f 'f ■ ^ PAGE SIXTEEN TL’ESDAY, MARCH 10, 1988. iianirlffBtfr lEuftting ^prttlb ^vemge Daily Net Press Run For the Week Ended hUrch 7, lass Wilfred Clarke, past comman­ ThespiaiiB Host der of Dilworth-Cornell-Quey Post, Spemliiig the Day at the Uniteil Nations Fair, not m cold tonight. Mini­ About Town American Legion, urges aft past 10,939 commanders of the post to make To Tony Pupillo mum 3S. Thuritday, Increaaing Member of the Audit rioudineaa, warmer. TIm Queen of Peace Mothers returns on their, tickets for the Hale's Meat Bui^an of Circulatlona Circle will meet tomorrow night at anniversary dinner Saturday night Manchester— A City of Village Charm the heme of Mra. Donald Scott, 46 not later than tomorrow evening. Tony Pupillo, principal of the PlainviUe High School and a pUy Bratton road. director of n'ote in this area, will The Ward group of the South (Claaalfled AdvertlBlag on Pago 80) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1953 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) Mr. and Mra. Willard Perine of Methodist Church will meet to­ be tha apeaker at tha monthly VOL. LXXII, NO. 136 > PRICE FIVE CENTS M Cheatnut street and Mrs. Arthur morrow night at 8 o’clock at the meeting of the Center Thespiana The Mighty 3 9 Norton of 11. Ulley street will home of Mrs. Zigmond Olbert, 40 tomorrow night at i o’clock at the lean hy'^uto tomorrow morning Summer street. Center Church. fW.Wilmington. Del., to attend the Mr. Pupillo haa had varied expe­ funeral of their brother, Herold Rockville Emblem Club No. 5 rience in amateur dramatics and Has Come To Towii GOP Snarls his knowledge in that field quali­ U, S. Claims Soviet Partaei Thursday afternoon. will hold iU monthly meeting to­ fies him as an authority. The 4 _ morrow night at the Elks Home in meeting will be open to the public, Veterans of Company G, Con-, Rockville at 8 o’clock. District de­ and anyone desiring to attend ia WED. MORNINB FROM »-12 O’CLOCK neeticut State Guai^, will hold an puty night will be observed with Musical by S. Takes Serious View annual reunion In the American Mrs. Mae McVeigh, district depu- cordially invited. « Bosses Fear Own Anyone wishing to become a Laclon Home tonight at 8 o'clock. .ty east, as guest. Refreshments member of the Center Thespiana Jill former members are urged to will be served following the meet- may do so at any meeting or by CUSTOMER APPROVED — TOP GRADE Democrats attend. Refreshments will be ing. served. contacting membership chairman | Mra. Everett Belding, 54 Cam-' People, Not Attack state Capitol, Hartford, “Africa Revisited'* la the topic' bridge street. No previous dra­ The Holy Ghost Mothers Circle for an open meeting on the prob­ matic experience is necessary, the NEW ZEALAND ‘ March ll-^/P )—A Demo­ meet at I o'clock tomorrow lems of that continent scheduled Attack only qualification for membership ITnitod Nations N Y..* Lodge reminded Gromyko cratic attempt to poke musical Czechs% * lUght at the home of Mrs. Robert by the Service Bureau for Wo­ unued ^auonR. l>. that "The U. S. Army you aeek to Donahue, M Cooper Hill street. being a sincere interest In little fun at the Republican ma­ men’s Organisations Friday at 2 theater and an earnest desire to March 11—<^)— U. S. u , S. Army jority in the House got all p. m. at 956 Main street, Hart­ participate, on stage or backstage, BEEF charged today that Kus.sia a ^^hich .tood beside the R u..ian Ar- ford. Dr. Robert T. Parsons, dean in amateur productions. bossea have embarked on a my to defeat the Nazi, in Europe:” snarled up in a serious par­ of the Kennedy Shool of Missions Lodge told Gromyko that- “The liamentary tangle today. Shed Goes Out in Blaze of Glory at the Hartford Seminary Founda­ policy of imperialism, not be­ Tempers grew short, and two JOI.NT MEETING cause of any fear of aggres­ U. S. Army was good enough for r g a TROOP 8 tion, who returned in January from The Hartford Pembroke College you In 1942, 1943, 1944 and 1945. Democratic leaders never got a eight months of study and obser­ Club will hold Its anifual joint sion by any other country, but It would be the same today had chance to sing the song they wrote Prague Rejects vation in Central and Soulli Af­ STEAKS not the policies of the Soviet gov­ ^yesterday and had been rehearaing meeting-with the Wheaton College because of fear of their own GIRL SCOUTS rica, will be the speaker. Admis­ Club, Tuesday, March 17. at 8 people. ernment so tragically changed.” in preparation for today'a session. sion la free but advance registra­ p.m.. In Webster Memorial Hall. In