I I 72-15,173 BEHLING, Robert Edward, 1941- PEDOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT ON MORAINES OF THE MESERVE GLACIER, ANTARCTICA. The Ohio State University in cooperation with Miami (Ohio) University, Ph.D., 1971 Geology University Microfilms,A XEROX Company , Ann Arbor, Michigan PEDOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT ON MORAINES OF THE MESERVE GLACIER, ANTARCTICA DISSERTATION Presented In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Robert E. Behling, B.Sc., M*Sc. ***** The Ohio State University 1971 Approved by Adv Department f Geology PLEASE NOTE: Some pages have indistinct print. Filmed as received. University Microfilms, A Xerox Education Company ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study could not have been possible without the cooperation of faculty members of the departments of agronomy, mineralogy, and geology, I wish to thank Dr. R. P. Goldthwait as chairman of my committee, Dr. L. P. Wilding and Dr. R. T. Tettenhorst as members of my reading committee, as well as Dr. C. B. Bull and Dr. K. R. Everett for valuable assistance and criticism of the manuscript. A special thanks is due Dr. K. R. Everett for guidance during that first field season, and to Dr. F. Ugolini who first introduced me to the problems of weathering in cold deserts. Numerous people contributed to this end result through endless discussions: Dr. Lois Jones and Dr. P. Calkin receive special thanks, as do Dr. G. Holdsworth and Maurice McSaveney. Laboratory assistance was given by Mr. Paul Mayewski and R. W. Behling. Field logistic support in Antarctica was supplied by the U.S. Navy VX6 Squadron and the staff of the United States Antarctic Research Program in McMurdo. Financial assistance through the National Science Foundation Grants Nos. GA-1158 and GA-4029 made this study possible and is gratefully acknowledged. And yes, thanks to my wife Mary for help during these last typing stages, ii VITA September 11, 1941 Born, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1963 « B.Sc., Mathematics, Geology, The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1963-1965 N.D.E.A. Fellow, Geology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, in cooperation with The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1965 M.Sc., Geology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 1965-1966 N.D.E.A. Fellow, Geology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1968-1969 Instructor in Geology, Capital University, Columbus, Ohio 1965-1970 Graduate Research Associate, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1970-1971 Instructor in Geology, Capital University, Columbus, Ohio 1971- Assistant Professor, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia iii PUBLICATIONS Behling, R, E., 1965, A detailed study of the Wisconsin stratigraphic sections of the upper Lamoille valley, northcentral Vermont: M.Sc. thesis, Department of Geology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Shilts, W. W., and Behling, R. E., 1967, Deglaciation of southern Vermont and adjacent highlands: (abs.) 1967 Annual Meetings of the Geological Society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, G. S. A. Special Paper No. 115, p. 203. Everett, K. R., and Behling, R. E., 1968, Pedological study in Wright Valley, Southern Victoria Land: Antarctic Journal of the United States, v. Ill, p. 101-102. Behling, R. E., and Calkin, P. E., 1969, Chemical-physical weathering, surficial geology, and glacial history of the Wright Valley, Victoria Land: Antarctic Journal of the United States, v. IV, p. 128-129. Calkin, P. E., Behling, R. E., and Bull, C. B., 1970, Glacial history of Wright Valley, Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica: Antarctic Journal of the United States, v. V, p. 22-27. Everett, K, R., and Behling, R. E., 1970, Chemical and physical characteristics of the Meserve Glacier morainal soils, Wright Valley, Antarctica: an index of relative age?: in International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciological Exploration- flSAGE), Hanover, New Hampshire, Sept. 1968, p. 459-460. Behling, R. E., and Calkin, P. E.,1970, Wright Valley soil studies: Antarctic Journal of the United States, v. V, p. 102-103, Behling, R. E., 1970, Relative dating of glaciations in Wright Valley, Antarctica, by pedological analysis: (abs.) 1970 Annual Meetings of the Geological Society of America, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, v. 2, p. 491. Behling, R. E., 1971, Rate of chemical weathering in a cold desert environment: (abs.) 1971 Annual Meetings of the Geological Society of America, Washington, D.C., v. 3, p. 501-502. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.................................................. ii VITA........... a ........................ ............. ill PUBLICATIONS....................................................... iv TABLES............................................................. ix FIGURES ........................................................... xiii CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ............................................ 