Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 4-16-1966 The Ledger and Times, April 16, 1966 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, April 16, 1966" (1966). The Ledger & Times. 5335. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5335 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 0.41. I S ^ n•re ,...111•••••••••.•••........•...m1•1111111•11k 1"14 Belscted M A Rest All Round Kentucky CowununitYVewwpaper The Only Largest • Afternoon Daily Circulation In Murray And Both In City ,I Calloway County 1G And In County United Press International In OUr nth Year Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, April 16, 1966 Vol. LXXXVII No. 90 Rebecca Lancaster Two Raids Are • Seen & Heard Moon Orbit Wins Scholarship Is Solved Made Friday An article concerning Miss Re- dz. Around • becca Jane Lancaster, grand Russia daughter of Mrs. Prentice Holland By The Sheriff Says of Murray, appeared in the Flor- MURRAY ence, Alabama Times - News re- cently. The article is as follows Calloway County Sheriff's Of- for those StIO may be interested. fice yesterday made two rant sim- MOE300W Fyr — The president ultaneously iseth arrests being made S. of Reitman Academy of Sciences Now conies fcrward Peohsstar W. A. Rebecca Jane Lancaster, a sen- In both cases. mid today Soviet apacemen are anith who got some gourd find ior at Coffee High School, was a- One group of deputies raided the training for a moon ending, but Profemor Smith brought in somill warded a 11,500 00 frestsnan scho- home of Mr. and Mrs Oscar Ma- that Russia plans to put a man In Morning Glory seeds larship to Washington University, ness of near Dexter and another orbit around the moon before try- Bt Louis, Mo. The scholarship is group raided the Paine of Clarence ing to land on its surface. renewable every year for four years Eldridge, northeast of Murray. Herb Brooks Rao; he has mane Tor- "The moon-orbit problem has with a potential value of 116,000. Taken at the lioness haat were ten Squash seed Turban Squash been solved iii prraciple," Matinee The &wetter of Mr and Mrs. seven half-pints of bonded whis- are squash as the name implies and I. Freak Rodman Keldysh told a news conierence. Dinka M. Lancaster of 1107 Jack- key. lens Ma.neas was charged with also as the name implies, they loot "There is nothing unusual about it son Road, Florence. Mie Lancaster selling wieekey in local option ter- like autism -The most difficutt problem is is Editor-en-chief of the Coffee ritory and Mx. Maness was charg- re-entry into the earth's mango Pot. a member of the National ed with possession. They were piec- Dr, ;there. Nobody knows how many the Opera ed under $500 bond. Variation-14 they to shape Woe Kodman Honor Society. Club, more unmanned launchings will the Eldridge home officers a fabricatien, but their are "304- and member of the Coffee High At be needed for this purpose." School marching and concert found twenty pints of bonded Speaks To Ruseia's Luna-10 satellite has bands_ Whiskey and three fifthe. Mr Eld- Now bask to the allorniseg Glories. been orbiting the moon since April - Lost year Mk !Rodent was cho- ridge was placed under MO bond. KENNEDY MEMORIAL BEGUN- -The first of You get a lot of these on a trellie 3. Keklysh denied today that It 2,000 stabs of granite for the John F Kennedy sen by the Florence Exchange Whiskey was found inside the Memorial to Arlington National Cemetery is and they present a soul resting had failed in attempts to photo- lowered into place. The temporary grave Club as the "most outstanding Passe of the Maness home and in State Group Is tli foreground The 11-ton slab is 12 feet long. It sight graph the moons surface. is Deer lhand granite from Maine. junior" She MLA the recipient of a woods lot at the Eldridge home. "Luna-I0 carried no cameras." the 'trophy awarded by this or- County Judge Pro-tern L C. he mid. "rt was designed to ex- gonuation for having the highest Winchester heard the evidence yea- Folks are just going to have to learn plore nearskinar space " scholastic average in a dans of terday and set the bonds for a things of nature Jefferson Teachers to enjoy these hearing this morning at 900 LOUD3VILLE, Ky net — Speech Other scientists said instruments Lady Bird Gives Swinging more than four-hundred students. whidh you can get for little or no- in the eatellite are meaauring much Ask Raises To $3,300 Miss Lancaster plans to get her o'clock thing and asit pining their hearts and hearing therapy has not ad- itssns as radiation on the moon's degree in the liberal arts. out for sans man made object vanced as rapidly as methods of rurface, meteorite