Earlier Eden told the assembly Minority Leader John M. Demp­ tion aho\ild be made by contacting Chief U. S. delegate Henry Arc seakiitK baby sittini; H ereld Photi> West Hartford Library on South Cabot Lodge. Jr., told the UN • that it was In nobody's Interest sey^, of Putnam, started the argu­ work in the Green area to the Service Bureau. This is the group of Manchester | Main street. West Hartford. that World War III should break ment by aaking unanimous consent Llnne Uidge No. 72, Knights of ranee, Russell A. Wright, faculty General A.'iaembly that the Soviet to address what he called "a few Strong Protest out. earn money for a trip to Lawrence C. Case of 54 Hillside Pythias, will meet tomorrow night High SrJiool students, members of member and secretary of Rotary, Union had lost the respect of the world because o.f its policy of The British statesman said that tuneful remarks” to the House. Washington. street enlisted in the Army yester­ at 8:30 in Orange Hall. On March the faculty and RolJtry Club re­ Kathleen Olmstead and Nancy LB. Majority Leader Simon S. Cohen, day and proceeded to the Recruit 25 Grand- Chancellor Victor Bilt- Macauley. Left to right in the rear t "violent words and violent deeds.” "with the growing strength of the presentatives, that left Hartford West there is no reason why it of Ellington, walked over to Demp­ Washington, March 11—(/P)—U. S. officials, in both State Phone Mary Barry Reception Center at Fort Devens. tree of Stamford will make an offi­ by train this morning at 7 o’clock row are Rotarian Arthur W. Ben­ The a.ssembly broke out Into sey’s desk where the two held Mass. cial visit to the lodge. Turkey Supper wild applause, and had to be should break out.” and Defense departments, were reported inclined today to for an all-day trip to the United son, Charles Shaver, Douglas FAMILY STl’LE a whispered' consultation: Tel. MI-9-9663 Nations A.s.semb!y in New York. Fingle.s, John Allison, Arthur Qusy railed to order, as Lodge spumed He called for support of the Cohen, apparently angry, re­ take the firmest of attitudes toward Czechoslovakia over tha A State "Legislative Day," with A son was born March 7 at the and faculty member Lewis Piper, charge.* by Russia’s Andrei A. United Nations as a "w'orld meet­ Hartford Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Tlie trip is part of the annual Vornon Elamtntary turned to his desk and Informed shooting down of an American plane by Czech pilots. Inform­ Governor John D. Lodge as lunch­ Boys and Girls Week program Gromyko that the U. S. was do­ ing place” where opposing forces Speaker Arthur E. B. Tanner (R- ed sources said,--however, that no- ....... — eon speaker, sponsored by the Leg­ William R. Grimason of 107 Del- School TheJMCHALCeo ing everything In its power to can get- together and try to settle consideration'U being given now to mont street, and a daughter was sponsored hy Rotary. Woodbury) that, he objected to islative Department of the Con­ In the front row, left to righC, Given by the RVSA M A N c m n n c m w .. prolong the Korean war. their differences without w’sr. Dempsey taking the floor. breaking diplomaiic relations with necticut State Federation of Wo­ born the same day at St. Francis Eden called on the Communist HospitsI to Mr. and Mrs. James are Anita Grossman, Priscilla Tor- The exchange broke out shortly The unanimous consent of the Prague. The feeling Is that this men’s Clubs, will be held at the Thursday, March 12 after Briti.sh Foreign Secretary world to agree to the Indian membership ia required before a would accomplish nothing. HEARING-AID Hotel Bond in Hartford on Wed­ Blanchfield, 81 White street. > STATIONERY A 5:50 to 7:30 Korean plan which the assembly U. S. Planes f AIRMAH. NOTES \ Anthony Eden said that, despite member may address the House More probable line# of actton(’ap- nesday, March 18, with Mra. Adults $1.25 Kores. we were not yet ir^ World adopted la.st December. This plan unless he is talking on a motion peared to be; BATTERIES Frances Burke Redlck of Newing­ The Itallan-American Ladies Aid ^ LEADING BRANDS ^ would permit Red prisoners who Society will hold a meeting tonight War Illi ; undtfr.consideration. 1. Demands on tha Czechs for ton presiding as legislative chair­ Children Under 12, 60c don’t want to go-home to stay be­ ^ - a t’’' Ti To Coimter For All Hearing-Aids man. Luncheon reservations should at 7:30 at the Italian-Amerlcan ■ In that connection, Gromyko "Poor Example” both an apology and cash Indem­ Club.
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