S852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 30, 1997 it is working even now on actions to from the President of the United States Air Force while assigned to a position reduce those crib-related deaths to an States submitting sundry nominations of importance and responsibility under title even lower figure. which were referred to the appropriate 10, U.S.C., section 601: I would like to thank Chairman committees. To be general Brown for bringing her lifesaving mes- (The nominations received today are Lt. Gen. Lloyd W. Newton,0000 sage to the citizens of Nevada and to printed at the end of the Senate pro- The following-named officer for appoint- commend her for her excellent leader- ceedings.) ment in the United States Marine Corps to the grade indicated while assigned to a posi- ship of the Consumer Product Safety f Commission. I urge my colleagues to tion of importance and responsibility under PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS title 10, U.S.C., section 601: share the CPSC’s baby safety checklist with the new parents and grandparents Th following petitions and memorials To be lieutenant general in their States. were laid before the Senate and were Lt. Gen. James L. Jones, 0000 I ask unanimous consent that the referred or ordered to lie on the table The following-named Army Competitive baby safety checklist be printed in the as indicated: Category officer for promotion in the Reg- ular Army of the United States to the grade POM–29. A petition from a citizen of the RECORD. of major general under the provisions of title State of Mississippi relative to the eastern There being no objection, the mate- 10, U.S.C., sections 611(a) and 624(c): boundary of the State of Mississippi; to the rial was ordered to be printed in the To be major general RECORD, as follows: Committee on Rules and Administration. Brig. Gen. Larry G. Smith, 0000 BABY SAFETY CHECKLIST f The following-named Army Competitive BEDROOM REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Category officer for promotion in the Reg- Put your baby to sleep on her back or side The following reports of committees ular Army of the United States to the grade in a crib with a firm, flat mattress and no were submitted: of brigadier general under the provisions of soft bedding underneath her. title 10, U.S.C., sections 611(a) and 624(c): By Mr. HELMS, from the Committee on Make sure your baby’s crib is sturdy and To be brigadier general has no loose or missing hardware. Foreign Relations, without amendment: Never place your baby’s crib or furniture S. Res. 37. An original resolution author- Col. Mitchell M. Zais, 0000 near window blind or curtain cords. izing expenditures by the Committee on For- The following-named officer for appoint- eign Relations. ment in the U.S. Marine Corps to the grade BATHROOM By Mr. THURMOND, from the Committee indicated while assigned to a position of im- Keep medicines and cleaning products in on Armed Services, without amendment: portance and responsibility under title 10, containers with safety caps and locked away S. Res. 38. An original resolution author- U.S.C., section 601: from children. izing expenditures by the Committee on To be lieutenant general Always check bath water temperature with Armed Services. your wrist or elbow before putting your baby By Mr. THOMPSON, from the Committee Brig. Gen. Martin R. Steele, 0000 in to bathe. on Governmental Affairs, without amend- (The above nominations were re- Never, ever, leave your child alone in the ment: ported with the recommendation that bathtub or near any water. S. Res. 39. An original resolution author- they be confirmed.) KITCHEN izing expenditures by the Committee on Gov- Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, for Don’t leave your baby alone in a highchair; ernmental Affairs. the Committee on Armed Services, I always use all safety straps. By Mr. BOND, from the Committee on Small Business, without amendment: report favorably 18 nomination lists in Use your stove’s back burners and keep pot the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, handles turned to the back of the stove. S. Res. 40. An original resolution author- Lock household cleaning products, knives, izing expenditures by the Committee on and Navy which were printed in full in matches, and plastic bags away from chil- Small Business. the RECORD of January 7, 1997, and ask dren. By Mr. GRASSLEY, from the Special Com- unanimous consent, to save the ex- mittee on Aging, without amendment: LIVING AREAS pense of reprinting on the Executive S. Res. 41. An original resolution author- Calendar, that these nominations lie at Install smoke detectors on each floor of izing expenditures by the Special Committee your home, especially near sleeping areas; on Aging. the Secretary’s desk for the informa- change the batteries each year. tion of Senators: Use safety gates to block stairways and f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without