery of machines of the above type ( o n s Ir u c h o n a I for work of certified priority. ENGINEERINGFNGlNFFRINr, C9roiTD UP Ask for Folder 204 T e le p h o n e : TITAN WORKS J* s e ¡ MID 4753-4 BIRMINGHAM, 12 Birmingham” NOVEMBER 16, 1944 FOUNDRY TRADE JOURNAL II “RAMOLITH” (REGISTERED) FOR LINING FURNACE DOORS NO BRICKS TO FALL OUT TH O M A S E. GRAY & CO. LTD. GRANBY CHAMBERS, KETTERING ESTABLISHED 1877. 12 FOUNDRY TRADE JOURNAL is/VLI IDCI\ IO, WORLD FAMOUS FOR HIGH QUALITY AND QUICK DESPATCH IDEAL FOR NON-FERROUS METALS TELEGRAPH OR TELEPHONE MANSFIELD STANDARD GOLD MEDAL MANSFIELD STANDARD ■■ a a & ■ SAND CO LI£ MOULDING SAND MANSFIELD, ENGLAND. PULVERIZED OR UNMILLED AS REQUIRED T E L . 201— 2 PNEUMATIC TOOLS REFiNED IRON & ROLLS ARMSTRONG WHITWORTH S CO. (PNEUMATIC TOOLS) LTD., CLOSE WORKS, GATLSHLAD-OH-TYHL Associated Companies: Sir W. G. Armstrong W hitworth & Co. (lron*ounders) Ltd. — Jarrow Metal Industries Ltd. NOVEMBER 16, 1944 FOUNDRY TRADE JOURNAL 13 with which S incorporated THE IRON AND STEEL TRADES JOURNAL 49, Wellington Street, London, W .C 2. WARTIME ADDRESS to which ail communications should be sent i— 3, Amenham Road, HIGH WYCOMBE, Bucks. ’Grams i “ Zacatecas, High Wycombe.” •Phone i HIGH WYCOMBE I792 (3 lines). PUBLISHED WEEKLY I 21 s. per annum (Home and Oversea;) OFFICIAL ORGAN OF i COUNCIL OF IRONFOUNDRY ASSOCIATIONS Chairman i FitzHerbert Wright, The Butterley Company. Ripley, near Derby. Secretary! V. Delport, 2, Caxton Street. Westminster, S.W .I. Participating Associations I British Bath Manufacturers’ Association British Ironfounders’ Association ; British Malleable Tube Fittings Association; Cast Iron Axlebox Association ; Cast Iron Chair Associa­ tio n ; C ast Iron Heating. Boiler and Radiator M anufacturers’ Association; Cast Iron Segment Association ; Greensand Pipe Founders’Association of Scotland; Ironfounders’ National Confederation ; National Associa­ tion of Malleable Ironfounders ; National Ingot Mould Association ; National Ironfoundlng Employers’ Federation Association of Auto­ mobile and Allied High Duty Ironfounders; British Cast Iron Research Association (affiliated); British Grit Association 'affiliated); Flushing Cistern Makers’ Association (affiliated) ; Institute of British Foundrymen (affiliated). _____ c tit o tf a th ird ..
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