showers pepper- which is far bets-oral their marls language aasesaners, the Kentucky Party, Mexico's First Lady ing the moon, and the moon* LOUISVILLE. Ky. ON — The By the way *Sea elan:ands are Speech and Hearing Aesocieition Marines Rout magnetic field and shape. Lonaville and Jefferson Federation not man made. was told hae Pricey Ellington Concert Keldteeti mid Russia is more In- liffenn)C0 CrTY 09 — Lady you" reception for Senom Gustavo of Teachers voted Friday to oak Dr Frank Kodman. president of terested in this sort of data than Bird Johnson gave a swinging par- Dear Codas. wife of the president for increases in salary ranging To Be Part Of Course the group and chairman of the In more pictures of the moon's ty for Mexico's first lady Friday of Mexico, who had from WOO to 13,300 a Viet Cong The seethe to the Mole going Op. entertained year College High school students attending Edwin Cain wes diming us the Murray State PsychologO surface night and everybody Ilh011ed UP— the Johnson ferrety royally on its The union also said it would said the-opiate mutt the Murray State University Stan- blue priciest for this four story sat. Department. Prof Alexander Mikhanov told even Barry Goldwater. Visit to Mexico identiffy the "wont" schools in their ability se counselors nier Speech Institute, June 26- dition ant we thought to earaches rely on the nevem-ten that the moon is The former Anton' senator 1,110 Today she will tour the National this area and attempt to improve After Barrage to help the hanchcapped. IOU the Repubbcsoi July 23, will attend a concert by that if the balding was lett up to lopsided. presidential Asnoultural Education Center at then. contender for her hustandls job, Duke Elluerton and his Orchestra uls. tt would never get done. 'The center of die moon ream Chapintro. 30 miles away, and have President Inicherd Miller of the K od ma n said handicappei as a part of the evening cultural SAICION ree — US. Marines does not coincide with the lunar and his wife, were mat cordial lunch with Foreign Secretary An- AFL-010 union said the increase youth's lemming potential often is program. noted Oommunist attackers in a center Mein Mikledarv said. -This and delayed his appearance at a tonio Casino Flores before leaving a-ould put Louisville and Jeffer- doubted. sleds can be sensed by The Ellin•ton Orchestra cur- hand-to-hand battle 375 miles Youngest has been down on the is due to the moon's Lot-guise cknner to vend a gay time at the tnis alt ernoon But it is certain son County teachers on an equal the What. rently scheduled for the Kenislos north of Elaigon Coda, despite one lake ae week with • tekkly The ehaPe. Americium Ilimbassy residence where that in fashionable quarters Mrs. footing with their counterparts in whng- Amphitheater on July 14, will be of the moat massivellited mortar number of Usti they OK man is Kodman's remarks were made be- 'The moon condsts of heavy Mrs. Johnson tamed bar Johnson's party will be the talk Of neighboring New A.lbarn. Ind, a highlightli in • series of evening barrages of the Vietninese war. problematical. however steeplagall nne the sakichition's spring meet- mounteka-type rack. and tbersiese - - Mexico for a king time auggeated that, if neces- programs featuring a variety of The Marines killed at kaat 12 uncle the Mass and heathy the ing here. ii wal keep its present dep..' For the are /04,11 Ins& "livank President Johnson and their Mrs. the group demonstrate at entertaining and educational se- Communists and captured eight water smith sipteret the beak and liteughter. Luci, 18, departed in a meetings at the city and eountya , weapons — grenade launchers, the fregs hollertng "belly desp" or Maze of glory Fraley night after school boards to get Use raise He students attending the subinachine guns and carbines — "knee deep" is the thing • two-day triumphal net. The also proposed packing sich meet- Although institute will vend two hours each and almost 100 band gren•dsa Castro Regime, Stronger Than Ever In Military. Johnson's daughter Lynda, 22, /MP by union members. • day studying speech fundamentals, The Rae are believed to have stayed on with her mother until The 30 teachers in attendance Incidentally the yang frogs de voice, and diction, two hours stu- dragged away some of their dead, Saturday afternoon when they gni Friday authorised the union to not mazire too far from the bank dying radio announcing, debate, but the Marinas found 12 Com- Shaky In Economic Way depart for Texas to rejoin the use --preseure tactics" if demands But Is Desperately on the battlefield.
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