safety plugs to cover electrical outlets. EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF objection, it is so ordered. Keep all small objects, including tiny toys COMMITTEES (The nominations ordered to lie on and balloons, away from young children. The following executive reports of the Secretary’s desk were printed in Mr. President, I suggest the absence committees were submitted: the RECORD January 7, 1997, at the end of a quorum. By Mr. THURMOND, from the Committee of the Senate proceedings.) The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. on Armed Services: In the Air Force there are 12 promotions to SANTORUM). The clerk will call the roll. To be major general the grade of lieutenant colonel and below The assistant legislative clerk pro- Brig. Gen. Maxwell C. Bailey, 0000 (list begins with Samuel R. Bakalian, Jr.) ceeded to call the roll. Brig. Gen. William J. Dendinger, 0000 (Reference No. 43) In the Army there are 5 promotions to the Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- Brig. Gen. Dennis G. Haines, 0000 grade of major (list begins with Robert J. imous consent that the order for the Brig. Gen. Charles R. Henderson, 0000 Metz) (Reference No. 44) quorum call be rescinded. Brig. Gen. Charles R. Holland, 0000 In the Army there are 16 promotions to the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Brig. Gen. Silas R. Johnson, Jr., 0000 grade of colonel (list begins with Owen H. Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Keck, 0000 ABRAHAM). Without objection, it is so Black) (reference No. 45) Brig. Gen. Rodney P. Kelly, 0000 ordered. In the Army there is 1 promotion to the Brig. Gen. Ronald P. Keys, 0000 Mr. LOTT. Good to see the Senator grade of major (Randel D. Matney) (Ref- Brig. Gen. David R. Love, 0000 presiding this afternoon. Shall we erence No. 46) Brig. Gen. Earl W. Mabry, II, 0000 begin the closing process, now, Mr. In the Army there are 6 promotions to the Brig. Gen. Richard C. Marr, 0000 grade of colonel and below (list begins with President? Would that be all right? Brig. Gen. William F. Moore, 0000 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Ronald P. Turnicky) (Reference No. 47) Brig. Gen. Thomas H. Neary, 0000 In the Army there are 2 promotions to the objection, it is so ordered. Brig. Gen. Susan L. Pamerleau, 0000 grade of lieutenant colonel (list begins with f Brig. Gen. Andrew J. Pelak, Jr., 0000 John E. Rueth) (Reference No. 48) Brig. Gen. Gerald F. Perryman, Jr., 0000 MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT In the Army there is 1 appointment to the Brig. Gen. Roger R. Radcliff, 0000 grade of colonel (Phillip J. Todd) (Reference Messages from the President of the Brig. Gen. Richard H. Roellig, 0000 No. 49) United States were communicated to Brig. Gen. Lansford E. Trapp, Jr., 0000 In the Army there is 1 promotion to the the Senate by Mr. Williams, one of his Brig. Gen. Thomas C. Waskow, 0000 grade of lieutenant colonel (Emmanuel M. Brig. Gen. Charles J. Wax, 0000 secretaries. Chiaparas) (Reference No. 50) Brig. Gen. John L. Woodward, Jr., 0000 In the Army there are 5 appointments to EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED Brig. Gen. Michael K. Wyrick, 0000 the grade of lieutenant colonel and below As in executive session the Presiding The following-named officer for appoint- (list begins with Benje H. Boedeker) (Ref- Officer laid before the Senate messages ment to the grade of general in the United erence No. 51) VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:30 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S30JA7.REC S30JA7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY January 30, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S853 In the Army there is 1 appointment to the formation contained in this report is com- Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the grade of major (Rupert H. Peete) (Reference plete and accurate. United States of America to Australia. No. 52) Contributions, amount, date, and donee: Nominee: Genta Hawkins Holmes. In the Army there are 3 appointments to 1. Self: none. Post: Australia. the grade of lieutenant colonel and below 2. Spouse: none. The following is a list of all members of (list begins with 4673X) (Reference No. 53) 3. Children and spouses names: none. my immediate family and their spouses. I In the Army there are 29 promotions to the 4. Parents names—Ronald and Jane Hays: have asked each of these persons to inform grade of lieutenant colonel (list begins with $50 per year, Richard Matsuura (D–Hawaii); me of the pertinent contributions made by Mark S. Ackerman) (Reference No. 54) $25 per year, Gene Ward (R–Hawaii); $25 per them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- In the Marine Corps there is 1 promotion year, Tom Okamura (D–Hawaii); $1,000 1996, formation contained in this report is com- to the grade of lieutenant colonel (James W.
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