1 A. The Ice-Free Region of Southern Victoria Land 1 B. Statement of the Problem • • ................. 5 II. WRIGHT VALLEY: PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GLACIAL GEOLOGY, PEDOLOGY - PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS AUGMENTED BY THIS WORK................................................ 11 A. Physical Geography ............. ...•••• 11 B. Climate..................................... 16 C. Bedrock Geology..................... 23 D. Glacial Geology. .......................... 29 (1.) Introduction...................... 29 (2.) Glaciations from the West: Wright Upper Glaciations.................. 33 (3.) Glaciations from the East.......... .. 36 (4.) Advances of Valley-sided Glaciers. • . 37 (5.) Fossil Record in Quaternary Marine Deposits 39 v Page (6.) Quaternary Climate Changes ........... 42 E. Soils in Wright Valley .................... 43 (1.) Introduction and Classification. .. 43 (2.) Organic Constituents of Antarctic Soils.................... • ......... 47 (3.) Salts in Antarctic S o i l s ......... 50 (a.) Location of Salts.............. 50 (b.) Movement of Salts.............. 51 (c.) Sources of S a l t s ......... 53 (4.) Characteristics of Soils of Ice-free Regions............................. 56 III. MESERVE GLACIER: PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GLACIAL GEOLOGY, AND PEDOLOGY .................... .................. 60 A. Physical Geography ............................. 60 B. Glacial Geology. ............................... 62 C. Soils of the Meserve Glacier Area......... 75 IV. PHYSICAL PARAMETERS OF PEDOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT .... 79 A. Soil T e m p erature........................... 79 B. Soil Moisture. ............. 85 C. Soil A i r ................ 89 D. Weathering of Boulders on Moraine Surfaces . 89 E. Pebble Lithologies: Labile versus Resistant . 94 F. Particle-Size Distribution 94 V. CHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF PEDOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT .... 100 A, Eh, pH, Abrasion pH, and Electrical Conductivity ..... ........... ...... 100 (1.) Oxidation-Reduction Potential. .... 100 vi Page (2.) Acidity-Alkalinity............... 101 (3.) Abrasion p H ........... • ••••••• 101 (4.) Electrical Conductivity* ••••••• 106 B. Soluble Salt and Specific Ion Determinations . 106 (1.) Soluble Salt .......................... 106 (2*) Specific Ion Determinations....... 106 C* Free Iron Oxides ....... 109 D* Heavy Mineral Analysis ............. ••••• 115 E. Elemental Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence • • ■ 117 (1*) Titanium and Z i r c o n i u m ........... 118 (2.) Potassium............................ .. 124 (3.) I r o n .................................. * 126 F. Clay Mineral Determinations................... 130 VI. CONCLUSIONS............................................... 136 A. Present Weathering Processes in the Wright Valley Cold Desert ....... .............. 136 (1.) Physical Weathering............... 136 (2.) Chemical Weathering............... 142 (3.) Authigenic Clay Minerals ........... 149 B. Relative Ages of Alpine Glaciations of Meserve Glacier................................. 152 C. Implications to Axial-Alpine Glaciation Relationships. ................ 156 (1.) Introduction ............. ...... 156 (2.) Axial Glaciations from the West. 157 (3.) Axial Glaciations from the East. .. 159 vii Page (4.) Alpine Glaciations•••••••••• 161 (5.) Variations in Weathering Rates in Wright Valley.......... ... 161 (6.) Summary................................. 161 APPENDIX................................... 164 A. Surface Weathering Criteria on Moraine Crests. East Side. Meserve Glacier .......... 165 Surface Weathering Criteria on Moraine Crests. West Side. Meserve Glacier ............. 166 B. Soil Profile Descriptions. ......................... 167 Alpine I (WVMC 6)......... .............. 168 Alpine II (WV 5 ) ................. 171 Alpine III (WV 1)........................................ 178 C. Particle-size Distribution; Weight Percent.. ......... 186 D. Soil Temperature Readings............... 190 E. K-Ar Dating of Volcanics from Wright Valley by R. Fleck ............... 199 REFERENCES..................................... 200 viii TABLES Table Page 1. Meteorological Observations at Vanda Station, Lake Vanda, Wright Valley. Partial Data: November 1968 to July 1970 ..................................................... 6 2. Percent Mean Cloud Amounts at Moraine Station, Meserve Glacier, Summer, 1965-1966............... • ........... 20 3. Monthly Mean and Extreme Temperatures (°C) at Base and Glacier Stations (Stevenson Screens)..................... 21 4. Bedrock Chronology of Wright Valley ••••* ......... •• 26 5. Glaciations in Southern Victoria Land ........... ••••• 30 6. Correlation Chart and Chronology of Glacial Events in the McMurdo Sound Region.............................
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